Public API

  • Hey !
    I wanted to make a new suggestion
    I'm a little dev, and I really like this game
    I love play with data and particularly on the games that I love to play
    After some researches, I found some endpoints of the API and I was wondering if this API would be accessible publicly
    I didn't find anything unless some 2019 posts or official game announcements on our personal page
    Is it planned to make this API public ? Since I don't think that we can cheat or whatever with it, it should be nice to have this kind of API, and it could lead into a community-driven website where we could check our opponents reputations to be sure about their level

    In my opinion, this addition would be really useful, and since the endpoints already exist, I think you could make a public API.
    And this API could offer more than just the profiles, like the current server of a player maybe, the events and the time of this server, etc...

    Even though it's time to take, the community would love to see a site with all of their stats and all of their friends stats as well.

    Thanks for reading !

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  • This could be pretty cool and could lead to some fun tools and webapps and such. They obviously have some hooks in place already since they push data through to their own website for us. Just becomes a question of if they see any value in having community sourced apps available.

  • @sigeth3334 said in Public API:

    Hey !
    I wanted to make a new suggestion
    I'm a little dev, and I really like this game
    I love play with data and particularly on the games that I love to play
    After some researches, I found some endpoints of the API and I was wondering if this API would be accessible publicly
    I didn't find anything unless some 2019 posts or official game announcements on our personal page
    Is it planned to make this API public ? Since I don't think that we can cheat or whatever with it, it should be nice to have this kind of API, and it could lead into a community-driven website where we could check our opponents reputations to be sure about their level

    In my opinion, this addition would be really useful, and since the endpoints already exist, I think you could make a public API.
    And this API could offer more than just the profiles, like the current server of a player maybe, the events and the time of this server, etc...

    Even though it's time to take, the community would love to see a site with all of their stats and all of their friends stats as well.

    Thanks for reading !

    I'm reluctance for any API release because of how players use the information.

    There is a misconception though. You believing that everyone would want this. That is false.

    There is a downside to knowing all your stats, it forms elitism in the game to the extreme. Some players believe that the game has elitism right now but its not anywhere near the level of how bad it would be with stats. Then there would be stat farming and other things.

    Players avoiding to play with other players simply because they got their stats hurt a little.

    I'm sorry but I see how stats turn a community in all the other games that have it and it is unbearable. "I have 3.0 kdr, you are a scrub" when normal players have 1.0 or 0.8 kdr's.

    This is a TEAM game and stats turn it into a ME game. Players will care more about their stats then helping their crewmates.

    I completely disagree with your idea man.

  • I’d rather just have Rare tell us a few neat stats every new year so that we can casually discuss it. It was pretty cool this New Year, and don’t see why they shouldn’t just do it every New Year. The only stat I really want released is the number of people who have Legendary Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost, which is probably none. Leave it in Rare’s hands for now.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Public API:

    @sigeth3334 said in Public API:

    Hey !
    I wanted to make a new suggestion
    I'm a little dev, and I really like this game
    I love play with data and particularly on the games that I love to play
    After some researches, I found some endpoints of the API and I was wondering if this API would be accessible publicly
    I didn't find anything unless some 2019 posts or official game announcements on our personal page
    Is it planned to make this API public ? Since I don't think that we can cheat or whatever with it, it should be nice to have this kind of API, and it could lead into a community-driven website where we could check our opponents reputations to be sure about their level

    In my opinion, this addition would be really useful, and since the endpoints already exist, I think you could make a public API.
    And this API could offer more than just the profiles, like the current server of a player maybe, the events and the time of this server, etc...

    Even though it's time to take, the community would love to see a site with all of their stats and all of their friends stats as well.

    Thanks for reading !

    I'm reluctance for any API release because of how players use the information.

    There is a misconception though. You believing that everyone would want this. That is false.

    There is a downside to knowing all your stats, it forms elitism in the game to the extreme. Some players believe that the game has elitism right now but its not anywhere near the level of how bad it would be with stats. Then there would be stat farming and other things.

    Players avoiding to play with other players simply because they got their stats hurt a little.

    I'm sorry but I see how stats turn a community in all the other games that have it and it is unbearable. "I have 3.0 kdr, you are a scrub" when normal players have 1.0 or 0.8 kdr's.

    This is a TEAM game and stats turn it into a ME game. Players will care more about their stats then helping their crewmates.

    I completely disagree with your idea man.

    I understand what you think about stats, but I don't think it's that bad
    Personnally, I'm playing with my friends and was thinking about some kind of "progression logger" where we can see how well we gain in terms of ressources or reputation for example
    I think that what could form a kind of elitism would be a leaderboard of some kind of stats, which could be impossible if the public API just let access to personal stats publicly (by this, I mean that I can access to others' stats)
    It's not that bad in my opinion.
    This release would only mean that people could see others' stats, but it won't suddenly make people play the game in solo mode, and if they want to see their stats grow, well they'll do it with their team.

    I don't think a release of new tools would lead into a "ME" game, but in a game where community could do more things to make the game that they love even better, because we all know that a community game is powerful when it comes to improve their beloved game.

    I understand your POV, but I don't think it'll change the mindset that much. I even think that people would see this new "stats hunt" as a new challenge and would want to up their stats, and play the game with their team.

  • @arctroopachedda said in Public API:

    I’d rather just have Rare tell us a few neat stats every new year so that we can casually discuss it. It was pretty cool this New Year, and don’t see why they shouldn’t just do it every New Year. The only stat I really want released is the number of people who have Legendary Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost, which is probably none. Leave it in Rare’s hands for now.

    It's cool to have global stats, but I also think it's cool to see individual stats of their friends or of some players that we watch on YouTube or Twitch
    And, while Rare is doing an incredible job, the community could make so many things with this API, I swear

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