Krampus Costumes

  • So sadly i missed the christmas update and saw on a youtubers video the krampus costume will it be recycled back into the pirate emporium or am i gunna have to wait till this Christmas coming up

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  • @eire-scooby They might bring it back on next christmass but it wont be before that.

  • @faceyourdemon ah damn ok thanks for letting us know love that costume was hoping it may be put into some kinda random rotation

  • @eire-scooby with pleasure man, its a really cool costume but its a shame that for now the skeleton curse is locked into the costume...

  • @faceyourdemon yea i feel like ive missed so much i stopped playing for a year and not long came back to the game still as enjoyable as it was when i first starting playing

  • @eire-scooby Oh yeah the game is full of content and and weve got a good community, i really hope that this year will blow our minds!

  • its not full of content ,i dont care if i miss something cause they come up with so much [Mod edit],, short time events,twitch drops.... time limited microtransactions....

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in Krampus Costumes:

    its not full of content ,i dont care if i miss something cause they come up with so much [Mod edit],, short time events,twitch drops.... time limited microtransactions....

    hey I hear a swear @musicmee lol

  • @eire-scooby that's not a krampus!
    A christmas skellie, something like that...

  • @schwammlgott said in Krampus Costumes:

    @eire-scooby that's not a krampus!
    A christmas skellie, something like that...

    it's more the movie krampus

  • @weedstar-deluxe Matey! You know the rules... I have removed the swear from your post above.

    Please be careful with the words you use here :)

  • @closinghare208 said in Krampus Costumes:

    @schwammlgott said in Krampus Costumes:

    @eire-scooby that's not a krampus!
    A christmas skellie, something like that...

    it's more the movie krampus

    A bit like it, yes...and that ridiculous thing from the movie is far away from beeing a krampus

  • @eire-scooby Krampus is what my monkeys called. He's got a little elf outfit. ^_)^

  • @schwammlgott said in Krampus Costumes:

    @closinghare208 said in Krampus Costumes:

    @schwammlgott said in Krampus Costumes:

    @eire-scooby that's not a krampus!
    A christmas skellie, something like that...

    it's more the movie krampus

    A bit like it, yes...and that ridiculous thing from the movie is far away from beeing a krampus


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