Tell me about your day...

  • Just saw it was an off-topic area, and didn't seem that way lol. But do please tell me about your day today ♥♥♥ :)

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  • @taaaamas What you doin' here! You lost... need a map?

    Had a night chasing bad guys... on and off the seas! How 'bout you?

  • The day was good. I slow cooked spicy chili ate it for lunch then I used to rest to make chili mac for dinner

    The important part is what happened on the seas of course

    I did my early morning sail as I usually do before work and obligations. I join an open crew and it's one of those rare occasions where I end up on some 500 ping server with people from China or France doing an alliance server situation. This is very rare and on double gold weekend it's like Christmas morning. Spend an hour and a half on this server that is so bad with the lag it's like I'm stuck on one of those super scratched CD's I had in the mid 90s. Whatever, I'm gonna milk this server. We go through the motions and get to the point of selling a couple FOTD including kegs. No gold due to server issues, ok great.

    Do a night time sail. All is well, milk the server dry grade 5 reaper bringin' in that money. Start thinking about bringing the party to an end and go after a fleet to finish the night (which I love to do) and it's one of those lovely devil's roar fleets that doesn't exist, ok great

    Head back to reapers to close up shop ship full of flameheart loot and skelly ship loot and all the usual. Slowly start sailing into the good spot to park, no ships around no mermaids and right as I'm just about to finish parking there is an explosion so massive that I fly over the moon and back, ok great

    When I land from my trip into space the ship is already sunk and I prepare for the inevitable battle that is going to happen before I get shot who knows how many times in the face by very excited island campers, ok great

    Never saw any kegs and now there are no pirates and no sign of people and no ships nearby to come collect the loot. No pirates were there or ever returned, sold the loot just without the bonus but I made 1 gold for my flag and it was actually deposited in my account so that was a bonus.

    I have my theories but I don't wanna know the truth. I'm happy with one of my most epic of fails being a mystery

  • @musicmee Good good, currently doing athena voyages in an alliance server for gold and glory. And i think you should tell that to the others, it didn't look very off-topic to me lol

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