Instancing servers for better experience.

  • I think instancing the servers so you only end up with people around your level would be in the best interest of the game, nor would it be super difficult to pull off.
    I constantly am getting around 300k in loot singlehandedly, only to get my time and hard work ruined by a reaper who just shoots first and asks questions later, then proceed to use the name of the game as an excuse to be as toxic as they were being.

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  • @x0hellhound0x and I thought it was just me as a beginning player that was having this problem.

    glad someone else is thinking that those that PvP in the Player vs Environment part of the game are mostly Toxic.

  • Ewww...

    I hate instances..

    I hold them personally responsible for the death of the MMO Genre.

    These days MMO’s aren’t even MMO’s...there just Multiplayer games...

    If stuff is Instanced it isn’t a part of the’s not’s not even there.

    It’s like it doesn’t even really exist!

  • How would this work??

    Your lvl and mine could be the same yet I still out beat you in pvp. Or reverse

    Lvls don’t really matter or mean someone’s skills. Shows progression and accomplishments.

  • @krakkersbb wait there is a pve mode?

  • @krakkersbb Where's this PvE mode?

  • Sorry but what about your example is toxic? Was it the amount you had on the boat? The fact that you were alone? That they were reapers?

    You chose to play alone, you chose to stack loot, and you chose to not run to an outpost as soon as you saw a reaper on your map.

  • You have the reapers constantly visible on the map. How much pre warning do you need?

  • @x0hellhound0x said in Instancing servers for better experience.:

    I think instancing the servers so you only end up with people around your level would be in the best interest of the game, nor would it be super difficult to pull off.
    I constantly am getting around 300k in loot singlehandedly, only to get my time and hard work ruined by a reaper who just shoots first and asks questions later, then proceed to use the name of the game as an excuse to be as toxic as they were being.

    A reaper sinking somebody stacking 300K of loot is playing the game as intended. Man up!

  • @krakkersbb said in Instancing servers for better experience.:

    @x0hellhound0x and I thought it was just me as a beginning player that was having this problem.

    glad someone else is thinking that those that PvP in the Player vs Environment part of the game are mostly Toxic.

    There is no and never will be any 'Player vs Environment part of the game' in adventure mode. It is open world PvPvE, keep yer eyes peeled, yer anchor raised and ship pointed in the right direction and you'll be fine..

  • really hate instances!
    wants play and play always

  • @x0hellhound0x

    Why do you stack up 300k worth of loot if you are unwilling to accept a loss when it happens? Are you telling me that that entire time you had zero opportunity to sell... if you want to be a pinata do not complain when people burst you open for your goodies.

    Why should pirates not try and steal 300k worth of loot? Especially reapers that is founded in the the thievery of the world and broadcast their position on the map for all to see. You do realize it is a PvEvP game...

    Their level is not an indication of skill, all pirates are equal and it is experience that creates a good pirate. They might have been similar or even below your level. Learn from the mistakes you make and be a good sport in victory and defeat. #BeMorePirate

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