Screen Tearing on Xbox Series X

  • Hey there!
    Am I the only one experiencing (sometimes heavy) screen tearing on the Series X.
    I‘m playing with controller on a Sony XF90 TV with all settings set to default.
    No other game is giving me any tearing so far but this one especially on the first tutorial island when you‘re stand stand right at the spawn spot looking left to right or up and down.
    Any help coming?
    Kind regards
    Jann![Bild Text](Bild Link)

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  • @geesus4666 I'm getting screen tearing as well.

    When I first got the series x it was laggy more than the xbox x and now I'm getting heavy screen tearing.

    Tv is a vizio p series quantum

  • @geesus4666 I’ve not noticed it massively during general play, but I’ve replayed the maiden voyage today and it’s really bad screen tearing in that so maybe just needed further optimisations, particularly on the maiden voyage?!

  • I’ve been playing on my Xbox Series X and have been noticing quite a bit of screen tearing lately as well. Along with frame drops quite frequently. I’ve also noticed this when I’m turning in loot. Hopefully they fix these problems.

  • It’s not your equipment. I get it too.

    OG Xbox one

  • me too. on adventure mode and arena heavy and i mean heavy screen tearing HDR. Samsung Tu8000 xbox series x and some artifacts on HDR. only on sea of thieves. I play another games like cod warzone or gears 5 and everything is fine.

  • First off I want to thank Rare for the years of developing games that mean alot to me when I was growing up and with sea of thieves I can team up with my wife and two sons to share the fun that can be had in a pirates life.

    I am just reporting the same issue that other people are having with the screen tearing on the Series X.
    I know you have an update coming up with your seasons and was hoping that this issue could be fixed by then.

    Keep up the great work.

  • Same thing here xsx, I'm using lg oled c10 facing heavy screen tearing, I hope they fix it soon.

  • Yes this is definitely a thing. Haven't tried open gameplay yet but as soon as I started the maiden voyage section I was astounded by the massive screen tearing

  • Yes, I have the same thing here. I started Maiden Voyage on my Series X and there was heavy screen tearing. I didn't notice it as much on the boat though, so maybe it has to do with that quest?

  • @dgiaffe I also just started maiden voyage. Never played before and am currently convalescing after some back surgery so thought I would check it out (as I have some free time). Screen tearing is really bad to the point I dont want to play it. I hope it gets fixed.

  • No screen tearing for me on series X but after the seasons update all clouds and dark textures have a weird shader gradient. At times I literally have lines across the night sky. It is not the xbox or TV I played gears 5 immediately after to compare and the visuals were spot on.

  • @geesus4666 same annoying screen tear still not fixed feb 3 2021,

  • Hi,
    Yeah it's awful...
    Try plunder outpost, just being on the deck or the sloop, doing nothing but panning the camera, you'll see heavy screen tearing, which ruins the awesome DA...
    Then there's LOD poppin' which is very noticeable
    I'll say it, I'm disapointed with Series X version...
    Really hope they'll do something, I'd love to have a native Xbox Serie X SoT version

  • On SeriesX here...I got no issues at all...

  • I'm on the SX and tons of screen tearing. It's really irritating.

  • have the same problem, heavy screen tearing all over the place , maiden voyage and outposts are the worst.
    I play on Series X in 4k 60fps

  • I am also having heavy screen tearing on this game on xbox series x and on sony 7096 4k tv! -10 february-

  • Same issue on series x, 4k 60fps, LG 4k Led HDR TV, 11th Feb, screen tearing all over the game, especially outposts and maiden voyage. Is this going to be fixed?

  • I have the same issue with Sea of Thieves on my Series X. I'm using an older Sony TV at 1080p 60Hz and I'm seeing really bad screen tear, especially panning the Y axis. I hope there's a fix soon. :)

  • Having read all the replies I would be interested to know if the TV you guys are playing on have VRR.

    When using my samsung ue65nu7100 I do see a considerable amount of screen tearing, randomly and without any ear pattern as to when and were.

    However when I play on my BenQ EL2870UE that I use for competitive games and has VRR I don't have one single
    Issue other than the odd lighting bug when I'm below deck on any ship type.

    I suspect whatever is happening is similar to issues that the series x had with AC:Valahlla until it was patched. I wonder if rare even k is this issue exists. Disappointing as it makes playing on the big screen a real pain, the series x sure seems to have its fair share of early teething issues. Let's hope its been identified and is patched as the game deserves to be enjoyed on our big screens that don't have VRR!

  • i don´t have any problems in the Insider version though, and no other game with VRR has the problem for me :/

  • Glad to see I'm not the only one, I was afraid something was wrong with my console or TV or both. I didn't know much about tearing and VRR.
    Let's hope this can be fixed because it gets really annoying sometimes.

    Love your game anyway, keep up the fantastic work.

  • Have the same damn problem on my Series X. Really would like to start the game but this screen tearing is terrible...

  • I'm getting the same screen tearing issue on my series x. Was saving playing this on my new console with my kids as I work away a lot...... Great!! 🙄. Please patch this rare your a first party studio no excuses really.....

  • @geesus4666
    Screen tearing will occur when the console outputs more frames then your TV will handle.
    If the xbox outputs 120 frames a second but your TV can only show 60 frames a second. You will end up having 2 frames shown at the same time, giving you the tearing effect.

    Try to put your refresh rate of the TV to the highest setting (I googled your Sony XF90 specs and it could go to 120). Its possible that the TV is set to 60 FPS as factory default settings.

    This video might help you to configure your TV properly.

    let me know if it worked.

  • @xassflamex I have this issue as well and my TV (Samsung GU43TU7179UXZG) doesn’t support 120hz. In fact, I’d bet that the least amount of people in this thread are playing in this mode.

    But it might help for the ones that do. I heard another solution: Deactivate HDR (sad, I know). I’ll try this and see if it works.

  • @niknok09
    Maybe there is a way to lock the FPS on the xbox down to the amount your TV can handle so the tearing effect is gone.

    The guy who I replied to did use a 120hz TV but on default its turned off.

  • @xassflamex Ah, I see. I’m pretty certain that I don’t have this kind of option, since 120fps mode is marked as unavailable in my Xbox’es TV analysis. Still I’m going to check if there is an option that’s related to picture frequencies / FPS I can change.

  • @niknok09
    Just put it to 4K 60Hz. even if u dont have a 4K monitor. the screen tearing is gone

  • @xassflamex sagte in Screen Tearing on Xbox Series X:

    Just put it to 4K 60Hz. even if u dont have a 4K monitor. the screen tearing is gone

    Can you point me to the exact system setting I should change (and on which device)?

    I'm beginning to think that my color depth setting on the Xbox might be another reason (I got mine set on 10bit and later found out that my TV doesn't support this, but apparently only 8bit).

    Also, I set the colors to PC RGB, because the calibration tutorial on Xbox is not suited/won't work properly for my Samsung TV (GU43TU7179UXZG), as I found out (something about the eye not being visible or invisible in the brightness or contrast settings). Anyhow, I'll try this instead:

    Will try these two things before I switch off HDR.

  • I've got a Samsung q80 and I get awful tearing on 4k at 60hz on a series x, as soon as I put it to 120hz it all goes away and looks perfect (apart from 1080 being obvious on a bobbing boats side panels) . As far as the eye not being visible, I had this on my Sony XE90 with HDR and I couldn't get the ingame HDR slider past 900. I found a black balance setting, added 5 and now I can see the image all the way to 9000. Turned off all other processing, etc.

  • I hate tearing and I'm usually pretty cognizent of it when it happens but TBH I don't notice it hardly at all in SoT. I play pretty much just solo Adventure and a little duo Arena. Maybe it's more of a problem with bigger crews?

  • @niknok09 sagte in Screen Tearing on Xbox Series X:

    @xassflamex sagte in Screen Tearing on Xbox Series X:

    Just put it to 4K 60Hz. even if u dont have a 4K monitor. the screen tearing is gone

    Can you point me to the exact system setting I should change (and on which device)?

    I'm beginning to think that my color depth setting on the Xbox might be another reason (I got mine set on 10bit and later found out that my TV doesn't support this, but apparently only 8bit).

    Also, I set the colors to PC RGB, because the calibration tutorial on Xbox is not suited/won't work properly for my Samsung TV (GU43TU7179UXZG), as I found out (something about the eye not being visible or invisible in the brightness or contrast settings). Anyhow, I'll try this instead:

    Will try these two things before I switch off HDR.

    Little update from my side:PC RGB and Color Depth have no effect on screen tearing. Still have to see if turning off HDR does anything.

    And again: I really, really can't see how I'm supposed to switch from or to 120hz when my Xbox doesn't allow me to due to my TV that doesn't support this in the first place...

    Update: Turning off HDR did the trick apparently. Unless screen tearing is linked to crew size, I saw a cleaner image. I tested this on Reeper's Hideout. Whenever I went to the NPC, the screen was tearing. I saw this with a Galleon crew. Then I turned off HDR and went there on a solo sloop, and the tearing is gone.

    Since the image look significantly worse, I wonder though if there's another way to solve the tearing issue. And please don't tell me to buy a new TV lol

  • Ahoy!!! Yup I'm loving the 60fps on the series x but the tearing is terrible and some real performance issues too. Maybe that's internet connection but doesn't feel like it.

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