Help about comunication

  • I have a few questions about chat and mic conversations in the game.

    I've been trying to comunicate with people using my mic but I use the option to push a button (that I already binbed, T in this case) to talk to other people, just because I play with my friends on discord and I don't want everybody to hear everything I say. The case is that it seems that people cannot hear me. Same thing with chat, today I was near another crew ship and wrote something but they didn't respond (but my crewmate a few miles away read it). Am I doing something wrong or people are just ignoring me?

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  • @Balrend5994
    By your key binding, its safe to assume you are PC. When it comes to cross-play in this game, Xbox players have what is called Party Chat. Its like a really stupid Discord. This is through their Xbox's, however, when Xbox players are in Party Chat they are isolated from all in-game voice communication. Its dumb, but that is Xbox for you. They should be able to see typed chat, so its easy to assume they are just ignoring you. However, all verbal communication will be blocked if they are in a Party chat of their own. You will have no clue if they are in one or not either.

  • @nabberwar Yeah, I'm on PC, for a moment forgot about crossplay.

    I see, didn't know about that Party Chat, when you say all verbal comunication you mean they also don't hear me?

  • @balrend5994

    I see, didn't know about that Party Chat, when you say all verbal comunication you mean they also don't hear me?

    They are in their own little world. Any attempts to communicate that aren't submitted in writing will never reach them. Think of it as a discord channel, but that discord channel mutes all in-game mics including your opponents.

  • @nabberwar Wow, you were right, it kinda sucks. Thanks for the info, seems writing chat will probably yield more results than talking.

  • Also go over your privacy settings on the xbox app and make sure you have it set up right

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