Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best ‘Light in the Darkness’ Screenshot! [RESULTS]

  • Another fantastic week of entries!

    Well done everyone and thank you for entering!

    There were a few in this weeks mission that could’ve taken the loot.
    So to keep it fair these were placed in a randomiser and the winning screenshot goes to.....


    Well done me matey!
    Your loot will be added to your account asap :)

    Pop back tomorrow when I'll have another mission..... should you choose to accept it!

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  • why the photo processed in the photoshop won? @lizalaroo

  • @lizalaroo This man edited this photo and you can see it right away, and it was supposed to be without editing so what's the point of this?

  • @lizalaroo well done to the winner, but wasn't this in photoshop? Also, I feel like the randomizer wasn't necessary in my opinion. The skill and photography aspect of the competition shouldn't be kinda thrown out if there are a couple of good ones. It kinda just throws them up into the air instead of a fair judging. No shade to lizalaroo. Judging is very hard, and you cannot please anyone. I do think that a randomizer kinda takes the whole point of the competition away. Thats what I love about these. Its a competition not a giveaway. I feel like if you randomize it it makes it a giveaway and the skill, time and effort, you put in is reduced to luck. Jus my opinion tho ;/

  • photoshoped

  • man, It's photoshoped and it was randomized. I feel like all the hardwork we put into these competitions is kinda forgotten D:

  • @lizalaroo It was always interesting to ask you why you do not appreciate the work of players and do not choose really decent and beautiful work?

  • I thought this challenge was legit and not about editing a photo. LOL
    This challenge is so unfair

  • @looniboom ehh, I feel like she just made a mistake.

  • @apple5864 It took me 2h to get my photo and I feel so scamed

  • Honestly, we shouldn't give hate, if she just picks a winner fair and square we should all move on. She's prob just made a mistake

  • @apple5864 dude every giveaway is the same thing, she's picking random picture or something edited so what's the point of this giveaways ? Im not giving hate to her im just ashamed of what she's doing

  • @apple5864 fr that sucks that everyone just got scammed for their amazing submissions :/

  • Well, Well..... Here we are with another winning photo and what do I see? Another group of pirates complaining. Just stop submitting your "Art" and see if that gets you anything. Frankly, it's the same thing every time. Why did this person win? I don't like what your doing. Etc. Etc. Please stop complaining, move on and better luck next time.

    Congrats to the winner!

  • Wow that's a lot of negative responses here, which I guess has become the norm with these. While I do agree that the winner should have been disqualified for editing the picture, some of you really are taking this a bit too far with how harsh your response is.

    Nobody has been ''scammed for their amazing screenshots'' because they didn't win, you aren't guaranteed the win and none of the entries are so overwhelmingly excellent that they blow every other entry out of the water. As liz said, she found there to be multiple deserving shots this time around which is why she randomised it (I personally do not agree with a randomiser) so even if this one didn't win, there's more than just this one that was worthy of winning. Meaning that regardless a few people would have been; to use your phrasing; scammed out of the win.

    @LooniBoom despite how aggressive your reply was, I'm almost positive Lizaraloo disqualified your entry. The Theme was ''Light in the Darkness'' Specifying Lantern light and possibly some uncommonly seen part of the map, your post was in broad daylight in the middle of Lone Cove with no lanterns to be seen. Blatantly ignoring the theme and you are somehow insulted that Liz doesn't appreciate the hard work it took for you to take that decent and beautiful shot. Unsure if @Bob9086 would have been disqualified as there's no lantern in the photo, while the right side of the screen is illuminated by orange light, its unclear if this is adhering to the criteria as it could be coming from a static light source in the cave, either way, you weren't scammed.

    The weird part is, the shot itself is actually very good in my opinion, the composition is well done and it does stick to the theme of using lantern light to show off an uncommon part of the map, it honestly still seems like it would have been a contender for a randomiser (depending on how many entries have been entered, looking at past numbers it seems probably 10-15 this time around) it really didn't need the editing so I don't know why they did it.

  • I my self can't usually tell difference between edited and raw photos. But if it was, this is my opinion. "screen shot is an image that shows the contents of a computer display" so its raw photo of what's going on on the screen. Edited photos would be ok if this had been competicion about Pictures (for example art form created with computers [photoshop]) But it wasn't, it was about screenshot (images). This just feels unfair for those who spend hours trying to get screenshot. If you have an idea what you want, it can take easily 3-8h to take.

    But if someone can confirm that this was unedited then i have to say it's cool and deserved to win.

  • This definitely looks edited, but if the creator proves it isn’t, than congrats to the winner as it is a nice photo

  • man, I spent so much time on my tho. I re did it 3 times. Seeing that it was randomized and the pic that won was edited makes me so sad lol.

    I just hope @lizalaroo responds.

  • @Rochinily Looking at your profile it seems that you don't even have an entry in to this weeks comp? So I cant really understand why you are complaining.

    @Bob9086 I don't actually see a lantern in your shot. :)

    Mum voice incoming :D......
    To everyone else.....
    I assure you I look at EVERY screenshot that is submitted and as long as you follow the brief you have a chance of winning.
    You may not agree with the winning choice but then all art is subjective.
    Now..... if we've finished, pop back tomorrow for a new mission....

    Should you wish to accept it.

    Merry Christmas!

  • @Apple5864 looking at past winners from comps that supposedly didn't get the randomiser, it seems there isn't too much need to go all out with the screenshots. It seems there's a certain boundary where as long as its 'this' good then its fair game to be included in the amount that are all worthy of winning. This is coming from personal experience though. Obviously if you do find it as enjoyable as I do to try and get some really nice pics then its win win.

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