[Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion

  • @combatxkitty Yet again you prove my point, you have no idea what that post was even about. You are still claiming it is about PvEers request 😂

  • @glannigan XBOX LFG is not a built in tool if you're playing on a PC using Steam.

  • @expsnailer said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @combatxkitty Yet again you prove my point, you have no idea what that post was even about. You are still claiming it is about PvEers request 😂

    Nope I never claimed that, your dead thread was about calling people hypocrites for supporting or not complaining about arena while being against people who request PVE servers while conveniently leaving out most people who request PvE servers are not asking for one like arena but they are asking for FULL ADVENTURE MODE and that is actually what people are against. That is what your post was about and anyone who participated knows that.

    Can you just stop derailing this thread with your drama please, all I did was warn a fellow poster they were about to get into an endless and pointless discussion. This thread is about PvE and PvP playstyle not about your now dead thread no one wanted to continue discussion on. Anything else to say PM me.

  • This game is broken, I log in for 5 minutes, get one merchant cargo run, and sail to crooks hollow. While im delivering my stupid cargo that gives me little to no xp and gold, a ship full of PvP pirates boards my one man sloop and then proceeds to spawn camp and sink me, for my level one Emissarie? For my last 2 cargo boxes? Why do players just trying to enjoy the pve have to deal with super tryhards sinking any ship they see. The only time i have to shoot at an enemy player is when they attack me. Since everyone that still plays this game is a PL, anyone trying to be a PL gets insta POOPED on there's no way to learn in a game where the skeleton combat is absolute garbage, and pvp is nothing like pve combat. I just wanna play as a pirate with other low level pirates so we can all learn, every PL no matter what i say or do in game is toxic and attempts to or sinks me. This game isn't fun for casual players as every voyage takes at least 20 mins to do anything substantial on. And every PL is an old man who has no life or a kid who has no life and they get to just sit on SoT all day ruining the game for new players. PLEASE USE A MATCHMAKING SYSTEM THAT BASES AROUND TIME PLAYED. IF A NEW PLAYER HAS LESS THAN 20 hours GIVE THEM A PRIVATE SERVER SO THEY CAN AT LEAST LEARN HOW TO SAIL THERE SHIP! PL ARE RUINING THIS GAME

  • Everyone posting the PvE are solo sloopers is true but still unfair, if im on a solo sloop I should only ever fight other solo sloops, I have 2 cannons one on either side. I have to sail the ship, repair it, and fight back, I have stopped enemy sloops but its still way more work than it should have to be, on a sloop you should have a decline pvp option making your ship ghostly to other pirates, meaning I don't have to worry about sweat lords ruining my 30 mins to play SoT. Everyone that plays PVP has LOTS of time on their hands thus the reason they can pvp, If you don't have infinite time you need to play for smaller objectives like doing one gold hoarder mission or an order of the souls. Its not fair when a player with 3 hours already on the server and still 6 hours to go before they get off SoT attacks you in less than 15 minutes of joining the server. Give me some way to turn off pvp and turn it on like im in an MMO, Or make a PVP section of the map like Runescape Wilderness. This whole game has been lost to sweaty try hards and its a shame. Game would be great if i didnt have to give 6 hours to get one good voyage.

  • @cyl0n04lif3

    Furthermore, if you raise the offer alliance flag outside of combat, or if you form/join an alliance, you cannot be attacked, or attack someone who isn't in an alliance. And if you leave an alliance, you cannot attack anybody who was in the alliance for 45 minutes.

    Since the inception of Alliances, betrayal has, and will always be, a prominent feature. Alliances were never a full commitment for non-violence. All it is is a tool for distributing loot rewards. There is no rules surrounding how they are made or how they should be enforced. What it isn't is a tool to guarantee your safety from other ships.

  • @gtothefo PVPVe games require their players to develop a certain level of maturity to be able to enjoy them and continue playing.
    Players have to be ok with losing fights, with loosing loot, with loosing their time invested, they have to be able to enjoy the experience separately from rewards that can be gained from a successful session.
    Can we drop all this talk about how if SOT becomes too unwelcoming, or is too to harsh then the game will die, Escape from Tarkov and Rust are far harsher worlds that have larger and more engaged communities than SOT.
    Also enough of this "outpost camping" nonsense. There is no great plague of outpost camping, in 500+ hours I've only encountered one outpost camper, it was me, I watched youtube for an hour and a half while waiting with a keg, I got bored and logged off.
    The people complaining of outpost camping are mostly are sailing towards already occupied outposts and either seeing the other crew and expecting to be left alone (It is always hilarious and bewildering how many people think "I'm Friendly" will grant them magical protection from my cannons) or they are walking into a preset ambush ,from another crew that spotted them about to turn in and got to the outpost first, and they didn't check for mermaids or tucc spots.
    I've covered this for you before, PVPVE sandboxes should never guarantee our success or progress ,or our control over what we are doing each session. One of the core premises of SOT is that every session should be an organic adventure, you give player too much control, sort players by intent or skill, or start coddling players by guaranteeing their success and progress, then you loose that feeling of adventure, your success become meaningless, that is what will harm the game, not being sunk of a tall tale and having to dig up a skull again.
    Not every game needs to hold our hand and shower us in positive feedback for it to be a good game that is fun to play, our failures in SOT make our successes that much sweeter.

  • @notdrlitenough

    Everyone posting the PvE are solo sloopers is true but still unfair...

    You won't find sympathy for self inflicted wounds here, as someone else nicely put it. Sea of Thieves is, first and foremost, a multiplayer game. This is demonstrated by the game design alone. You even note it by stating the different ship mechanics and how hard that can get doing it by yourself. If you are expecting a wonderful single-player experience when playing a multiplayer game, you are only setting yourself up for disappointment.

  • One last thing, people thinking players getting to PL through a PvE server is cheating or unfair since they had to go through the grind on a PVP server. Everyone right now is doing the grind on the same server types and there is no advantage to being a PL except for experience, everyone that is a pirate legend gets nothing other than cosmetics and the reward of doing the exact same voyages and stuff PVE players have been doing the whole time. A PVE server would be amazing for everyone PVPers and PVErs because the pirates that want PVP would get to play in a server with pirates that would match their skill and ferocity in PVP, and the reward would be great for either victorious crew. PVErs on their server would get to meet like minded pirates looking for loot and fun not death and destruction. The PVE server could have Reapers Bounty Emissary and Reapers Chests removed and placed only on the PVP server allowing for a different experience on both servers, maybe Merchants becomes the PVE server exclusive Emissary.

    Back to my original point PVP servers would make PVP more fun for pvp oriented pirates and a PVE server would take the mind melting time waste that Sea Of Thieves is right now and put it into a you still spent time but you got to at least get something out of it. All pirate legend gets you is COSMETICS and MORE OF THE SAME VOYAGES. Why do people think it changes the game when it really doesn't theres nothing a pirate legend really does to benefit a player so why hold back like 1/10th of the player base that just wants to dig up chests and look at the cool islands. At the end of the day SoT is a sandbox game meaning I should be able to play how I want to play not how anyone else wants to.

  • @nabberwar A multiplayer game is also a balanced area, meaning I should be able to play with who I want to. Self inflicted wounds no, I play rust solo a much harder game than SoT. but Rust has servers where I can play solo or duo only. Meaning I only have to be a slight disadvantages if any at all. In SoT all I get to do is hope I get into a server with ships and players of my skill level which never happens. Im sure you have had plenty of time to play the game and sink noobs but what did you get out of it? nothing except some gold to buy cosmetics and that noob probably stopped playing forever.

    "If you are expecting a wonderful single-player experience when playing a multiplayer game, you are only setting yourself up for disappointment."

    This statement is literally toxic, you are just telling people to play something else, you realize this is the only Adventure based Pirate game, that's big for players that like adventure and pirates, doesn't mean these players want to be commiting sloop genocide.

  • I think some people are just not cut out for life on the seas.

    I have bought games before that I thought were soo good except for this or that and stopped playing. Never would have dreamt of demanding the game was changed just because I don't like it, just moved on..

    Very surprised it hasn't reached the bits like 'water sinks ships' yet! Nevermind, the popcorn is good..

  • @notdrlitenough

    @notdrlitenough said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:
    At the end of the day SoT is a sandbox game meaning I should be able to play how I want to play not how anyone else wants to.

    SOT is a PVPVE sandbox yes.
    It means you play how you want, 5 other crews play how they want, and you are all dropped onto the same server to make your own adventures and interact. This has been covered already.

    "If you are expecting a wonderful single-player experience when playing a multiplayer game, you are only setting yourself up for disappointment."

    There is nothing toxic about this whatsoever, it's the simple truth, SOT is a pvpve game, it even says so on the box. If people don't like a game or it mechanics they are free to not buy the game in to first place, or to simply stop playing, and I cannot believe I just had to explain that to someone.

  • @notdrlitenough

    @nabberwar A multiplayer game is also a balanced area, meaning I should be able to play with who I want to. Self inflicted wounds no, I play rust solo a much harder game than SoT.

    SoTs isn't Rust though, and I too am familiar with Rust. If Sea of Thieves wishes to add a server browsing experience, I am all for it. However, if you join a server that doesn't explicitly make a ruling that you can't group up, I will be subjected to groups. Those no rules servers is what SoT is currently.

    Im sure you have had plenty of time to play the game and sink noobs but what did you get out of it? nothing except some gold to buy cosmetics and that noob probably stopped playing forever.

    If someone wants to be a sore loser and quit at the first sign of adversity, that is on them. I too have played games that have an already established user base. Even in Rust, you can be faced off against no holds veterans. Its interesting that you bring up Rust, when that game is far more punishing than SoT's, yet you aren't campaigning over on their forums.

    This statement is literally toxic, you are just telling people to play something else,

    I've said nothign of the sorts. If I were to make the statement that when I play Darks Souls that I want it to be a calm, casual, and relaxing experience. Is that what I am going to get, or am I setting myself up to be disappointed? Games have their audience, its foolish of a developer to try and please everyone.

  • @combatxkitty I love how you keep telling me to keep on topic and not to derail the discussion when literally your the one who posted something agenst me that didn't have anything to do with the discussion. Smh.

    Anyhow, that post was to reveal the hypocrisy of players who follow the idea that Rare dosn't want to split the community and use that saying to devalidate any for of PvE server and then simply just be rude to them afterword not even considering what the idea may be. These same people defend the arena existence even tho it does exactly what they use agenst PvE request. The post also double to show how hippocrate it was for rare to say that and then release arena.

    The fact that you keep bringing it to a fight about, "you don't wanna talk about what PvEers are asking for" and the opposite "you think voyages bla bla is okay with no risk of PvP" shows yet again you have zero clue about what the post was about. Yet you continue to act as if you do. I'm telling you right now yet again. You don't lol read it again.

  • @scarecrow1771 "Not every game needs to hold our hand and shower us in positive feedback for it to be a good game that is fun to play, our failures in SOT make our successes that much sweeter."
    Your blatantly lying and being a toxic player, not every one has infinite free time to waste on SoT. Failure doenst make success sweeter if you never succeed it actually makes you resent the game. Imagine this since you are so good at SoT and you have only ever been a positive player. You have a sloop, and your Merchant cargo run, you sail to an island make less than half of a level of Merchants, and 1 brig of PL shows up to sink you for your level 1 Emissary flag. You battle your way out of the island, and you get to open sea. Theres no where to run as its open sea and they have an entire crew manning sails cannons and wheel. You cant possibly out gun them you can only hold 10 cannon balls and they can hold 30 if one boards your ship and gets the anchor down you cant catch it as your one person and they will easily kill you. So you get your intruder off board and have taken some fire bombs and cannons and are desperately trying to keep your quickly sinking ship afloat. You realize you are getting attacked for an Emissary one flag and stop defending the ship cause you can just respawn and start again. Your ship sinks and you spawn across the map. You go to the first out post to try again, you get your Emissary flag and one cargo run and start sailing again. You make it to the first island you step foot on land with a cargo ship and guess what you see the same brig off in the distance running straight towards you and your level 1 Emissary flag. You are scrambling to get the cargo to Wild Henry as the brig anchors behind you and just starts shooting your ship. Yep you got sunk again and didn't turn in all the cargo netting you even less xp than last time. That right there took you an hour and a half and all you wanted to do was a couple Merchants runs before you gotta get off and be an Adult and raise your family.
    Not everyone has infinite time to play this game and you need to understand that. Its a video game rated 12+ can play it, but you are trying to deny players the game since you cant sink them anymore.

  • @scarecrow1771 ITS A VIDEO GAME WITH A 12+ rating on it meaning ANYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO PLAY WETHER IT BE SOLO OR IN A GROUP. You are toxic, you are selfish and don't think about others.
    A video game is a thing meant to be enjoyed a pve server would allow players to ENJOY the game when they have only small increments of time to play, I understand you have all the time in the world to play SoT but not everyone does. I should be able to play for 30 minutes make 3 k gold and get off happy. Its not Sea of Killers its Sea of Thieves, if players could only steal my loot no one would be in this mega thread. Its the idea of wasting time in something your supposed to enjoy.
    Take off your sweat lord shoes and think about the small time players.

  • @notdrlitenough ......ok. An old adage comes to mind here.

  • @scarecrow1771 Without wanting to facetious, but why have advancement at all for anyone then? If the game is about enjoying it separate from rewards then why not just take out the rewards entirely. You'd certainly solve the issue of PvE players complaining about losing their rewards with a stroke.

    If the game becomes too harsh it will die, I mean, that's what "too harsh" means in that instance isn't it? The level of harshness that will kill the game. Personally I don't think I've engaged in "all this talk" about harshness driving off new players being detrimental to the future development of the game, but I think its just as relevant and possible as a PvE server killing the game. We can drop one theoretical supposition if we're willing to drop the other one.

    Again, one of the issues with outpost campers is that sometimes when players are short on time they have one of two options, run into the occupied outpost that they can reach in the time they've got to play and see how much stuff they can bank before getting sunk, or just dump all the loot into the ocean and quit. The nature of not being able to save the game and sometimes having limited time means that people can't always be smart. It can be annoying when the nature of the mechanics of the game and reality force me to act like a doofus. I for one have seen players sit at outposts while I've visited islands around the outpost for quite some time before sailing off. Possibly they were idling while they were in the bathroom, but it seems weird. What's possibly most toxic about this behaviour is the fact that its only likely to catch new players who think that maybe people are meant to be friendly.

    I know you've presented certain ideas already, but what it comes down to is that I don't agree with them. I don't think that a bit of control and freedom to direct your experience will lose the sense of adventure, make success meaningless and harm the game. You do. I really think we've reached a bit of an impasse on that part of the debate, but I don't think that means there's nothing to talk about.

    I really don't think that I'm asking for people to be "showered in positive feedback", and I don't think that finding a way to soften the cliff of a learning curve that picking up a new game of Sea of Thieves is for many players is a bad idea that will do anything but strengthen its appeal and its community. I also don't understand inherent resistance to even the idea of doing that.

  • @notdrlitenough said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @scarecrow1771 ITS A VIDEO GAME WITH A 12+ rating on it meaning ANYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO PLAY WETHER IT BE SOLO OR IN A GROUP. You are toxic, you are selfish and don't think about others.
    A video game is a thing meant to be enjoyed a pve server would allow players to ENJOY the game when they have only small increments of time to play, I understand you have all the time in the world to play SoT but not everyone does. I should be able to play for 30 minutes make 3 k gold and get off happy. Its not Sea of Killers its Sea of Thieves, if players could only steal my loot no one would be in this mega thread. Its the idea of wasting time in something your supposed to enjoy.
    Take off your sweat lord shoes and think about the small time players.

    What you ask for is already plenty doable and possible.

    Can you guys stop pretending you can't play 5 mins without being harassed by 7 ships, 3 megs, 2 krakens and a partridge in a pear tree every time you peak out of the tavern door?

    I manage to play daily on my 30 min lunch break and do a bottle voyage and a wreck or two without seeing a soul. Stop exaggerating and being so dramatic yeah?

  • @gtothefo There is no advancement in SOT, everything is purely cosmetic. The worst possible outcome to losing in SOT is you have to wait a little while longer for your new shirt.

    "You seem certain that having a PvE mode will kill the game, I'm not so sure. I'd suggest that if the game becomes too unwelcoming to new players that will kill it in a much more real sense. Why should your unwillingness to let people progress without the blood, sweat and tears that you put into it be allowed to kill it? Why would that be right?"

    your words, I will add the we have seen PVPVE game suffer from the addition of passive modes and PVE servers, IE Elite Dangerous and GTA online, we have seen the simple coop exploration adventure game that people seem to think SOT should be lose their players as soon as people get bored IE Grounded, who is still playing that game now? where did its community go? Yet the hardest most brutal game on the market that I have ever played, Escape from Tarkov, has nearly double the daily number of players that SOT pulls, a far more engaged community and is still growing. Saying " I feel" or "I believe" is not evidence, this is not an American election.

    Why shouldn't SOT "soften the learning curve"?
    Because the game is so simple and easy now that long-term players are unengaged and bored. SOT is a very simple game to learn and master, especially when it comes to the pve activities. The end result being what we have already talked about, players seeking out only pvp anywhere they can get it because it is the only possibility of excitement and challenge left in SOT.

  • @scarecrow1771 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:


    @notdrlitenough said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:
    At the end of the day SoT is a sandbox game meaning I should be able to play how I want to play not how anyone else wants to.

    You are right, you should be able to play how you want to play, but so should solo sloopers. You really seem to ignore the idea that your experience isn't going to change because of PvE servers. Plenty of people don't want to play in PvE servers and will play in regular servers. You don't want to play how anyone else wants to play, then don't. It's been said by myself and many others, the majority of players will still play PvEvP. Simple.

    You also just mentioned PvPers seeking out challenge; what is challenging about running up on an anchored sloop with one absent player exploring an island, and sinking it in 15-20 seconds before a player can even defend it? You want a challenge, force harder battles by letting those not looking for a fight play without the inconvenience of blood thirty "bored" PL.

    Lastly, The condescending remarks of "get better at the game" and "you accept the challenge when you decide to solo sloop, get over it" and "play a different game if you can't hang with the big boys" really don't help in this discussion, and frankly don't belong. I don't think solo sloopers (myself included) are looking for sympathy from veteran SOTers. We simply want a way to play on a more balanced playing field because it makes for a better, more relaxing experience. When I want that thrill of looting and fighting, I join larger crews, that just isn't always what we're looking for. I have plenty of time in the game and am plenty good at it; I am a castaway not because I am still on the learning curve, but because taking on world events, picking fights with other crews, or flying an emissary flag often result in failure, therefore decreasing the xp gain and leveling potential. I'd be more willing to do such events if I had a better chance of keeping the spoils when I finished it. Again, not looking for sympathy, just a way to play a game I enjoy while the bored bloodthirty PL PvPers play how they want to play. "You should be able to play how you want to play," and so should everyone else.

    As a side note, I have not read every single comment (mostly the earliest ones and the latest ones) on this now very long thread, so I apologize if things I mention have been discussed already. I was not aware it existed until late last night

  • @bloodybil I've never understood that argument either.
    In the last month or two I've been slowly working on getting the gold curse, and I needed to complete most tall tales at least 4 times plus all the extras... by all accounts I should have made little to no progress and been "griefed" constantly but no..

    I've been attacked twice, and in both occasions it was ships that I'd already sunk coming back to reclaim their loot, one called me a griefer and got spawncamped for 10 mins as my buddy sailed our sloop away, one got revenge and his loot back and an exchange of ggs.

    I've even gone multiple days over multiple session barely even seeing a sail on the horizon.

    Still got two more Shores of Gold completions to go.

  • @xwakimx Might want to scroll back through this thread.
    You are wrong, and why you are wrong has been covered already.

  • @gtothefo said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @glannigan XBOX LFG is not a built in tool if you're playing on a PC using Steam.

    Then download the XBOX Companion App. Your making excuses at this point. Hell use it on your phone!!!

    Let me guess...you don’t have a cell phone either....

  • @scarecrow1771

    Literally not constructive at all, just telling me I am wrong but not what about. Can you please give me a hint as to what I am wrong about so I know what I am looking for? Also, if you're telling me I am wrong about something simply because I have a different opinion than you, that doesn't make me wrong. So, in a few words, can you tell me what I am "wrong" about?

  • @xwakimx Please go back and read the older posts. I have had to repeat myself enough as it is.
    Might be a good idea to watch Part 1 of Sovietwombles DayZ video essays (Youtube).
    He talks about what made DayZ and its blend of PVPVE so good. If you are wondering why am talking about DayZ its because that is the game that SOT was heavily inspired by (They talk about this in dev streams, The gentleman bandit DayZ video was used as a pitch tool).
    The idea was that SOT was supposed help us create all these epic organic adventures, much like DayZ did, but without the harshest of the pain points that most pvpve survival games have .

  • @scarecrow1771

    I watched the video, I'll watch part 2, because it is actually interesting and I enjoyed it. That said, I think there is a big difference that you may or may not think relevant; SOT is no longer Early Access. Now, that may not have been your point of having me watch that video, but I have a feeling your point was something along the lines of, "by makes too many large changes late in the development process, you lose the interest of the people who loved the game in the first place." Am I on the right track here? If I'm not on the right track tell me, because I am not going to waste my time going down that rabbit hole if that wasn't what you're getting at. While I agree with @GtotheFo on pretty much all of their point thus far, including being at an impasse based on play styles, I do think there is more that can be understood about how SOT differs from games that have been "ruined" by similar circumstances.

  • @expsnailer check your PM, not derailing thread anymore. Thanks.

  • I’m with @wagstr on this one. This is pretty entertaining right now. Anyone wanna share some popcorn?

  • @xwakimx Its not the early access parts, although excessive changes to how SOT functions will risk driving away existing players. More so the parts that talk about what made dayz special and helped create what he calls "water cooler moments", ie success in not guaranteed, fun is not guaranteed, progress is not guaranteed.

  • @scarecrow1771

    Okay, that's what I figured.

    As I said, without going back to the point already made about that not changing for most players with the addition of PvE servers, I mentioned there are some key differences here. One, he talks about how DayZ has few, if any objectives (I have never played so I can't speak from experience). SOT has plenty of objectives. Tall tales essentially act as a form of campaign, offering not only objectives, but checkpoints and quest items along the way. Sure, in DayZ it appears to be a pure open world sandbox game, but with the addition of tall tales, commendations, alliance achievements, hunters challenges, etc., SOT is a different gaming experience. For the casual gamer, these are often the more desirable parts of a game like this. PvE servers grant those players the opportunity to enjoy that experience, while hardcore gamers still get their "water cooler moments".

  • @notdrlitenough said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Everyone posting the PvE are solo sloopers is true but still unfair, if im on a solo sloop I should only ever fight other solo sloops, I have 2 cannons one on either side. I have to sail the ship, repair it, and fight back, I have stopped enemy sloops but its still way more work than it should have to be, on a sloop you should have a decline pvp option making your ship ghostly to other pirates, meaning I don't have to worry about sweat lords ruining my 30 mins to play SoT.

    Sweat lords? Thats a new one. Sorry I dont feel bad for innocent sloopers since 9/10 if I am being attacked its by a sloop! Also this comes from a former solo slooper so yes I do have a soft spot in my heart for sloopers but that soft spot is only so big. If you have issues solo'ing how about trying the discord or the forums to connect? I actually met a wonderful crew on here.

    Also 30 minutes? For this game 30 minutes isnt really enough time to do anything of importance so if that is all the time you have that seems like more of an issue you have. I find I need to atleast have two hours I can dedicate to SOT and if I do not I wont even bother getting on. SOT is not a hop on quick game , atleast I do not think it is unless you hop onto to do nothing of major importance or to play arena.

    Anyways so yes the game takes commitment. It takes awhile to stock up and complete some of the voyages. With that said I do not see why Rare needs to turn off PvP due to that. During my 2-4 hours I can go without any PvP at all. I dont know if its a regional server issue, maybe some servers are more aggressive or play times, sometimes I think it must play into it or people exaggerate when they say they can not ever leave any outpost without getting sunk.I play eastern time 10pm to 1 am during week days , not everyday but when I do hop on its usually that. Or will play on a Saturday afternoon.

  • @wagstr said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    I think some people are just not cut out for life on the seas.

    I have bought games before that I thought were soo good except for this or that and stopped playing. Never would have dreamt of demanding the game was changed just because I don't like it, just moved on..

    Very surprised it hasn't reached the bits like 'water sinks ships' yet! Nevermind, the popcorn is good..

    I think the issue is there are certain gamers who think every game should cater to their wants. They do not like the PvP play style yet they buy a PvPvE game and then demand Rare adds a PvE only option for them. When Rare doesnt they complain Rare is losing players and they wont play but what is not realized is they were never Rare's target player/customer to begin with.

    Just my thoughts.

  • @xwakimx No game should ever be balanced around top percentile players, seeing as they account for only a tiny proportion of a games community.
    Funny thing about the term "hardcore players", 9 times out of 10 on these forums people use it to describe players that are simply better than them, because its more comforting to believe that they are average player beaten by top percentile players, rather than the truth being they are below average players being beaten by average ones.
    Also you are essentially talking about skill based matchmaking there. SBMM has no place in a PVPVE sandbox, and whether it has a positive effect on any game is debateable.

  • Before anyone gets me wrong, here - I enjoy PVP when my opposition is good. I'm good at PVP, myself. My crew and I have been sunk maybe five times in two years.

    I see a lot of talk about 'risk/reward', but I don't think that's correct, and that is my problem with PVP.

    There is absolutely no risk for the ship that has come after you and gotten steamrolled four times. There is no loot on their boat. There are eight bananas in their barrel. They aren't skilled players. They are simply a nuisance. Over and over again, you are forced to be their content because the PVE content SOT provides them isn't, apparently, to their liking.

    So my crew, with our full-time jobs and real lives, has to fill the role of content for this crew because we are halfway through a voyage, etc. We have no choice. They have no risk. No reason not to come back and get sunk over and over again.

    Implement a negative consequence for those attacking ships that get sunk by the ship they went after instead of repeatedly respawning them one island away. I shouldn't be the only one at risk of losing something. I lose, regardless, though, because despite the fact that we sink so many would-be PVPers, I've now spent over an hour dealing with their repeated advances.

    Risk/reward doesn't exist for a great majority of people who play the game solely to PVP. It simply doesn't.

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