Private Servers

  • The idea that you can't progress or get loot in a private server is ludicrous. You have No PVE server and this is a great option for those who don't care for PVP. Before others get on here saying "game isn't meant for pve only blah blah" then why did they add pve elements? It gets old getting ganked by galleons when you are in a sloop trying to do an event. The people who don't want pve servers are those who rely on ganking pve'ers because they are too damn lazy to go out and get their own loot. Congrats you 4v2d and stole peoples hard work for the past 3 hours. Allow private servers to prevent being trolled as the game is fun but gets old really fast with a few trolls.

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  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:

    Before others get on here saying "game isn't meant for pve only blah blah" then why did they add pve elements?

    Because it's meant for both, not just one or the other exclusively.

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:

    The idea that you can't progress or get loot in a private server is ludicrous. You have No PVE server and this is a great option for those who don't care for PVP. Before others get on here saying "game isn't meant for pve only blah blah" then why did they add pve elements? It gets old getting ganked by galleons when you are in a sloop trying to do an event. The people who don't want pve servers are those who rely on ganking pve'ers because they are too damn lazy to go out and get their own loot. Congrats you 4v2d and stole peoples hard work for the past 3 hours. Allow private servers to prevent being trolled as the game is fun but gets old really fast with a few trolls.

    pirate game did you read the game box? or are you just salty but nope pve is part of the game so is pvp and yes I get it but pirates are jerks now please go back to your cat house and stay there

  • @d3adst1ck said in Private Servers:

    @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:

    Before others get on here saying "game isn't meant for pve only blah blah" then why did they add pve elements?

    Because it's meant for both, not just one or the other exclusively.

    god some people

  • I'm a PVE'r that got competent at pvp to survive and I strongly oppose PVE servers and currency acquiring outside of the pve/pvp standard servers

    My entire gameplay has either been solo or in open crew never had a coordinated team

    So it's not only streamers and and other kill squads that want it to remain how it's been

    Why should people achieve what I and those like me achieved without the constant threat that we had the entire time?

    PVE mixed with PVP keeps this game alive, it keeps the thrill and the adventure and the competition which is absolutely necessary to keep this online multiplayer game afloat.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Private Servers:

    I'm a PVE'r that got competent at pvp to survive and I strongly oppose PVE servers and currency acquiring outside of the pve/pvp standard servers

    My entire gameplay has either been solo or in open crew never had a coordinated team

    So it's not only streamers and and other kill squads that want it to remain how it's been

    Why should people achieve what I and those like me achieved without the constant threat that we had the entire time?

    PVE mixed with PVP keeps this game alive, it keeps the thrill and the adventure and the competition which is absolutely necessary to keep this online multiplayer game afloat.

    afloat pun intended? yeah this needs to stop this makes unrest in the forumies and @Deckhands should shut it down

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  • @wolfmanbush

    Disagree most other games have PVE and PVP servers or a way to keep them separate. There are plenty of other threats that don't troll you the entire time.

  • I want fishing only servers!
    Game isnt meant for fishing only...
    But why have they add fishing elements?

  • Be happy you get a way to play without players at all. The progression compromise is perfectly reasonable, and if you want an easy mode to grind in without challenge, find yourself a singleplayer game suitable for your tastes.

  • @d3adst1ck

    I dont understand if they can create private servers why it couldn't be used for PVE exclusively? What would it hurt?

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    I dont understand if they can create private servers why it couldn't be used for PVE exclusively? What would it hurt?

    Do whatever you want with private servers, make it your own PVE server for all we care. You simply will have to risk the same things as everyone else if you want to progress,

  • @lordplinde

    That response and comparison are smart [mod edit] and really not worthy of a reply but you could fish in a private server.

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    Disagree most other games have PVE and PVP servers or a way to keep them separate. There are plenty of other threats that don't troll you the entire time.

    And Rare does not want this game to be like "other games" as to differentiate it from them, not be just another knock-off.

    And attacking others in this game is not "trolling", it is playing the game as designed and intended.

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    I dont understand if they can create private servers why it couldn't be used for PVE exclusively? What would it hurt?

    Because people will do all high risk activities on these servers, resulting in the regular servers just being filled with people doing PVP and no one bothering with loot. It ruins the combined gameplay that most players enjoy.

    If they wanted to create a mode that allowed you to just do the Tall Tales and nothing else (no regular loot), I wouldn't have a problem as this would be a PVE specific mode which doesn't interfere with the regular game in a fashion similar to the Arena. The rewards would also be similar: 6000g for placing 1st in Arena, 8000g for completing Tall Tale.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Private Servers:

    @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    I dont understand if they can create private servers why it couldn't be used for PVE exclusively? What would it hurt?

    Because people will do all high risk activities on these servers, resulting in the regular servers just being filled with people doing PVP and no one bothering with loot. It ruins the combined gameplay that most players enjoy.

    If they wanted to create a mode that allowed you to just do the Tall Tales and nothing else (no regular loot), I wouldn't have a problem as this would be a PVE specific mode which doesn't interfere with the regular game in a fashion similar to the Arena. The rewards would also be similar: 6000g for placing 1st in Arena, 8000g for completing Tall Tale.

    yes that's a better idea then a pve only server and @Captain-Bonezzz is way salty so you can't reason with him

  • @dlchief58

    Attacking a sloop with two people constantly with a galleon or even worse an alliance just because you can kill them over and over again is trolling. Attacking once sinking someone, o.k. continually tracking them and sinking them because it makes you a keyboard warrior is B.S.

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    Disagree most other games have PVE and PVP servers or a way to keep them separate. There are plenty of other threats that don't troll you the entire time.

    Sounds fair

    You can level to 20 athena while dodging a meg and sinking a skelly ship every couple hours

    while many of us had to do it while taking out 1 2 or even 3 pvp ships on a regular basis to defend and sell our legend chests

    Players already have everything significantly easier

    emissaries, tall tale checkpoints, easier krakens, more athena items on and on and on

    how much easier do you need the game

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    Attacking a sloop with two people constantly with a galleon or even worse an alliance just because you can kill them over and over again is trolling. Attacking once sinking someone, o.k. continually tracking them and sinking them because it makes you a keyboard warrior is B.S.

    so what it's a game if you don't like it this game isn't for you

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  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    That response and comparison are smart a$$ and really not worthy of a reply but you could fish in a private server.

    You could farm gold on a private server but you could never be a legend if you never met a real pirate.. Who would tell the tale?

  • @wolfmanbush

    What does it matter? I'm not impacting you in anyway. In fact you wouldn't even know I existed since I'd be on a private server.

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    Attacking a sloop with two people constantly with a galleon or even worse an alliance just because you can kill them over and over again is trolling. Attacking once sinking someone, o.k. continually tracking them and sinking them because it makes you a keyboard warrior is B.S.

    LOL, your first example is FAR from showing someone "trolling" as you call it. Sloops can easily evade galleons or even defeat them in battle with proper handling and skill. IF they were in fact targeting the same crew over and over, then you MIGHT have a case but good luck proving that was their intent.

    Having an alliance that hunts other ships is also not trolling, it is just another way to play the game. I myself dealt with a group of 2 ships in an alliance, and both were at Reapers Bones Grade 5 (so could track other emissaries) but I had no issues avoiding both of them the entire time I played SOLO in a sloop.

    Can the victim act, learn how to play the game.

  • @wagstr

    PVE elements such as events and tall tales would suffice.

  • @dlchief58

    Total BS. Galleon can outrun a sloop and unless you are lucky and get a narrow opening, you are hosed.

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:

    [mod edit]

    I don't I get attacked a lot and I can't help it ,it's because the streamers and they're so toxic so I say (not true for some) and sea of thieves is a GAME key word here is GAME don't be so but hurt that you lost is this GAME you lose some you win some

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    What does it matter? I'm not impacting you in anyway. In fact you wouldn't even know I existed since I'd be on a private server.

    People that want safe spaces lack the commitment and dedication to stick around anyway. The people that put in the time and effort to complete the more difficult commendations are the loyal base. Separating the players drives off the loyal base drives off pvpers and the ones that want the easy way will get bored and quit or go back to regular servers. Destroying a unique and well put together pirate experience just so players that can't handle losing fights have a picnic area for a couple days or weeks until they get bored doesn't do anything other than ensure a speedy demise for SOT

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    Total BS. Galleon can outrun a sloop and unless you are lucky and get a narrow opening, you are hosed.

    not true you can learn to sail a sloop first then come back and tell us how it went and as I said MAYBE THIS GAME ISN'T FOR YOU AT ALL

  • @captain-bonezzz

    Events were created to promote PvP, that is why they are advertised so well. This also has the bonus that people who want to avoid PvP can just stay well away and get on with stuff with less risk.

    I would say a tall tale server is an excellent idea, with more tall tales of course, just for Gold and cosmetics.

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    PVE elements such as events

    No, the events should be excluded as they are meant to attract other ships. No other ships, no events.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Private Servers:

    @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    What does it matter? I'm not impacting you in anyway. In fact you wouldn't even know I existed since I'd be on a private server.

    People that want safe spaces lack the commitment and dedication to stick around anyway. The people that put in the time and effort to complete the more difficult commendations are the loyal base. Separating the players drives off the loyal base drives off pvpers and the ones that want the easy way will get bored and quit or go back to regular servers. Destroying a unique and well put together pirate experience just so players that can't handle losing fights have a picnic area for a couple days or weeks until they get bored doesn't do anything other than ensure a speedy demise for SOT


  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    What does it matter? I'm not impacting you in anyway. In fact you wouldn't even know I existed since I'd be on a private server.

    Example: If everyone hide in private to do their athena voyages, how will others get their achievements for stealing them? Or the overall exciting experience of trying to?

    By getting this game you accepted to be part of a shared world. If you don't want to take the risks, why should you reap the rewards? If you feel to play a quiet session, you will be able to. If you want to take more risk and get rewarded for it, you will be able to. Perfectly reasonable balance. Getting loot or not doesn't prevent to play the game whatsoever, fighting threats and solving puzzles and riddles. If you don't want to put efforts and be mindlessly rewarded, play one of those clicker games.

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    Total BS. Galleon can outrun a sloop and unless you are lucky and get a narrow opening, you are hosed.

    LOL, what a way to show your own inexperience with that statement. It is very easy to evade galleons with a sloop, I do it all the time solo. You do realize that the sloop is more agile, durable, and faster into the wind that all the other ships, right? You just need to step up your game instead of giving up and asking for a kiddie mode.

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    That response and comparison are smart a$$ and really not worthy of a reply but you could fish in a private server.

    and that my friends and fellow romans is what salty looks like

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