Pocket Map

  • Please add a pocket map to the game because is very annoying go to the ship everytime to check the map, and if it is possible the possibility to run with small objects (with a key is not possible run ok is so strange). Sorry for bad english.

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  • I like this idea. It could be an item in the tools wheel or maybe just in the inventory but you can hot key it. It would also be good if holding it up was toggle so you can freely look around it without having to hold the right trigger down or left click on mouse.

  • @bronzeinquiztor It was just what I was thinking :)

  • @LemonHaze435
    What is causing you to have to look at the world map when you are on an island?

  • @dyfrin probably best use of it would be when you are only in a rowboat and your ship is gone ;) for looking on it while you are on an island, I also got no idea :D

    For me it depends on the implementation; maybe not have it like immediately 100% uncovered but make it like you "draw" it yourself when visiting the islands :)

  • I am sure the suggestion is so you can more easily keep an eye out for Reaper's which is a hard no for me. Only way I could see this working is if they had no "marks" shown on it. Everyone having access to a tracking item 24/7 makes all of these a HUGE downside with no upside.


    • Reaper's Mark Flag
    • Reaper's Emissary Flag
    • Reaper's Chest
    • Reaper's Bounty
    • Emissary tracking ability as Reaper Emissary
    • FotD Key
    • Alliance Ships

    If that was the case, then it really wouldn't have much value other than helping find dig spots. Honestly after playing for 20 hours or more, that becomes automatic anyways by surrounding landmarks and only so many dig spots on certain parts of each island.

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