Athena Emissary seems tediously slow?

  • I'm not sure if this is intentional by Rare or not? But trying to get to Emissary level 5 Athena seems to take a very long time. Did a Thieves Haven and a Devil's Roar Athena Solo last night and still didn't reach Level 5?

    I'm not complaining. Just curious if anyone in the community knows if this sounds correct? Is it intentional on Rare's part? Or is there something wrong with the game?

    Do you level up slower when playing solo? 6 hours and still no level 5 seems an odd game design, to me? Any feedback would be appreciated.

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  • @viperishemu2992 I think it depends on the stuff you get within that voyage. If you are lucky and get many legendary things you lvl faster (once I got lvl 5 with 1.5 normal athena voyages other time I didnt get even lvl 5 with 2 full ones completed....)
    Also megs, skelli ships, kraken count towards the lvl also maybe without these you basicially lvl too slow.

    Solo slooping my examples btw, but with my friend who sometimes still plays it was just as inconsistent as solo so I dont think there is a change. It just seems slower since you can finish the voyages faster with more people :)

  • Depends on the Athena treasures you find along the way, but usually takes 1.5 Thieves Haven runs.

  • @peteloaf777 said in Athena Emissary seems tediously slow?:

    Depends on the Athena treasures you find along the way, but usually takes 1.5 Thieves Haven runs.

    Thnx for the info. Then I must have just been unlucky.

  • @shikia-caeleaum said in Athena Emissary seems tediously slow?:

    @viperishemu2992 I think it depends on the stuff you get within that voyage. If you are lucky and get many legendary things you lvl faster (once I got lvl 5 with 1.5 normal athena voyages other time I didnt get even lvl 5 with 2 full ones completed....)
    Also megs, skelli ships, kraken count towards the lvl also maybe without these you basicially lvl too slow.

    Solo slooping my examples btw, but with my friend who sometimes still plays it was just as inconsistent as solo so I dont think there is a change. It just seems slower since you can finish the voyages faster with more people :)

    Thnx for the reply. I'm fine with the way it is. I was just wondering if it was broken. But apparently not.

  • Do emergent events too. Sink any skeleton ship you meet, and stop to fight any megalodons. At every island you stop at, or pass, check for (ashen) skeleton captains, and do the riddle quests they drop. Every step of the riddle will give you credit towards your stripes.

  • I've noticed the quests you get in bottles also raise your emissary rank, so do those as well when you're able. Odds are you're going to pass those islands anyways, and most of them are pretty easy to do as it is. You seem to get rank for finishing those, at least I have

  • They should just reduce the amount of grade increase you get from Athena items and allow you to get grade for doing anything. It makes sense to limit the other factions grade to faction specific items, but the Athena voyages have always been comprised of loot from every other faction so it only makes sense that everything should count.

    This would also make it more likely that PL ships would be laden with all loot, like the Reaper's Bones ships would be since they are the 'opposites', instead of people speed looting and leaving all non-athena loot behind.

  • @d3adst1ck You already get Athena rep for doing everything.
    The Athena Emissary is fine, it just requires you to do a bit more for it, which makes sense seeing as they cap out at 20 instead of 50.

    List of what all gives you Athena Emissary rank

    • Any Athena's Voyage step and Athena's Loot
    • Completing Bottle Quests and Skeleton Orders
    • Completing Skeleton Forts, Fleets, and Fort of the Damned
    • Killing Megs, Krakens, non Fleet Skeleton Ships, and Reaper's Bones Emissaries

    This is the ONLY Emissary which gives you rep for Skeleton Orders and Bottle quests which people seem to quickly overlook. With that I would say Athena's Emissary is easier to level compared to others. The only downside to it is that Athena's loot is relatively rare so you dont benefit as much from it.

  • Thank the exploiters for that :D (Y)

  • @krashino said in Athena Emissary seems tediously slow?:

    @d3adst1ck You already get Athena rep for doing everything.

    You don't get rep for picking up regular loot, even though 75% of the maps you get in an Athena voyage are for finding non-athena loot which means PLs are more likely to just one-tap chests, leave skulls and dump cargo in the ocean. Even though you get rep for completing bottle quests and skeleton orders, the spoils from those are likely being left behind as well because the rewards aren't useful to the Emissary.

    If you got rep for collecting this stuff, Athena Emissary ships would be more likely to have more loot on board.

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