good sports!

  • @bugaboo-bill you defending telling people their way of playing a game and trying to win is wrong, that they aren't welcome in the game?

    Why are you so obsessed with the other peoples playstyle? Let them play the game how they please, this it isn't the right way to play preaching of yours is toxic. This is a shared world, stop trying to push your own way of playing on others.

    According to you tucking is exploiting, you aren't even talking about game breaking aspects of the game just anything that you don't like.

  • @dominusocto7 said in good sports!:

    @cotu42 Also, wallbanging is an exploit, and it being abused, is cheating.

    Actually shooting through walls isn't exploiting it is done in tons of games. Whether or not they want it in the game on all the things that it currently penetrates is a big question and why adjustments are coming. Masts not stopping a bullet...

    Have you ever hit a keg in the crows nest? Because I bet you that you hit the plank at the bottom and shot through it.

    Also... cheating is using external factors to change the games parameters, you cheapen the word.

  • @cotu42 people can tuck as long as they want.
    But please not glitch into loot or cannons or rooftops or whatever environment.

    People can use 2 guns as much as they want, but please stop trying to exploit and break animations.

    People run carrying are just immersion breaking.
    Do it as long as you want, i hope i need not see it.

    Dont argue to much with me.
    People who rely on exploits can spoil anyones game.
    If this is not true for you, fine, why bother this thread at all?
    You made your points, it's apreciated, thank you.

    It bothers me and if you read people complaining how they got owned, you may realize and agree with my opinion about easily accepting a loss when it all felt fair everybody using intended mechanics versus what others did felt cheesy and unfair exploiting mechanics to have unintended advantages.

    Good sports to me is to do not abuse glitches to have unintended advantages!

    If people like to bungle i'm tired of playing with tryhards who rely on that.

    Yeah i find it wrong, you dont !

    Fine wer can agree to disagree.
    Defend bungle and exploiting, i continue to be vocal against it to have a fun, fair shared world for everybody.

    People exploiting affect others, you should not expect all players want to exploit and adapt.

    You dont as you say amd you dont have any problem others do it.
    But i have.
    Fine or not?!

  • @bugaboo-bill dude loot isn't solid, no glitching is used to sit on it... you walk through it and everything.

    Animation canceling is a mechanical aspect in many games and is either accepted by the developers or fixed. Again not something uncommon and not the responsibility of gamers to place judgement on or make claims of cheating. The developers have fixed some of them already.

    Quick running with loot is not something I enjoy and believe should be fixed, but again it is pushing mechanics to the max and people that enjoy min maxing in games will do it. Once again a developer not a player judgement. Personally dislike this one above all and really hope Rare fixes it.

    If you believe that people are not salty or annoyed by being defeated by players that don't do this... jesus you should hear the language I endure... because I fight, I steal ships and I steal. I don't use animation breaking, I don't quick run with loot and other than the occasional wall bang because well I do shoot at barrels in crows nests, will shoot up through the deck if I know you are there... is just how sturdy it is, it are the characteristics of the ship. Just like I put my sails to straight forward when against the wind... also just a weird characteristic of the game yet pretty much everyone uses it. Not intended yet the standard.

    You claim people cheaters, call them anti fun, make them out to playing the game wrong because they approach gaming from a mechanical point and try to min max efficiency and focus on winning because that is what they enjoy.

    The fact is that you are running a crusade against other peoples choices and playstyles. You keep telling us that people play the game wrong, aren't here to have fun, while all they do is have fun in a different manner. It is a shared world, it is an open world where people can be and play as they want. We should not place judgement on them and just focus on our own actions.

    The fact is even you will use certain boundaries of the game play mechanics to get an advantage an edge and call it knowledge. Sure players like you and me don't take it to the extreme and we might want Rare to fix certain things, but to place judgement on others, saying they are cheaters, aren't playing for fun and ruining the game is just toxic.

  • @bugaboo-bill Rare actively endorses exploiting mechanics. Via partnering with discord alliance servers. As well as all of the big streamers, who are exploiting some mechanic or another.

    Alliance servers are exploiting mechanics. And more over they do effect everyone else. Indirectly over a longer period of time. To say that it doesn't, is to say that SoT isn't a shared world.

    I mean there's a sense in which all video game communities are a shared world. The usage of certain abilities in say DoTA effects everyone when the game is changed if its found to be to OP or whatever. But nobody calls DoTA a shared world.

    Claiming SoT is shared world implies that we should care about the economic systems. It implies that the trading companies arnt just a button to press in a game, but a group of individuals in their own right trying to accomplish something. That all of these systems have complex cause and effect relationships with the rest of the groups and individuals in the shared world.

  • @korpp1s No it isn't. :D

  • @dekeita sagte in good sports!:

    @bugaboo-bill Rare actively endorses exploiting mechanics. Via partnering with discord alliance servers. As well as all of the big streamers, who are exploiting some mechanic or another.

    Alliance servers are exploiting mechanics. And more over they do effect everyone else. Indirectly over a longer period of time. To say that it doesn't, is to say that SoT isn't a shared world.

    I mean there's a sense in which all video game communities are a shared world. The usage of certain abilities in say DoTA effects everyone when the game is changed if its found to be to OP or whatever. But nobody calls DoTA a shared world.

    Claiming SoT is shared world implies that we should care about the economic systems. It implies that the trading companies arnt just a button to press in a game, but a group of individuals in their own right trying to accomplish something. That all of these systems have complex cause and effect relationships with the rest of the groups and individuals in the shared world.

    Fully agree about alliance servers.
    Is there any evidence they do partner with them?

    But anyway they partnered also streamers exploiting.

  • @bugaboo-bill Athenas Vanguard is in the affiliate alliance program.

    And anyway, my point really is that it's not the players responsibility to "play the right way". People play the game however they want. Rare has to make the right systems if they want people to play in a certain way.

  • @dekeita

    I agree, but good sports to me is not to exploit also and nit utilize everything at any cost, but to decide to not use it because it's not intended and a glitch or bug that gets abused to get advantages.

    I see the majority of gamers utilizes whatever the game allows to do, intended or not.
    That's what i allways called gaming the system rather than playing the game.
    It's like the question who us guilty the one building a weapon or the one using it?

    In this case who is to blame Rare for having these glitches and bugs that can get exploited to have an advantage or the gamers utilizingit as if it were intended mechanics?

    In both cases i say both are to blame.
    We shouldn't build weapons, let's say build for hunting and then wonder others use them against other humans.
    I can assume the very first weapons were meant to hunt with not to kill other humans, but they for sure got utilized to use them this way.

    Same for these exploits.
    Rare should fix them and if you are a fair player and good sports imho you wouldnt make use of it.

    But thats me.

    I see the majority follows more or less another rule.
    If you can do it and it's giving you advantage, do it no matter what.
    Win at any cost.

    I aproach it way more playfull.
    I dont utilize any glitches to get advantages, because i feel i do something not intended.
    Sure the devs should then have fixed it.
    But those who (ab)use it are not that much into good sports from my pov.

  • @galactic-geek said in good sports!:

    @jctc758 Nobody knew about the double gun exploit either...

    ...until everybody did.

    If it's going to be a problem, it's probably best to get it fixed BEFORE it becomes a problem.

    I can't wait until they fix shooting through walls. Such a bad exploit...

    yeah black powder rounds stick in wood but what ever

  • @bugaboo-bill

    If you do not support the creation of the game that Rare has made and that people are able to steal your loot, defeat you in the game and plunder you... don't play this game. Just like that I don't go to a shooting range, don't own a gun and don't support that industry or their manufacturers. If both are to blame, why are you even here, why do you play games with PvP and why do you support them?

    Unlike real life loss of life through weapons, nobody is actually hurt if they are defeated in a game other than their ego. Horrible comparison you are trying to make here... people playing a game in a different way, compare them to people shooting people... ugh... that is low and despicable. You call for good sportsmanship and compare people playing a game with people that shoot and hurt people in real life with intent.

    May I add to answer your question: Should mechanics be used to have an advantage and utilized by gamers to the fullest extend possible? Why not their intent is to give us tools right that we can use in any way we see fit, not dictate what that is? Just like you can state that weapons are meant to hunt, but actually their functionality and design is to kill, who you give it to will determine what is killed? The difference is that causing pain, suffering and death in real life or losing a game are different magnitudes of severity.

  • Awwww booo hoooo hahahha, all I see is somebody crying.... If exploits are there then people will use them, GET OVER IT! the best players will always use them to have that edge... Be my guest into thinking you are being a 'good sport' but nobody cares about what you think and will continue to do anything they want with inside the game that isn't cheating....

  • Also imagine that people want to be good sports.... My entire game play style is server hopping looking for people who have been grinding for hours and hours just for me to take away their loot in seconds while spamming 'Rolls on deck laughing' using every exploit I can and enjoying every single second of it.... I DONT CARE about being a 'good sport' in fact I think the idea of being one in a pirate game is actually hilarious.... If someone said to be in game I wasn't being a good sport because I used an exploit on them i'd clip it for memes and me and all my SOT friends would laugh over how native they are.

    And guess what... there are THOSANDS of people on this game who think exactly the same as me... So yeah... get over it and don't be so native to think a lil post on the forums will change any of this... If it's in the game then i'm using it

  • @bugaboo-bill That's a really interesting comparison actually.
    And you know what i'm gonna tag @MikeTheMutinous and @S0nicbob too

    Like weapons in real life, exploits in software and game systems are inevitable.

    In real life, when people talk about banning guns. I always try to make the point, that really what you want is for people to not feel like they need them in the first place. If you have that, you don't need to ban them and if you don't, banning them wont do any good.

    In SoT, the question is more like, what would it take to create a community that's invested in helping make the systems better with Rare. With both the combat exploits and economic ones, what people are saying is essentially, the game isn't fun without them. The dedicated players engaged with those systems the most, are always the ones who know all the tricks. But they have no motivation to help fix it in SoT. Why would PvP'rs want to take away their advantage against less dedicated players, when theres so little room for that already.

    And on the other hand people using Alliance servers are likewise saying something about the state of the game, that could maybe be addressed in better ways. And thats a bit more complicated, but with the economics in general, one of the things i've always enjoyed most about the game was figuring out how to be as efficient as possible in making gold. Its essentially playing the same way, but adding time into the equation makes it more of a challenge, in a way that the game doesn't have enough of for me. But in a shared world sense, Alliances really made all that pointless. The answer is always just alliances now. And the entire reason they haven't changed that at all, as stated by devs on multiple different occasions, is because not enough people do it.

    Well, if what other people are doing only matters if everyone is doing it. And if theres little to no long term consequences to any of these systems. Then what incentive does any one person have to raise concerns about something being over or underutilized. Especially because to the extent that there have been long term consequences its often more been to undermine past accomplishments. And anyway, It really didn't make much of a difference at all to me that they changed Emissaries and Reapers Bones after the fact. I'm more or less playing the same way. I also know people that were happy to exploit the systems first before most people could really take advantage of it. And for that matter, with alliances in the mix, and the general constant inflation, how do you have any sense of scale about what the gold levels should be.

    If the dedicated players engaged the most in any given system, were motivated to report bugs, and raise concerns about issues. The whole Ships of Fortune post launch nerf never would have needed to happen. Combat bugs wouldn't remain in the game for months or years at a time.

    A playful spirit and moralizing is all well and good but its not actually gonna change anything. Unless maybe they start banning people for using exploits, which would be a terrible idea. And to be honest its a bit hypocritical actually, if its just a silly game that no one is supposed to take seriously enough to use exploits, then by extension it doesn't matter much if they do. Its no big deal if you lose, or you can even just jump to the next server if someone is playing in a way you don't like.

    Bill, you're telling people how they SHOULD play, and you know this kinda moralizing does work a bit within a group. For example, if you get enough PvP'ers all together the common ground they have in how they think and what they enjoy about the game works to homogenize the group some as new members wont have the experience to form opinions outside of the group, and not everyone is gonna think through every problem anyway. And ultimately the moralizing serves to remove people from the group who don't agree. But no one in those groups gives a flying F what you think. You don't have the standing with them to be making statements about how they SHOULD play. They've told you this. And you know, maybe i'm picking on you a bit here Bill. But that's because you are very representative of an ideal, that's already very strong within Rare. But for every quick soundbite about it being about fun adventure stories, there really must be deeper ideas behind the game. If there wasn't they'd have to be somewhere between delusional and sadistic, to have created the game they did. What I want is a shared world, that people are invested in. Especially one that exemplifies the positive force that gaming can be. That's not gonna be created by simply making the game less interesting for exploiters.

    And if you really want change, what you should be asking, and hopefully what Rare IS asking themselves, is what would it actually take for more people to want to play that way. Exploits are inevitable, them being a systematic problem in the shared world, is not.

  • @cotu42 sagte in good sports!:


    If you do not support the creation of the game that Rare has made and that people are able to steal your loot, defeat you in the game and plunder you... don't play this game. Just like that I don't go to a shooting range, don't own a gun and don't support that industry or their manufacturers. If both are to blame, why are you even here, why do you play games with PvP and why do you support them?

    You know i'm here since Alpha - i like the game and most of it's mechanics exactly like they are. The stuff i dont like is stuff i don't do actively, but let it happen btw and because the game is build the way it is, i can do so very easily.
    What i speak of is the grind, doing Tales 5 times, of FotD 50 times etc.
    I have a lot completed, not all, but a lot. I dont grind it off except i want to and have fun to do so. If it is not fun, io dont do it and then complain about tedious grind.

    I like to PvP in a fair, playful about fun manner.
    I aproach this like shoot hoops in the backyard, i aproach it like fun fights with a friend brawling without the intention to harm someone.
    This is the way i aproach competetive games!
    I even aproach games like Valorant this way. Actually i got back to some RvR -PvP and there i do the same.
    I want to win, i want to have fun. Losing does not neccessarily spoil me having fun.
    But i dont want to win at any cost.
    If lets say there is a dice in my game box that is unbalanced and more often rolls a six then others and i found it out, i would exchange that dice!
    If i would get aware of something i can utilize to win, but know this was never intended by the inventors/ creators of the game, i would not use it as it would break my immersion and i start feeling bad "cheating".
    Ja not cheating what you think, no 3rd party programm cheating, but like to bungle.

    We can have a fun fight alltogether and be good sports without to abuse glitches.
    That is what i'm out for.

    People exagerating at games, utilizing everything possible, intended or not, to win at any cost, not caring for their fellow players is what i accuse and wont stop to accuse.

    Playing together means to take care for each other.
    Sour losers and exagerating pros raging and insulting others need both some more love.

    People who cannot have a pirate fantasy adventure, but exploit and game the system, winning at any cost, owning kids like some streamer do, making jokes off them, let them look ridiculous and call them bad noobs is pitiful at best and aren't the players i want to interact with.

  • @pvekilla420 sagte in good sports!:

    Awwww booo hoooo hahahha, all I see is somebody crying.... If exploits are there then people will use them, GET OVER IT! the best players will always use them to have that edge... Be my guest into thinking you are being a 'good sport' but nobody cares about what you think and will continue to do anything they want with inside the game that isn't cheating....

    Great, i know that, therefore i made a post to be good sports.
    Not everyone is an egotistical botcher like you.
    If just one single player stops utilizing exploits to get advantages, i have done right!

  • @pvekilla420 sagte in good sports!:

    My entire game play style is server hopping looking for people who have been grinding for hours and hours just for me to take away their loot in seconds while spamming 'Rolls on deck laughing' using every exploit I can and enjoying every single second of it.

    I DONT CARE about being a 'good sport' in fact I think the idea of being one in a pirate game is actually hilarious.... If someone said to be in game I wasn't being a good sport because I used an exploit on them i'd clip it for memes and me and all my SOT friends would laugh over how native they are.

    Hahaha, so pitifull XD
    Love these poeple
    You are a hero!

    Go hop Servers, game the system and wreck people!
    If it makes you feel good - dont stop :D

  • @bugaboo-bill

    I bet you would be surprised how much our styles are the same. I play the game on my own terms, still haven't completed the 30 Athena voyages commendation while having completed dozens of them before as a solo. I hit Athena 10 before the commendations came out and have no need to grind for the sake of grinding.

    My style of fighting is fairly competitive and yet I don't do all the tricks that I can. The difference is that I play how I play and let others play how they want to play without complaining about it.

    I get called names from both ends, been called a griefer, a try-hard and a noob, fake legend and a PvE scrub. Usually with some more colorful language at that, both by those that are sore winners and those that are sore losers. Also had a bunch of GG well played moments with both PvP try-hards and casuals... Chill out, don't be bothered by what others think and do. Just enjoy your own game and let others enjoy theirs.

    For me being a good sport is simply: You do you and I will do my own thing, keep it civil and say GG at the end of the fight regardless of losing or winning. Whether they try-hard or barely put up a fight... if people start taking it personal I will relish in their salty tears. I can enjoy a good fight when I am losing and I can enjoy a victory just the same.

  • @cotu42

    i just wanted to say - be good sports - dont botcher the gamesystems, even if you can, dont do it, but be good sports.

    read above - do you think its good to have people like this?
    I dont - but i also dont care that much.

    people are triggered because of my moralism, i know that!

  • @bugaboo-bill said:

    I like to PvP in a fair, playful about fun manner... lets say there is a dice in my game box that is unbalanced and more often rolls a six then others and i found it out, i would exchange that dice! If i would get aware of something i can utilize to win, but know this was never intended by the inventors/ creators of the game, i would not use it as it would break my immersion and i start feeling bad "cheating".

    What if the manufacturers of the game did leave the dice in there on purpose, never removing it from subsequent production; and what if all players had the opportunity to use the it? Would you still exchange it?

    I don't condone cheating. I do condone and regularly loot-tuck because the game allows everyone to do so, cosmetic restrictions aside. It's pretty fun & can create so many exciting or goofy interactions, especially when the other player knows to look for a tucker.

    Playing together means to take care for each other.

    I'll agree with this sentiment insofar as showing respect to the player behind the character; but this is a pirate game, Bill lol. While I too would like everyone to be a good sport, I think I set my bar of expectations a lot lower than you. As long as we keep our battles in-game and speak kindly in both victory and loss, I think we're showing all the care we need to. 😁🏴‍☠️

  • @bugaboo-bill I have no issues with people breaking animations, or wall banging or tucking in spots that cover half their character. I do think that Rare should have a look at these things and decide whether it should be fixed or not, so no it doesn't bother me that people play like that at all. Additionally it helps make the product better, as the only way Rare finds these things out is when people push their systems and sometimes they add to the game and other times it doesn't. Yet it is on the creators to decide not on us as players to be salty about it when someone pushes the envelope.

    I have played games at that level, I have try-hard played end-game in the past and used every trick in the book I could think of and pushed games to their limits. Sometimes I still do when it intrigues me to see how far I can push it, but I also enjoy a sense of immersion that it shouldn't break and so I don't do them all. Everyone has a different tolerance level and sense of enjoyment.

    Some of your points are things that I still use, while I don't use them all there is no issues with those that do. Fun is subjective, the importance of immersion is objective and how that influences how we use the tools handed to is the result of that. If people want to run around with loot by dropping and picking up... go ahead, I find it lame but who am I to tell them no.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    Great, i know that, therefore i made a post to be good sports.
    Not everyone is an egotistical botcher like you.
    If just one single player stops utilizing exploits to get advantages, i have done right!

    If I ever run into you i'm going to camp you until you rage quit or turn you into a scuttle bot... 44 years old and spends his life being a SOT forum try-hard, Call yourself a good sport but you've even been modded on this post and received a warning, so much for being a 'good sport' hahaha the irony! Trust me not even one single person will listen to this post and stop using 'exploits'

    In any multiplayer game exploits are all part of the experience, if you can't beat them join them... Just because of this post i'm going to start teaching every single new person I meet every exploit I know... Well done! In fact I might even make an exploit video so the world can know them all! hahahaha

  • @pvekilla420 sagte in good sports!:


    Great, i know that, therefore i made a post to be good sports.
    Not everyone is an egotistical botcher like you.
    If just one single player stops utilizing exploits to get advantages, i have done right!

    If I ever run into you i'm going to camp you until you rage quit or turn you into a scuttle bot...

    who cares? triggered and beeing on a crusade now - haha pitifull
    sure you win? entitled maybe???

    if i loose i scuttle anyway, i dont grant you the pleasure to spawnkill.
    My last ragequit in a game was... let me think 1999 iirc :D

    Just because of this post i'm going to start teaching every single new person I meet every exploit I know... Well done! In fact I might even make an exploit video so the world can know them all! hahahaha

    please do! and link it here :D

  • @bugaboo-bill said in good sports!:

    @pvekilla420 sagte in good sports!:


    Great, i know that, therefore i made a post to be good sports.
    Not everyone is an egotistical botcher like you.
    If just one single player stops utilizing exploits to get advantages, i have done right!

    If I ever run into you i'm going to camp you until you rage quit or turn you into a scuttle bot...

    who cares? triggered and beeing on a crusade now - haha pitifull
    sure you win? entitled maybe???

    Just because of this post i'm going to start teaching every single new person I meet every exploit I know... Well done! In fact I might even make an exploit video so the world can know them all! hahahaha

    please do! and link it here :D

    Am I sure you would call me a cheater and file a cheating report.... and no triggered just love wrecking on people like you to put you in your place... ohhh so you're a scuttlebot and even admit to it haha I bet you play xbox too

  • @pvekilla420 sagte in good sports!:

    @bugaboo-bill said in good sports!:

    @pvekilla420 sagte in good sports!:


    Great, i know that, therefore i made a post to be good sports.
    Not everyone is an egotistical botcher like you.
    If just one single player stops utilizing exploits to get advantages, i have done right!

    If I ever run into you i'm going to camp you until you rage quit or turn you into a scuttle bot...

    who cares? triggered and beeing on a crusade now - haha pitifull
    sure you win? entitled maybe???

    Just because of this post i'm going to start teaching every single new person I meet every exploit I know... Well done! In fact I might even make an exploit video so the world can know them all! hahahaha

    please do! and link it here :D

    Am I sure you would call me a cheater and file a cheating report.... and no triggered just love wrecking on people like you to put you in your place... ohhh so you're a scuttlebot and even admit to it haha I bet you play xbox too

    nah i'm on PC - the way you try to slighlty insult me as a noob and xboxer or PvE Lord or whatever is funny [mod edited]

  • @bugaboo-bill said in good sports!:

    @pvekilla420 sagte in good sports!:

    @bugaboo-bill said in good sports!:

    @pvekilla420 sagte in good sports!:


    Great, i know that, therefore i made a post to be good sports.
    Not everyone is an egotistical botcher like you.
    If just one single player stops utilizing exploits to get advantages, i have done right!

    If I ever run into you i'm going to camp you until you rage quit or turn you into a scuttle bot...

    who cares? triggered and beeing on a crusade now - haha pitifull
    sure you win? entitled maybe???

    Just because of this post i'm going to start teaching every single new person I meet every exploit I know... Well done! In fact I might even make an exploit video so the world can know them all! hahahaha

    please do! and link it here :D

    Am I sure you would call me a cheater and file a cheating report.... and no triggered just love wrecking on people like you to put you in your place... ohhh so you're a scuttlebot and even admit to it haha I bet you play xbox too

    nah i'm on PC - the way you try to slighlty insult me as a noob and xboxer or PvE Lord or whatever is funny - please continue bragging and putting me "into the right place" we are all laughing about entitled person here who likes to "ripp off butterflys wings" to then feel great and brag with his awesome skill about videogames rofl*

    please Master put me in the right place - Lets meet irl i would have fun with you :D

    [mod edited]

  • @pvekilla420

    mentally more like 6 or 7 maybe :D

    sorry i cant take you serious if you write things like this you are just a pitiful gamer to me who lacks love and self confidence - else you would not need to act like this and show empathy for your fellow players.
    You are like this streamer who feels great if he pwned some kids and rages when he loses and then it's the game, hitreg, lag or whatever, but never its own faults :D

    You know i'm allways on these forums? How do you, are you allways here too?

    what an argument - hahaha

  • @bugaboo-bill said in good sports!:


    mentally more like 6 or 7 maybe :D

    sorry i cant take you serious if you write things like this you are just a pitiful gamer to me who lacks love and self confidence - else you would not need to act like this and show empathy for your fellow players.
    You are like this streamer who feels great if he pwned some kids and rages when he loses and then it's the game, hitreg, lag or whatever, but never its own faults :D

    You know i'm allways on these forums? How do you, are you allways here too?

    what an argument - hahaha

    [mod edited]

    I feel like this topic just went off the rails so i'm going to end my input with I hope you all have a good day and remember! be good sports

  • @pvekilla420

    sorry dude - reported - you didn't read - i wrote mentally and this is more or less the proof of it.

    you already tried to threaten me with spawnkilling, you are the one who wrote stuff like:

    My entire game play style is server hopping looking for people who have been grinding for hours and hours just for me to take away their loot in seconds while spamming 'Rolls on deck laughing' using every exploit I can and enjoying every single second of it.

    I DONT CARE about being a 'good sport' in fact I think the idea of being one in a pirate game is actually hilarious.... If someone said to be in game I wasn't being a good sport because I used an exploit on them i'd clip it for memes and me and all my SOT friends would laugh over how native they are.

    If I ever run into you i'm going to camp you until you rage quit or turn you into a scuttle bot...

    Just because of this post i'm going to start teaching every single new person I meet every exploit I know... Well done! In fact I might even make an exploit video so the world can know them all! hahahaha

    [mod edit]

    now you start insulting me personally - great - i dont ask you to reflect yourself more, because i dont believe this is possible.
    this is beyond anything acceptable - please grow up - thanks

    btw i'm here since Alpha, so 4000 posts say nothing.

    @Rare-Community-Managers do me afavor lock the thread - it turned into personal insults only and it showed what part of the community is about.

    I wanted to point that out.

    We cant do anything about people like him, but i want you all to know they are here!

    nip it in the bud!

    because hippocrits are all over:

    I DONT CARE about being a 'good sport' in fact I think the idea of being one in a pirate game is actually hilarious....

    I hope you all have a good day and remember! be good sports

  • @bugaboo-bill

    Just an idiotic immature minority don't forget Bill, not the community.

  • @wagstr

    edited above int "part of the community"!

    you are right ofc - al i wanted to express is: dont "cheat", dont botcher, bungle, exploit or whatever - its not good sports and if you read my OP - i said that losing is mostly not the matter, losing to "cheaters" and unfair situations, losing to people botchering is what makes people sour losers.

    And i said that it isn't limited to PVP and peoeple exploiting, i made the example up about AI PvE as well when you feel "cheated" by the game and had no chance.

    anyway - i'm too idealistic - its the internet and 2020 - what did i ever expect other than that?!?

    please play fair and care for your fellow players!
    No my freedom is to do what i want!
    If it's fun to me to botcher and to own little kids and beginners and tell them they are bad noobs, let me do it this way!

    Great isnt it!?

  • @bugaboo-bill

    • it turned into personal insults only and it showed what the community is about.
      I wanted to point that out.

    This is an inherent result of the conversation you started. You're indirectly attacking a whole section of the playerbases personal character by saying how they should play. How is that better then talking about someone specifically?

  • @dekeita sagte in good sports!:


    • it turned into personal insults only and it showed what the community is about.
      I wanted to point that out.

    This is an inherent result of the conversation you started. You're indirectly attacking a whole section of the playerbases personal character by saying how they should play. How is that better then talking about someone specifically?

    in my initial post i said nothing about that. please quote.

    i said be good sports and dont "cheat", botcher, exploit or whatever is the right word in english!

    and i allways pointed out IMHO - in my humble opinion.

    i share my opinion, my intention was not to be a moralist, but to have people think over how to aproach the game.

    As i said if just one player rethinks this and maybe stop exploiting stuff i have done right!

    people who feel attacked are not my problem!

  • @bugaboo-bill

    It's people like that behaving the same way in the game that causes most of the new player threads on community toxicity. Most folk will kill you and sink your ship in a civilised manner.

  • Ahoy @bugaboo-bill @PVEkilla420,

    As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. I have moderated your post as it was not in accordance with these rules, failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


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