Add more stealing & looting content

  • Hi Pirates and Sea of Thieves Devs

    Thanks for an awesome game I adopted late.

    I see players talk about the lack of content, while there is also a concern about going of track by making a trading and fishing game etc.

    So I thought, why not stick to the basic premise about being a pirate that steals, plunders and loot.

    As of now players can sink other players and take their loot. But theres not much to show for it.

    So a suggestion to change the mechanics slightly so a player can steal and decorate their boat interior. From tables to cages, closets etc. Basically make the vanilla ship quite empty and bland. Then add unique interior and make it lootable (from players and NPCs) and usable. As such ships will sail around with more temporary content and the longest one alive will have the best looking ships and features. When the ship goes down, so does the items. Afterall, ships are a pirates temporary homes. And I for one would like to sometimes just hang around in the ship looking at its interior from pictures to cloth.

    As of now I find the game a bit to skin-feature dependent. Making things more limited and stealable, with sometimes useful features (that doesnt change balance. e.g. a chair or clothing closet with a mirror for posing), would add an interesting dimension to the pirating eco-system I think.


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  • @csethefather If this is technically possible, Rare should do it. What a fantastic idea.

    I love that it also subtly discourages scuttling without penalizing gameplay.

  • @prescafatty Thx for the reply and compliment. You are right. There could potentially be a small tradeoff for scuttling. So players would probably just have to rush out and steal all their stuff back, for fun. Someone somewhere could have that nice desk, with a black feather writing-pen and blue ink to compliment the table. But not for long :-)

  • @csethefather hey nobody forces you to turn in loot. Right now you can decorate your ship with gems or skulls.

  • @diabeuzpiekla There can only be so many skulls before it starts to look like the order of souls tent. And yes, thats fine. But if you prefer more decorative furniture you dont have any alternatives than skulls as decoration..

  • @csethefather This was one of my ideas i had called Adornments and Ornaments. It was part of a series of ideas of promting thieving by expanding on the in-session progressing structure.

    This and similar ideas can be found here in Community idea's Master List 2019.

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