The great sea beast

  • Ahoy ye scurvy dogs!
    I really love this game, but I have a hole in my heart for more monstrosity, hence my idea: Leviathan the great sea serpent. It could be a raid type of event, like the fort of the damned. To summon the great beast, you would have to sacrifice 3 megalodon meats (as it is the leviathan’s favourite feast) at a certain, predetmined spot. Once it has been summoned, its location could also appear on the map, so other players could join the fun. The encounter itself, would consist of the Leviathan’s body making a circle around your ship, trapping you in an “arena” where you have to fight yourself free. Abilities would include a kraken type bash with its tail, depositioning your ship, biting a good chunk out of your boat, and even breathing fire to ensure maximal chaos on board. It certainly would take a great deal of trickery, thievery and piratery to slay this legendary monster!

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  • Yes that’s a nice suggestion so than perhaps a new Leviathan Chest that gives a lot of XP and Gold with some extra loot after it’s defeat

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