New Event

  • Welcome to Flameheart's Fury! A weekly event that pits you up against other pirates to steal their loot, inflict them with curses and sink their ships. Be a true pirate to get your own skeletal curse!


    Every other month, this event will be started

    Stealing items means that they dug it up/found it

    Rewards for Stealing will come in tiers:

    1. 10,000 gold stolen: a basic skeleton, fueled by your greed.

    2. 50,000 gold stolen: a plant skeleton, wreathed in vines and given a new, matching hook.

    3. 100,000 gold stolen: a golden skeleton curse, basic and only a few parts of you are blessed with the gold you stole.

    4. 500,000 gold stolen: a golden skeleton curse, but you have gems and rings adorning you. A beauty to behold as your eyesockets are replaced with green gems like the gold hoarder himself, while an opulent crown is dawned upon your head. You showed Flameheart your passion, but don't expect him to treat you nicer!

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  • No one would dig up anything during this update. I know I wouldn't. Probably play Slime Rancher or Beautiful Katamari the whole month instead lol.

  • @pithyrumble yeah lol I'd get that, but I feel like it'll actually get people to pvp and steal from one another, not just make alliances and dig up things together, and i thought that making curses a reward for greed could be a cool way to do it.

  • @pithyrumble maybe they could also inscentivise completing missions with mutiple cosmetics or an xp bonus for completeing missions.

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