New Throwable item idea. The Venom Bomb

  • Ever since the fire bombs were introduced, people love the idea of throwable items. My new idea would be a Venom Bomb. It would essentially be a portable snake bite.

    What do you think?

  • 7
  • Nice idea. Would be a challenging one to balance though.

  • @porkns said in New Throwable item idea. The Venom Bomb:

    Nice idea. Would be a challenging one to balance though.

    How so? Is it because of the way the screen turns purple? If so, I can see your point

  • @coffeelight5545 Yeah, imagine someone just spams you with five of those. Gosh I hate the venom effect.

  • @mferr11

    Dont forget those 5 firebombs aswell. Burning acid bombs.
    Better have your pineapples at the ready.

  • How so? Is it because of the way the screen turns purple? If so, I can see your point

    @coffeelight5545 That and we wouldn't want combat to become just about who can throw the most number of bombs the fastest. Boarding battles would just become a splash-damage filled mess and normal combat would become less important.

    Something passive would work better imo. Smoke bombs could be great for disorientating opponents or for creating oppurtunities to hide/sneak away.

  • Nope, we take care of the game.

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