Fish Tank - Mini Game/Pet

  • Idea myself and @Beardageddon expanded on came up with.

    Ships have a fish tank to store a player caught fish.

    This can be used as a free pet for player that can't/don't want to buy a pet. Also it can be used as a crew mini game to look after a fish to grow it to a trophy size fish.

    Mini Game
    Looking after the fish (only works on the non-trophy fish size) it will grow in size to the trophy type.

    Growth rates and the bait used to feed it - will depend on the bait needed to catch it and its rarity. Eg very rare fish will take longer to grow as not to shortcut to catching a rare trophy type fish.

    A fish can be removed from / added to the tank at any time and used/sold as a normal. Once a fish is removed from tank any growth effort is lost - so no need to store progress on the fish - Grow progress can be stored on the fish tank while a fish in stored.

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  • Cool Idea but where would you put the tank?

    Also have you seen the size of some of the fish?
    Getting a Stormfish to a trophy size and still giving it room to move around would take up the entirety of a sloop.

    Not to mention having more than one fish in there.

  • @mysticmorrisinc i love the idea, its a pretty poo pet, so i think its perfect as a free pet, but even though its free its still awesome, especially if you can watch it grow. like you catch a fish at the start of the day and as the day goes on he grows into a full on trophy fish, at that point you either cool ole nemo to sell him or throw him back into the ocean. honestly this is the best pet idea i have ever seen, they would be crazy not to add this. i have seen people suggest pet fish before, but never seen the idea of being able to grow them. oh anddd if they really wanted to make money off it, they can do what warframe did and sell fish tank styles, so basically all the ornaments inside the fish tank, and the actual shape, or maybe even the placement of the fish tanks. ofcoarse you would have a starter tank that probs has nothing in it but water

  • @dreadpirate9200 plenty of room on the galleon, on the brig it could go on the wall next to the mission table, the one with a window, in the sloop we have a brig that does nothing. you could either remove the brig, or put it downstairs on the right wall, there is nothing there really, it could even go in the middle where the planks are, and the planks could be moved to the right side of the ship where nothing is. i have never seen a trophy storm fish, but who said it even needs to move, it could be a water trophy display. anyways i think their is enough room. the galleon has the whole bottom floor, and half the top floor.

  • @d4m0r3d Fair enough mate, especially with the brig on the sloop.

    If you've ever played animal crossing it could go in a similar 'trophy' tank they have on there. e.g. the sea bass

    But I just thought that as a "pet" you'd want to interact with it somehow.
    But I genuinely can't see anything wrong with what you are proposing. :)

  • Would cannonball hits be able to break your tank and cause you to lose your fish?

  • @hailsux i dont think cannonballs go through the ship

  • @d4m0r3d True, but you take damage when you are patching holes and such and a cannonball hits. I would think that would break a fragile fish tank.

  • @hailsux truee, maybe when it breaks it gives you a little bit of time to save your fishy, by putting him in a bucket of water, or maybe you just get to pick him up dead, so you can at least cook him and either eat him or sell him

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