Xbox live PC Console

  • Ok so I have a buddy that has a Xbox One. Im on PC. If he got SoT, would he be able to play with me if he DOES NOT have xbox live?

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  • @red-kool-aid943 Playing on Xbox consoles requires an active Xbox Live subscription.

  • Ok. Read somewhere that someone didnt have Live and got put in with pc players. Just wanted some truth the comment. Thanks!

  • Didnt have live on console that is. Thanks for the reply!!

  • @red-kool-aid943 Playing on PC doesn't require an Xbox Live subscription but Console does. Both can play together though and if you own a digital copy of the game you are able to play on either and your character, progress etc carries over between the two.

  • @goldseeker-gar said in Xbox live PC Console:

    @triheadedmonkey Which makes 0 sense if we have to pay to play sea of thieves each month then why does another group get to interact with us on the same service and not have to pay?

    Because pc gamers had access to the internet before Nintendo, Sony, and MS found a way to make you pay for it.

    SoT is a Win10 crossplay xbox game, which means we all can share this awesome game.

    /raise tankard

  • @goldseeker-gar
    I'm playing SoT in Win10, which is not under a subscription plan.

    Not my fault MS makes you pay a fee to play any xbox game on the internet.

    But crossplay brings us together to drink grog, play shanties, and have adventures together.

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