AweCoop: The Coolest Pirate

  • I was solo sloopin' running merchants voyages and got into some PvP. A duo brig crew had just sunk another brig and I moved in to practice my sword play.

    My sloop was boarded by none other than AweCoop, a quick footed sword aficionado and I was quickly cut down. After a couple of GG's I went on my way and had a couple new viewers in my Mixer stream. AweCoop and his friend had stopped by to check it out and dropped a few hundred thousand sparks for my stream. Now, Ive met some greasy, no mic bad sports who will spawn kill you just for the hell of it but AweCoop revived my faith in the respectful sportsmanship among pirates out there.

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  • @genericanalyst LUV YA MAN!

  • Watch his stream regularly. Good dude. BeardedGuysGaming turned me on to his stream.

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