Weapon change will have backlash

    1. If you wanted to stop people from double tapping, you could have just changed the swap amount by .50, 1 second was overkill.

    2. This literally feels like a forced separation between console and pc. Changing the amount of time it takes to swap form weapon to weapon does not even the playing field for Xbox players. Many things make up fps combat. Not just swapping guns to shoot rapid shots off. You have to account movement, you need to account flicking speed, dpi differences, input time, ping, hit box prediction, distance of drop off, usage of surroundings, etc.. It's not as simple as two taps are ruining SoT. If players do not have the acquired skill sets to pvp, then obviously they will die no matter what mechanics you put into play. You think the medium FPS console player is worried about two taps? No, because they know better than to sit still while shooting.

    3. If the weapon swap was nerved, why were the weapons nerfed too? You could have did one or the other.

    4. This slows the pace of combat down drastically, and it doesn't take a math degree to see that there will be a huge backlash in solo vs multi player instances. 2 decent shots will cream 1 person, because of that very factor of 1 second between moving, climbing, and swapping. It won't be 1 second for multiple people vs one person. It will be one person shoots against two, the other two already have reloaded gun, wait on the shot to go off and two shots come in while the other person waits on his gun to reload while walking.

    5. Skeletons will be a run to the water over an over, or use only your sword to fight deal, unless they have a gunpowder barrel. Then it will def be a find something to jump on, or run into the water fight, because there isn't enough time to get in front, run off, then turn around and shoot.

    6. A lot of people play this game for pve, I get that. A lot play it for both too. These kinds of changes strain the entire community. Catering to one side cause another side to leave. The server already aren't loaded with enough people as it is, or the people in general don't exist, I don't have the statistics on that, but it's not an appealing idea. You've officially divided the players without even doing the console or pc option yet.

    7. Banana healing, common sense, you'll just heal through shots, this is especially bad when the other side outnumbers you. So can we reduce the amount they heal for?

  • 13
  • Where is this huge backlash you write about?

  • @mc-leggers

    Ahoy there, I don't know if you've read the post by @MikeTheMutinous where he goes into more detail about the reasons for the changes made to the combat system and the intent behind them, he does say that this is the first of several tweaks which will be made.


    As mentioned previously, this is the first step in a re-evaluation of combat and we’re keen to assess the impact of these changes in this latest release. There are more changes planned… both for player AND ship combat, all with the goal of improving the combat experience across Adventure and Arena. Your feedback and thoughts as ever are greatly appreciated.

  • I kind of have to disagree with you matey. I love the new changes. They make the pvp actually last long enough for you to have to have good tactics and strategy. Before it was so imbalanced that there was literally no skill involved. Now, you actually have to have skills and understanding of what weapons to use and where. You need to make decisions on which weapons to have equipped based on what is happening around you. All of this make for much better balanced PvP.

    And quite honestly, the delay is not that bad at all. I barely even notice it.

  • I’m going to have to disagree to if I’m being honest, the weapons seem a lot more balanced for me personally and require more strategy and skill rather then just look and shoot.

    But like Katt said this is the first iteration so they will be taking feedback and will change accordingly im sure.

    But I don’t actually think the double gunning was stopped to help balance out Xbox specifically, it was a common complaint from a lot of people on both platforms.

  • @biter-wylie Multiple player combat, which happens extremely often. I explained exactly how it backfires up there.

  • Idk about backlash but all they did with this update was cater to people who were to lazy to weapon swap. i agree with the double gun changes that was broken. but as the devs stated themselves each weapon should have specific uses which they did, people were just to lazy/silly to swap out when they needed a different weapon and got caught in a bad situation without the proper equipment and then they go and complain about it. Look at how the meta is now everyone is just blunder sword and the sniper and pistol are irrelevant you know the things that were supposed to have situational uses.

  • @zappiboi The weapons were not balanced to give them their situational uses. The fact that you could hipfire a sniper rifle and have it be as accurate as if you’d scoped is a prime example. This made the Sniper an excellent CQB weapon - which it shouldn’t have been. This fixes that.

  • @knifelife The sword requires more skill now....? Ummm the sword is the most faceroll OP weapon this game has seen so far. Legit just walk at people spamming left click and you will win 90% of your fights without any strat hell you can even blind fold yourself and still win. Anyone who doesn't have a sword out will get stun locked and because you don't slow down when you miss a swing people can't actually get away.

    New meta is sword/pistol no questions.

  • Backlash doesn't have to show immediately, what you guys thought a same day result would happen? No, I bet you this one change causes people to quit, because it's dry and bores the whole aspect of the games combat mechanics.

    I never once said anything about hip firing accuracy being good, nor did I say anything about double tapping being a good idea, I simply said lower the swap time, and kill off the the issue with trying to use it while sprinting and climbing. What kind of combat are people trying to have? It's not even fun, what skill set is applied by a sword that one shots, and one v ones based on people having to literally walk or stand still to get to aim their weapons? There is absolutely no skill in that. You might as well just keep rolling to your banana stash to see who has the most and let that decide for you.

  • Anyway, a few of us plan on focusing more on other games, this game has alot of potential, and would be a great mix of pve/pvp, but the fact is, people like me, who play other games with fast paced, quick on your feet mechanics, won't be able to get into this game any further now. Hopefully they come out with some fix that brings everyone on the same page, till then my peeps..Good luck!

  • Oh boy, last week its was the optional crossplay, this week its the weapons. We get it, the balance is still not there where it should be, but we on a good way with this new update to it.

    Yes, the Sword buff might be a bit too much in adition to the gun nerfs but, the developers already said that they will tweak the balance even more.

    Personaly i completly agree with, what they did with the EoR and balanced it the way, that it is not just a more powerfull pistol at all.

    But more important, above all this complaining from the recent Gun nerfs is that some People should really stop treat SoT like a Pirate Themed FPS shooter and play it more like what it really is, a Online Pirate Adventure where you dont have the mindset just to jump into the Game to shooting everything on sight while talking sh*t into your Mic.
    One look alone at the subreddit from SoT at the moment is just enough tho understand how some People treating this game, and that makes me personally really sad, me whoes liked the game for its Original Vision.

    Dont get me wrong here, im all in for some good PvP fights, but i do not want to spend anymore time with the Meta it was pre-Patch, because there its just was only a bunnyhoper Shooter, when i want to play this type of Game, i go to play something else and not SoT.

  • I had a little time last night to try the new system.

    Firstly - I suck. I need to relearn combat big time. The swordplay changes have worked in terms of getting people to use swords, but they've just changed the meta to stunlock spam instead of DG spam. Fights are still too fast, although the pace has slowed down. I did get 1 or 2 good sword fights so I think it's headed in the right direction, just maybe not quite there yet.

    My suggestion for improvement - allow blocking while being stunlocked to cancel the stun but not the damage. So if you hold block after being stunned it allows you to move/change weapons/jump. I honestly think I might just need to practice and get better with my Blunder shots too though (not really used a blunder since launch)

    EoR - I love the changes. No complaints.

    Ready up time after sprinting - can't say this effected me badly. Just make sure and land that first shot, had no issues with GP skeletons. DR might be a different story, but so far I don't agree that it is a big issue, just takes a little getting used to.

    Switching between sword and gun seems fine. I am having to relearn my tactics a little bit. So far I think things are moving in the right direction with combat but we're not there yet. Stunlock spam is an issue that needs addressing, it's no less frustrating than being double gunned, maybe give stuns diminishing returns?

7 out of 13