Rum Bottles & Rum Crates

  • Something I just mentioned in another post, that I think needs to have some light shed upon.

    I’d like to suggest that we have the option to purchase individual Bottles of Rum from the Taverns as another form of drink to the game, that has an extra charge of let’s say.... 5-10 Golden pieces?

    You can also purchase a second option, which would be to buy a Crate of Rum, which you can bring on board to your ship, or share around with others in the tavern or on your travels.

    This crate would be different than the crate that you get from the merchants alliance, since this crate doesn’t have a desitination labeled on it’s side, it would be of no value... so there’s no “Buy a crate, sell a crate.”

    I think this would add a good social experience to the game.

    And, Rum... Rum is important. Because Rum.

    You could even expand on this. Make it to where it’s harder to get drunk off of Grog, while as one bottle of Rum will make you wasted.

    Too much rum will not only make you go loopy, but you have a chance of your screen blacking out for 25-30 seconds, and it forces you into the “Sleep” emote for 8-10 seconds following the “blackout”.

  • 9
  • Honestly, I thought this was going to be implemented into the game by now, due to the fact that before the game was released to the public, one of the Lasses at the Tavern’s who’s tending the bar mentions how they have yet to receive a Rum supply shipment.

    Look, that shipment has been a year too late now, it’s time these folks just learn to brew their own!

  • Too much rum will not only make you go loopy, but you have a chance of your screen blacking out for 25-30 seconds, and it forces you into the “Sleep” emote for 8-10 seconds following the “blackout”.

    I regularly drink rum playing SOT and this has yet to happen to me XD

    Okay, maybe the "loopy" part :P

  • @realstyli

    Right? But what I find interesting (which is me being nitpicky, but hey..)

    Is that Grog, is literally just watered down beer, yet three tankards full and you’re puking all over the place?

    Pfft. Lol

  • @cappjacksparrow Agreed, #becauserum.....

  • @cappjacksparrow said in Rum Bottles & Rum Crates:


    Right? But what I find interesting (which is me being nitpicky, but hey..)

    Is that Grog, is literally just watered down beer, yet three tankards full and you’re puking all over the place?

    Pfft. Lol

    I'm Irish... the thought of watered-down beer is enough to make me puke XD

  • @cappjacksparrow said in Rum Bottles & Rum Crates:


    Right? But what I find interesting (which is me being nitpicky, but hey..)

    Is that Grog, is literally just watered down beer, yet three tankards full and you’re puking all over the place?

    Pfft. Lol

    Lol... lightweights.

  • @realstyli said in Rum Bottles & Rum Crates:

    @cappjacksparrow said in Rum Bottles & Rum Crates:


    Right? But what I find interesting (which is me being nitpicky, but hey..)

    Is that Grog, is literally just watered down beer, yet three tankards full and you’re puking all over the place?

    Pfft. Lol

    I'm Irish... the thought of watered-down beer is enough to make me puke XD

    Haha yeah no kidding. Damn Americans and their Budweiser.

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