Friends being able to join same server in future?

  • From today's stream... should keep a lot of PvE people happy, I guess?

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  • @realstyli This is good news indeed, especially for those that want to host community events!

  • The good news is, it's on the radar. So likely it will happen eventually. The bad news is, it's not something they're looking at in the immediate future. So we wait...

  • Probably private servers.

    Otherwise I could enter in a server where 5 crews are in a alliance talking between them and my crew is alone.

  • What is this "Skull Ball" Captain Neate speaks of? Sounds intriguing.

  • @guepard4 said in Friend being able to join same server in future? It's on the roadmap:

    Probably private servers.

    Otherwise I could enter in a server where 5 crews are in a alliance talking between them and my crew is alone.

    Sounds like a good time

  • @barnacle-blake dijo en Friend being able to join same server in future? It's on the roadmap:

    @guepard4 said in Friend being able to join same server in future? It's on the roadmap:

    Probably private servers.

    Otherwise I could enter in a server where 5 crews are in a alliance talking between them and my crew is alone.

    Sounds like a good time

    My character is not that kind of lady!

  • @jonaldinho said in Friend being able to join same server in future? It's on the roadmap:

    What is this "Skull Ball" Captain Neate speaks of? Sounds intriguing.

    I can only imagine...

    Chests for goal markers, run with a skull and try to get to the other team's goal?

    I wonder where the best island for that is?

  • @realstyli said in Friend being able to join same server in future? It's on the roadmap:

    @jonaldinho said in Friend being able to join same server in future? It's on the roadmap:

    What is this "Skull Ball" Captain Neate speaks of? Sounds intriguing.

    I can only imagine...

    Chests for goal markers, run with a skull and try to get to the other team's goal?

    I wonder where the best island for that is?

    Ahhh. Maybe Wanderer's Refuge? One team anchors at the north end, the other at the south end. Skull is place in the middle of the island. First team to board the other crew's ship with the skull wins?

  • It’ll be a long way off.
    Much like being able to change your ship size mid game.

  • More than 4 friends in a same server :D sounds like good times.

  • I know that this was mentioned long time back as an answer to a question at panel discussion. Like @Musicmee said it is great news indeed. Especially to hear it again and know it has not been forgotten. Being able to do community events with this option would be so awesome.

    It is an greatly needed option to the game and should not take forever. It would make the seas a much happier place with more family and friends playing together now. Absolutely no reason to be only on private servers either.

    The one thing we need in addition with this option is the ability to change ships without ending a play session. So, we can accommodate crew sizes as players come and go, and as we meet new pirates along our voyages.

  • @guepard4 said in Friend being able to join same server in future? It's on the roadmap:

    Probably private servers.

    Otherwise I could enter in a server where 5 crews are in a alliance talking between them and my crew is alone.

    If I had that Alliance mate, we would not let you sail alone. As the song says we shall say together.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    You may be a friendly pirate but many groups out there wouldn't be. There's enough complaints about "toxic" players sinking people can you imagine what it'd be like if fleets of friends are able to join the same public server.

    Also it'd be annoying as hell to be having a battle then when the other crew starts losing they call in reinforcements at the drop of a hat.

    It imo needs to be private servers which I'm fine with

  • So Rare is going to go ahead and make the private PVE servers legit? Wow, you casual pvers sure have it all going for you!

    Pirate Legend (the only progression goal in the game) will become so irrelevant it should come with a *.

    • Pirate Legend that avoided all PvP

    Once this ludicrous addition comes to the game, there should be a name change.

    Sea of Cuddles

  • Anyone that's been paying attention to the things they've been saying already knew this was something they're interested in adding in the future. They've said it before.

    There's just been a lot of angst-ridden rhetoric from some people that have been trying to build more and more animosity for people that would want such a thing. Meanwhile, as I said, anyone that has been listening to the developers already knew they weren't against this.

    I've been wondering how/what they'll do - whether it is just the option to join servers with multiple crews or if it will enter more into the realm of private servers and such.

  • Title is inaccurate. They literally said it's NOT ON THE ROADMAP.

    They understand the benefits and desirability of this and while the clip doesn't suggest they are concerned about the way this could be abused, I'm sure they understand this.

    Don't get your hopes up, carebears.

  • @himwhoeatstime said in Friend being able to join same server in future? It's on the roadmap:

    Title is inaccurate. They literally said it's NOT ON THE ROADMAP.

    Not on the IMMEDIATE roadmap, yes, that's exactly what Joe said. But it is on the roadmap for the future.

    (Apologise if it was misleading to you but I've been awake for over 30 hours and I'm at the end of a 13 hour work shift... but it's not inaccurate)

  • He said, "It's not on our IMMEDIATE road map", for those with willful comprehension issues... and immediately followed that with, "but, in the future, we definitely want to , kind of, enable this...". He also followed that by saying they "definitely want to do that" two more times within that 1 minute response.

    Oh wait, what did I say about angst-ridden rhetoric against this stuff? :D

    Carry on!

  • To avoid controversy, I've removed that part of the title. Not in the mood to argue over semantics. There's enough toxicity today.

  • @pdt-mindstream We all want alot of things. Wanting it and realizing the benefits of it are a far cry from it being a certainty.

    It's a hard thing, you're asking. This would allow people to set up numbers advantage so easily or to easily create a safe and private ocean. That is too easily abused to consider.

    Most likely it'll be something Rare staff and special privileged people like streamers, YouTubers and other community representatives can do. Only a few people would be able to create a server with custom rules and such, to further promote and build community. If they abuse it, they lose the privilege.

    I highly doubt we'll ever get to join servers with our friends and quickly get a numbers advantage in Adventure mode. As I said, don't get your hopes up.

    Perhaps special sessions of Arena mode could be set up such that multiple ships play against multiple enemy ships where each side is chosen ahead of time, instead of random. This would achieve everything the clip mentions, as potential events and uses.

    However, I would bet Arena mode will have progression in some fashion and letting people openly fight the same other team, over and over would let them farm Arena points without facing real competition.

  • @x-crowheart-x dijo en Friends being able to join same server in future?:

    @guepard4 said in Friend being able to join same server in future? It's on the roadmap:

    Probably private servers.

    Otherwise I could enter in a server where 5 crews are in a alliance talking between them and my crew is alone.

    If I had that Alliance mate, we would not let you sail alone. As the song says we shall say together.

    Yah well, but I would attack you. haha

  • setting up your own custom arena matches would be so great... a stream I might actually pay attention to.

  • @jonaldinho @RealStyli I can’t tell if you guys are joking or not haha

    But maybe Cpt @SirioNDB can explain the concept and rules. If memory serves I do believe it was him and his fleet who created it.

  • @targasbr said in Friends being able to join same server in future?:

    It already feels like that most of the time I play and end up facing down 2-3 Ships that you can't tell are "Together" but you certainly find out quick the moment the first Shot is fired.

    I've gone in-depth into my thoughts before, albeit with very little support from the 'usual suspects' on the forums., on how I'd personally approach the Mechanical Design of allowing more Players / Crew., while taking a careful stance to not make such a System an even greater Handicap to smaller Crews, as well as Addressing the current "Server Invasion" Exploitation that's occurring.

    The key problem that Rare first have to get over however is their unwillingness to actually design handicaps or cons for the Systems they implement.

    I mean I recall at launch when they chose not to have Crew Loot equally Divided because "Why would anyone then Sail as a Galleon Crew and not Solo?"., and a similar expression was aired with the introduction of Alliances, hence the 50% Turn-In Value for all Alliance Crews except the Turn-In Crew.

    Because they don't want people to see Alliances as "Pointless"., but that's frankly a core issue with how they go about Designing new or expanded Systems for the Game.

    And here's the thing... Alliances like Crews should've been viewed first and foremost as a "Safety Net"., as well... it is Easier, Safer and more Efficient to be in a Galleon Crew of 3-4 Players., than a Sloop Crew of 1-2 Players.

    That's where said Value Stems from... but this MUST be balanced against the Reward.
    Would some people chose to play as Solo Sloop Players because you can keep 100% of the Loot Rewards for yourself?

    Well sure., because there will always be more Hardcore Players who only care about their personal Profitability and Progression.
    Yet that's why you build Content that is designed to be "Normal" Difficulty for more Players and / or Ships to Engage with... this wouldn't prevent High-Skill Players from engaging Solo should they chose (unlike Mermaid Statues, as a Ruby is literally impossible Solo) but it wouldn't mean people would see Larger Crews / Alliances as "Useless" or "Pointless" if there was Content that frankly made it necessary for more Avg. Skill Players to be in said Groups.

    I mean keep in mind that Time-to-Completion can be a big factor in the Rewards.
    A Skeleton Fort (for example), might take 15-20min for a Crew of 4+ … where-as it takes between 25-40min for a Crew of 1-2.
    The reward at the end stays (assuming the senseless RNG Reward System plays ball) at ~18,000G as the Reward... but said above Time-to-Completion dramatically changes the Gold and Reputation / Hour that can be realistically Earned; especially for Smaller Crews, because you can't Speed Run., you can't Leave your Ship Unguarded for Extended Periods., etc.

    These might not be immediately obvious benefits, but they are ones that people do begin to think about and consider when they play in Larger Groups; as they will compare the Value and Efficiency of Working Together as opposed to Separately.

    In fact I'd argue the very Mechanics of the Alliance System as it stands is a Driving Factor behind Server Invasions. As., a Server Wide Alliance; aside from the fact that it provides a perfectly "Safe" Environment, also provides Bonus Rewards.

    There is literally ZERO downside to engaging in such, apart from maybe frustrating those whom you've chased off of said Server; which while sure I'll hear those engaging in such as a "Well we offer Compensation"., realistically said Players don't care beyond the Optics of not causing a major enough fuss as to have people on the Forums demanding said Exploitation be removed; as they're with their Friends / Community.

    The same is true for those who claim they do it to have "Player Run Events" where they create their own Sandbox Entertainment... eh, sure I guess; but IF you HAVE to go through so much effort just to engage in something the Game isn't really designed to do, but instead can only be achieved via Exploitation of the Systems, then really why the heck are you playing the Game IF it's no longer holding your attention with the Core Gameplay it offers.

    Yet these are the SAME dang people who'll jump down your throat the moment you suggest that Sea of Thieves isn't the most perfect game that has ever been created in the History of Gaming.

    Well, which one of us is ACTUALLY playing the game that Rare Created?
    Sea of Thieves isn't a "Sandbox" or more aptly "Playground", but merely an Open Adventure... the Open Nature of said Adventure means that it has the potential for Emergent Interaction between Players and the Persistent Unpredictable World.

    It isn't merely a set of Tools to determine your own Fun., but rather allows you (or should be) to devise creative solutions in order to tackle the Engagements / Objectives; be it with Players or Environment.

    Minecraft is a great example of a Sandbox and Open Adventure Game., as Creative Mode is the Sandbox... you have the Tools and Rules of the World to work within, but you can create almost anything you can imagine; where-as Adventure Mode, well while you don't have to engage in the actual Adventure of Reaching the Nether, to Get to the End and well save the world; and how you go about achieving said goal (and pace) is entirely up to you, even heck as far as discovering that such is even a goal in the first place … it doesn't mean it's a Sandbox Game in Adventure Mode.

    While it was (once upon a time) common to refer to Open / Persistent Adventure Worlds as "Sandbox" Experiences., because you had a certain amount of Freedom to Complete the Game however you wanted to... they were never true Sandboxes.

    GMod is a Sandbox. VRChat is a Sandbox. GTA Online is a Sandbox. Roblox is a Sandbox.
    Why? Because there are no objectives or designed engagement, it's entirely Player Driven through their own Creativity to CREATE the Experience for each other.

    This frankly typically turn such 'Games' into pure Anarchy., oft requiring Heavy Moderations to keep some semblance of civility between the Players.
    Sea of Thieves as hopefully I've driven home by now, is an Open Experience; that means where the Player-Driven Engagement occurs is in the Conflict between the Path that Crews have chosen to take... and their Decisions on how handle said Conflicts.

    This is something that I don't believe the Community as a whole, or even Rare really understands that well... as frankly I don't believe that either even understand PEOPLE that well.

    It's like those people who live their entire lives on Social Media today., who believe themselves to be "Social" People... you're not. Social Media isn't Socialising., but rather is just Social Engagement.
    This is why people on such are not Themselves., but rather behave in quite Sociopathic Egotistical manifestations of themselves.

    Twitter is a Social Sandbox... the result of such is that it is just Cancerous, Anarchistic, Social Interaction; with concepts like "Hate Speech" being used as a means to try to get such platforms under-control; but such doesn't resolve the foundational problem, but instead actually exacerbates it.

    While a lot of this might seem to have set sail off on a completely different topic, it's of absolute paramount importance that people UNDERSTAND driving forces behind Systems.

    As you need to understand such concepts., as well as consider … "What experience is the Game supposed to actually have?"., as I tell you this; the Game that Rare keep claiming they want to have and what we actually have with their updates is quite schizophrenic.

    You don't add features that Players are constantly demanding., because the reality is they don't know what they ACTUALLY want... nor are thinking about such concepts in regards to how it'll work with the flow of the game that exists.
    Heck, most are going to be thinking in purely selfish terms of what will improve THEIR own experience and approach; which in an Open Experience could be one of a dozen approaches.

    Instead what needs to be listened to is the tone and core concepts of what is being asked for. At the most basic concept WHAT are people actually seeking?
    I mean look at the Alliance System, all people really wanted was a way to tell who the heck they'd decided to Adhoc Team up with and a means to communicate with them.

    That's it.
    You know how this was resolved in Real-Life?
    You flew agreed upon Colours that represented said "Faction" that were easy to spot... when the Alliance System was first added Ship Customisation was., eh well it existed; but it was hardly Comprehensive... it still isn't.

    Seriously, Sails and Flags are amongst the quickest and easiest content to add... WHY do we have so few? A single Artist could be assigned to simply keep producing them., knocking out a dozen or so each update.

    Heck, a fairly quite to implement Unreal Material that uses Layered System of Icons...
    Say 12 Icons (1 Foreground, 1 Background, Background Colour; again say 12 Hue Colours)., well instantly with fairly little work; you could have an "Alliance" Flag with about 1,700 different combinations.

    Said Flags need to be at least 2X the size they are (to actually be noticeable., and omitted from the Standard Distance LOD Occlusion)

    Done... that's all the Alliance System needed.
    Instead we have Ship Tracking., the silly Shared Rewards., etc.
    Heck, Friendly Fire was even disabled; which frankly should've been extended to Crews.
    It adds a bit of Spice to Cluster-muck situations.

    And this is my issue with a lot of this stuff... it's not that Rare don't think it through per se, but rather that it's like they just don't understand how people play, interact or what they really want.

    I mean it's like a Child... you don't give them what they want, you give them what they need.

  • This is Skull Ball
    Skull Ball Highlights

    It is a community event/game from @SirioNDB , the people of Fortune Pirate Union and some of the other fleets/crews.

  • WOOT! Yes, would make player run community events much easier! Certainly something that needs to be kicked around a bit more, I can wait till more pro's and con's come out to be discussed. A good step forward.

  • @guepard4 said in Friends being able to join same server in future?:

    @x-crowheart-x dijo en Friends being able to join same server in future?:

    @guepard4 said in Friend being able to join same server in future? It's on the roadmap:

    Probably private servers.

    Otherwise I could enter in a server where 5 crews are in a alliance talking between them and my crew is alone.

    If I had that Alliance mate, we would not let you sail alone. As the song says we shall say together.

    Yah well, but I would attack you. haha

    Thank you for letting your true intentions and interests be known. Will always have a stack of cannonballs waiting for you then. Happy sailing!

  • @leyvin Dude, I just got up from the chair to applaud. As I read your text, I had to stand up and applaud. You should create a topic with this text, everyone in the community deserves (and should) read. I admit to disagreeing with Friendly Fire, but who cares about this now?

    I take my hat off for you. It may not be of great importance, but you earned my respect.

  • @leyvin or maybe Rare just wanted to let players set their own goals and think that uniting a server in peace and harmony is a goal they want to allow players to strive for.

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Friends being able to join same server in future?:

    This is Skull Ball
    Skull Ball Highlights

    It is a community event/game from @SirioNDB , the people of Fortune Pirate Union and some of the other fleets/crews.

    That looks like a blast! So much fun to watch. :)

  • Cant wait, I dont have enough friends to fill a sever but two galleons Vs the server sounds amazing. Opens alot of doors

  • If someone mentioned friendly servers when the game first came out, I would’ve been opposed to it. However, now that the ranking system and money system is basically corrupt via exploited servers, I am in favor of joining servers where everyone is automatically in an alliance. We shouldn’t have to join discord to manipulate the game.

    While I’m at it, we shouldn’t have to buy a pc to gain competitive advantages.

    While I’m at it, the voting system in politics is corrupt. Also, at least a COUPLE conspiracies are real. I mean if you can’t admit that reality isn’t exactly the way you think it is, then you’re... eh who cares these tacos are DELICIOUS!

  • @leyvin dijo en Friends being able to join same server in future?:

    the reality is they don't know what they ACTUALLY want... nor are thinking about such concepts in regards to how it'll work with the flow of the game that exists.
    Heck, most are going to be thinking in purely selfish terms of what will improve THEIR own experience and approach

    Despite disagreeing in the reward rebalance for smaller crews and the friendly fire topics, I share pretty much your opinion dude. Hell, I'm starting to think that nearly the entire forum these days is about asking for a personal service despite giving feedback to improve the game, and a lot of that "feedback" could get quite the opposite.

    With the last waves of people that say that what they want is "needed", I'm starting to feel pretty concerned about the future of this game if some of the features hit live servers in the way they're being requested...

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