Unskilles players in this game

  • Ok so imma just point this out, there are so many players in this game that are just full on [Mod edited]. for example the amount of times im on a solo sloop newish players and a pirate legend gallion rolls up taking me out, 4 members of which are using the blunderbuss and cant aim otherwise, which i know because i was swimming in the water and all of them missed their shots with flintlocks. Another example is those being boosted by pirate legends, also [Mod edited] players. I think separate servers should be made for certain ships. so sloop servers, brig servers and so on.

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  • May i ask by what do you mean with " Those boosted by Pirate Legends"? A Pirate Legend is just as strong as a Level 1 , New Pirate ...But i guess you mean something different...

  • @shadowninja136

    Ahoy there, it sounds very much as if you're describing an experience you've just had on the seas and are understandably somewhat frustrated, no pirate enjoys losing their loot!

    I'd also mention here that there is no difference in ability between new and Legendary pirates other than the experience they've gained on the seas.

    However, the forum rules clearly state that derogatory language towards other members of the Community is not permitted

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    I've edited your post accordingly and wish ye better luck in yer next voyage!

  • @shadowninja136 Ahoy matey, I'm sorry you had a bad experience on the seas. It is indeed true that a pirate who has terrible aim with a flintlock, might be able to kill you in close range with a blunderbuss. It's not really hard to do, since it's a matter of making sure the player is right in front of you.

    As for "boosted" Pirate Legends, there is no such thing. By that I mean: everyone is on a level playing field. Everyone has the same amount of tools and everyone is matched up against anyone. Sometimes that means you'll find players better than you. Next time around you'll be the one to be feared out on the seas, though!

  • @clumsy-george I mean in terms fo those that are cleary more experienced in the game and are just there to boost their friends :) i understand it might be fun to play with a high level player but you dont then learn anything yourself if you get what i mean

  • @katttruewalker i apologise for the inconvenience, and it wasnt over my loot its just the fact that a gallion has so many advantages compared to a sloop, and they take advantage of that, hence why i mentioned the separate
    servers :\

  • @shadowninja136

    I hear ye, I sail mostly duo sloop myself and I know that it can really be a challenge sometimes to outwit the larger ships if we're not paying attention to that horizon.

    There's been a lot of advice on the forums for sloop pirates, which is too much to quote here so I'll link you one of the threads, also if you ever feel the need the Piratical Training Academy are happy to sail with anyone and share their wisdom and experience.



    Once again, I'll wish ye luck and fair winds on the seas, mate :)

  • @katttruewalker thank you and i do have a problem with my anger, i ahve severe anger issues, so its either i take it out verbally which is not fair on others i shall admit which has got me perma banned in Overwatch or physically by punching things, neither of which are a good way. but sorry once again and have a good day and thank you for the links :)

  • @shadowninja136 You too, my friend :)

  • Well technically a pirate legend could boost some new players. Low level players have access to low level voyages, which will yield mostly lower level loot. However level 50 voyages will yield more high level loot, like captains chests and more golden animals on the shopping list. More gold == more exp == faster leveling up.

    So in a way a legend could boost new players. ;)

  • First: It is simple to outsmart/outplay galleons on a sloop if you know what to do. Complaining and raging in anger isnt the right way to deal with the situation. instead you should ask yourself what you can do better next time, but i guess that is harder than simply complaining. Sadly a lot of people are this way when i look into the forums.

    Second: New Players will learn the game way faster when sailing with someone experienced, since they dont need to play hundreds of hours to figur out tactics and how to approach situations.

  • @ghostfire1981 said in Unskilles players in this game:

    Well technically a pirate legend could boost some new players. Low level players have access to low level voyages, which will yield mostly lower level loot. However level 50 voyages will yield more high level loot, like captains chests and more golden animals on the shopping list. More gold == more exp == faster leveling up.

    So in a way a legend could boost new players. ;)

    This is what he meant and maybe the advantage the crew might have with a skilled legend onboard.

  • About Sea of Thieves:
    "Exotic islands. Hidden treasures. Riddles, battles and shanties. The essential pirate experience.
    Sea of Thieves is a new type of MULTIPLAYER GAME that delivers all you need to live the free-roaming pirate life. Whether adventuring as a group or sailing solo, YOU'LL ENCOUNTER OTHER CREWS... but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?
    " - Source HERE

    Also, I recommend you reading my post HERE about servers and other stuff

  • No, we do not need to separate servers by ship. what we need is better netcode and an increase to the player ship count as the stability is there and more regions are added down the line.

    If new players are willing to learn they will be learning from the more experienced player on the ship that will organically be designated the captain of the ship even with an open crew.

    Point people to the likes of The Old Salts, they are a fleet of people setup to teach new players and refresh the skills of those that are coming back or just point them to the community or official discord servers as well if they are willing and able to use that for not only LFC but proper comms with a more experience crew to learn from.

    The tools are out there, they need to be directed to them and to learn to use the search tools available to them.

    Also what you are mistaking for as "boosting" is actually called carrying. This is not a new concept and has been done in other games where the top player of a team carries the rest because they need to and or have no other options in certain situations if they are not willing to just leave to find similar skilled players to play with.

  • @ghostfire1981 that is my point exactly :P

  • @capndeath you are correct :D

  • @shadowninja136

    If at any point you'd like the thread locked, then feel free to post the request in here.

  • @dennis-box for one, its not easy to out smart when you re stuck at the edge of a fort and can barely move and two, they are not learning by sitting there letting the pirate legends do the work and just camping on cannons and using blunderbusses, that is not called learning. there is a clip of summit1g saying he doesnt like playing with pro's or more experienced players because he wants to LEARN himself.

  • @katttruewalker honestly have no idea what it means :P

  • @shadowninja136
    Why did u get stuck there in the first place? When u have the anchor up and face a direction without some hindrances in front of you then there should be no problem if someone is coming.
    I dont care what summit1g says tbh. If you can get tactics and tipps by observing better players, go for it. Thats way faster than ruling out every possibility by yourself. Some people may prefer to figure things out themselves, but it will take way longer than copying whats already working.

  • @shadowninja136

    It just means if we can close the thread if you feel the subject has had enough replies.

  • @dennis-box because i was taking out a sloop that was there :) and then a gallion popped up around the side so :)

  • @katttruewalker ill let people debate it among themselves and then we can close it later :)

  • @katttruewalker thanks for the help again, and sorry for being a toxic boio :P

  • @Shadowninja136
    Ships never "pop up" out of thin air, well maybe upon spawning. But since they traveled to you they should have been visable (except from storm/fog). So you focused to much on that static oponent close to the fort (gj by taking that one out) and forget to scout enough.
    You can always find flaws in every attempt and strategy. You just have to look for them and try to improve. Every time you sink u have probably misplayed. Thats the mindset every player should have. Following the attempt to improve.

  • I disagree. I do not think there is a need for separate servers for different ships. How boring would that be? Always spotting the same ship.

  • @shadowninja136 SO you are upset about being attacked at a fort? Oh god... Its a game man. Someone stays and watches the ship if your smart. Blunderbusses are good ship weapons. Your screwed if your holding one on the island or in water and confronted. Stop whining, there is a balance to everything. Tomorrow you might clear 3 forts and a post is a complete 180 of your nancy one above. Thats the awesome thing about this game.

  • @bergatron25 ok so i am saying we were fighting a sloop at the fort and a gali came from the otherside of the island and got us. and blunderbusses are "good ship weapons" because they are over powered, blunderbusses are the only gun you can one shot with, not even the sniper can. if you think there is skill in the blunderbuss id love to know where.

  • @shadowninja136 Just to clarify some things just to help you understand the way to game works. I'm assuming you are relatively new to the game judging by your replies. If you are not then I apologize for my assumption but my advice will still be helpful.

    First off - Boosting in this game really has no merit on gamer experience nor does it really hurt the game in any way. Granted personally I believe its too easy to level up from how it was back in the day.....remembering the old days of chicken caging and feeding pigs that seem to never shut up....throwing a few overboard because you just had enough....watching others drown..... You know what that just isn't healthy and I'll get therapy for it some other time. But all in all boosting shouldn't effect anything really.

    Secondly - New players do learn from playing with Pirate Legends. Its more ask questions, watch, learn, and listen type deal. Then once they build our trust that they understand mechanics we let them do the boarding, the fighting, the off ship stuff basically. They learn like everyone else does. I'm more of a spartan type. I tell people to check out the cannon by climbing into it, then without telling them I shoot them towards the other boat and tell them to fight it out :). I also lecture my guys pretty hard when mistakes are made. I'm lucky that my crew understands that I'm just trying to help them get better, it also helps that when I myself make a mistake I call myself out on it and I'm harder on myself than I am with my crew.

    3rd - Blunderbuss is not really a ship weapon. Blunderbuss is the noob weapon. Any ship we come across that is using the blunderbuss we laugh at. Its mean but its true. Blunderbuss does take a lot of skill to use but if you are that good with a blunderbuss that means you would be even better with a rifle. Blunderbuss you have to be point blank, as long as you keep moving and keep at least 1 character length away from the enemy, blunderbuss won't do much. So the fact that crew was using a blunderbuss means you should have been able to take them out easy.

    4th - You got stuck doing a fort? This is the part where I lecture you for your mistakes.

    1. If you are at a fort you are at a contested event. Always check your surroundings periodically. Be aware of how far away a ship is.

    2. Always have your boat in a position to leave immediately if or when the need arises. Since you got stuck you can only blame yourself for what happen.

    3. Galleons are not all that awesome against sloops. Since you were solo they are indeed going to be troublesome, however, galleons can't stop you from leaving and if the galleon took over the raid instead of chasing you thats all the better to turn around and sink it.

    Since you got caught at the fort, its really not the games fault for what happen to you. Its because you got complacent and comfortable. This game is in a constant stage of PvP.

    Someone linked you some info on how to solo sloop. At that point its more on learning what to do under which circumstances.

    Good luck man

  • @shadowninja136 Welcome to the Seas.

    This game can be very frustrating. Some times it just isn't fair.

    Most experienced players will have a plan before they even get close enough for you to know they're coming for you. A lot of fights are won or lost before the first shot is even fired.

    The only thing you can do in that situation is to think about how they beat you and make better preparations against that strategy in the future. It's not as flashy a reward as a hold full of treasure but it's how you get better.

    Next time somebody tries that tactic, if you have learned from it, you'll be better prepared. Eventually, you'll have enough tactics of your own under your belt that you'll be prepared for most situations. Even then you'll still lose from time to time, but you'll savour those losses, because that's when you really learn and develop your skills.

    In the words of Master Yoda: "the greatest teacher, failure is"

  • @shadowninja136 This is a perfectly normal world. It is full of incompetence, imperfection, malice, deception and error. It is good the way it is.

  • Ive been having issues for over a minth i dont play anymore i just try to do one mission one gold hoarders and i get ganged up on i just got done playing im on my own just looking for chests and a ship of 4 pirate legends roll up onto the island i say im friendly and wave, one says ahoy! then they drive off with my ship and they are all on my sloop killing me every time i spawn... i didnt wanna scuttle my ship because i was trying to do the mercemary mission from duke to get the new sails and hull but now ive lost it all because all the islands i had to go to was around them i couldnt get a single one done so i just lost everything i used to love this game but i cant even enjoy myself because 4 against one isnt fair it makes me hate this game id ratger deal with unfair players on gta v because at least i have a chance to fight back or get away but i dont even have that option

  • @haleecorin Can I ask, what time zone are you in? Have you tried teaming up with others?

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