"And Even Cooking"

  • Did they jump the gun on revealing something or are they just making stuff up?

  • 23
  • Hmmmmmm.

  • Rare has mentionned cooking before, yes. But as far as I know they never announced it as beeing part of Forsaken Shores.

  • I'd guess it's just an instance of them mistakenly presuming something was coming. Although it wouldn't be too surprising if Rare gave them an inside look and they saw upcoming features we weren't aware of. I still can't imagine any value to such a system other than pointless fluff/overcomplication of mechanics, but I suppose we'll see.

  • I feel like it would have been confirmed officially somewhere.. official.. and not to some journalist writing (probably the 6th article I've seen) about delays a day before the initial launch, and a week before it's postponed launch lol

    We still don't even have the official info page yet, so as far as I'm concerned he might as well be talking about fishing, and it would hold just as much weight to me lol

  • @drunkpunk138 I don't understand how someone in there right mind would just presume something is coming without some sorta inside info. But who knows maybe they just misheard or got confused.

    As to the value of Cooking, I've been thinking about this too. Not sure I'd be a huge fan of a ton of status effects or anything like that being a huge part of combat, but I wouldn't put it past them after seeing Cursed Cannonballs. I love the cooking in Breath of The Wild though, maybe they could add a ton of food types that would all just work exactly like bananas but they can be combined like BotW and sold for gold?

  • its in the news officially announced on this website :D

  • @dekeita said in "And Even Cooking":

    @drunkpunk138 I don't understand how someone in there right mind would just presume something is coming without some sorta inside info. But who knows maybe they just misheard or got confused.

    I mean, it happens all the time lol. Even here, people speak so matter of factly about things that haven't even been close to confirmed.

    Word and rumour spread about one thing, and suddenly "pots on the outposts have started showing up. Obvious tease"


    "its been said/confirmed you could use the pots on islands to boil bananas in the next update"

  • @tre-oni

    Like this guy? @FreshFreddy1969

  • @dekeita said in "And Even Cooking":


    Like this guy?

    Yeah idk what that's about lol

  • @tre-oni nm I just realized he was probably referring to the delay. And didn't quite get what I was posting about.

  • @dekeita said in "And Even Cooking":

    @tre-oni nm I just realized he was probably referring to the delay. And didn't quite get what I was posting about.

    Ohh that makes more sense haha

  • Something like cooking or fishing wouldn't be added without decent notice. Rare would probably have a Behind the Scenes look at a feature like this a good week before it will be released.

  • @dekeita yes, I was referring to the delay, that was all. Sorry i messed up the post.

  • @dekeita said in "And Even Cooking":

    Not sure I'd be a huge fan of a ton of status effects or anything like that being a huge part of combat.

    Yeah, I'd prefer no status effects either. Maybe something more like some cooked dishes restoring more health, or even something that will cure snake venom if eaten.

    What I would prefer though is if it was part of a new voyage type. Either for merchants or another faction altogether. Maybe even the tavern keepers. It would all be based around collecting the ingredients and cooking the dishes to sell.

  • @v**a-hombre

    If cooking comes in and I don't get to make pizzas and deliver them merchant alliance style..

    "A gracious plea from Cap'n Starvin' Marvin"

    "By order of the MERCHANT ALLIANCE ye hereby agree to deliver these foods to -


    Registry of Goods

    • Pepperoni
    • Mushrooms
    • Pineapple
    • 2× Anchovies
    • 2× Bananas

    For the payment of
    $9.95 +tip

    By Official Order
    Pizza merchant"

  • @tre-oni

    I'm VacaHombre, and I approve this message.

  • @dekeita i don't think cooking and or fishing is coming without any tease/trailer but Joe Neate in the Developer Video that just camed out explain that the FS Pioneers build had a memory leak bug, exactly like is described into the article that you linked. Again, i don't think cooking is coming with FS but for sure is an interesting coincidence 😁

  • I could imagine, having a cooked fish give you more hp than a banana! Maybe give you special abilities too!

  • if there was something in the article about cooking, .. its not there anymore.
    on the matter of cooking in games: i absolutly hate it. I leveled cooking in World of Warcraft and i hated it. it was boring as hell. you had to had the incredients and you pressed a button. thats it. i know for roleplaying people its the real deal but whatever. i am not looking forward to cook in sea of thieves.
    i love cooking in real life, there is merrit in it, its relaxing, its the opposite of boring and you get something in return. its just fabulous.
    in videogames not so much, i dont see the point to mimick real life in videogames. i play videogames to escape from reality, why would i recreate it?!
    for the love of god, pls dont let me sail for hours just to gather resources to get an edge in combat. its usually a bloody chore in videogames and every grown person propably has chores enough to do.
    if its simply a vanity thing, yeah sure why not, but dont make cookin combat beneficial that would totally turn me away. but then again, i doubt that would be a direction this game was intended to go since its turning conservative game concepts upside down while doing it different.
    so yeah, i hate cooking in videogames

  • Rare have also confirmed to me (via secret esp messages) that this update will also include knitting, whereby players can knit jumpers for their friends and cannon coseys with bobbles on along with a ray mears level 1 whittling course as pirates have to fashion their own row boats from trees... roll on 27th sept!

  • @coyote4711 Yah it's been edited. It used to read

    "The free DLC is arguably the biggest yet for Sea of Thieves, adding a new region (The Devil's Roar), a new mission type (Cargo Runs), new enemies, and even cooking."

  • Hmm... Shelly is "cooking up cool stuff for the future"

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