Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6

  • @khaleesibot How about we move the bell in the crows nest as well (on both the galleon and the sloop) thank you ;)

  • I can't be bothered to read all the notes so I'll just ask a question I be sure no-one has asked before... where be the imperial sovereign ship customizations?

    Just jokin' me hearties. Would be nice to see an official response to this.

    Ahoy! Rare! It be okay to admit ye made a blunder. We'll no hold it against ye. Well, I won't, can't speak for all.

  • @khaleesibot I had my support ticket marked Solved a couple days ago regarding the issue with Windows 10 fullscreen taskbar issue. I don't see it mentioned in the release notes. Has it, indeed been solved?

  • Good update but two questions...1) Why do skeleton forts now have almost 0 resources during the raid? 2) Since the alleged "fix" for server migration I cannot help but run into cheaters. Two separate galleons last night with auto aim crews. Reported to xbox but I guess the real question here is when will you have a better solution to cheaters?

  • Thanks for all this stuff! Awesome update. I like that regions of the map are now associated to a certain company through the regional stock. Helps add some identity to both the companies and the regions themselves.

    Couple features that sure would be nice to go along with this:

    1. The main complaint I'm noticing with regional stock is that it's hard to compare different sets without taking a bunch of screenshots. Most people don't seem all that miffed that they have to travel to make purchases... they just don't like it being so hard to view different pieces next to each other. So we could use some kind of index of all cosmetics and a gallery view for comparing pieces, as they would look on your character. Not where you can actually buy them, just where you can preview all of them and more easily figure out what sort of overall look you want to go for.

    2. If the above feature is added, and if this is at all possible, it would probably also be good to remove the random nature of what outpost you load into when you enter the game. Make it so each player has a "current outpost" which is simply the closest, or the last one they visited, when they logged out. This way players won't feel like they should just reload until they get the outpost they want. Instead, after using the above gallery feature to decide what they want to buy, they would have to actually sail to the associated outpost. Of course for multiplayer, everyone would just load into the outpost that the host goes to.

  • Anyone know where the sea dog gear is?

  • So is the Imperial Sovereign ship not showing up for anyone else or is it just me? Ive sailed to every outpost and haven’t seen it at one

  • @thecrazytrumpet its down for most of us, I believe RARE made an error. sure they will fix this next week.
    also I have noticed the glitch where players are spawning naked.
    Auto aim

    @rumham636 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Good update but two questions...1) Why do skeleton forts now have almost 0 resources during the raid? 2) Since the alleged "fix" for server migration I cannot help but run into cheaters. Two separate galleons last night with auto aim crews.

    ive also come across this, little frustrating but they are trying to work on the "cheaters". this cross play argument though is in another thread.

  • What you should focus on is making some kind of anti cheat system, because this game is full of modders and a simple report in the xbox app does not cut it. Without a conformation that the guy that I report is either banned or found innocent I don't feel like its worth my time to grind countless hours just so some guy that one shots and takes no damage can come and steal my loot.

  • @thecrazytrumpet

    Not showing up for anyone as far as I can tell

  • Rare,

    I'd like to start by saying I'm a huge fan of Sea of Thieves. The new in-game textures along with the updates are fantastic. I see this game having huge potential and truly feel that your team has caught lightning in a bottle with this title. With that being said, I've noticed that with the new ship updates there seems to be some visual shuttering when running past the anchor, wheel, and cannons. I would describe it as your character hitting a snag while moving past these areas. Also when I try to hug the railings and make tight turns from one ship level to another I notice the shutter. I have also experienced this shutter while running through "door frames" on the ship such as the 2 frames on the middle floor where the stairs meet the deck and bilge of the sloop. All of these problems I've described are Sloop related I'm not sure if they are also prevalent on the Galleon. Good luck with the updates as I'm sure the team is not only aware of these hiccups but are actively working on them. Thanks for the game and I'm sure with additional optimization these issues will be resolved.

    My System:
    Intel i7-7700K 4.20GHz
    32 Gb Dominator ram
    MSI GeForce GTX 1080 SEA HAWK X
    MSI Z270 GAMING M7 Motherboard
    M.2 HD & Samsung 850 EVO 1 TB SSD

  • @reluctantdragon said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @hntr-green said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @reluctantdragon Your post was saying that you were going to trade the game in because there was only cosmetics, no content, with this patch. That's whining, in fact its quite childish in HOW you whined about it. It's the equivalent to saying you're going to take your ball and go home because the others aren't playing things the way you want to. As I pointed out, the content is coming this month. Your comment about there being no content on the first patch (on the first day, like I pointed out earlier) of the month in which we have been promised content is whining: Pure and Simple.

    Once again, I won't be sad to see people like you gone.

    Close your eyes, breathe slowly and count to ten and repeat " I'm ok, everything will get better"

    You seem to be projecting. I'm not angry, not in the least. I'm just calling you out for acting like a child who threatens to take their ball home because you don't get what you want.

  • I keep disconnecting at the worst possible times. I had a grog chest, and right before I could turn it in my game crashed. I was with a crew that got three villainous skulls from a mystic mission, and I crashed while I was driving the boat to an outpost. PLEASE work on the disconnection issue; I honestly can’t continue to play until it’s resolved, which makes me really sad.

  • i'm having troubles understanding "It is no longer possible to force Merchant voyages to request delivery to a specific outpost. Now you'll have to earn your cheddar." Does this mean that you don't need to go to a certain outpost in order to finish a merchant alliance quests?

  • Can’t find the imperial sovereign set on ancient isles

  • So what happened to the order of souls skins for the ship, clothing and gear? Were they removed?! Those are the only ones I was interested in acquiring and now I can't even buy them. What the hell devs? Cool, add new skins but don't remove old ones and replace them. What's the motivation for me to keep playing if you've taken out the only skins I actually liked? =/

  • @khaleesibot @icStatic @TEDDY-25 A massive question for us PC players: What the heck is up with this vsync issue that arose after 1.0.4 plaguing us? I don't recall seeing a definitive answer here. It's still present, and frankly It makes for an awful experience at times. Locking frame rates with vsync still doesn't help. We still get hit to 30-40fps in a few areas, especially thieves haven, which is b*****s. From the final open scale test beta up until 1.0.4 launched, it was perfect. Since then, it has been like this.

    Surely the answer is not - turn off vsync and lock frame rate, and just embrace the tearing? Can you guys at least comment for us what the issue is? Thanks

  • @hntr-green ok... half angry, half immature. You seem to be unable to discuss topics civilly, without resorting to name calling.

  • @adeezlfosheezl said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @khaleesibot @icStatic @TEDDY-25 A massive question for us PC players: What the heck is up with this vsync issue that arose after 1.0.4 plaguing us? I don't recall seeing a definitive answer here. It's still present, and frankly It makes for an awful experience at times. Locking frame rates with vsync still doesn't help. We still get hit to 30-40fps in a few areas, especially thieves haven, which is b*****s. From the final open scale test beta up until 1.0.4 launched, it was perfect. Since then, it has been like this.

    Surely the answer is not turn off vsync and lock frame rate, and just embrace the tearing? Can you guys at least comment for us what the issue is? Thanks

    Yes, I've also been having this issue since 1.04. This same bug happened near the end of the technical alpha/beta. Please fix this. I found the best way to alleviate this issue is to turn down lighting to cursed. There isn't too much of a graphical difference (shadows aren't as dark) and you can keep vsync on and other settings to legendary/mythical.

  • @diqitalsoul Thanks for the reply. Yes I agree, turning down those pesky shadows/lighting does help out, and it's not a huge difference. I was just hoping there was some technical issue they could comment on as we've had multiple threads about this. I don't recall seeing anything in change logs about shadows/lighting being juiced? People with 1080s were also hitting 30fps. I can't imagine it's hardware, but the actual vsync implementation. I've tried using nvidia inspector to force vsync with frame limiter v2 at 60fps that some suggested without success as well. The in game vsync for me always jumps between 59-60fps though, must be my TV (LG EG9100). I'll try some other monitors I have. Cheers mate.

    *I was reading some of @TEDDY-25 posts about the vsync issue as well, it seems it may be single buffer vsync? I get the same result with 1.0.4/1.0.5 with just vsync no lock and this new 1.0.6 vsync 60fps lock.

  • "Sneaky Climbing - The bell on the small ship has been moved to the other side of the ladder, to avoid accidental ringing. We're redecorating! With the Ammo Crate and Bell moved, what are we moving next?"

    I love these sneaky additions, really appreciate these types of updates.
    I hope in the future you will also implement sneaky crouching (which hides your usernametag), sneaky backstab and sneaky mermaid (too obvious in the water) for my full thief experience!

  • @mrbrocksego It comes with the name.

  • @khaleesibot

    6th patch, still no content added that makes the game feel like it "has a point" to gathering gold... "Cosmetics" are all good and fine, but for people like me who don't care about cosmetics, gold is still absolutely pointless.

    Game still has a major issue with "lack of content". Kinda regretting spending $60 on it at this point ($30 seems right for the current content). I know making a balanced game that people can enjoy is difficult, but please put concerns of "fairness" aside (life isn't 'fair' people will get over it) and add some upgrade-able content or some mechanic changes to make it seem more like questing actually serves a purpose beyond unlocking higher level quests of the same nature....

  • Speaking of outfits - anyone else noticed the naked pirate glitch has returned?
    Since the update I have noticed that any player who dies and then respawns, or who has to mermaid back to my ship will look like a basic model again - by that I mean no hair, no tattoos, no skin tone and no clothes, just undies...

    To the player themselves they look fine if they go 3rd person through an emote.
    Has happened to me every night since patch,

  • Has anyone else noticed this issue since the patch?

    When I walk normal speed with my gun drawn and proceed to aim down my sights everything is hunky-dory. However, if I proceed to aim down my sights while sprinting the game becomes noticeably choppy. This occurs no matter how I configure the video settings.

    Not sure if this matters:

    • I game on PC
    • I had the flintlock equipped (didn't try it with the other guns)
  • Sea Dog, Wilds
    Admiral, Shores
    Sovereign, Isles

  • With the regional stock I think we now need categories within the shops, to make it easier to cycle through hats, jackets and boots etc.

    • Skeletons Accuracy - When shooting cannons from islands at long distances, Skeleton accuracy has been reduced. We read your feedback that it was a little extreme... #SkellyOP!

    Great Lie guys - i just got shot from plunder valley while I was going away from it - i know that i was already very far away when these skellies hit me over and over again...
    maybe tell us the exact number you reduced their accuracy - because I think its only about 0.5 % less now than before the patch ...

  • @klon54 I've honestly never had a problem with "overly accurate" skeletons. Also if they decreased it at all, it's not a lie.

  • A mate and myself took a short break from the game, but the other night we came back for this patch and we didn't have this much fun since the game was released. It really makes the experience worthwhile when you have items you like to work for, also we couldn't help to notice that on his chubby character, the belt looks less like a sumo thong and a bit more thin (more adherent to his clothing), so he finally started using belts.

    The only issues we encountered (which we never did before) was the audio of our instruments which neither of us could hear the other's and my friend could no longer hear the bell.

    Also now I cannot flash my light like a lunatic anymore because it kicks me our of the game... boo....

  • @crazycruze Report it under support, if you haven't yet.

  • @kazeonikage what would you like to spend your gold on? If the answer is better weapons that let me kill people who don't have as good a weapon then you're on the wrong game

    • Skeletons Accuracy - When shooting cannons from islands at long distances, Skeleton accuracy has been reduced. We read your feedback that it was a little extreme... #SkellyOP!

    I got hit by a skeleton cannon ball while standing at the bottom of the first deck stairs while attending to our pigs. Probably just a lucky shot but its never happened before.

  • Frame rate failure. Hi guys. I Occassionally, when my boat reloads after being destroyed or after I have died and been to the Ferry of the Damned, get frame rate issues. Basically my game turns into a very slow slideshow. The couple of occassions I have been able to select the option to 'leave game' during this situation have failed and I've had to close the entire game from the xbox dashboard and reload the game from scratch. Very annoying. Is this a known issue or am I on my own with this?? Any thoughts on how to fix it without losing my character? Otherwise I'm loving the new updated items etc. Keep it up.

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