Welcome to the Galley! Your home for fan creations.

  • To all you artists, not all your work will win, but it's a lot of fun trying.

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  • A shanty for my Fortune bucko's.....

    Lady O’ Fortune
    (Shore her up Boys!)
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    For the Lady o’ Fortune,
    The Pirates life, by all means.
    From her bowsprit to sterncastle,
    And the pitch in her seams.
    Yo Ho! Shore her up boys!

    For the Lady o’ Fortune,
    Our luck she all deems.
    From her foremast to rudder,
    And the pitch in her seams.
    Yo Ho! Shore her up boys!

    For the Lady o’ Fortune,
    And the gold that all gleams.
    From her nest to the keel,
    And the pitch in her seams.
    Yo Ho! Shore her up boys!

    For the Lady o’ Fortune,
    Mistress of our dreams.
    From her decks to her galley,
    Amongst her rigging and beams.
    Yo Ho! Shore her up boys!

    For the Lady o’ Fortune
    Tis why all the boys preen.
    From her brig to her cannon,
    And the pitch in her seams!
    Yo Ho! Shore her up boys!

    (optional outro)
    The Lady o’ Fortune
    The Mistress of Dreams
    For the Pirate life
    And the gold that gleams
    The Lady o’ Fortune
    Our luck she all deems.
    Yo Ho! Shore her up boys!

  • @wolff34 said in Welcome to the Galley! Your home for fan creations.:

    To all you artists, not all your work will win, but it's a lot of fun trying.

    You got that wrong. The expression is "t**s up".

    It wasn't Gary Larson you met, was it? I have his complete works.

  • @hallower1980
    That would have been a great meet also, but no. I had the pleasure to meet Al Capp, and he is the one who said to get your work out there even if you have to give it away. If you read his history, some of which is dark, you will find some interesting facts. As a young boy I couldn’t get over the fact he had an artificial leg, lost it as a boy to a streetcar. Funny how you remember strange facts. (Keep in mind I’m 79 now.)

    As to Larson, never confuse The Far Side with The Dark Side, said Yoda.

  • @khaleesibot

    I drew this because I was thinking about how much I wanted to be a skeleton pirate.

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  • Took me days to draw this out in Illustrator, wasn't planned for SoT, but I figured that some of you would really like it!(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/263071301512462336/417908203377131520/ShipDoodle.jpg)

  • I posted this somewhere but now there's this thread so take my thing

  • Oh cool! :) I'll make some stuff soon.

  • @khaleesibot Check out this custom SoT streaming package

    @stonedscallywag said in Custom SoT Streaming Overlay and Panels:

    I know I will be wanting to do some streaming of this amazing game. So I went ahead and created an overlay and some panels in advance of the launch.

    Never created one from scratch like these before. Usually just tweak already made ones


    Sample Panels


  • @haydensolo said in Welcome to the Galley! Your home for fan creations.:

    Took me days to draw this out in Illustrator, wasn't planned for SoT, but I figured that some of you would really like it!(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/263071301512462336/417908203377131520/ShipDoodle.jpg)

    that is awesome.. good job

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    Been working on this sketch
    Waiting on RARE to turn me into one of these. Who do I tag to sell my soul?

  • Just finished the logo above the SoT galleon.alt text

  • Island concept using photoshop.
    Call it Dead Mans Reef

  • @pokepaws thats a good idea!

  • @skulking101 Hey thanks! Once release hype it outta the way and pirates have a steady flow of gold I think I'll put up a notice about this!
    Shame I cant have a stall on my sloop, wandering pirate artist haha

  • @khaleesibot i have some ideas on enemies you could add into the game, you could add large skeletons (like giant skeletons and ones that are tall and wide ones that are tall and not so wide, just a variety of sizes) and also small ones, also i had the idea of ghost skeletons who can move through walls but i'm not sure how you could implement that and how the players would be able to defeat them, could do it so they could just kill them via normal weapons or add something else like, another item that allows you to make the ghosts become more physical and able to take damage or something like that.

    also you could add other kinds of sharks just to give more of a variety to the game, and you could make it so there are sea creatures that maybe have certain valuables stuck to them or in their possession, or that theres just some sort of things floating under water certain valuables that you can find, also you could make it so you could basically skin a shark and see what hes eaten, say a cannonball that he swallowed that you can use and maybe some treasure that you can sell, of course it wouldn't be every shark you encounter but yea

  • Hey guys, just posted a new youtube video on my customized ship yesterday! it has 3k views already which is insane and im so close to 1k subs! [Here is the link] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIuABnHYmLg)

  • Hand Forged Kraken Cutlass made by the captain himself. Cheers ye scalawags!
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    Kraken Cutlass

  • @deathstroker770
    I think that it would be greate if the thieves haven would be a sade zone and you could not attack a nother ship while in there so it would be a sosial meeting plase where you Can cordinate an attack or something like that alsow if there would be a british army galleons With spices and other valuable loot or just a lot of cannonballs raining on your ship

  • Heres another photoshop

  • Sea of thieve's Cartoony vibe is just my tonic! As a cartoonist, I get ideas for sketches and drawings, and what better place to post it? Meet my pirate, Yumi Lancer!

    Fuse bombs are an idea that I along with a couple of others have for a new weapon. Throw it and in five seconds, watch the gunpowder fly! Alternatively, throw it back if you find one rolled at your feet.

    Sailor Fuse Bomb: On the bright side, at least you won't blow up anything of much value. That is, unless you're aiming at something as such.

    Sea Dog Fuse Bomb: It's such a shame all that artistic talent is going to be fragmented into a million pieces, But it gets the job done.

    Admiral Fuse Bomb: You now have the capability to throw an advanced windup bomb fit for the highest authorities! Too bad all that craftsmanship's about to go to waste in about five seconds.

    Bilge Rat Fuse Bomb: Even though Bilge rats don't know how to make a sphere, it's impressive that this thing even blows up. Fun fact: the fuse is made out of the maker's left sock soaked in lantern oil.

    Sovereign Fuse Bomb: WHY ARE YOU LITERALLY BLOWING AWAY MONEY!? Well, not only will you blow down your foes in a pizzazz of glitter, but you'll also blow down the Gold Hoarder's expectations in you.

    Click here to find Yumi and the rest of my work on Devientart!

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    Here's a chest inspired by all the awesome things buried in the world of Sea of Thieves. Wouldn't this be fun to deal with in the middle of your voyage ;)

    For other examples of my work come visit my insta at https://www.instagram.com/dalton_penc/

  • Calling all Digital or Traditional Artists!

  • The whole family loves playing SOT, my daughter created this for me.

  • @wolff34 said in Welcome to the Galley! Your home for fan creations.:

    @pokepaws Having been in the cartooning end of the world for over 60 years I think I can recognize talent (at least I think I used to) when I see it. Have you published?

    How old are you?

  • I believe that I and a large part of the sea community of thieves, ask for strength in a way focused on carrying the battles, or rather a real battle, that will arouse the interest of the most competitive players.

  • @tappin-tsoni said in Welcome to the Galley! Your home for fan creations.:

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    Here's a chest inspired by all the awesome things buried in the world of Sea of Thieves. Wouldn't this be fun to deal with in the middle of your voyage ;)

    For other examples of my work come visit my insta at https://www.instagram.com/dalton_penc/

    Ahoy! I loved this chest design so I checked out your insta. I liked seeing the "murder flower"
    If you would design a plant enemy or boss for SoT would it look like that?

  • @SkeletonPirateX Nice creativity, loving the piracy. Arrr!

  • 3D printed Bounty Skull
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    So for the past few weeks I have been working on my own 3D Printed Bounty Skull, by using some reference images from the game. I painted it gold with my airbrush and put some awesome green cooler lights inside of it. If you like it and would like to see where I headed with this be sure to follow me on thingiverse and share this with as many people you think might like it. Have fun sailing!!!

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