Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).


    Edit: Seems the link is sending folks to an older article. I've pasted the text in a reply below.

  • 75
  • It's a no from me

  • for me it is still the same from the 22. March O_O I do not see anything new from it :/

  • @shikia-caeleaum That's odd. I'll paste the text from the article. Maintenance is mentioned at the bottom.

    Hi, we wanted to share an update with all our players about the top issues that we've been seeing since we launched Sea of Thieves.

    Beyond our key issues affecting players below, internally we are tracking sentiment and the top feedback issues on the game experience itself, and we are very aware of the topic of persistent player griefing (repeatedly being attacked by the same ships or players). One quick change we are making for our upcoming patch, planned for mid-next week, is to push the respawn distance back for ships, so when your ship sinks you will continue your adventure further away from the ship you were battling and out of their sight.

    Beyond this, we are tracking a series of feedback points around spawn-killing, misuse of the brig and the potential for hacking. We will share an update on this and the other top feedback points with our thoughts on them as soon as we are in a position to. A lot of the conversations internally at Rare have been around the top bits of feedback we've received, and this is influencing what we are working on next.

    We hear the content question and understand why people are keen to see how we plan to move Sea of Thieves forward. Planning is ongoing on the next set of priorities right now, and we are adjusting our existing plans based on the feedback we've been seeing. We will have more to share on this soon.

    Below are the main launch issues we're seeing, along with their current status.

    Last updated: March 30th, 1pm BST

    Live issues:

    1. Achievements being delayed

    We had to temporarily disable achievements being awarded to allow our services to cope with the scale of the messages flowing through them. Achievements have been turned back on as of Thursday March 29th. New achievements will be awarded normally, and we are currently working on a fix to award historically earned achievements.

    Status: Achievements earned from March 29th will be correctly awarded. Achievements earned prior to March 29th will not be awarded yet, however we are actively working on a fix to process this list and will share an ETA soon.

    1. Characters losing details such as hair colour/scars

    We have seen a number of issues being reported on this since launch. We have identified the issue and for anyone affected we have a fix incoming, likely to arrive by middle of next week.

    Status: Existing issues should be resolved for all players affected by middle of next week.

    Advice: Hold tight, fix incoming.

    1. Some players unable to equip a second weapon

    Players can find themselves in a position where they cannot equip a second weapon.

    Status: We are actively working on a fix for this issue.

    Believed fixed – monitoring:

    1. Player rewards being delayed

    Due to the volume of players, our services that awarded players gold and reputation when cashing in rewards could be delayed. Players should expect to see these rewards eventually come through, as they are queued up in our message service.

    Status: We believe we have resolved this, and rewards should have flowed through to players now. We will monitor throughout the weekend.

    Advice: If you believe you have still not earned rewards, please raise a customer support request. We are working through individual cases and looking at the data.

    1. Players having difficulty getting into the game at peak times

    During peak times (9pm–2am BST/4pm–9pm EDT/1pm–6pm PDT) we have been seeing a very high volume of players, which has been leading to strain on our server matchmaking services.

    Status: We believe we have resolved the issues which were leading to this. We will monitor throughout the weekend.

    Upcoming maintenance windows:
    Wednesday April 4th, 9am–2pm BST


    – Joe Neate, Executive Producer

  • @luciansanchez82 Tnx for the info, it's so sad that the site give me still the old status page (in Italian, my language) so i can't see the news since March 22th. Will be great if they give the chance to read in English until the translation is ready. Meaby @Deckhands can point this out to someone? I'm sure i'm not the only one with this issue.

  • Will this article be updated with the changes being made in this maintenance window?

    Pre Marh 29th Achievements are still very much broken, despite meeting the requirements multiple times. Do we have an update on this fix?

  • @cr0n0d that could be my problem as well! Since the side is in german for me :(

    The best part though: It still says PREorder Sea of Thieves for the Black Dog Pack :D

  • @british-legends said in Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).:

    Will this article be updated with the changes being made in this maintenance window?

    Pre Marh 29th Achievements are still very much broken, despite meeting the requirements multiple times. Do we have an update on this fix?

    I'd like to think they spent a lot of time yesterday after their long weekend planning on what they were going to say/do today.

  • @shikia-caeleaum Same here, the german site seems to be missing some updates. Also the preorder button is confusing, i agree! :-)

  • @luciansanchez82 Tnx again (can't upvote more 😔) finally i know what is written in the news 👍🏻👏🏻

  • @cr0n0d Just trying to do my bit matey. Wish I'd thought to post sooner to be honest as I noticed quite a few people were caught out last time.

    I'll keep an eye out for any future updates and make a text post to try and keep everyone informed in future.

  • @sirliborius I wonder when the forum will be filled with not only "Where is my black dog pack ingame!" but "I preordered after release gimme my black dog code!" :D

  • @shikia-caeleaum said in Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).:

    @sirliborius I wonder when the forum will be filled with not only "Where is my black dog pack ingame!" but "I preordered after release gimme my black dog code!" :D

    Give it time they will make the black dog pack available to all anyway.

  • @davejc64 sadly that is what I expect when the MT releases :(
    Let's just hope that the blunderbuss, founder sails and ebon flintlock will not be sold like that but I doubt it except for the founder sails :(

  • @shikia-caeleaum I never clicked the link for details to be honest.
    But just tried it yet, you even get Beta Access it says! :-D

    Even better: instead of forwarding to the german Microsoft store site, you are forwarded to the US store if you click on Preorder Now ... Rare should have a look at their localized sites every now and then.

  • @sirliborius Well thats hilarious :D But I hope instead of fixing the archievement system and the localization they adress future updates within 3 months and what to still expect from the game :/
    Do not get me wrong! I love the game and play it nonstop but I would like some more updates than just archievements or problems with logging in ;)

  • @luciansanchez82 Got the message in game that said the servers would be down in 30mins, then got the next for 25 mins and p**f the server went down with 25 mins to spare. GG

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).:

    @shikia-caeleaum That's odd. I'll paste the text from the article. Maintenance is mentioned at the bottom.

    Upcoming maintenance windows:
    Wednesday April 4th, 9am–2pm BST


    – Joe Neate, Executive Producer

    thats a really long time and the last update did nothing as well?

  • @cattaleyaathena you know they are just turning servers off so it would be quiet. nothing is usually done during maintenance.

    edit: I was giving out misinformation, correction: Since its quiet in the server rooms, cleaning personnel is dispatched, usually dusting the servers off, sometimes even washing the floors!

  • @lucky-monkee No.

  • Really great, just started playing, bought a quest and started those, then i got the message: Server down in 10 mins. I am really angry because i searched for announchements for the next maintenance times and havent found any.

  • For those who want to got the the website in English, go to the bottom of it. You will see a little menu on left side to choose the langage. ;)

  • @albyricus there is a fairly noticeable news tab on the website. it has good stuff on it. make sure to check it out. ps does anyone know what's getting done during this shutdown?

  • @shikia-caeleaum sagte in Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).:

    @davejc64 sadly that is what I expect when the MT releases :(
    Let's just hope that the blunderbuss, founder sails and ebon flintlock will not be sold like that but I doubt it except for the founder sails :(

    you mean like this:

    Bild Text

    that's , i think, a f**k-up by microsoft. rare has little to do with the dlc distribution i think, at least thats what i read in some comments

  • @dje-la-planque said in Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).:

    For those who want to got the the website in English, go to the bottom of it. You will see a little menu on left side to choose the langage. ;)

    You are the man! Never notice it, tnx a lot!

  • @bustylegroove to be honest many people have the problem (me included) that the news side did not update since 22. March ;) I did not even know about the server downtime ;)

    @CoyoTe4711 O_O that's really bad :( I got founder sails but as a present from a friend of mine who does not play anymore but selling those?! :O

  • @shikia-caeleaum
    welp, we have yet to hear an official statement. I doubt this was intended by Rare. I think microsoft just messed it up. it should not have been tradable. the ebon flintlook is more exclusive than the founders sails.

  • @coyote4711 said in Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).:

    @shikia-caeleaum sagte in Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).:

    @davejc64 sadly that is what I expect when the MT releases :(
    Let's just hope that the blunderbuss, founder sails and ebon flintlock will not be sold like that but I doubt it except for the founder sails :(

    you mean like this:

    Bild Text

    that's , i think, a f**k-up by microsoft. rare has little to do with the dlc distribution i think, at least thats what i read in some comments

    microsoft owns rare so kinda one in the same really.

  • @lumpaywk these are for sale on ebay by other people who don't care about their codes. not by Microsoft. just like g2a there are always going to be hustlers. especially when new games come out. anyone remember the breath of the wild amibo fiasco??

  • @coyote4711 maybe they did it because many people play with another account than with those on the forum so they thought it through halfway....I do not care about giving them away as a present but selling is a different matter! -.-
    sadly the part with the flintlock is true mate :/

  • I was finishing a raid before the servers went down, I was almost docked at the outpost with a ship full of strong hold loot, and then the server shut down. Is it possible to contact rare development team to get the xp and money for it?

  • @cattaleyaathena said in Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).:

    @luciansanchez82 said in Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).:

    @shikia-caeleaum That's odd. I'll paste the text from the article. Maintenance is mentioned at the bottom.

    Upcoming maintenance windows:
    Wednesday April 4th, 9am–2pm BST


    – Joe Neate, Executive Producer

    thats a really long time and the last update did nothing as well?

    yeah i teally cant see any reason at all for such a long window. if its a quiet period you can pull half servers out of the pool run the update. push the client update and shut the second half down bringing up the now updated first half. while this will still require a down period it shouldn't be hours and deffo not a whole day!

  • @bustylegroove it was a ref to "i think, a f**k-up by microsoft. rare has little to do with the dlc distribution i think, at least thats what i read in some comments" not the specific listings shown. sorry for the confusion.

  • @lumpaywk said in Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).:

    @coyote4711 said in Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).:

    @shikia-caeleaum sagte in Friendly Reminder: Servers are due to go offline at 9am BST (35 mins from now).:

    @davejc64 sadly that is what I expect when the MT releases :(
    Let's just hope that the blunderbuss, founder sails and ebon flintlock will not be sold like that but I doubt it except for the founder sails :(

    you mean like this:

    Bild Text

    that's , i think, a f**k-up by microsoft. rare has little to do with the dlc distribution i think, at least thats what i read in some comments

    microsoft owns rare so kinda one in the same really.

    damn wish i didn't redeem mine would sell for $80 so that i can purchase the game for free

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