[Mega Thread] - Death Cost

  • @khaleesibot This sounds like a terrible idea. in a game where you are trickle-fed gold for long hours and fetch quests it seems like a really bad idea to make it where the game will take some of your already meager earnings for trying to play the game. blunderbuss skeleton fights happen and they are mean. also a thought. if you happen across a skeleton fort with your crew and nobody else is there you may die more than a few times working to defeat the event. if you are going to end up breaking even from death costs after the fight is over then what would be the point of attempting that content? I love this game so so so much. I have to say this sounds like a truly terrible idea that will make people even more skittish than they already are. or downright afraid to attempt content due to losing more then their possible lucrative gains, and in a game with the variety of content that Sea of Thieves currently has maybe a death penalty should be literally the very last thing on your list of content/features......

  • Please don't add this... I understand that you guys want to stop griefers, but this isnt the solution. Skeleton forts, kraken fights, Order of Souls voyages, and so on. Come on, Sea of Thieves is a game that you dont need to play serious. Blowing up your teammates? Sure, why not. Its your story so you can do it. With death costs this freedom will be taken away, especially for new players (and I just love to blow up my teammates, heh @Gulpee-Rex :P )

  • So more punishment for pvers and not pvp. Gotcha.

  • @jinxybinx said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    So more punishment for pvers and not pvp. Gotcha.

    so it would appear sadly....it's starting to feel like they are saying "you can fight other people, or you can bake a cake. but if you want to bake a cake we are going to replace your flour with gunpowder and the eggs are balls of p**p, but you can still technically follow the recipe it just may end up being a s****y cake. Attacking other people still works fine though."

  • @khaleesibot
    I do not agree with this at all. Dying happens, it's part of getting better at the game. What I would like to see is this:

    1. When a crew is attacked and defeated and/or their chests, skulls or items are stolen/taken. The crew that took them only gets gold for turning them in. Where as the crew who actually went and found the items from a voyage gets the rep when they are cashed in/stolen. This way, the players who are camping outposts only get gold and can never get reputation with a faction. It will eventually force them to go build rep from voyages and make them actually sail around. Leaving the outposts more open.
    2. Spawning after your ship goes down needs to be done away from the area the ship was at. Right now you only move an island over about 1 or 2 squares on the map. You should move to the other side of the map. Also your quest should be put back in your inventory with a new island in the area to go to. Keeping you away from the same crew trying to spawn kill you.
    3. What is the actual objective of charging gold for accidental deaths? Like how does it hepl the server load or the build of the game. If ppl are earning money to fast. Then lower the amount of money from forts or make them harder. I shouldn't be punished for deaths when the game is about exploration and doing what I want.

    Thank you

  • I don't think I've heard a single person say that they like the idea so far. The game is best when just messing with friends which sometimes leads to goofy deaths. Keep it a sandbox not punishment for trying to have fun with friends

  • And this is the most worthy and most pressing issue for the game (death penalty), OMG are you people for real. You guys really are completely clueless how to fix your game.

  • In this mechanic PVErs go and do all the dirty work, die, pay for it, obtain their loot at net value to try and make profit... but PVPers who never do pve will kill pve ships, die, not pay, steal the loot and gain 100% gross value from the loot.

    Way to completely erase pve from the game.

  • @khaleesibot No! Nope! Bad Idea! horrible!!! It will ruin sea of thieves and your skeletons are bugged to the point of frustration and too aim-bot accurate. If its from pvp deaths, sure but not pve really not a good idea.

  • I think this is a terrible idea. Since it's already been mentioned that PvP is not going to be affected I fail to see the benefit to players. What I want to know is what problem is this trying to solve? The most valid theory I've heard so far is to nerf throwing your lives away repeatedly at forts.

    I raided our first fort last night and it took 45min to 1hr with a team of 4. Three of us were battling it out and one was on lookout for approaching ships. Once a ship was spotted we paused our raid to fend them off and then finally vanquished and looted the fort. Being charged a death toll causes several problems with this scenario:

    • 1st the people putting their time (and now gold) on the line to get this treasure could spend a lot of money depending on how much they charge per death just to have it all taken away by a team that just waits in the wings without risking anything and then swooping in when the fighting is done.
    • 2nd our teammate on the ship (who is doing an equally important job in my opinion) risks nothing while the 3 on land risk gold in the attempt.

    So if that's the problem then they are compounding the issue by creating issues within the ship by raising the issue of who on board is participating in the risk vs reward system.

    Even outside of the forts... If I'm the guy on watch I won't participate in risk vs reward. If I'm just along for the ride and getting drunk and playing music the whole voyage, well, I used to be just a clown. Now I'll be the guy who let his team lose their hard earned gold because I wasn't sober enough to fend off the skeleton armies. If I'm a solo player, order of souls voyages just became a huge pain. (Add this to the fact that skeleton swarms never seem to miss their shots, and that skeletons can walk through you to void attempts to block or stand ground... different issue...)

    If they're trying to nerf soloing the forts: If I'm able to solo raid a fort and no one came by to contend then I deserve all the treasure. If other players don't want it enough to fight over it then does it hurt the other players? If someone chooses to risk wasting their time to get a massive payout all to themselves they shouldn't be penalized beyond the time and effort wasted.

    The real question though is what was this supposed to fix? This conversation would be A LOT more productive if we could come up with real solutions to this mystery problem instead of griping about a solution that doesn't make since to a problem that doesn't seem to exist...

  • It could make you have to play smarter and more strategically when taking on skeleton forts. Right now people can just go and throw themselves at skeleton forts over and over until they eventually win.

    Incorporating a death penalty due to pve relaged deaths actually provides incentive to get better.

    Every game has some sort of penalty for losing. Maybe I'm just used to it from borderlands/dark souls/ark/Minecraft but losing a paltry sum of gold is hardly a loss.

  • @Happy-Happy-DIE is absolutely correct. You have so many issues to address, and yet you're focusing time and resources on this non issue that does nothing to improve the quality of the community? Wake up. You've been flooded with trolls who do nothing but camp outposts, chase the same ship a half dozen times, and bog down the servers with inactive space wasters.

    Address the issues that are hurting the community and stop trying to penalize those of us who are out playing the game.

  • @jackalopetamer said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    @Happy-Happy-DIE is absolutely correct. You have so many issues to address, and yet you're focusing time and resources on this non issue that does nothing to improve the quality of the community? Wake up. You've been flooded with trolls who do nothing but camp outposts, chase the same ship a half dozen times, and bog down the servers with inactive space wasters.

    Address the issues that are hurting the community and stop trying to penalize those of us who are out playing the game.

    this this this.

  • I already lose gold all the time; when I die my cargo hold is left unattended, easily raided by other players. Having my hard earned goods taken is punishment enough, and happens so frequently that I can barely save up 1000 gold in an entire evening of playing, which isn't enough to buy anything. I'm patient, though. Having my savings plundered by the ferryman makes sense thematically, but doesn't make anything more fun.

    All I can do is provide suggestions, some of which may have been suggested already by other players, and some more feasible than others:

    • Perhaps the ferryman should send players who die too often on some kind of spooky underworld voyage to earn their right to live again.
    • Answer the ferryman's riddle correctly, and you return to life. Get it wrong, and you return to life in dire circumstances! (On a sinking ship, stranded on a random island, cast into a storm, etc)
    • Call of the Watery Grave: The ferryman curses you! Bananas don't heal you for a while (15 minutes?) after resurrection. Killing someone else passes the curse along to them and purifies you.
    • Trial by Combat: You have to fight a skeleton captain aboard the ferryman's ship to get through the portal.

    Basically, waste our time, but don't pilfer our pockets. Almost anything is better than stealing the tiny amount of gold we're able to scrounge up.

  • "The Little Red Hen Beard"

    One day Little Redbeard was on a ship with his friends on a quest to "Be More Pirate".

    Redbeard: Will help me defeat these skeletons for the Order of Souls?
    Bluebeard: Not I. I will stay on the crows nest and watch for other ships.
    Blackbeard: Not I. I will search the island for banana's and cannonballs.
    Greybeard: Not I. I will cause massive delays on launch day as people try to queue up with friends. I'll stay back safely on the ship sniping and shooting cannons so that I don't get the death penalty.

    So the Little Redbeard pirate went on to fight many skeletons alone. He payed the death toll many times but brought back the loot.

    Later that day they decided to try to get some loot from a fort raid because they heard there was great treasure there. Upon arrival there were other ships and pirates already engaged in battle to clear the fort.

    Redbeard: Who will help me defeat wave after wave of skeletons?
    Bluebeard: Not I. I will defend the ship and keep it from sinking.
    Blackbeard: Not I. I will destroy the other pirates. There is no penalty in PvP.
    Greybeard: Not I. I will man the cannons again and snipe skeletons from here.

    So the Little Redbeard pirate went on to fight many skeletons alone. He payed the death toll many times but brought back the skeleton key.

    Redbeard: Who will help me loot this treasure and turn it in for gold?
    Everyone: I will.

    The End.

    Victory for Communism!

  • @noxsamus Did you even read the second paragraph? Has anyone really? It's in bold text even!

  • I'm still sitting here just flabbergasted by why anybody would think this is a good idea.....

  • @crash4654 said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    It could make you have to play smarter and more strategically when taking on skeleton forts. Right now people can just go and throw themselves at skeleton forts over and over until they eventually win.

    Incorporating a death penalty due to pve relaged deaths actually provides incentive to get better.

    Every game has some sort of penalty for losing. Maybe I'm just used to it from borderlands/dark souls/ark/Minecraft but losing a paltry sum of gold is hardly a loss.

    I kinda agree. But, I think it shouldn't happen until you become a Pirate Legend.

    At that point it makes more sense, you've learned to play and shouldn't die often in PVE activities.

  • Need to add another vote against death tax.

    Right now you have a content issue, there isn't enough. The best part of Sea of Thieves is role-playing and goofing off with friends. Adding a death tax is a horrendously bad idea right now as it will only serve to make the games more frustrating - and that's really not what you need right now.

    Please explain how paying money when you die will make the game better and more enjoyable.

  • @inert-krypton by incentivizing you not to die due to avoidable mistakes.

  • @crash4654 how does that make the game more enjoyable?

    Also that's not an incentive, it's a punishment.

    An incentive would be rewarding the player for not dying. For example receiving more money for speedy deliveries (something dying would hamper).

  • @inert-krypton because it makes you a better player if you have to be mindful of your actions. It makes it to where you think twice about making a bad decision.

    When I play ark, I always weigh my options about what I'm about to do since if I die, I can easily lose all of my stuff, some of which can be really time consuming to make and maintain. As such I have become a better player because I don't rush headlong into my death over and over again.

  • I think the problem with this is much more of people that just mess around instead of Spawn camping pvp

  • @crash4654 said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    @inert-krypton because it makes you a better player if you have to be mindful of your actions. It makes it to where you think twice about making a bad decision.

    When I play ark, I always weigh my options about what I'm about to do since if I die, I can easily lose all of my stuff, some of which can be really time consuming to make and maintain. As such I have become a better player because I don't rush headlong into my death over and over again.

    this game is not a no-life simulator like ark. we dont need to sit around feeding tranq meat to snakes to make sure we can deliver them.....that would be a nightmare and shouldnt even be compared...not even the same tier of "survival demands"

  • @x-frozensoil-x said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    "The Little Red Hen Beard"

    One day Little Redbeard was on a ship with his friends on a quest to "Be More Pirate".

    Redbeard: Will help me defeat these skeletons for the Order of Souls?
    Bluebeard: Not I. I will stay on the crows nest and watch for other ships.
    Blackbeard: Not I. I will search the island for banana's and cannonballs.
    Greybeard: Not I. I will cause massive delays on launch day as people try to queue up with friends. I'll stay back safely on the ship sniping and shooting cannons so that I don't get the death penalty.

    So the Little Redbeard pirate went on to fight many skeletons alone. He payed the death toll many times but brought back the loot.

    Later that day they decided to try to get some loot from a fort raid because they heard there was great treasure there. Upon arrival there were other ships and pirates already engaged in battle to clear the fort.

    Redbeard: Who will help me defeat wave after wave of skeletons?
    Bluebeard: Not I. I will defend the ship and keep it from sinking.
    Blackbeard: Not I. I will destroy the other pirates. There is no penalty in PvP.
    Greybeard: Not I. I will man the cannons again and snipe skeletons from here.

    So the Little Redbeard pirate went on to fight many skeletons alone. He payed the death toll many times but brought back the skeleton key.

    Redbeard: Who will help me loot this treasure and turn it in for gold?
    Everyone: I will.

    The End.

    Victory for Communism!

    This, right here, needs to be read by every Rare dev who is still considering this change.

    For the sake of all of us Red (and Dread) Beards, please don't do it!

  • Honestly i feel like no one reads the big bold message saying"Please note, we never intended to charge players for PvP related deaths, as we understand the negative impact this would have on player experience."

  • @dragonskissxxx said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    Honestly i feel like no one reads the big bold message saying"Please note, we never intended to charge players for PvP related deaths, as we understand the negative impact this would have on player experience."

    it isnt the pvp deaths that anyone is even talking about though. everyone is complaining that the game is a pvp and a pve game and they are gimping what little pve currently exists in the game by taxing people for actually going out on adventures to find treasure. and NOT those who just go out and attack and troll those who are trying to find stuff......that's the issue. it's just a bad idea all across the board.

  • @deadactionjones ahh i hear you. tbh they should introduce a player bounty system. similar to how they had in the crime and punishments 2.0 in elite dangerous where the player who initiated the Fight will receive the bounty or such? then offer Bounty hunts for Players in your current session who have a large bounty.

  • No please, for all the reasons above this will kill the spirit of game.

    There're a tons of more useful concept that you can add instead. More skins, little bonus stat on seller's items, some kind of crafting, ecc.

  • I love you guys, but you gotta sell me on this one. Could we get a vid or something explaining what you hope this will achieve? I get fear of death, ok so I will be more careful around sharks and drowning, but in a battle that won't really be my concern. Also what about the balancing? too little and I don't even notice this feature exists. Too much and now I don't even want to fight anyone. I just am not seeing the reason

  • Can i ask a very off topic question, i was looking to buy sot but it says i already have it, idk if its because im a beta or because i have game pass, but it says i own it as if i bought it, but i can find it in my ready to install, help

  • @deadactionjones the concept of loss and actual penalty is the subject, not the games themselves. I could also bring up borderlands, dark souls, Mario, monster hunter, 7 days to die, cuphead, I could go on. The point is that there's some sort of penalty in all of them for death, some worse than others. That penalty is your incentive to not die. You don't want bad things to happen to you, so you get better to avoid death and keep your progress.

  • The reason i liked this game was the very fact there was no penalty. You could die from something stupid but funny like a friend launching you too high and it would get a big laugh aboard the crew. Add this and not only will it ruin those fun moments and make forts not feel worth the endless deaths but it will also be abused by those who will just sit at outpost wanting to kill the first person who spawns or shows up loot or not just cause they can make someones day miserable. It will also make this game feel like a grind. I want sot to BE about what it WAS ADVERTISED TO BE. "Be the pirate you want to be" No matter what. Not "Be the Pirate you want to be unless it means dying alot". #Bemorepirate not #Bemoregrindy

  • Well this the very first time I have ever seen a developer trolling their own forums. Or its an incredibly shallow attempt at distraction/deflection. Seems like this idea has almost universally been rejected out of hand which pretty much equates to Rare fast tracking into the game ASAP - why because thats their way.

  • @crash4654 said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    @deadactionjones the concept of loss and actual penalty is the subject, not the games themselves. I could also bring up borderlands, dark souls, Mario, monster hunter, 7 days to die, cuphead, I could go on. The point is that there's some sort of penalty in all of them for death, some worse than others. That penalty is your incentive to not die. You don't want bad things to happen to you, so you get better to avoid death and keep your progress.

    You sure your not one of the dev team posting under a different account because you sure as hell sound like their greatest apologist.

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