What's Your Pirate's Backstory? Mk II

  • We seem to have lost this one along the way, I know I enjoyed reading the background stories people created for their pirates, the origins of the names, the history - let's do this again!

    Kat Truewalker

    'Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate, after all.'

    Kat Truewalker was born in Portsmouth, England, the daughter of a family of merchant seafarers. Sadly, her father fought and died in the War of the Spanish Succession and to avoid her brother being press ganged into the Navy, her mother sold their remaining land and possessions and they set sail for the Caribbean. They were hoping for a life free from crippling taxes and oppression.

    On arrival at Port Royal, Kat (disguised as a boy) was enrolled at the Port Royal Naval Academy, in Fort Charles. Her brother, George, bought a small ship and began trading with the outlying islands. For a few years life was good for the family, the climate and the freedom suited them well. Then things changed.

    With the arrival of Lord Cutler Beckett, George was approached by the EITC, who were seeking payments for the use of the trading ports that George frequented. The charges were exorbitant and George worked harder and sailed more often in order to meet the payments. Kat left the Academy and joined her brother on the High Seas.
    Kat applied her learning and became a proficient Quartermaster, and the pair began to plunder EITC and Navy ships, French, Spanish and British alike to supplement their income, always lone ships, always on quiet seas. Kat was able to hone her skills and the pair were successful but they both knew it couldn't last, their illegal sideline was sure to be discovered.

    Disaster then struck once again when George succumbed to one of the many dread diseases found in the Caribbean. He was ill for many weeks and Kat spent the time searching for a cure, even visiting tribal shamans for help. It was these encounters that led to her meeting Jack Sparrow in the Faithful Bride on Tortuga. She needed gold and rare ingredients for a potion that might cure George. Kat had heard rumours that Sparrow was a wily and cunning pirate, who might help for a price. Sparrow suggested that she embrace piracy and fight alongside the Brethren Court to defeat the loathed and dreaded EITC. In return he would give her the location of these rare and powerful ingredients that she needed to cure George. He persuaded her with these words;
    'One word, love. Curiosity. You long for freedom. You long to do what you want to do because you want it. To act on selfish impulse. You want to see what it's like. One day, you won't be able to resist.'

    Kat considered his words and agreed. She also needed a mentor and while exploring the jungles of the South American coast, found one; a notorious Captain, willing to plunder any enemy for the right price. Under his tutelage, Kat became a confident and daring pirate, facing the worst weather and the most treacherous enemies and succeeding. She learned the secrets of Caribbean lore, those beyond common knowledge and unwritten in any book. She discovered how to exploit the many plants, fruits and herbs found on the islands and became a frequent visitor to each one, delighting in the animals and creatures she found there.

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  • That is one epic history @KattTruewalker , your pirate has definitely been many places and seen many things! I love the way you pirated even your naval training!


    This story is one of sorrow turned vengeance. It was an abnormally cold morning in August. As a child came into this world he was immediately viewed as weak; colored yellow with a sickness that was not yet understood. It was for this the so called wise would force the parents to cast away their sickly child, both his mother and father fought countless enforcers of a society that did not allow such weakness. As they fought with both sword and hammer they slayed a great many, but were inevitably overcome.

    The child's mother fell first; mortally wounded, his father made it out of the city only to collapse in front a group of g*****s. With his last breaths he told of the event and plead for the group to take his son. Dying, and with a low voice he spoke the words "The Hammer...", as he succumb to death.

    The final words of the dying were not complete and barely heard by the man that stood before the falling warrior. Turns out the group of men were not g*****s, but they were pirates. The man that picked up the child heard the last words of the father to be "Thorhammer", and so he called the child this. The pirate was none other than Blackbeard, a legendary pirate captain who saw the child as not weak, but born into battle, covered in the blood of his enemies!

    Blackbeard arranged care for Thorhammer aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge were he was taught the mastery of seamanship. However seamanship was not all he learned. Thorhammer was taught how not to fear, and how to conquer. Blackbeard could see that Thorhammer was growing beyond his teaching. So the infamous captain charged Thorhammer with capturing a ship to command as his own. Never knowing his parents, but only of the betrayal that he was told about their deaths, he swore to the only father he'd ever known that he would take everything from the people of his homeland and avenge the memory of his mother and father. He also swore that he would continue the legacy of Blackbeard, that he would cut a bloody path through the Sea of Thieves and stain the ocean red.

    Thorhammer set out and took a highly prized galleon crewed by the same people who murdered his parents, slaying each one in combat he throwing their bodies into the sea.

    It is said that when you sail far out to sea, the water will turn to red, and that is when you know that Thorhammer is near...

    This is the story of Thorhammer, and the beginning of his voyage of vengeance!

  • Baxys11...or more colloquially Baxy, was a meteorologist and oceanographer by trade, back in a time when these now scientific fields were more associated with witchcraft. Chased away from his home country due to his knowledge of the sky and sea being associated with heresy.

    Baxy was lured to the sea of thieves, known for its ferocious storms and deep plentiful waters. Over many a journey he studied the storms and waters of this new found sea. Often as a mute crew member he explored the sparsely populated sea with pirates in search of treasure both under the sky and under the water. In order to survive he learned their ways and to communicate with sign and text. He developed the skills of sword, pistol and logic, so required in the dangerous new land. He also learnt the importance of running a tight ship, so when the time came to fight he was ready. Over time more pirates arrived with the lure of treasure, reputation or just to explore the natural environment that he so admired

    Baxy knows that the real adventure and fun is yet to begin. He has a word of advice to share to all pirates in this strange new sea. To best succeed in both adventure or battle, all pirates must learn to respect the beauty and the danger of the environment of the sea of thieves.


  • @katttruewalker this is such a great idea! How didn't I see this before, or think of it? I'll come up with a good backstory in no time. Thanks for the inspiration with your own great tale Captain!

  • @thorhammer3 Haha! I've been a pirate fer a while, ye knows :D

    @AssassinsKing98 We did have such a thread buried on the old forums (now lost), but I thought it would be great to revive it and create some histories while we're waiting for Beta :)

  • @katttruewalker that's a great idea! And if you don't mind me asking. Just where did you get that picture? Looks like an awesome flag for a pirate explorer.

  • @assassinsking98 Ah well, do you remember Andrew used to create flags on the forums a while back? He created this one for me along with @J4dio who also helped to make them. I love it!

  • @katttruewalker

    I love your story! :D I'm going to try to write my own backstory to share with you.

  • @yualee I'm looking forward to reading all of them!

  • @katttruewalker oh yeah I saw that thread a few days ago. They look awesome! Is it too late to make my own? :P

  • @assassinsking98 Never too late for your own story. Come on, I want to read it.

  • @jcmdeadpool oh but of course! At once.

  • @assassinsking98 It's never too late for a flag :)

  • @assassinsking98 good to hear

  • Here it is. It might be a bit long, but once I started typing, I could not stop. So bear with me xD

    Name: Yualee la Bron, Captain of the Black Léon

    I have been part of the pirate community for as long as I can remember. My father, crew member of the once great Black Herring Pirates, took me on many small plundering voyages while teaching me how to sail and being a pirate in general. While he wasn’t the best ‘’role model father’’ for a little girl, I still looked up to him and loved all the adventures we went on together. My mother, taken by Yellow Jacket when I was 8 caused me to spend even more time aboard the Black Herrings’ ship while I had no reason to stay in the Dutch Republic. From that moment onwards, I decided that I wanted to become a pirate just like my father. While the Black Herring crew had been like family to me up to that point, they had that well known superstition that a woman, or girl in my case, would be bad luck aboard a ship. My father, valuing the pirate code above all else sided with his crew and brought me to the shores of Brittany. The small town port of Léon became my new home against my will and my father set sail with his crew, never to be seen again.

    Left with nothing more than my raggedy cloths, a burlap sack with moldy bread and 5 golden coins to my name, I felt exiled and abandoned in this foreign land. Having to scrape by with how little I had I spend the first few months on the street begging for food and shelter. It was on those very streets that I met Bron. He was a stern looking men, a bit on the heavy side with a majestic brown beard. Bron was the local blacksmith but not much more was known about him. He liked his privacy and almost never left his workshop other than to get supplies. On a stormy night he walked past me on main street where I was hiding from the rain and cold behind barrels next to the local pub, The Red Oyster. He stopped and turned and I could feel the warmth of his lantern near my face. Bron made a sort of grumpy noise and kept on walking. I do not remember what happened next, but when I opened my eyes again I was in a small, dimly lit room, covered in a blanket. I did not realize then, but Bron had taken me in from the cold and from that moment onward became sort of a guardian for me.

    He decided to take me on as an apprentice and taught me everything I needed to know about blacksmithing. While he wasn’t the most pleasant man to be around, I quickly got accustomed to his few words used and harsh teaching ways of becoming a blacksmith. I stayed with Bron for a few years and quickly became a capable and well-known blacksmith within the vicinity of Léon. I wouldn’t say I was happy with what my life had become, but if it wasn’t for Bron, I could be dead for all I knew.

    Then the time came when a rogue pirate crew came to the shores of Léon and shattered the life I had grown accustomed to. The Joly Reapers, a filthy crew with no honor for the pirate code or life itself. They came to Léon on a sunny day and started to plunder, r**e and burn the city along the way. They also came to the blacksmith shop where Bron and I were working. They demanded supplies from us while threatening me with a sword. Bron kept quiet and started to gather the supplies while the Joly Reapers laughed. I felt an anger deep inside of me and could not tolerate these filthy s***s to steal from our workshop. I kicked the pirate with the sword in the twins and quickly grabbed his sword from the ground, ready to fight. The Joly Reapers laughed once again and unsheathed their swords while walking towards my direction. Before I could defend myself, I got hit to the head by the hilt of their sword and I fell to the ground. I felt pain and anger while looking at their smug faces.

    Before I could do anything else, Bron was standing in front of me with a hammer he had grabbed from the work bench. The pirates laughed once again and looked at Bron with great amusement. For the first time since I met Bron, he opened his mouth and with a deep crackling voice pleaded for my life. The pirates, laughing at the pathetic plea of the blacksmith walked towards him and stabbed him in the chest. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks while Bron slowly collapsed onto the cold, stone floor of our workshop.

    Everything around me stopped moving and I felt frozen in time. One of the pirates picked me up from the floor and shook me around. I did not hear what he was saying, my gaze locked onto Bron’s lifeless body. They hit me in the face and held a knife against my cheek, and while blood was dripping down, I could not take my eyes of Bron. Annoyed and tired, the pirates gave up after making sure the workshop was beyond repair. There I was sitting on the floor, looking at Bron without moving an inch. I must have been in that state for a few hours. It was not till the owner of the Red Oyster, a close friend of Bron, knocked on the door that I snapped out of my daze.

    What happened after that all feels like a blur. But a deep feeling of anger and hate burned strong within me. From that day onwards, I pledged to revenge Bron and hunt the Joly Reapers down. Even if I had to sail to the other side of the world to catch them. I would find them and kill them to revenge my friend, my teacher, my guardian. I took on the name Bron as a momento to him and have a scar on my cheek as a reminder to that awful day.

    My name is Yualee la Bron, and I will become the most feared pirate captain for rogue pirates all around the seven seas.

  • @yualee A great story and a harsh upbringing that brought ye to th'Account - I look for'ard to meetin' ye on the Seas!

  • @katttruewalker

    Thank you :) It will be an honor to meet you on the seven seas!

  • Okay @katttruewalker , sorry for the delay... Been a busy morning. My story is completed and in my original post^

  • @thorhammer3 An excellent tale! Tutored by Blackbeard himsel'? Ye must be a mighty pirate indeed!

  • @katttruewalker
    He was a father to me. :)
    Sounds like we'd make a good crew!

  • Alrighty! Here goes:

    Finally, the secret chalice he had looked for after all these years was within his grasp. Just within his reach. Just a small sip from that water of legend and he could finally cure his dear sister's illness.

    His name by birth was Alejandro del Castillo, a name of noble origins, and a lavish lifestyle. After spending his early years as a child of Spanish nobility, however, he quickly grew bored of their slow-paced way of life, and disappeared one day, buying a small ship with some, some might say too much, of his father's currency. He decided to make a life, and a name, for himself in the Caribbean, instead of remaining forever under his family's shadow. That's precisely why he wished to keep his name a secret. He heard whispers of settlements of a secret order, emerging from the deep jungles of Cuba. The order of the Assassins and their centuries of struggles against the Templars seemed to be an enticing place to keep his identity a secret.

    After many years of work under the creed, he managed to get his own crew, and decided to enter the life of piracy as a captain. After all, he wasn't the first to do this, as there had been many others before him with this idea. He was revered by his crew, and became known as “The Assassin King,” a title they jokingly came up with after hearing rumors about his past. To them, the ship they shared was their country, and the captain was their leader, and their king. Just this once, the scallywags chuckled, they'd be willing to take orders from a “monarch.”

    A few years passed by when received news from his sister, whom he had never lost communication with back in Spain. The letter explained that she had suddenly been struck with a strange fever, and despite the family's efforts, there seemed to be no doctor capable of finding a cure. Their efforts could only slightly alleviate the illness, but the fever would keep coming back.

    The Assassin King had amassed great riches and success after the years, and also great reputation. Perhaps, he thought, one of his connections would prove useful in finding a cure for his sister's disease. He asked many pirates about different medicines, and looked high and low for the ingredients, but after sending them to Spain, he quickly learned that none ever worked. However, he wouldn't give up, and after many weeks, he found a shaman, who told him the legend of a secret chalice, hidden deep within a cave in Isla de la Juventud, surrounded by glistening gold in a very small island just south of Cuba. According to the legend, he who drinks from this chalice will know no pain, endure no disease, and never age. Knowing that the name of the island meant “Island of Youth,” he became certain there would be something to be found there.

    He scoured the island, and, with the aid of his crew, found two caves: one north of the island, and one at the very center. He sent half of his crew to the north, and took the rest with him to the cave at the center. He found, in this cave, strange markings and, to his surprise, an explorer who had been impaled by a swinging trap. Inside his bag, there was a notebook showing the meaning of the markings. It read “only the trident’s kiss will open the way to the chalice. Find Atlantis, city of cities. The Kraken will know the way.”

    To this day, the tales say, the captain searches for the creature of myth and legend: the Kraken. Then, and only then, will he find a cure for his beloved sister.

    I must thank you for the writing exercise Captn. @KattTruewalker , I haven't written a good story for a while.

  • @yualee It sounds like vengeance is the treasure we seek, we shall hunt them all down till they're skellies!

  • @JCMDeadpool I hope you're pleased :)

  • @thorhammer3

    ARGH! :D

  • @assassinsking98 You played too much Black Flag. But I like it so much, I am playing with the idea to include your storie into mine.

  • @jcmdeadpool lol isn't it obvious? But hey it works.
    That would be really interesting! You have my full support if you want to relate the stories. Knock yourself out!

  • No one is quite sure where Erik Stormbones came from, or why he is called "In the Bakery" as none 'ave ever seen him in a bakery (although he has been caught checking the food stores and mumbling something about banana bread). Some think he was born at sea, because he grumbles every time he has to go on land, but no one really knows and he only says "I don't recall".

    What we do know about this grizzled old pirate is that he has seen everything, forgotten all of it, and then seen some of it again. Many a hopeful landlubber has turned to this weathered old soul for advice on the seas after being amazed as he guides his ship through rocks they know he couldn't see as if he had a map of the whole sea in his mind, while at the same time taking them to the wrong island. Some think he must be half in the grave already, what with his ability to fire a cannon and hit a ship on the horizon. Others say he is the worst shot on the water, missing boats yards away in calm waters.

    Looking back through historical records, we can see he has joined none less than 15 fleets, and as many as 5 concurrently. His loyalty seems to only extend to the rails of his own ship. He has sailed with legends, he has sailed cabin boys, and he doesn't seem to care one way or the other. At times he'll spare you because he sailed with you ages ago. He's been known to fire on his own boat. No one gets this rattled old man, but no one seems to mind.

  • @assassinsking98 That was a really good read! I loved the idea around the captain being the 'monarch' on board ship - good luck in your search!

    @erikinthebakery You sound like the sort o' pirate it'd be good to sit down with in a tavern and share a jar or two o' grog :D

  • @katttruewalker thanks, it was fun to write it! Hopefully once they add the Kraken I'll be able to resume my search XD

  • A long time ago in a tavern far, far away…

    Cough Cough “Arrrrgh!” snarled the old man as he took a noisy slurp from his tankard of grog. He had been drunk for quite some time within the run-down tavern of Outpost Island and had accumulated quite the audience with his ramblings of adventures on the sea and encounters with dangerous creatures. The rim of his empty tankard hit the oaken table quite loudly as he brought his hand down hard, signaling the tavern keeper that he was ready for another drink. As he smiled, gold caught the light of the nearby candles, showcasing an almost whimsical amount of solid gold teeth.

    “Gather’ round lads! I’ve a story to tell… ye ever heard the tale of Cap’n Anubis the feared?” the old man asked, smile threatening to blind the young pirates clustered around his table. “Anubis the feared?” asked one youngster, sarcasm evident in his voice, “He’s just a legend old man, a story told to would-be pirates so they’ll be afraid of stealing from the innocent.” “Aye” said the old man, his face becoming hard and sober, smile disappearing. “Legend he is, that’s to say… he’s a living one.” “You’re full whale p**s old man!” another lad called with a laugh. “Aye…maybe”, the old sailor said with a thoughtful gaze, off into the distance, as his new grog was poured. The old man handled his new grog with care, staring down into the liquid with a look of pure wonder and with a whisper said, “the story goes something like this”.

    "Out of the crumbling ruins of Egypt, came men and women who were exceptionally skilled fighters and hunters, Medjay they called them. These people flocked to other nations, spreading out amongst the land and offering their services for gold. The Medjay had always been honorable folk, so I hear, but certain sects within the group became power-hungry and blood-thirsty. Death came easy to those who found themselves at odds with these men and women. It wasn’t long until the plunders of the sea called to them as well. They took to seafaring quickly and became fierce pirates, adopting one of their Gods, Anubis, a jackal headed god of death and burial as their standard. The flag quickly became recognized and feared amongst the seas. The Medjay population, already small, dwindled over the years, until only a few were left. There were three brothers in all, they co-captained the same ship and the three had opposing views on their overall mission in life. One wanted blood and battle, to send as many souls to Anubis as possible, the other wanted gold and glory, to become a king among men, and the last… the youngest, only wanted to protect. His name was Jessepter Al’ Sorno. After five years sailing with his brothers, unable to change their ways, he knew that he had to kill them and send them to Anubis so their hearts could be weighed and their fate determined. And so it was that he killed them… or so the story goes. He sailed alone and the few he did trust to sail with, he informed them of his one rule, to only steal from those who deserve it. So his legend began, he traveled the sea, often called the sea of thieves, for it was the most favored destination of pirates far and wide, famed for its plunder. He sought out those who would steal from the helpless and he sent them to old Davy Jones. To the many pirates in the sea of thieves, he became known simply as, Anubis the Feared. He could easily be spotted on his ship, recognized by his infamous twin kopesh swords that he wielded with deadly precision, the same ones that appeared blooded on his flag. There’s an old rhyme we used to sing to pay homage to this demon among men.”

    The old man began to sing quietly in his low raspy voice,

    to thooooooooose, on the seeeeaaaa,
    bound for gold or for gloryyyyy
    Ye better watch, ye best bewaaaaare
    Do not fall, to blood l**t’s snaaaaare

    Then he began to say rather than sing,

    And if ye slay the helpless, your conscious besmeared
    Ye best pray HE won’t give chase
    …. Anubis the Feared

    The tavern was silent, wide eyed young pirates listened expectantly for the next part of the story. “Well?” asked a young lady, her eyepatch sporting a green jewel, glinting in the firelight. “What happened to him?” The old man blew out a breath, taking a swig from his grog. “Some say he died many years ago fighting a kraken, some say he finally met his match on the seas, but I’d like to think he’s still out there, in a tavern somewhere, listening to stories of himself.” At that moment the old man noticed a figure in the dark, unlit, corner of the tavern begin to stir. His attention was jerked to the laughter of one young man sporting a hook for a hand and carrying a particularly nasty looking cutlass in his belt. “Kat!” he giggled, “you can’t be serious, Anubis is just a myth! This old sod has got you by the ears, he’s full of p**s and wind and you are too if you believe anything he says!” The pirate Kat, stood, beginning to draw her cutlass from its scabbard. “I’ll have YOUR ears if ye make another comment like that!” she roared with deadly ferocity. Just as the young lad began to pull his cutlass free from his belt, a loud thud resounded across the tavern and jutting from center of the table, was a silver bladed Kopesh sword, a jackal head encrusted on the hilt. The light glancing off the blade gave the pirates no illusions as to the keenness of the edge, the feint silver glow almost supernatural. The pirates around the table gasped. “I know he’s real”, the old man said quietly, “I met him once… out there in the sea. I was a younger man back then, ye see, got myself in with the wrong type o’ crew. We would sail for days, just looking to kill and steal from those who were ripe with treasure, that’s the pirate way savvy?” He made the last statement with a sheepish grin.

    The pirates began to seat themselves, turning their attentions back to the old man. “The thing is, we did much worse than that. We took new crew members and threw them into our brig for no reason other than to see how they reacted when we puked on them.” That raised a few laughs from the audience. “We fell upon crews while under the pretense of friendship and rent them asunder, and even worse… we killed pirates engaged in nothing but the beautiful art of making song.” This too garnered some laughs from various pirates. Kat, however, was listening intently. “We became known as the Grievers. We were revered among the seas, indeed, causing all sorts of grief and mischief wherever we sailed... until one early morning, my lookout caught sight of a ship behind us. I heard him call black sails at the top of his lungs right before a loud cracked sounded. He dropped from the crow’s nest, right by me feet, a smoking hole between his eyes. I looked back over the rails and saw the flag, it was the Feared. His ship gained on us too quickly. They came up on our port side, still too far distant for accurate cannon fire… so I thought.” The old man polished off his tankard. “There was a single shot from their cannon. Not but a few moments later, there was a soft thud on the forward deck of our ship… and there he was, Jessepter Al’ Sorno, Anubis the Feared, Captain of the notorious Sea Jackal... in the flesh. He stood there, all in black, twin Kopesh swords unsheathed and ready for battle. When he attacked, he was a blur of motion, dancing around the deck, swords flashing, and before I knew it, my remaining two crew mates were dead. As he approached, I pleaded for him to spare me, that I’d change my ways. Ye see, my life matters to me, I’m not one for a joy ride on the ferry of the damned. He inclined his head so I dropped me hands, let out a deep breath... and he hit me in the mouth with the flat of his sword. The old man smiled widely letting everyone get a view of his gold teeth. He wrenched it free of the oaken table.

    “He took this blade and imbedded it into the main mast of my ship, he said that it was to remind me and that’s the last thing I remember before waking up to a mouth full of nothing.” The old man laughed as he peered up. “I just wanted you to know that I’ve changed” the old man said, now looking passed his eager and partly confused audience. “I wanted to return this to you sir”, the old man said with bow as he held out the blade, seemingly towards the young lad with the nasty cutlass. The lad reached out with a smile and the floorboards behind the pirates creaked. A tall, darkly clad figure walked between the seated pirates and wordlessly lifted the kopesh from the old man’s hands. “Now wait just a minute!” said the young lad, pulling his blade free of his belt. Before another movement could be made, the darkly clad man’s kopesh streaked out with blinding speed, severing the man’s sword just above the guard. With a tight flourish, the figure sheathed the Kopesh, a twin version of the blade visible on his other hip. The young lad stood there gaping and Captain Anubis strolled from the tavern, unhurried, and spared one backwards glance, directed seemingly at Kat. “Until we meet on the sea, pirates”, he said to everyone listening, in a voice that gave no indication of his age. With that, he was gone.

    "Is it true that the Captain knows 300 ways to kill a pirate?" Kat asked the old man, with a smile playing at the corner of her mouth. The old man gave a devious grin, as if he had expected as much from her and said, "he knows 311 ways to kill a pirate... sevvy?" Kat stood up quickly, knowing in her heart what she had to do. The now swordless young lad moved swiftly to block her path, "no one leaves this crew!" he shouted. She didn't have to unsheathe her cutlass very far before the hilt hit its intended target. The lad sunk to his knees, grasping quickly, his hooked hand adding injury to insult. His cries and the pirates’ laughter echoed into the night, fading from Kat's hearing as she sprinted out of the shanty town, onto the docks. Out beyond the shallows was a black vessel, made blacker by twilight of the coming morning. The blowing wind allowed her to catch sight of a familiar flag, one described in legends. Three figures stood at the end of the dock, one with twin swords. A voice rang out, both smooth and calm, but unnaturally audible for the distance. "Your reputation precedes you... Captain Truewalker. We have have room for one more. "

  • @ANUBIS0311

  • @katttruewalker

  • @KattTruewalker Had to add a little something to the end, it just didn't feel complete.

  • @anubis0311 I'm honoured :) A fine and fitting tale indeed.

  • Hi guys! I try me too, to tell you the story of my Pirate, Mr Hamuro ! Sorry in advance if you find some errors :p

    Royal tissue.

    Mr Hamuro was born only son in a family of frenchs tailors and storekeepers. A modest but comfortable family.

    His parents were known for the quality of their work but especially for the rarity of materials used for their clothes. Their shop: "Royal Tissue" situated not far from the port of the city, became an inescapable place for the people and even for some nobles. With the time and thanks to the work of the family, they succeeded in becoming appreciated and respected storekeepers. Luxurious and refined creators.

    Long years so passed by and the young son was a day old enough to manage the family shop...

    The business was perfect, used tissues were more and more beautiful and expensive, and the boy became so talented and famous as his father and his mother before him. He had dealed with an English dry cleaner and he travelled once a month to England on his own boat to provide itself in rare and wanted pigments!

    He returned then in France with the invaluable colors: ochre red, beautiful purple and turquoise blue... To attract always more. Again and again. We say that his ultimate purpose was to draw the attention of king himself with his clothes...

    One day, while he went back home, loaded with tissues and new pigments and after a few weeks in England, he made one bad meeting. The night had fallen but the light resulted from his own shop! The place was occupied. The young man was afraid but he decided to not abandon his shop and his fortune !

    He rushed inside and met four rough men, shabbily dressed, tattooed, who quarrelled clothes. In spite of the shouts and the noises of the torn tissue, Hamuro made its entrance by appearing in a courteous way.

    "Good evening, I am Mr Hamuro, owner of the Royal Tissue and I ask you of.."

    The poor man did not have time to pursue his presentation that a hard knock came from behind. And suddenly the black came.

    The young man woke up not long after the accident, some meters in front of his shop. His establishment was in flame. Everything was lost. The dyes, tissues, his fortune, and the story of his family.

    He was mad with grief, in tears and frustrated to have become so miserable and so alone. He possessed nothing more... Except his boat and some materials which he had just brought back reported.

    In spite of his complaints in the authorities and his demands of legal proceedings, Mr Hamuro did not succeed in repairing his shop and to making justice on the vandals. He transformed then his boat into a small store and sold his last creations.

    In a miserable way and depressed, he frequented places disreputable. Until day or a story came to his ears in an inn: the story of treasures hidden in the sea and bury in the sand on distant islands. A story of riddles which would lead to the wealth. A story of fights with swords and pistols which would bring the glory. A story of sea of thieves!

    Today, Mr Hamuro, navigates on seas and oceans on his boat and new shop, " Royal Tissue " in memory of his family and his old establishment! Always decided to trade and to find his fame but also to make justice on those who broke his life...

    "Hello, the store is open. Be welcome in my establishment. Here, you will find the most beautiful things! The most beautiful clothes, the most beautiful colors and the most refined and the most elegant tissue of the world! Don't be afraid, I will make you a good price. Yes... A very good price..."

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