
  • Hello , I'd like to ask :

    1 - I had 3 models of merchant alliance spyglass ; 2 vanished , the latest model is the only available and I don't like it. What happened ?

    2 - Sometimes my ship name is absent or completely different. What'd be the reason ?

    3 - Under normal circumstances , my ping varies between 25 and 50. Lately , I observed peaks of 80 (even 100) for a few minutes. What would cause this ? I read somewhere it'd be related to hacking in the server but idk if this is the cause.

    Thanks for reading this , fair winds everyone.

  • 15
  • @every-henry sagte in Questions:

    Hello , I'd like to ask :

    1 - I had 3 models of merchant alliance spyglass ; 2 vanished , the latest model is the only available and I don't like it. What happened ?

    2 - Sometimes my ship name is absent or completely different. What'd be the reason ?

    3 - Under normal circumstances , my ping varies between 25 and 50. Lately , I observed peaks of 80 (even 100) for a few minutes. What would cause this ? I read somewhere it'd be related to hacking in the server but idk if this is the cause.

    Thanks for reading this , fair winds everyone.

    1: the faction tools don’t sell versions seperatly, there is just "one, that upgrades"

    2: maybe look into the settings, do you maybe have streaming options on?

    3: SoT does generally have a higher ping than other games, as long as it's under 100 it's ok (this is more an opinion, I play on XBox, so I don’t see the ping, but a friend sees it and it never had been under 60)

  • @schwammlgott , thanks for replying

    1 - I'm sure I had 3 models , maybe Rare changed it? I wish I had the simpler version back...
    2 - I'll have a look , but it happens randomly. Logging off/in again usually solves the issue.
    3 - I commonly have ping 25-50 when playing SoT , but sometimes it doubles or triples depending on how many large ships on server ? idk

  • @every-henry

    2 is a glitch. You can't prevent it. Does clear up if you stay in the session tho.

  • @pithyrumble , I see ... thanks , captain : )

  • Are adventures dead like tall tales? I haven't seen a new adventure in weeks

  • @every-henry sagte in Questions:

    @schwammlgott , thanks for replying

    1 - I'm sure I had 3 models , maybe Rare changed it? I wish I had the simpler version back...
    2 - I'll have a look , but it happens randomly. Logging off/in again usually solves the issue.
    3 - I commonly have ping 25-50 when playing SoT , but sometimes it doubles or triples depending on how many large ships on server ? idk

    1. Was that way since launch
  • @xxx-link-xxx-12 sagte in Questions:

    Are adventures dead like tall tales? I haven't seen a new adventure in weeks

    Offtopic, ha? I answer you anyway...they come back, just paused them for a bit...wasn't there a big announcement about this a while ago?

  • @schwammlgott didn't realize it was off topic I saw questions and assumed you could field anything you aren't sure on. Thank you for your answer

  • @schwammlgott said in Questions:

    @xxx-link-xxx-12 sagte in Questions:

    Are adventures dead like tall tales? I haven't seen a new adventure in weeks

    Offtopic, ha? I answer you anyway...they come back, just paused them for a bit...wasn't there a big announcement about this a while ago?

    New one just dropped...

  • @pithyrumble new adventure? Nice

  • @schwammlgott said in Questions:

    @pithyrumble new adventure? Nice

    Oof, apologies. Next week lol 😅

  • @schwammlgott , das ist weird , mein Herr ... I remember having 3 models in the chest. Thanks anyway , captain.

  • @pithyrumble sagte in Questions:

    @schwammlgott said in Questions:

    @pithyrumble new adventure? Nice

    Oof, apologies. Next week lol 😅

    Yeah, saw that a few hours later...still good

  • @every-henry sagte in Questions:

    @schwammlgott , das ist weird , mein Herr ... I remember having 3 models in the chest. Thanks anyway , captain.

    Sorry, kapier' ich gerade nicht...what?

5 out of 15