Server mergering

  • Can we get rid of this, just lost a stolen chest of legends I had hidden as I was sailing to it , spent a couple hours fighting for that

  • 21
  • You want to get rid of a vital feature that is there to keep servers full just because of an uncommon 1 off situation where a server merge inconvenienced you? Server merges can be a bit annoying, but they are vital. As well i must beg the question, were you actually on your way to get it? I ask because to my understanding a server merge will not happen while your ship is on the move.

  • @thedawwghogg I'm guessing you were solo, lost your boat, but managed to sink the crew that had the Chest of Legends you hid?

    Yeah solos have it extremely rough when the game respawns you somewhere so empty you get merged out of a potential rematch with enemies, or retrieving what loot you stole. You very much just can't sink and be nearby the enemy at all times for a steal, or have a rowboat so making a getaway is more feasible than a deadly swim through the sea.

  • @goldsmen yes I was on the way to get to it, how is it a vital part of the game? If I’m alone for a little bit someone’s bound to join eventually .
    It’s also not a one off experience, this one was just frustrating due to the amount of time fighting the fof, I’ve also lost a skeleton fleet loot in the past and tall take progress as well.

  • @nex-stargaze for the most part that was accurate, 4 ship battle, got the col, swam to rock, hid on rock, got into fight with the last ship, let my boat sink as I was killing them, than one blundered, came out of ferry, merged (as I was sailing)

  • @thedawwghogg said in Server mergering:

    @goldsmen yes I was on the way to get to it, how is it a vital part of the game? If I’m alone for a little bit someone’s bound to join eventually .
    It’s also not a one off experience, this one was just frustrating due to the amount of time fighting the fof, I’ve also lost a skeleton fleet loot in the past and tall take progress as well.

    Its not a guarantee that some one will happen to join onto the same server as you are on, and it may have been done when the server was getting ready to shut down.

    I am however confused how it could have merged you when your ship was moving. Server merges can happen if your ship is spinning but stationary, but as far as im aware, they are impossible while the ship is sailing.

  • @thedawwghogg said in Server mergering:

    @nex-stargaze for the most part that was accurate, 4 ship battle, got the col, swam to rock, hid on rock, got into fight with the last ship, let my boat sink as I was killing them, than one blundered, came out of ferry, merged (as I was sailing)

    4/6 ships in a single area, 2 confirmed sinks, you let yourself get sunk, and chances are, the area of the map your battle was in wasn't close to the center of the map, so you get a really far spawn as a solo, get on your boat, start sailing, and then the game realizes there isn't a soul around you because 2 crews probably left the server after losing in a 4 ship free for all.

    Again, one of the reasons solo'ing can be rough, you just cannot sink or get caught into too much combat, or else you sink and get sent too far away from "trouble". Solo PvP is roughest challenge in the game because you cannot fail horribly at any point, which is rough.

  • just lost a stolen chest of legends I had hidden as I was sailing to it

    Well..dont hide such high value items :p

  • @thedawwghogg

    What annoys me about them is they freeze your character and your can’t do anything. Like your trying to repair your ship and you can’t do anything but at least the server doesn’t get shut down like it use to do.

  • @goldsmen said in Server mergering:

    I am however confused how it could have merged you when your ship was moving.

    I frequently get merged when I'm coming in to sell up, also still moving, end up crashing into the island.
    Or fishing, I've lost quite a few rare fish due to server merge.

  • @burnbacon lol you know how solo steals work? Ha

  • @goldsmen said in Server mergering:

    You want to get rid of a vital feature that is there to keep servers full just because of an uncommon 1 off situation where a server merge inconvenienced you? Server merges can be a bit annoying, but they are vital. As well i must beg the question, were you actually on your way to get it? I ask because to my understanding a server merge will not happen while your ship is on the move.

    I believe your understanding may be off. I've been merged while sailing on the open ocean. I believe the requirement is that your entire crew must be on board the ship to be merged.

  • Bring back no anchor = no merge lol 😁

  • @tybald
    I don’t think there is a requirement. Yesterday my daughter jumped off the boat to grab something as we got merged

  • @pithyrumble wouldn’t mind that, or just get rid of em hah, not once have I ever been like yay! Server merge!!
    If I wanna hunt players I can server hop, just frustrating and takes the immersion out of it some for me 😫

  • @thedawwghogg said in Server mergering:

    @goldsmen yes I was on the way to get to it, how is it a vital part of the game?

    If you get merged from a server, that means it was scheduled to shut down. When that happens, it no longer allows new ships to join and it waits until remaining ships are in a mergeable state to move them off of the server.

    Servers can't run forever, they need to shut down and restart every so often to keep things running smoothly.

  • @d3adst1ck you sure that’s why they do it? Nothing to do with boat count? I’ve been on the same server for 10 hours is why I’m asking.

  • @thedawwghogg I'm pretty sure. A full server won't shut down, but an emptier one will in order to have fewer servers running at full population vs. lots of lower population servers. I'm not sure on the exact runtime limit for a server before it enters a shutdown state, but once that passes no new ships are added and it just waits until there are like 2 ships left and they aren't close to each other before merging them away to a different server. If that doesn't happen, the server will stay up and running.

  • @tybald said in Server mergering:

    @goldsmen said in Server mergering:

    You want to get rid of a vital feature that is there to keep servers full just because of an uncommon 1 off situation where a server merge inconvenienced you? Server merges can be a bit annoying, but they are vital. As well i must beg the question, were you actually on your way to get it? I ask because to my understanding a server merge will not happen while your ship is on the move.

    I believe your understanding may be off. I've been merged while sailing on the open ocean. I believe the requirement is that your entire crew must be on board the ship to be merged.

    Thats strange, it used to require your ship be stopped so you wouldnt crash while merging.

  • @goldsmen said in Server mergering:

    Thats strange, it used to require your ship be stopped so you wouldnt crash while merging.

    I'm gonna say that was changed a looooong time ago, if it used to require being still. I have been being merged while actively sailing for a couple years or longer. I have hit multiple islands, or rocks, or turned completely around as it merged while my wheel was cut to one side...

    The only thing I noticed that was consistent was all pirates needed to be touching the ship, or in the general ship space. Like maybe I was jumping on the deck, but not jumping into water.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Server mergering:

    If you get merged from a server, that means it was scheduled to shut down. .... Servers can't run forever, they need to shut down and restart every so often to keep things running smoothly.

    That sounds reasonable.
    So it seems strange that you would be merged into a server, only to be kicked out within a short time.
    I've been server merged 3 or 4 times in an hour plenty of times.

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