Allegiance in Organic Hourglass Encounters

    My Reaper crew found dueling hourglass ships (Guardians vs Servants)

    We used our hourglass and helped our fellow Reapers sink the Athena. Yay!

    But no allegiance for us. I know that this is due to the "Deterring Team Battles" changes in Update 2.7.2:

    "Crews who discover two Faction ships in a battle will no longer be rewarded with Allegiance, Streak increases or Hourglass value for joining the fight and sinking the Faction ships, as they are not part of the battle."

    Question 1
    Based on a strict reading of the update notes, it sounds like it is still possible to earn allegiance for sinking rival faction ships that we encounter in adventure organically, so long as they are NOT engaged in a battle. Can anyone confirm that this is true? OR is allegiance now only for people diving or defending?

    Question 2
    In the encounter described above, we sank the Athena ship first. We got no Allegiance because of the Update 2.7.2 change mentioned above.
    After that, we sank the Reaper ship. We did not get any allegiance from that either, presumably because both ships belonged to the same faction.

    But WHAT IF we sank the Reaper first? The Athena would then no longer be a part of a duel. If we sank the Athena AFTER their battle, would we receive allegiance for the sink?

    If the answer is YES... Doesn't that mean the current system encourages us aid the enemy faction if we run into a duel during the course of our adventure? :-O

    If anyone could answer these questions based on experience (or direct me to another thread with details on this), I would much appreciate it!

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  • That is a good question. Would be curious to know the answer myself.

  • Two answer both questions at once, as far as I understand it, the only ships who can gain allegiance in the fight are the ones who initiated it. For example, if both ships come up from the depths, same faction or not, or one comes up and it’s a defensive match. If ANY ship joins in after and helps sink either side, the helping ship WILL NOT get any allegiance from it.
    In an adventure scenario where neither ship has risen from below and both sides have put their HG down, they won’t get allegiance for it because they’re not bound within the circle that a regular match would do. AND, the game is still looking for an opponent for both sides at this point so if either side had a ship come up, then only the risen ship and its opponent would then get the allegiance.

    It’s complex but I hope this helps.

  • Thanks, @Tesiccl !

    If I understand you correctly, it sounds like after Update 2.7.2, only players invading through the War Map (or defending against invaders) can earn allegiance.

    That's too bad! The hourglass was intended to incorporate more PVP into Adventure mode, but this change kind of separates hourglass PVP into its own mode within Adventure... But the reasons for the change are understandable, and I'm sure more tweaks are coming in the future. :)

    Thanks again!

  • @skipper-jimi yes that’s my understanding, if I’m wrong then, like you, I’d need it in writing explained somewhere. I think it’s a necessary change considering server alliances could cheese the allegiance gain the old way.

  • Yes, sinking your same faction first will make the opposite faction ship into an organic encounter, and sinking them will count for you then.

  • @klutchxking518

    Excellent, thank you!

    So the good news is that organic encounters still DO give allegiance.

    The bad news is that we are now encouraged to work against our own faction so we can get allegiance in such encounters.
    Rolls on deck laughing

  • I'm not sure if I know the answer to your question, but to gain allegiance here is what you can do assuming that both ships had emissary flags:
    Sink them both, sell the Athena flag - lower reaper hourglass, raise the Athena emissary and hourglass and sell the reaper flag for guardian bonus, but then you will be obliged to finish it or hope that nobody invades you before you can do it.

    I never tried this myself, but I heard from other players that you can do this.

    (Edit: missed some important information)

  • for me the battles on demand takes everything away what makes sot interesting n fun. its so tedious doin everytime the same battle scenarios without earnig loot, im a really average player its kinda 50/50 win lose rate for me,even with my low goal reachin 100 it will takes so long its awfull. its more fun fighting in the openworld over loot , for me sot isnt not fun as a pure pvp game ,same for pve it would be a boring game without pvp,its the mix n the oportunities what makes sot fun. so why not adding one item for each site in fof n fotd to earning horuglass allegiance?. is it cause the silly community crying over the hg is meant for pvp?

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