So... why are ppl so weird

  • My very first sea battle with a skilled player. His ship looks fancy so I assume he's one of those old players. He's toying with me but that's ok, I learned a lot and punched a bunch of holes on his ship. Then he sailed away and I chilled on an island nearby. He somehow found me and approached to me in a very friendly gesture, carrying all his loot boxes to my ship. I was so confused, but since he's not attacking me I just sit there and watch. Then he suddenly back stabbed me and throw a explosive barrel on my shop and sunk it.
    I just downloaded this game this week, so I'm still trying to learn things. Should I shoot on sight next time if someone approaches to me? And what on earth does he mean with all those actions?

  • 13
  • might be a little dust on the bottle but don't let it fool you about what's inside

    it can get a bit odd out there but I'd just embrace it

    it's an adventure, unpredictable and peculiar create an interesting experience.

    Minimize risk and loss as much as you can and see what kinda weird stuff you can find out there imo.

    That's the stuff you fondly remember later down the road, it's what the stories in the tavern become.

    Weird is often just somethin' that needs a little more studyin' and understandin'. Like a pirate puzzle.

  • Some pirates thrive on chaos. They are aggressive one minute, friendly the next, and then back to aggressive. You should always be wary of a pirate, in particular one that isn't a part of your own crew. You don't have to be immediately aggressive yourself, but be ready to clash steal if the need arises.

  • @rahorakthy233
    I think @redeyesith said it best: some pirates thrive on chaos and utilize the 'Wild Card' strategy. They lean into some unorthodox methods to sink their targets.

    Here's what I like to do: I envision a bubble of protection around my ship. (Within reasonable cannon range) If another crew breaks the bubble, I take it as a sign of aggression and start defending my ship. Sea of Thieves is one of those games where it's better to shoot first and ask questions later. (Scenarios will vary depending on the circumstances). There are some good people out there, but it's a pirate game and an opportunist's playground.

    If you maintain your awareness of your surroundings and keep an eye on pirates in your vicinity, you'll be able to mitigate surprise attacks and be better prepared to deal with suspicious behavior. (i.e. what you described)

    Word of advice though if you're just starting: you're going to have good days and you're going to have bad days. (everyone here has decorated the ocean floor with their ship's remains and everyone here has lost treasure) Don't let it get you down or let it dictate your own enjoyment of the game, because the more you play, the less you will sink as you garner experience. I hope this helps! Happy sailing!


  • May I ask, how exactly did this happen? He sank you, he then came back and since you probably after sinking had nothing else to lose - allowed it. Ok. He starts bringing you treasure and you watch him in disbelief. How did you miss him carrying a barrel? He didn't just summon it, he went back to his ship, took it out from somewhere, got all the way to your ship and detonated it.

    Imo you just missed an opportunity to get revenge. I would have thanked him for the loot and shot the barrel whilst he is still on his ship. I'd imagine round 3 would have been epic.

  • If he brought a storage crate onboard, he was probably grabbing your supplies, not giving you his if he didnt expressly say thats what he was doing, but generally, never trust any one unless you dont care if you sink.

  • @rahorakthy233 I live like this: I mind my own business, and I always look to the horizon ... is it a sloop or a brig, is it approaching or moving away? If it is too close, put yourself in defense ... for example last night, I was sailing quietly, I see a sloop that goes in the same direction as me, then I notice the barrels of the merchant's mission ... I turn, I move away so as not to disturb his mission ... start following me, I pass between the rocks, crashes and starts screaming ... WE MAKE ALLIANCE ... WE COME IN PEACE ... Never trust, and if you see his ship sinking, don't go back, leave that goes with the sea

  • Idk tbh I wish we all known why they are weird

  • For me, if pirates come along and want to just grief me, I’m happy to be their object of focus. If I can have an entertaining time playing the game, then that’s all that matters. Some people may come and try to spawn kill you and not sink your ship or worry about your treasure, but in my experience if I talk with them as much as possible and just get to know them, they end up being pretty cool. Everyone’s here to have fun and it might not be your particular brand of fun, but being nice and friendly goes a lot longer than just ruining someone’s day. So in the end if other players want to waste their time griefing instead of joining forces and making some good profit, that’s on them. I can hold my own when I need to but I don’t find it necessary to just go out to quench that bloodthirst. Do no harm but take no ship! 🤣

  • @zig-zag-ltu He didn't sink me, I got out lol, but I was indeed had nothing on board but my 2 wood planks and 3 bananas. He went down to kill some mobs after he brought all his loots on board, so I went down helping him, then I realized he's missing. And he made that thing go boom when I'm climbing the ladder haha. I was like.... wth????

  • @redeyesith yea.. true lol

  • @rahorakthy233 I always remember a maxim from the art of war

    Offer one hand in peace but arm the other hand for war

  • @rahorakthy233

    I don't blame you for losing trust in others after a bad first experience.

    But don't let 1 guy make you condemn everyone else. There are good people out there.

    I have been betrayed, griefed, teamkilled, stolen from, hackers shooting me through walls, trolled in an unfunny manner and even met a skilled crew who would not sink us, but repeatedly kill us for hours while mocking us. (It was a funny story because they clearly wanted to demoralise us but their insults didn't work & they scuttled🤣)

    But that does not mean I should forget all those times I had fun & wholesome encounters from good players who gave me free tips/treasure/supplies/levels/helped in completing commendations, tall tales & etc?


    As a gamer for over 20 years, Sea of Thieves has the best community full of character & personality. Which is RARE for an online game.

    Just don't be naive, draw upon those bas experiences and be wary of strangers (other crews) always have a backup plan in case of a betrayal. don't be uptight, at the end of the day it is just a game, so get accustomed to loss. And yes, a ship approaching you is usually a sign that they want to fight (99% of the time), especially if they face their cannon sides towards you. Ships have a language too, Positioning and flags used, try and learn them.

    Remember that the solution is not to become the sort of player you hate as it is incredibly short sighted as it encourages a toxic cycle that even the toxic players wouldn't like, but to rise above it and create the sort of environment you want to see.

    I wish you the best.

10 out of 13