[Mega Thread] Custom Servers

  • @xshadystarx, [Mega Thread] Custom Servers içinde yazdı:

    Pls Add in game possibility for NPC crew.
    Some people like to play alone, npc crew is very important for playing all ships types alone.

    This thread has nothing to do with your idea.

  • @thorumsu, [Mega Thread] Custom Servers içinde yazdı:

    @xshadystarx, [Mega Thread] Custom Servers içinde yazdı:

    Pls Add in game possibility for NPC crew.
    Some people like to play alone, npc crew is very important for playing all ships types alone.

    This thread has nothing to do with your idea.

    I am a solo player BTW

  • @thorumsu I wrote this in the wrong topic, I re-uploaded the post in another place, I just forgot to delete it

  • finally i can play this game whit my girlfriend whit no one bothering us, we don't care about the gold or rep i just want to do the story tales

  • @sinesters1270 said in [Mega Thread] Custom Servers:

    finally i can play this game whit my girlfriend whit no one bothering us, we don't care about the gold or rep i just want to do the story tales

    Not yet and not necessarily - custom servers are still in a testing phase, only available to select partners, and may never be available to the public.

  • Any updates as to when these servers will be available to more players? No matter how rudimentary they may currently be, they would still be very useful to many of us.

  • So let me get this straight. You keep talking about not wanting to change the core of the game, because "pirates" and "thieves" and all that. Yet, you are adding in Custom Servers, where we could possibly be able to create our own modes? Modes that could change the core of the game. The thing you keep saying you don't want to change. Seriously Rare, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Make up your mind. This is a half measure that won't save this game. The fact is, this game is dying. People are leaving and this 30 million you so boast about only showcases how pitifully small your actual player base is. Barely 1% of that ACTUALLY play your game. You have to make a choice, either let the game die, or suck up your pride, and give the VAST majority of people what they want.

  • @trathan1955, [Mega Thread] Custom Servers içinde yazdı:

    So let me get this straight. You keep talking about not wanting to change the core of the game, because "pirates" and "thieves" and all that. Yet, you are adding in Custom Servers, where we could possibly be able to create our own modes? Modes that could change the core of the game. The thing you keep saying you don't want to change. Seriously Rare, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Make up your mind. This is a half measure that won't save this game. The fact is, this game is dying. People are leaving and this 30 million you so boast about only showcases how pitifully small your actual player base is. Barely 1% of that ACTUALLY play your game. You have to make a choice, either let the game die, or suck up your pride, and give the VAST majority of people what they want.

    Actual source?

    Also you wont be able to gain any gold OR reputation from thse servers. So people can keep playing the core and uniqe sandbox gameplay.

    Also, Can we appereciate how we are 4 years in the games life cycle but there are still people that say "ThIS GamE iS DYinG WiTHOut PvE ServERS"

  • @trathan1955 said in [Mega Thread] Custom Servers:

    You have to make a choice, either let the game die, or suck up your pride, and give the VAST majority of people what they want.

    Or maybe it's players such as yourselves who should suck up their pride and realize that the VAST majority has already been listened to, and you aren't it?

  • @thorumsu First off this got too long and I am aware of it.

    I'm guessing for source you mean player numbers. Steam numbers are quite easy to find as they publicly list them. It is staying steady between 20k and 30k players. Xbox on the other hand isn't as easy as they do not post their numbers. Going through multiple websites you can get multiple different numbers ranging high and low. So far I think Techacake might have the fairest sitting between 226k and 250k people between everything, though that was back in January. Considering that, Steam dropped by half in that time, so it can be guessed that Xbox has done similar. So putting everything around 113k to 125k. But lets be generous and assume the game is still getting 250k sense we don't know the actual number. That is still only 8%. My whole thing is they boasted about getting 30m pirates. No, 30m people have bought the game. My guess is that they are marketing the game wrong, cause apparently only a small portion of that are actually playing. I'm not saying 250k is not an impressive number, it is, it is just tiny in comparison to their sales.

    And no, I don't want a PvE server. Just private servers, so you're either by yourself or with friends and people you invite. Custom comes damn close, if they even allow us to make our own. For all we know only content creators will get em at this time. Locking Rep I can certainly understand. Fine, I can't progress to Pirate Legend in a Custom Server. I mean, they are still acting like Pirate Legend is some big achievement, even though it really isn't. Or, you know, just lock progress to 40 or something. But you're going to lock cosmetics? That's all gold is used for really. Sure you can buy cannonballs and wood and what not, but that hardly is a game changer seeing how inexpensive it is. I mean it isn't like you can buy better cannons, tougher hulls or stronger weapons to give you advantages with that money, but whatever I get. They don't want people to grind out in a safe environment and bring it over to the main game. So why not just lock the character to that server? This has been done multiple games over, and I don't see why that can't be done here. If there was actual progression in this game (better weapons, ships, etc.) I could understand a lot more, but there isn't. You're just raising numbers. So the point of the Custom Server is just so people can stop playing the real game and go play mini games. So they are still not getting people to play the game the way they want you to. Which goes against their stance in the podcast about getting people to interact in this open world. So why bother with the punishment then if they are alright with you not playing the main game?

    And while I'm ranting and this is too damn long. I'm not saying this because I only care about myself and my needs. I still love the game, yes I get frustrated that I just lost 2 hours of progress but I have tough skin and can deal with it. No, I want the game to grow. This game is NOT newb friendly. I would say it actively punishes newb players who do not have a chance to actually learn the game before going full on in. Maiden Voyage is nice but it hardly prepares you for what the game actually is. After all 30 million bought it but not enough of that are playing it. Now I am hopeful that these Custom Servers can be that safe zone for people to actually learn the game, but without a reward for it, I doubt they will actively use it. More people would be willing to play the main game if they actually learned to play it first. The only benefit of the custom server, really, is for those who don't want to play the main game. No, I want the player base to grow into the millions, a private server would only help the game, and just via that simple thing, more people will play the main game.

  • @trathan1955 No-one except Rare really knows the true numbers.

    You've given an example of a guess at around 250k, yet on last month's Gold Hoarder Emissary leaderboard, one of the lowest ranked players we can see, was number 402,059. To add to this, there will also be the amount of players who have already collected all of the available rewards so didn't take part, or who didn't play as Gold Hoarder Emissary during that period.

    We've only just started a new month of the leaderboard and Merchant Emissary has already had 232,675+ entries.

    This kind of already proves your 250k guess is way off and that only Rare know the actual numbers.

  • @maidenofarkham I said as much it was a guess and that we don't know the real number. If I had known about being able to view the previous leaderboard I would have done so. Thank you for the correction, though I doubt that is an accurate number of the active player base. As the other numbers are half that. Order of Souls only hit 243,636 and Merchants only hit 232,675. Athena had the lowest at 166,346 but that is to be expected. Reaper is second place at 357,815, but with only 16,152 contribution that is a simple haul, something you can knock out in an hour or so as they take anything. The contribution doesn't hit anything special until 152,391 at placement 201,483. So while you are correct my numbers are wrong, they might be closer to the active playerbase, but, as you said, only Rare knows.

  • I'd love to see Custom Servers for a couple of reasons....

    One is that my kids enjoy the game, and it would provide a more relaxed environment where we could just have fun without the potential for (genuinely) toxic players to spoil it. Not bothered about being sunk, good chance to teach them about sportsmanship... just... y'know the kind of horrible gits we all run into sooner or later 😂

    Second is that I'd love to arrange PvP lobbies with some friends, and CS would allow me to do that.

  • @trathan1955 Private servers will save the game, long overdue and mindboggling that it took them this long to realize in a SANDBOX GAME!

    Having sub communities that can do what they wish without the hassle of LITERALLY Using cheats to setup alliance servers and what not on public servers is already a godsend.

    At first, like you, I was hesitant that it will split the player base and make ''public adventure servers dead''.
    But at this point, I really just want to be able to play within a community that I like on a consistent basis that is RELIABLE and not having to be dependent on creators and having connections to get access to said private servers like we currently need to.
    Also since your progress from private doesn't translate to public servers, realistically it will still force people to play public servers if they actually want to make any meaningful progression on their accounts...

    We want more tools to play how we like in a sandbox, isn't that what has been said since the start, play as you like?
    More options, more tools, more choices = Happier + Dedicated community.

  • @ix-indi-xi if/when we get CS available to us, and I'm able to join despite being on Xbox, I'd love to ride along on a PvP session with you and your guys if possible, would love to pick up some PvP tips. I thought my helm game was decent until I had a fight last night where, despite it grinding to a dead stalemate, the guy on the other ship properly outmaneuvred me.

  • custom private servers but you punish those wanting to use them to get away from the toxic pvp community by not letting them have rewards and rep? just make it so you cant transfer the character from a custom server to a public one and let people have the rewards and rep. its not that hard, i could probably code it for you, but youre being stubborn about your vision while missing out on tons of sales and a ton of potential the game has to offer.

  • @pteth said in [Mega Thread] Custom Servers:

    custom private servers but you punish those wanting to use them to get away from the toxic pvp community by not letting them have rewards and rep? just make it so you cant transfer the character from a custom server to a public one and let people have the rewards and rep. its not that hard, i could probably code it for you, but youre being stubborn about your vision while missing out on tons of sales and a ton of potential the game has to offer.

    You've missed the point about why they are possibly introducing custom servers. It is NOT so you can hide away and farm gold, commendation and achievements in relative safety. Rare has specifically said that does not sit right with them. They are mainly to be for content creators and others to do events without disrupting or being disrupted by the normal gameplay on regular servers.

    Rare's "vision" is what makes the game special and why it remains popular to this date. They change that the game becomes like many others out there, loses what makes it unique and interesting, and alienates the core base of players which WILL lead to its downfall. Catering to those who don't "get" what the game is about is a sure path to death for the game.

  • no i didnt miss the point, but if they can give custom private servers, why not let people play pve on them and just not let the character transfer to the offical pvp servers? or does that offendc your sensibilities that someone gets to play the way they want to for a game they bought?

  • @pteth said in [Mega Thread] Custom Servers:

    no i didnt miss the point, but if they can give custom private servers, why not let people play pve on them and just not let the character transfer to the offical pvp servers? or does that offendc your sensibilities that someone gets to play the way they want to for a game they bought?

    Does it offend yours to compromise by playing the game the devs made, while having an alternative that suits your needs while not rewarding you for avoiding the core aspects of the game? Or do you always ask companies to accommodate you in ways they never intended while being rude about it?

  • @janina2

    Sea of thieves is not a PVP or a PVE game. Its a PVPVE sandbox game. Thats what makes the game beatiful. All types of players are thrown into the same server, creating player interaction that you cant see in any other game. Tools not rules after all. The lore, the music, loot are all there to make the game feel more lively.

    If PVE servers get added, people will soon realise the game feels the same to all the other games and drop it in a week. I still enjoy the game to this day because there are endless content. Players are the content. What other game does this? Sure, Dayz does this too but its not in a lively world. So people quickly become bored of it.

    So please, let this game stay uniqe and magical.


    Also, in no religion god will throw you to he** for attacking people in a video game. You are not damaging them in real life. It is far from a sin, proably a good thing even as you are making them enjoy the game.

  • I want a custom server ability to run a tournament. 4 sloops, most treasure gathered before you sink wins.

  • @janina2
    I’ve removed your post as I see you’ve c/p the same over on the Feedback + Suggestions cat.

    Rare value your feedback but have made things quite clear regarding their thoughts on PvPvE (including a link to the Sea of Thieves Podcast that discusses it) here: https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/136693/pvpve-the-team-s-thoughts/1

    You can read an article by Joe here in regards to Private/Custom Servers.


  • why can't we have PvE sessions? that's why I left the game, and not just me and it's a shame, the 80% of the community will PvE sessions!

  • @stodgypompano86, [Mega Thread] Custom Servers içinde yazdı:

    why can't we have PvE sessions? that's why I left the game, and not just me and it's a shame, the 80% of the community will PvE sessions!

    I will need some proof of that.

    I already answered this as accurate as the statement of the developers.

    Sea of thieves is not a PVP or a PVE game. Its a PVPVE sandbox game. Thats what makes the game beatiful. All types of players are thrown into the same server, creating player interaction that you cant see in any other game. Tools not rules after all. The lore, the music, loot are all there to make the game feel more lively.

    If PVE servers get added, people will soon realise the game feels the same to all the other games and drop it in a week. I still enjoy the game to this day because there are endless content. Not just sinking people (that gets Boring quick), the organic interaction is fun too. Players are the content. What other game does this? Sure, Dayz does this too but its not in a lively world. So people quickly become bored of it.

  • I really want it available to the general public, instead of just partners and insiders.

  • @buplug
    You are aware that you can choose to play on Xbox controller servers ? It's a preference, so might not always put you in them.

  • @lem0n-curry Yupp.. And it actually works once or twice a YEAR. I'm not a nOoB.. Don't go by the acct name.. I'm a founder etc... Just incognito to see what will be done.

    New house, new connection, new systems. All systems are a go!

  • @buplug said in [Mega Thread] Custom Servers:

    @lem0n-curry Yupp.. And it actually works once or twice a YEAR. I'm not a nOoB.. Don't go by the acct name.. I'm a founder etc... Just incognito to see what will be done.

    New house, new connection, new systems. All systems are a go!

    I don't went by the account name or history at all, just pointing out there is one - not everyone is aware of that and going by your all bold statement (which is frowned upon on the forums) and wild accusations towards PC users and Rare ... I thought you were new enough to be not aware of the feature.

    happy sails

  • @buplug said in [Mega Thread] Custom Servers:

    [mod edit]

    maybe you’re just unlucky
    I mean I play Xbox
    You’re the only Xbox user I think that has reported this

  • @buplug not saying that it doesn’t exists just sounds like a quite unlucky experience
    Also why can’t you go on Xbox servers?
    Seems weird
    Might need to report that…

  • @realwebber69 location, location, location. Extrapolate.

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