nerf milestones

  • @pellahh sagte in nerf milestones:


    Ah yes, sleeping for at least 10 hours or being on fire for the same amount of time sounds like so much fun! Receiving a trophy after watching my black screen for 10 hours while listening to that perfectly recorded snoring made me feel so proud of my self! I worked hard to get it and now I feel very satisfied when I watch it just standing on my shelf, I'll do it again for another 90 hours so I can finally unlock that golden pedestal! I'm such a dedicated player, it will be an incredible show off of my dedication.

    Gotta go to the bathroom while playing? Sit your character down, or asleep.
    Other reason to go afk for a few minutes, same...or on the ship ofca captain and nothing to do while sailing to your next location, get a fish or play music...this way you get a few minutes every now and then and one day you got highest tier achieved...
    Don’t think in grinding out that stuff...

  • @schwammlgott judging by the math others have been doing even if they sleep or play music while sailing to their next location it'll still take a couple of years to get even the lowest tiers achieved

  • I sleep on my galleon while I make breakfast in the morning. I have the headset on so I can hear if anything happens.

  • @schwammlgott said in nerf milestones:

    Ohh people...cry me a river
    Just play the game and have fun, then you will get many of these milestones as time goes by
    You can also grind them out...but that doesn't sound at all like fun, more like the start of a burnout

    I already said it in other threads about this...I was PL within the first 3 months after launch and athena lvl 10 about half a year later (93 original athena voyages)...then an athena update came out (nov/dev 2018), athena chest got doubled in value and commendations were added...nothing counted what we did before, did I cry like you now? No, I didn't
    500 skellie ships to sink seemed a lot that time, doing another (don’t know how many) of those voyages, or another 1000 seamiles while on that voyages (thieves haven doesn't count btw)
    But my crew and me played the game, had fun and one day we finished these commendations without grinding, just by natural playing the it will be with those milestones
    So stop asking for a nerf and have fun with playing

    Basically, you don't know much about the game you're talking about, do you?
    I mean, you can play the game. Boast about being PL 3 months after launch yada yada yada. Nobody cares.

    The fact of the matter is the AVG playtime for this game is 40-60 hrs. A lot of those trinkets and things cannot be achieved through the AVG player base.
    This is a good representation that SoT is a casual pirate adventure game. And Rare over the years have made the game more easier and easier. Selling Loot. Storage Crates. Take/Store options. Buying supplies. All things that make it so much easier since day one. And PL isn't just easier due to the voyages, the fact that they added like X times the loot we were getting since day 1 (Skelly chests in Forts were the jazz) makes the game easier.

    You are not Average. You have been here since day 1. The bigger picture youre missing is whats best for the game and the larger playerbase that dish in $$$ and continue development. So get off your high horse for one second and stop with the snarky remarks of crying a river and telling people to stop asking for a Nerf.. when this is a legitimate complaint if you actually cared to look at the information. But hey, only if we could all be like you Mr Wonderful...

  • @burnbacon

    Stop defend these ridiculous "achievements" sleeping for 100 hours and be on fire for 50 hours. Who will ever do that?

  • @lord-spark-0 I couldn't agree more!
    I have the idea that some people defending the requirements of some of the Milestones have no notion of the time and no idea how much IRL time it will actually mean to achieve them.

  • @mythicrug450 said in nerf milestones:

    it's almost as if the developers expect everyone to worshop the earth in which they walk on

    If so, that's only because some players already seem to 🥁

  • Hi all!

    Just dropping a kind reminder that it is fine to debate the content of the post and the viewpoints therein, but please refrain from personal attacks and keep it appropriate.


  • @mythicrug450 said in nerf milestones:

    ah yes the proverbial close my eyes and ears response.

    Another common one around here is the ~"if you don't like it here, you can leave!" argument 🤣

    It's like America: The Game.

  • @lord-spark-0 you know my point of view...I just add one thing...I know I won't achieve all, not even many, but that's fine
    And I give you a thank you, for calling me Mr. Wonderful 😎😜

  • @burnbacon from the get go... do you realize was 2500 fish is for each species!

    Thats 25k fish total! Legendary hunter of the sea of thieves is less than a 10th of that. That is doing legendary hunter of the sea of thieves 10 times but solo each time now!

  • @schwammlgott said in nerf milestones:

    @pellahh sagte in nerf milestones:


    Ah yes, sleeping for at least 10 hours or being on fire for the same amount of time sounds like so much fun! Receiving a trophy after watching my black screen for 10 hours while listening to that perfectly recorded snoring made me feel so proud of my self! I worked hard to get it and now I feel very satisfied when I watch it just standing on my shelf, I'll do it again for another 90 hours so I can finally unlock that golden pedestal! I'm such a dedicated player, it will be an incredible show off of my dedication.

    Gotta go to the bathroom while playing? Sit your character down, or asleep.
    Other reason to go afk for a few minutes, same...or on the ship ofca captain and nothing to do while sailing to your next location, get a fish or play music...this way you get a few minutes every now and then and one day you got highest tier achieved...
    Don’t think in grinding out that stuff...

    Aye, have reached Tier 1 of sitting this way. Perhaps I should cut down smoking a bit more.

  • @dooby-uk Unfortunately some people on this forum are all stick, no carrot. Anytime you point out a grind isnt tuned for an actual human being they get all "Oh so you want instant gratification??? why dont you just enjoy the JOURNEY!!!". Unfortunately these people with cartoonishly puritan ethics & no desire to ever feel the sensation of "closing the book" so to speak tend to be loud on the insider forums -- which is Im sure part of the reason these lopsided milestones made it to release in the first place.

    Surely theres a middle ground between "Do absurd cheeses" and "Take literal years".

  • @schwammlgott said in nerf milestones:

    Ohh people...cry me a river
    Just play the game and have fun, then you will get many of these milestones as time goes by
    You can also grind them out...but that doesn't sound at all like fun, more like the start of a burnout

    I already said it in other threads about this...I was PL within the first 3 months after launch and athena lvl 10 about half a year later (93 original athena voyages)...then an athena update came out (nov/dev 2018), athena chest got doubled in value and commendations were added...nothing counted what we did before, did I cry like you now? No, I didn't
    500 skellie ships to sink seemed a lot that time, doing another (don’t know how many) of those voyages, or another 1000 seamiles while on that voyages (thieves haven doesn't count btw)
    But my crew and me played the game, had fun and one day we finished these commendations without grinding, just by natural playing the it will be with those milestones
    So stop asking for a nerf and have fun with playing

    I will say it again. The update was sold to players on the premise that they will finally be able to sail under a custom name and decorate their ships to their heart's desire. Then progress milestones to unlock more decorations.

    Currently we are asked to progress milestones through years of gameplay (backed by doing some math and predictions) to finally be able to decorate our ships to our heart's desire, because every single item is locked behind milestones, some if not more, are asking ridiculous requirements for the basic trinkets and decorations.

    Majority of the decorations cater only to Galleon users, Brig and Sloop users who do not like the idea of sailing such a big ship, will miss out on most of these cosmetics.

    Even those who would be willing to spend real money to get some trinkets and cosmetics, can only get 5 crests from the emporium, nothing else.

    Before telling people to go cry a river and be a whiny nuisance somewhere else, understand how restrictive the new update is. If Rare decides to go this way, we will see the deadest era of this game once again, like during the Reaper's Run era of 2019 when the game was so dead, PvP was literal bloodbath.

  • @kozakderg sagte in nerf milestones:

    @schwammlgott said in nerf milestones:

    Ohh people...cry me a river
    Just play the game and have fun, then you will get many of these milestones as time goes by
    You can also grind them out...but that doesn't sound at all like fun, more like the start of a burnout

    I already said it in other threads about this...I was PL within the first 3 months after launch and athena lvl 10 about half a year later (93 original athena voyages)...then an athena update came out (nov/dev 2018), athena chest got doubled in value and commendations were added...nothing counted what we did before, did I cry like you now? No, I didn't
    500 skellie ships to sink seemed a lot that time, doing another (don’t know how many) of those voyages, or another 1000 seamiles while on that voyages (thieves haven doesn't count btw)
    But my crew and me played the game, had fun and one day we finished these commendations without grinding, just by natural playing the it will be with those milestones
    So stop asking for a nerf and have fun with playing

    I will say it again. The update was sold to players on the premise that they will finally be able to sail under a custom name and decorate their ships to their heart's desire. Then progress milestones to unlock more decorations.

    Currently we are asked to progress milestones through years of gameplay (backed by doing some math and predictions) to finally be able to decorate our ships to our heart's desire, because every single item is locked behind milestones, some if not more, are asking ridiculous requirements for the basic trinkets and decorations.

    Majority of the decorations cater only to Galleon users, Brig and Sloop users who do not like the idea of sailing such a big ship, will miss out on most of these cosmetics.

    Even those who would be willing to spend real money to get some trinkets and cosmetics, can only get 5 crests from the emporium, nothing else.

    Before telling people to go cry a river and be a whiny nuisance somewhere else, understand how restrictive the new update is. If Rare decides to go this way, we will see the deadest era of this game once again, like during the Reaper's Run era of 2019 when the game was so dead, PvP was literal bloodbath.

    Oh...another "dead game blabla..." post...oh, we've seen them alot! Also requests for nerfs for 500 skellie ship defeats, tall tale finishes, voyage finishes, 8 player glitterbeard requirements, shrouded ghost spawns (yeah, that's called a buff then 🙄), vault openings...
    Reaper's run was actually a pretty good event, had alot of fun, sometimes with good fights, but mostly it was quiet...nothing about your "bloodbath" description

  • Could someone add another unnecessarily long post on this thread, quoting everything almost everyone has already said please? I can’t sleep and it might help.

  • @schwammlgott Then go watch AShinyRay's videos and you will understand what I'm talking about. He is a Day 1 player and he's been through the thick and thin of Sea of Thieves. If anyone knows more about SoT and the history behind it, it's him.

    I quote "The Reaper Run sails. You should worry if you see a ship sporting this sail, because these people cared enough to PvP during the deadest era of the game, that is Reaper Run mercenary voyages during 2019. If they cared enough to PvP, they will care enough about your loot".

    But go watch his videos "Most Dangerous Ships" and "Rare should bring this removed content back" and you will see what I mean.

    @pabio-escobar no. 🤗 Don't lose sleep over this, you might become demented. 😘

  • @pabio-escobar
    Don't give up on your dreams on anything
    go to sleep goodnight buddy

  • I saw some of the requirements for these trinkets and thought they were absolutely atrocious and unattainable. So I decided to make a spreadsheet on every single trinket and it's requirements. Every version of each trinket as well from admired to cherished.

    The more and more that I worked on that sheet the more disgusted I got with the numbers presented to achieve. I've never been someone to dedicate myself to grinds but even so, I felt more and more demotivated to play the game as I worked on that sheet. I haven't really opened the game for a session since, and I was playing daily before season 7 dropped.

  • @superawesomekk I would actually love to see the final numbers from your spread sheet if you could provide it to us, so we get a rough approximation of how long each milestone would take.

  • @kozakderg Yeah, not a problem. Here's the spreadsheet. It has all the requirements for every trinket, some are combined only because they effectively are the same thing just across different factions.

  • "Nothing ventured nothing gained"

    Sums up the milestones here.

  • @zedny3434 said in nerf milestones:

    There are two kinds of arguments here:

    • People who want to unlock milestones and are unhappy about not being able to
    • People who don't care either way

    Where are the happy people, who actually like the current numbers?
    Who wants to spend a month just to get a single trinket for their trouble?
    Do you think this is GOOD?


    I have complained and still have complaints.

    Commendations 2.0 is cool.
    I am still miffed about 4 years of shenanigans being disregarded, but all in all it's not bad honestly.

    The things that have been added address a METRIC POOPDECK TONNE of player requests.

    PvP got no love except for logs and those are broken. SO RAGE ON MY PVP SIBLINGS. I love you. Please leave me alone...

  • @pabio-escobar said in nerf milestones:

    Could someone add another unnecessarily long post on this thread, quoting everything almost everyone has already said please? I can’t sleep and it might help.

    If you have nothing to say, don't say anything. But let other people speak. A lot of people are coming to the forum for the first time. Rare didn't respond yet, right?

    Coming here with this joking attitude mocking other's people frustrations and feedback, is really disrespectful! This is the kind of post that also should be moderated because it's disrespectful and adds nothing to the discussion! It's because of these type of posts that personal attacks start and if posts like these are not moderated, I don't blame it! You should get a warning by trolling!

  • @mythicrug450 said in nerf milestones:

    i shouldnt even have to say this but im sure some completionists out there are losing their minds. the SHROUDED GHOST MILESTONE

    I agree on everything as I'm a completionist myself. Thankfully the shrouded ghost trophy was given but the milestone was not awarded which is insane lol

  • @kozakderg sagte in nerf milestones:

    @schwammlgott Then go watch AShinyRay's videos and you will understand what I'm talking about. He is a Day 1 player and he's been through the thick and thin of Sea of Thieves. If anyone knows more about SoT and the history behind it, it's him.

    I quote "The Reaper Run sails. You should worry if you see a ship sporting this sail, because these people cared enough to PvP during the deadest era of the game, that is Reaper Run mercenary voyages during 2019. If they cared enough to PvP, they will care enough about your loot".

    But go watch his videos "Most Dangerous Ships" and "Rare should bring this removed content back" and you will see what I mean.

    @pabio-escobar no. 🤗 Don't lose sleep over this, you might become demented. 😘

    Other crews, different experiences

  • @capt-soul-beard I'm a completionist (at least on this game, because I love it) and I've seen the Shrouded Ghost being thrown quite a bit as a reason why I shouldn't try to get all the trophies. I have all the commendations except the Shrouded ones, which I've never seen. So I'll try to debunk this apparently paradox and I hope I'll see the Shrouded Ghost example used less as a reason to not try to get all Milestones.

    Would I like to meet and kill the beast and get the commendations and trophy? Hell yes!
    Does it bother me not having it? No, not really.
    So why doesn't bother me not having the Shrouded Ghost commendations / trophy but I would still like to go for all Milestones and get all the trophies? Because Shrouded Ghost is pure RNG. I can't "work for it", so I rest my mind about it.

  • @pabio-escobar said in nerf milestones:

    Could someone add another unnecessarily long post on this thread, quoting everything almost everyone has already said please? I can’t sleep and it might help.

    Create an alt and read all this week's posts again - do some of the work yourself please 🙃.

  • @habiki IF I see a person with a painting that they earned from sitting afk for 100 hours....The only "meaning" that has to it is that the devs disrespected that person's time and that they were subjected to partaking in unhealthy gameplay behavior to accomplish it...

  • @phantaxus said in nerf milestones:

    I sleep on my galleon while I make breakfast in the morning. I have the headset on so I can hear if anything happens.

    Sounds fun 🤣

  • @faceyourdemon I set sail when I get back with my breakfast and a coffee. Bit by bit I am working towards the Rogue title, flags and banners. If you have to go AFK for something IRL make the game work for you.

  • @phantaxus Not making fun of you, the whole situation is extremely dumb to resort to these options to maybe one day complete it.

  • @phantaxus a dit dans nerf milestones :

    I sleep on my galleon while I make breakfast in the morning. I have the headset on so I can hear if anything happens.

    I sleep while we're sailing peacefully because I Roleplay as a lazy Captain. But when it's time to fight, a sip of Grog and I'm good to go ! :D Honestly, at this rate I should be able to clock on enough sleep before the end of the game's life span. :p

  • @rathbaume said in nerf milestones:

    @habiki IF I see a person with a painting that they earned from sitting afk for 100 hours....The only "meaning" that has to it is that the devs disrespected that person's time and that they were subjected to partaking in unhealthy gameplay behavior to accomplish it...

    It's fine for you to feel that way. But apparently the person with the painting actively wanted it enough that they were willing to grind it out.

    What people take pleasure in and experience gratification from are subjective to each individual. It's really disheartening to see folks on the forums engaging in such a zero sum game. It's okay to dislike certain parts of SoT that others get satisfaction from. There's still fun to be had.

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