nerf milestones

  • @kozakderg said in nerf milestones:

    So far I have seen three counter arguments heavily used by those who endlessly want to defend this update and say there is absolutely nothing wrong with the design choices in the milestones.

    1.) You are all just being completionists expecting to grind all trinkets in a month's worth of gameplay.
    No we are not. But after maybe a month of gameplay we want to have at least a few of our favourite trinkets to put on our ship. As it stands right now, there will be almost no trinkets at all even after half a year of playing.

    2.) Just don't worry about it and play the game.
    Oh okay my bad, I guess I won't ever customize my ship with trinkets then and just accept the fact almost all trinkets are locked behind years worth of gameplay.

    3.) If you don't want to do it again, just don't do it again, these trinkets are made to tell stories down the line.
    This is by far the worst one I have seen. Our ships, the years some dedicated players here have played, attended the community events and such, already have lots of stories to tell. This should have been honored. They are the backbone of Sea of Thieves, the players that did not quit after a month of grinding to Pirate Legend.

    To force them to do all of these achievements AGAIN for milestones and their corresponding trinkets is the worst decision any publisher can make. They disrespected the veteran community entirely.

    Instead of showing of all the trinkets they should have rightfully earned from the years and years of supporting Sea of Thieves and tell stories of great plunders and many a battle, they have absolutely nothing. They are asked to do everything AGAIN. New players have no issues with this of course, because they have to do it once. But those who have kept the game going for so many years, they are now on the same level as new players.

    Do you know how historic figures and their life changing inventions or actions are still spoken of, as of today? Through history. Their historical achievements did not get deleted, just because we want to set new achievement goal posts for people in the future. History of veteran players should have been preserved here.

    i couldnt have honestly said it better myself thank you. i think a lot of people dont see it from this standpoint and that's what ime trying to get

  • @kozakderg agree with everything you said. Also you put it very well

  • @kozakderg said in nerf milestones:

    So far I have seen three counter arguments heavily used by those who endlessly want to defend this update and say there is absolutely nothing wrong with the design choices in the milestones.

    1.) You are all just being completionists expecting to grind all trinkets in a month's worth of gameplay.
    No we are not. But after maybe a month of gameplay we want to have at least a few of our favourite trinkets to put on our ship. As it stands right now, there will be almost no trinkets at all even after half a year of playing.

    2.) Just don't worry about it and play the game.
    Oh okay my bad, I guess I won't ever customize my ship with trinkets then and just accept the fact almost all trinkets are locked behind years worth of gameplay.

    3.) If you don't want to do it again, just don't do it again, these trinkets are made to tell stories down the line.
    This is by far the worst one I have seen. Our ships, the years some dedicated players here have played, attended the community events and such, already have lots of stories to tell. This should have been honored. They are the backbone of Sea of Thieves, the players that did not quit after a month of grinding to Pirate Legend.

    These are pretty accurate and true.
    I'm just suprised people use these lazy excuses as "arguements" to these overly long tedious boring grinds & bad game design, when the whole game revolves around cosmetics.
    What else are we going to do besides PvP if not set a goal to unlock cosmetics? Rowboat races & hide and seek?

  • @pabio-escobar said in nerf milestones:


    They have nerfed everything in this game so hard since it’s release. No one wants to put the effort in to anything in this game.
    Literally everything has been dumbed down for the“ participation award” culture.

    There is nothing wrong with having a few things in this game that are uncompromisingly and unapologetically difficult borderline impossible. THIS RIGHT HERE

    But fear not, given how woke gamers are these days...

    You have ABSOLUTELY hit the nail on the head with that one statement if it weren't for the fact that you are disagreeing on the concern at hand while making snarky comments and sarcastic remarks at people who want an honest and reasonable change/optimization of the current milestones.

    There is indeed nothing wrong with having a few trinkets locked behind uncompromisingly and unapologetically impossible milestones. But you are still on this crusade to call everyone a lazy, woke player who want all trinkets in a single day.

    Our number one problem is that a large majority of the trinkets are behind uncompromisingly and unapologetically hard and impossible milestones!

    Do you know why not every player out there is sailing with NAL and Champions of Sea or Good Boy sails? It's because they took effort to achieve it. REASONABLE but achievable effort. And those most dedicated who have achieved the near impossible now fly the rarest colours on the Sea of Thieves. But 85% of cosmetics and content can be unlocked by the average player with a year's worth of effort.

    That's the whole point the loud voices here are trying to convey and you are going around this entirely then call everyone "lazy" and "woke". Read the room!

  • @cpt-sockmonster said in nerf milestones:

    What else are we going to do besides PvP if not set a goal to unlock cosmetics? Rowboat races & hide and seek?

    Don't want to get off topic, but these are actually quite fun ideas. 😀
    I can already imagine the Rowboat Arena and the Hide'n'Seak minigames coming with a random April update.

  • @zedny3434 Wel , im glad i gave you some idea's haha. :D

  • @habiki that's still 10 hours of being on fire or sleeping, hasn't happened in the last 4 years of me playing, so not happening anytime soon because I'm not changing my playstyle to grind sitting.

  • @blam320 said in nerf milestones:

    I'll say it again. The people complaining about milestones being "too difficult" to get, or "needing to grind all over again" are the people who expect to be able to finish in a week's worth of heavy play, or a few months of casual play.

    No not at all? These won't take months, they'll take years. If you set yourself on fire once a day and actively stayed on fire for the whole duration you'd complete the fire trinket in 98 years. If you took no holidays, no breaks. This is is not for the casual player to play without un-engaging focus grinding.

    If they came out with a new 300 barnacle chest reward, no prior progress, I'd sigh because it's taken 2 years so far, but it would be fine, that's a fun grind, finding barnacle chests is engaging, sleeping and being on fire for 600 hours, is not.

  • @bubblekittea227 said in nerf milestones:

    @blam320 said in nerf milestones:

    I'll say it again. The people complaining about milestones being "too difficult" to get, or "needing to grind all over again" are the people who expect to be able to finish in a week's worth of heavy play, or a few months of casual play.

    No not at all? These won't take months, they'll take years. If you set yourself on fire once a day and actively stayed on fire for the whole duration you'd complete the fire trinket in 98 years. If you took no holidays, no breaks. This is is not for the casual player to play without un-engaging focus grinding.

    If they came out with a new 300 barnacle chest reward, no prior progress, I'd sigh because it's taken 2 years so far, but it would be fine, that's a fun grind, finding barnacle chests is engaging, sleeping and being on fire for 600 hours, is not.

    Then for goodness sake, stop acting like you're being forced to complete these milestones and stop worrying about it. Milestones are supposed to reflect the kind of player you are; if the way you play is you feel an oppressive need to grind every achievement, you need to find another game, because you're missing out on the whole point of Sea of Thieves if you genuinely believe the end goal is what matters, and not the journey you took to get there.

  • Most of these numbers are complete first-pass, throw darts at a wall nonsense. A player being on fire for an hour for ONE level? Even if you stay on fire for the entire duration, it lasts what, 5-10 seconds? That's like 360+ firebombs on yourself for A SINGLE LEVEL. You have to do that TEN TIMES for the BASE LEVEL trinket.

    Compare that to 10 blue megs. Or thirty docked rowboats.

    It makes absolutely no sense. They had too much to bug fix when they were first implementing the milestones that they didn't bother to balance them in any meaningful way. Here's what needs to be fixed:

    Fish needs to be a single fish of that type, maybe 2. You could say "that's too easy", but remember that there's 10 different type of fish in the game, and you still have to have the grade 5 commendation for selling them in order to buy the trophy. That's 1000-2000 fish to get all the trophies. That's more fish than I've caught in the entirety of the four years I've played this game.

    Sleeping/sitting/playing instruments needs to be 5 minutes each. Rare is encouraging everyone on the ship to not help with management for literal hours instead of playing the game. One hour for a single level? I'd rather play Cookie Clicker. Fire/time in storm needs to be the same.

    Skeletons/sirens/ocean crawlers/sharks need to give progress to the whole crew, not just the individual who gets the last hit on them. 150 skeletons is a ridiculous number for a single level, but it's not too bad if everyone gets progress. That's about one fort.

  • @blam320 Oh I will! I will absolutely ignore everything in this update as you suggest, and I won't be complaining much if it leads nowhere.

    but unfortunately that means ignoring 10 gb of content that the dev team worked hard to do because statistics are unbalanced, but if you think ignoring game changes is the way foreword, then you would've loved No Mans Sky before they changed it.

  • @zom9978 said in nerf milestones:

    Most of these numbers are complete first-pass, throw darts at a wall nonsense. A player being on fire for an hour for ONE level? Even if you stay on fire for the entire duration, it lasts what, 5-10 seconds? That's like 360+ firebombs on yourself for A SINGLE LEVEL. You have to do that TEN TIMES for the BASE LEVEL trinket. [...]

    Find a crewmate and set each other on fire.

    Set your ship on fire and walk through it.

    Don't forget to eat.

  • @burnbacon how can you talk about any progression in this game, you have killed Red Ruth twice

  • @blam320 said in nerf milestones:

    Then for goodness sake, stop acting like you're being forced to complete these milestones and stop worrying about it. Milestones are supposed to reflect the kind of player you are; if the way you play is you feel an oppressive need to grind every achievement, you need to find another game, because you're missing out on the whole point of Sea of Thieves if you genuinely believe the end goal is what matters, and not the journey you took to get there.

    You don't get the point.
    People want to do them, not because they are forced too. Ive seen so many people now making the "You don't have to do them" arguement, its a bad one.

    The whole progression of the game is cosmetics, this whole new patch is revolved around owning a ship and adding more costumisation.
    putting a massive number behind something doesnt reflect anything but showing how tedious and boring it was to do to get the cool cosmetics you want, because rare have been doing it for years now, during the tall tales, PL in year one. And the story behind that was almost always "wel... am i glad i dont have to do that again".

    But atleast you could backseat some of those cosmetics, but now if you don't grind it, it wil legit take years for a few of these trinkets if never at all of you arent into fishing, sleeping, sitting but you like the trinkets those milestones provide.

    So get outa here with you're "its about the journey" & "find yourself another game". This is bad game design, its unfun & having to do the same hunderds if not thousands of times is way to repetitive.
    There is no story behind doing the same thing over & over & over in way this is presented.

    The whole point of sea of thieves is if you either grind or play casualy, you should be able to unlock what ever cosmetic you want & it needs to be in a realistic time period & it needs to be fun to do.

  • What is fun in this thread is that i haven't seen one person against the nerf with one solid argument about it.

    No one here want to nerf ALL the milestones, there are just some evident balances to bring such as the time of sleeping, time on fire, number of fishes, what's wrong on pointing that ? Some people really want to keep unfeasible milestones ? What's the matter of keaping infeasible things ? If things are unfeasible, there is a design issue and talking about it is normal and healthy for the game.

    So people do not have right to complain ? Most of the time, i agree, people are crying for nothing, but rejecting it with no argument is even more stupid.

  • @erydhil said in nerf milestones:

    What is fun in this thread is that i haven't seen one person against the nerf with one solid argument about it.

    No one here want to nerf ALL the milestones, there are just some evident balances to bring such as the time of sleeping, time on fire, number of fishes, what's wrong on pointing that ? Some people really want to keep unfeasible milestones ? What's the matter of keaping infeasible things ? If things are unfeasible, there is a design issue and talking about it is normal and healthy for the game.

    So people do not have right to complain ? Most of the time, i agree, people are crying for nothing, but rejecting it with no argument is even more stupid.

    Absolutely agree i dont want to nerf every milestone in fact i say removed the shrouded ghost or fix the spawn rates and possibly either remove the rogue milestones or make them a bit more feasible. i dont want to ruin anyone's experience and im not complaining to complain because i have things i can absolutely do that and honestly this has been my first ever post and complaint thus far and i've been playing a lot and i nearly play every day for at least 8-12 hours a day. some of these challenges just need a bit of rework.

  • @pabio-escobar No one is saying they should be able to complete it all in a day or a week. Absolutely no one. Keep your condescending attitude and straw men out of here. Same goes for anyone else acting like we're asking for that.

    Judging by everyone's reaction to the request, people haven't actually looked at the milestones. Some of them are fine as-is, yes, but several of them are unrealistic by any natural or even unnatural means. Take being on fire. The trophy comes at 100 hours of being on fire. Your character is on fire for 10 seconds at a time if you let it burn through. Here's the math:
    1 minute of being on fire = 6 times
    6 * 60 = 360 times for one hour
    360 * 100 = 36,000 times being lit on fire and letting it burn through.

    During natural gameplay, unless you are letting every fire burn through, you're never going to achieve that trophy. During unnatural gameplay, assuming you're setting yourself on fire for an hour per session (which is 360 times), it would take you 100 play sessions. Let's say I get set on fire an average of 6 times per session, and I also never put the fire out; this is unnatural gameplay, but it's not unrealistic. This nets me 1 minute of being on fire per session. My sessions usually last 2-4 hours. For me to reach the trophy, it would take me 6,000 gameplay sessions, totaling between 12,000 hours and 24,000 hours (that's between 500 and 1000 DAYS spent in game). Even if I got set on fire 12 times per session and let the fire completely burn out, it would take me 3,000 play sessions, for between 6,000 and 12,000 hours (250 and 500 days). If I played this way every day, it would take me between 8.2 years (12x/session) and 16.4 years (6x/session). Even if I sat down and played 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, getting set on fire 12 times every 2 hours, I'd be sitting there for 8 months and 10 days.

    But let's look at the real math. Realistically, I get set on fire ONCE or TWICE, and I don't let it burn through, but for ease of math, let's say I still do let it burn through. This leads to me needing between 18,000 (2x/session) and 36,000 (1x/session) play sessions. At 2x/session, that's between 36,000 hours (1,500 days) and 72,000 hours (3,000 days). At 1x/session, it's between 72,000 hours (3,000 days) and 144,000 hours (6,000 days). If I play each day, only getting set on fire the natural number of times, that's between 49 years and 98 years.

    What we are asking for is more realistic milestones and trophies. We are not asking for something easy to complete in a few days. We're asking for something that won't either cost us our sanity, or take longer than the game has been out or will be active to accomplish.

    Edit: math was wrong initially.
    Edit 2: math was wrong again.

    ALSO Edit: If we're talking about the boat being on fire, the statistics are even worse. I rarely have my boat set on fire, and I'd have to venture a guess that the average amount of time per session that my boat spends being on fire is less than the time my PIRATE spends being on fire.

  • @jmcafreak
    Don’t tell me what to do and not to do.
    I will say what I please, just like you clearly like to do. Thanks

  • @jmcafreak said in nerf milestones:

    @pabio-escobar No one is saying they should be able to complete it all in a day or a week. Absolutely no one. Keep your condescending attitude and straw men out of here. Same goes for anyone else acting like we're asking for that.

    Judging by everyone's reaction to the request, people haven't actually looked at the milestones. Some of them are fine as-is, yes, but several of them are unrealistic by any natural or even unnatural means. Take being on fire. The trophy comes at 100 hours of being on fire. Your character is on fire for 10 seconds at a time if you let it burn through. Here's the math:
    1 minute of being on fire = 6 times
    6 * 60 = 360 times for one hour
    360 * 100 = 36,000 times being lit on fire and letting it burn through.

    During natural gameplay, unless you are letting every fire burn through, you're never going to achieve that trophy. During unnatural gameplay, assuming you're setting yourself on fire for an hour per session (which is 360 times), it would take you 100 play sessions. Playing naturally, I get set on fire maybe two or three times per session, but let's be generous: for ease of math, let's say I get set on fire an average of 6 times per session, and I also never put the fire out (even though putting the fire out is natural gameplay). This nets me 1 minute of being on fire per session. My sessions usually last 2-4 hours. For me to reach the trophy, it would take me 36,000 gameplay sessions, totaling between 72,000 hours and 144,000 hours (that's between 3,000 and 6,000 DAYS spent in game). Even if I got set on fire 12 times per session and let the fire completely burn out, it would take me 18,000 play sessions, for between 36,000 and 72,000 hours (1,500 and 3,000 days). We're not talking a month or two. We're talking YEARS of dedicated playing. Even if I sat down and played 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, getting set on fire 6 times every 2-4 hours, I'd be sitting there for between 4 and 8 YEARS.

    What we are asking for is more realistic milestones and trophies. We are not asking for something easy to complete in a few days. We're asking for something that won't either cost us our sanity, or take longer than the game has been out or will be active to accomplish.

    At the end of my session this afternoon, I set my ship on fire and shot my fireworks while setting myself on fire again and eating fruit. I am now at 11 minutes being on fire and my ship is 10 minutes. My time also includes probably a minute total of being set on fire in fights in other sessions.
    So if I would do this every time I play, next week I probably have the 1st milestone.

    Edit: now I thought a bit more about it, when my friend joined another session we spend time on fire as well, so it was probably 5 minutes / session. Oh well, two weeks to get the first milestone.

    Plus it helps with Cannons Fired of the Feared Alignment (usually I am at the helm) and obviously the Minutes Spent on Fire for the Curry Boat.

    There is no need to set yourself on fire each time with a fire bomb if you want to get a few ranks of this Milestone.

    You could also stand on the bowsprit with a Chest of Rage and have a crewmate douse the flames on the deck.

    Or just embrace the flames in the Roar - just bring plenty of food.

  • i don't mind a grind, but when the grind is so unfeasibly insane it's not exactly encouraging

    like, i love the picture you get for killing sharks

    but you know how many sharks it'll take for me to get the LOWEST tier picture? the tier 1 picture in a splintered wooden frame?

    450 sharks

    that's absolutely insane just for the lowest quality picture.

    And it's the same for fish, being on fire, and all the other ridiculous milestones out there

    i'm all for unlocking milestones naturally as you play, except these total amounts are NOT achievable in a natural way of playing unless you expect a reward year or two or more later just for the very first tier of trophy

  • @lem0n-curry said in nerf milestones:

    @jmcafreak said in nerf milestones:

    @pabio-escobar No one is saying they should be able to complete it all in a day or a week. Absolutely no one. Keep your condescending attitude and straw men out of here. Same goes for anyone else acting like we're asking for that.

    Judging by everyone's reaction to the request, people haven't actually looked at the milestones. Some of them are fine as-is, yes, but several of them are unrealistic by any natural or even unnatural means. Take being on fire. The trophy comes at 100 hours of being on fire. Your character is on fire for 10 seconds at a time if you let it burn through. Here's the math:
    1 minute of being on fire = 6 times
    6 * 60 = 360 times for one hour
    360 * 100 = 36,000 times being lit on fire and letting it burn through.

    During natural gameplay, unless you are letting every fire burn through, you're never going to achieve that trophy. During unnatural gameplay, assuming you're setting yourself on fire for an hour per session (which is 360 times), it would take you 100 play sessions. Playing naturally, I get set on fire maybe two or three times per session, but let's be generous: for ease of math, let's say I get set on fire an average of 6 times per session, and I also never put the fire out (even though putting the fire out is natural gameplay). This nets me 1 minute of being on fire per session. My sessions usually last 2-4 hours. For me to reach the trophy, it would take me 36,000 gameplay sessions, totaling between 72,000 hours and 144,000 hours (that's between 3,000 and 6,000 DAYS spent in game). Even if I got set on fire 12 times per session and let the fire completely burn out, it would take me 18,000 play sessions, for between 36,000 and 72,000 hours (1,500 and 3,000 days). We're not talking a month or two. We're talking YEARS of dedicated playing. Even if I sat down and played 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, getting set on fire 6 times every 2-4 hours, I'd be sitting there for between 4 and 8 YEARS.

    What we are asking for is more realistic milestones and trophies. We are not asking for something easy to complete in a few days. We're asking for something that won't either cost us our sanity, or take longer than the game has been out or will be active to accomplish.

    At the end of my session this afternoon, I set my ship on fire and shot my fireworks while setting myself on fire again and eating fruit. I am now at 11 minutes being on fire and my ship is 10 minutes. My time also includes probably a minute total of being set on fire in fights in other sessions.
    So if I would do this every time I play, next week I probably have the 1st milestone.

    Edit: now I thought a bit more about it, when my friend joined another session we spend time on fire as well, so it was probably 5 minutes / session. Oh well, two weeks to get the first milestone.

    Plus it helps with Cannons Fired of the Feared Alignment (usually I am at the helm) and obviously the Minutes Spent on Fire for the Curry Boat.

    There is no need to set yourself on fire each time with a fire bomb if you want to get a few ranks of this Milestone.

    You could also stand on the bowsprit with a Chest of Rage and have a crewmate douse the flames on the deck.

    Or just embrace the flames in the Roar - just bring plenty of food.

    Or just have Rare nerf it for a more reasonable and achievable milestone...

    So you got 11 minutes being on fire with 1 session. 1 session, ball-park, can be roughly 2-4 hrs.
    If you do less than 1, then that's probably 1 skull fort or voyage, so lets go with 2 just for the sake of trying to break down your messy grog-laden-messaging on the wall..

    2 (120 minutes) hrs = 11 minutes of fire.
    So to get 100 (6000 minutes) hrs, it will take you 545.45 sessions in order to get that achievement. Or, 65,454 minutes (1090 hrs) with the information you have given us..

    We can agree, not all sessions are equal. Sometimes you might not be on fire. Sometimes a little more than 11 minutes..

    But if you can't come to the middle and find that 545 sessions, or 1090 hrs of gameplay time for 1 trinket is a bit much.. then I dunno why you're even arguing at this point..

    And that's just 1 milestone..

    But all you suggest is.. go to the Roar.. bring some food..

    Yeah.. this is supposed to be a casual game. Rare even said so many times, and even made the QOL changes to match those ideas to allow players to have quicker sessions of gameplay...

  • @lord-spark-0 said in nerf milestones:

    @lem0n-curry said in nerf milestones:

    @jmcafreak said in nerf milestones:

    @pabio-escobar No one is saying they should be able to complete it all in a day or a week. Absolutely no one. Keep your condescending attitude and straw men out of here. Same goes for anyone else acting like we're asking for that.

    Judging by everyone's reaction to the request, people haven't actually looked at the milestones. Some of them are fine as-is, yes, but several of them are unrealistic by any natural or even unnatural means. Take being on fire. The trophy comes at 100 hours of being on fire. Your character is on fire for 10 seconds at a time if you let it burn through. Here's the math:
    1 minute of being on fire = 6 times
    6 * 60 = 360 times for one hour
    360 * 100 = 36,000 times being lit on fire and letting it burn through.

    During natural gameplay, unless you are letting every fire burn through, you're never going to achieve that trophy. During unnatural gameplay, assuming you're setting yourself on fire for an hour per session (which is 360 times), it would take you 100 play sessions. Playing naturally, I get set on fire maybe two or three times per session, but let's be generous: for ease of math, let's say I get set on fire an average of 6 times per session, and I also never put the fire out (even though putting the fire out is natural gameplay). This nets me 1 minute of being on fire per session. My sessions usually last 2-4 hours. For me to reach the trophy, it would take me 36,000 gameplay sessions, totaling between 72,000 hours and 144,000 hours (that's between 3,000 and 6,000 DAYS spent in game). Even if I got set on fire 12 times per session and let the fire completely burn out, it would take me 18,000 play sessions, for between 36,000 and 72,000 hours (1,500 and 3,000 days). We're not talking a month or two. We're talking YEARS of dedicated playing. Even if I sat down and played 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, getting set on fire 6 times every 2-4 hours, I'd be sitting there for between 4 and 8 YEARS.

    What we are asking for is more realistic milestones and trophies. We are not asking for something easy to complete in a few days. We're asking for something that won't either cost us our sanity, or take longer than the game has been out or will be active to accomplish.

    At the end of my session this afternoon, I set my ship on fire and shot my fireworks while setting myself on fire again and eating fruit. I am now at 11 minutes being on fire and my ship is 10 minutes. My time also includes probably a minute total of being set on fire in fights in other sessions.
    So if I would do this every time I play, next week I probably have the 1st milestone.

    Edit: now I thought a bit more about it, when my friend joined another session we spend time on fire as well, so it was probably 5 minutes / session. Oh well, two weeks to get the first milestone.

    Plus it helps with Cannons Fired of the Feared Alignment (usually I am at the helm) and obviously the Minutes Spent on Fire for the Curry Boat.

    There is no need to set yourself on fire each time with a fire bomb if you want to get a few ranks of this Milestone.

    You could also stand on the bowsprit with a Chest of Rage and have a crewmate douse the flames on the deck.

    Or just embrace the flames in the Roar - just bring plenty of food.

    Or just have Rare nerf it for a more reasonable and achievable milestone...

    So you got 11 minutes being on fire with 1 session. 1 session, ball-park, can be roughly 2-4 hrs.
    If you do less than 1, then that's probably 1 skull fort or voyage, so lets go with 2 just for the sake of trying to break down your messy grog-laden-messaging on the wall..

    2 (120 minutes) hrs = 11 minutes of fire.
    So to get 100 (6000 minutes) hrs, it will take you 545.45 sessions in order to get that achievement. Or, 65,454 minutes (1090 hrs) with the information you have given us..

    We can agree, not all sessions are equal. Sometimes you might not be on fire. Sometimes a little more than 11 minutes..

    But if you can't come to the middle and find that 545 sessions, or 1090 hrs of gameplay time for 1 trinket is a bit much.. then I dunno why you're even arguing at this point..

    And that's just 1 milestone..

    But I will be playing the game, getting all kinds of milestones and trinkets - not just a trinket for being on fire (you know, just like sailing 1000 while on a voyage, I got the dug up chests / skulls / animals turned in doing that).

    I was already putting my boat on fire and setting of fireworks at the end of most of my sessions - I am just going to combine them and unlock a trinket (a long time from now - that's true).

    But all you suggest is.. go to the Roar.. bring some food..

    I gave you several suggestions, but I guess you just want to be mad at Rare - have fun doing that (no trinket for that though)

    Want another one ? Set each other on fire while fighting metal skeletons.
    We already do that, but now I have the excuse to help my crew mate with his milestones...

    Yeah.. this is supposed to be a casual game. Rare even said so many times, and even made the QOL changes to match those ideas to allow players to have quicker sessions of gameplay...

    Getting high levels in the milestones don't mash well with casual players. Guess Rare wanted to give people who play a bit more something as well.

  • @lem0n-curry If we're talking the ship on fire, then that's even a worse time since my ship spends less time on fire (on average) per session than I do. However, even if I set my ship on fire once per session and let it burn, that gives me ~5-ish minutes of fire. To achieve 100 hours of being on fire, that's still 1,200 sessions, or 3.28 years of playing every day. Setting it on fire twice a day would make it 600 sessions. To achieve it in less than a year of playing every single day (which I don't do), I would have to set my ship on fire and let it sink 4 times per session, every session, every day for 300 days.

    So it's still an unrealistic achievement, even by means of unnatural play, and so is 100 hours in the storm.

  • But I will be playing the game, getting all kinds of milestones and trinkets - not just a trinket for being on fire (you know, just like sailing 1000 while on a voyage, I got the dug up chests / skulls / animals turned in doing that).

    Yeah, and not everyone plays the same way you do. If you can't agree that its absurd and looking at the 'suggestions' you pointed out is not good gameplay or game design..then theres no hope for you. Pirates shouldn't have to go to the Roar or set themselves on fire for 100 hrs. And like I already pointed out, it would take 1000 hrs to get that achievement.

    I was already putting my boat on fire and setting of fireworks at the end of most of my sessions - I am just going to combine them and unlock a trinket (a long time from now - that's true).

    Good for you. What happens when the milestones bug out and not track?

    1. People have already reported Milestones not working properly at launch.
    2. How many countless examples over the years of commendations not working (FOTD - hellooo), gold, and Rep not working properly.

    I gave you several suggestions, but I guess you just want to be mad at Rare - have fun doing that (no trinket for that though)

    Actually, I don't want you to be mad at Rare (shocking aint it). Because they make mistakes, we shouldn't bash them.
    However, I want you to actually use common sense and think of the larger player base and picture outside your little sloop there and think about others, for once. Because for years you and others basically bash anything when someone has constructive criticism with your snarky remarks and poor arguments masquerading as 'suggestions'.

    You gave the some of the most grog-laden ideas I've ever heard. This is supposed to be a fun game. And your solution is the most boring thing I've ever heard. And you want to suggest these things to the larger community, to settle some kind of grind with the 'whiners or complainers'.. Pleaase

    Yeah.. this is supposed to be a casual game. Rare even said so many times, and even made the QOL changes to match those ideas to allow players to have quicker sessions of gameplay...

    Getting high levels in the milestones don't mash well with casual players. Guess Rare wanted to give people who play a bit more something as well.

    Yeah cause they really thought about the people who play a bit more to set an absurd requirement of 100 hrs on fire, or sleeping, or being in the storm for 1 golden trinket.. yeah you got me there pal...

  • @jmcafreak said in nerf milestones:

    @lem0n-curry If we're talking the ship on fire, then that's even a worse time since my ship spends less time on fire (on average) per session than I do. However, even if I set my ship on fire once per session and let it burn, that gives me ~5-ish minutes of fire. To achieve 100 hours of being on fire, that's still 1,200 sessions, or 3.28 years of playing every day. Setting it on fire twice a day would make it 600 sessions. To achieve it in less than a year of playing every single day (which I don't do), I would have to set my ship on fire and let it sink 4 times per session, every session, every day for 300 days.

    So it's still an unrealistic achievement, even by means of unnatural play, and so is 100 hours in the storm.

    Yeah, those storm hours aren't going to happen voluntarily.

    Aren't we getting trinkets for lower ranks, I seem to remember buying myself a May the Flame Burn (handing in loot at Reaper). Those items seem better suited for casual players.

    They're expensive though - if trinkets get unlocked easier (and I agree, some are quite out there), people might have not enough gold to buy them all ...

  • Everyone defending this update like there is nothing wrong with it here seems to forget that the captaincy update was sold to us on the premise that we will be able to customize our ship's quarters and inside to our hearts' desire. Then with the release, all of the trinkets and decorations have been locked behind milestones that through natural gameplay will take years to get. Some of our favourite cosmetics we won't ever see, because the requirements are abnormally high for them. In that time, an average player can get 95% of the cosmetics that are not the captaincy cosmetics.

    The community has been voicing this left, right and center and all we get is "you're completionists who want everything on the first day" "You are all just whining that your favourite cosmetics are locked in the beginning" "You are not forced to do these milestones". Yes we are forced to grind these milestones, because it is unobtainable in a fashionable manner of time through natural gameplay.

    Not to mention the plethora of bugs and issues that came with this update. The current iteration is extremely fragile and we haven't even seen a day-one hotfix.

    But no we just cry and weep and throw tantrums like little children according to some. No one here acknowledges the fact that people have done the math and it all looks horridly long, too long for it to be a healthy reward. But keep shutting us down and change nothing, I guess everything is perfect, I will just pretend the captaincy update never happened, because.... that's the way to go about solving problems, eh?


  • Milestones are long time goals. You are not meant to have everything unlocked before Season 8 drops. Just play as you normally do and the unlocks will come.

  • they are unbalanced some are obtainable and some are crazy high, and i have no idea how things like set yourself on fire, sleeping, empty your bucket, being in a storm, ,sitting, sleeping,play a shanty , can bei milestones. i grinded so much in sot im dried out idk if i wanna get a top tier cosmetic....

  • Ohh people...cry me a river
    Just play the game and have fun, then you will get many of these milestones as time goes by
    You can also grind them out...but that doesn't sound at all like fun, more like the start of a burnout

    I already said it in other threads about this...I was PL within the first 3 months after launch and athena lvl 10 about half a year later (93 original athena voyages)...then an athena update came out (nov/dev 2018), athena chest got doubled in value and commendations were added...nothing counted what we did before, did I cry like you now? No, I didn't
    500 skellie ships to sink seemed a lot that time, doing another (don’t know how many) of those voyages, or another 1000 seamiles while on that voyages (thieves haven doesn't count btw)
    But my crew and me played the game, had fun and one day we finished these commendations without grinding, just by natural playing the it will be with those milestones
    So stop asking for a nerf and have fun with playing

  • @da-german420 sagte in nerf milestones:

    they are unbalanced some are obtainable and some are crazy high, and i have no idea how things like set yourself on fire, sleeping, empty your bucket, being in a storm, ,sitting, sleeping,play a shanty , can bei milestones. i grinded so much in sot im dried out idk if i wanna get a top tier cosmetic....

    Then don’t grind!! There's only one thing I regret a bit, that's grinding out to athena 10 in the first year...I would have get there naturally by playing for fun, which I do since a while now and I even got the legendary hunter through that

    Just do what you want...when you come close to a storm, sail through from time to time to get a few minutes added to the milestones and one day you will get to the highest tier, maybe in a year or two, maybe longer...that's playing the game to have fun

  • @burnbacon

    Ah yes, sleeping for at least 10 hours or being on fire for the same amount of time sounds like so much fun! Receiving a trophy after watching my black screen for 10 hours while listening to that perfectly recorded snoring made me feel so proud of my self! I worked hard to get it and now I feel very satisfied when I watch it just standing on my shelf, I'll do it again for another 90 hours so I can finally unlock that golden pedestal! I'm such a dedicated player, it will be an incredible show off of my dedication.

  • as i come back to this thread it is clear to me that its just a broken record since despite all the valid things people are saying they will only be met with the same handful of responses

  • @fat-guy8633 said in nerf milestones:

    as i come back to this thread it is clear to me that its just a broken record since despite all the valid things people are saying they will only be met with the same handful of responses

    What I'm seeing is mainly people getting unreasonably enraged at the very idea that not everyone agrees the new Milestones are totally unreasonable and "bad design." Like, how long were you expecting these milestones to take, a month? Then you'd go right back to complaining about how there's "no content" and "nothing to do."

  • @blam320 no i was expecting them to take a few months since im not actively going out of my way to get them, but itll probably take a few years to even get the base trinkets for some of them unless i actively grind which is something im not looking to do. i do agree that not every milestone is unreasonable though some of them are actually going to be obtainable over natural play (i already have the one for money made as a gold hoarder emissary)

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