Ship Milestones are just creating tension and discontent within the playgroup

  • The title says it all everyone wants to use their ship causing conflict within groups. Idk what happened to article 4 of the pirate code where everyone was equal but this clearly does not apply in the new update. Now only 1 person can get credit to upgrading their ship with ship milestones which have actual unlocks behind them and also only 1 person can make progress towards the achievement of owning 15 ships.

    Overall I have no idea why ship milestones went through as they fundamentally ruin the previously established all are equal group experience.

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  • I agree, I don't find a point in sailing on someone else's ship when I'm not getting getting credit to my own ship. Nobody actually wants to spend hours of time for nothing.

    Rare seems to have failed to consider the people that have friends and play with them regularly. To me this new My Ship update is similar to World of Warcraft's creation of garrisons, which actually isolated the people more rather than bringing them together. If they don't allow the Ship Milestones to be shared between captains on a crew, this whole season is a fat L in my opinion

  • Idk what happened to article 4 of the pirate code where everyone was equal but this clearly does not apply in the new update.

    We are Equal. Everyone has a chance to unlock everything at there own speed. Nobody is stronger or better. It shows off achievement and "hard work" dedication.

    Now only 1 person can get credit to upgrading their ship with ship milestones

    Meanwhile...they also earn Pirate Milestones which also unlock certain trinkets.

    You do know, some Pirates will focus on Fishing trinkets, others will unlock Megs, and many others will have those fancy paintings. Not a single pirate (unless they are really focused) will Unlock every-single-thing at once.

  • @burnbacon So one person on this ship gets to unlock twice as many things as the others do since they get both pirate and ship milestones... not seeing the equal here.

    And no not everyone gets a chance to unlock everything you only get to unlock if you are captain of the ship which in other words is causing the problems. I can spend 10k hours playing on someone elses gally and get no progress to leveling my own gally.

  • @burnbacon also don't you only play solo sloop... no wonder you are ok with this it literally does not affect you.

  • Super difficult for people to hold down a crew in this environment, people have different schedules, the game is very time consuming and people have different interests/goals that can tug and pull at the threads of the group

    the last thing we need in regard to crews is adding more potential for splitting people up

    I'm mostly a solo (open crew outside of that) but I have long posted that the biggest obstacle in retention is finding and keeping a crew.

  • @burnbacon I’m all for rewarding hard work. That’s why I think all four members should be rewarded for it. Not just the captain.

  • Yeah, I can understand the intent behind it - the progression is for the particular ship - but I just don't agree with that design within this game.
    We definitely encountered some of that frustration - even with some of the pirate milestones (but mostly the ship ones) yesterday among friends. We're all for levelling up a ship, but it is not fun that we're missing out on shared progression for a lot of aspects.

    I just think the system may have been better if they kept that shared progression philosophy throughout the captaincy design.

  • @nitroxien the guys I usually crew with all have their custom ship. We usually use the d6 emote to see which ship we will use for that session.

    We decided to keep doing this for our captained ships as well so it's fair so noone looses out for too long.

  • I'm a completionist. I play with a small group of people and we all talked about this and came up with this same problem. If we are on one of our friends boat and lightening strikes, we get a shrouded, which I've never gotten in my almost 3 years of playing, now his boat and his boat only has that commendation. SO what, am I supposed to only sail my boat for another 3 years to maybe find another one? This is very very broken.

  • Ok, so correct me if I'm wrong because I haven't been able to force my self to play this update yet, but doesn't all the Trinkets and new customization unlock via Pirate Milestones?

    If that's the case (and I really hope each unlock isn't per ship), then even if you're not playing on your own ship as a Captain you should still be getting progress on your Pirate Milestones toward those cosmetics. Your Ship Milestones just reflect how much you've done on that specific ship, which I think is OK as long as it's just that--numbers.

  • @app1e8l6 ship decorations are locked behind ship milestones which is the problem.

  • as a solo player who this doesn't negatively effect me it baffles me how anyone can not see the obvious flaw in the system. it feels like the new update is a good idea thats been badly implemented. a few tweaks and it would be good, including having anything you get on someone elses ship apply to your own

  • I really don't see the issue here. The majority of unlocks are behind pirate milestones, which you are constantly progressing towards in any scenario.

    I have a playgroup of 7 people who play this game. We all understand that we're going to swap off whose ship we use moving forward, so that we can all progress ship milestones together.

    If you sail with people who can't understand how to make that work, you probably need new folks to play with. If you're one of those people who refuses to sail on any ship but your own everytime you log on, you may need to evaluate your attitude in this shared game.

    I haven't sailed in a session once yet on my own ship; I've just had a few sessions being a crewmate on various friend's ships. And I'm fine with it because I know my turn is coming.

    I think the system is just fine.

  • if this creates tension then i would ask myself if itsworth playing with those people, but hey thats just me.

    anyway, i could think of a few different scenarios in which this could easily be dealt with but all come down to one thing; make some agreements two of which i can easily think of:

    • swap ships every session, lets say today we as a crew are helping you get your ship to legendary status and tomorrow we work on someone elses, rinse repeat.
    • lets get ship your ship to legendary status first and next we work on someone elses

    in the first example i use a daily example but it would work the same if it was weekly monthly or even yearly.

    in example one, everyone should have each of their ship to legendary status around the same time but it will take longer to get your first legendary ship, in the second one getting a legendary ship in the crew will be alot faster.

    i see no issue, you as a pirate are getting milestones and status anyway and ships have their own status.

  • Indeed that is a valid issue. With the discord I usually make a random crew and always say that I am the captain as a first thing. But I think I have a solution.

    Let's say that some milestones would be tied to the commendations just like the shrouded ghost trinket. You would need a commendation for slaying Shrouded ghost but only need to hunt megs for milestones that way no problem with progress.

    Also I would balance the times milestones like in the rogue set which are too long, for example cut down the sleeping milestone from 60 minutes to 15 or 10 minutes. Asking players to sleep for several hours of clear time to get a milestone is in my opinion absolutely unacceptable. It's like to get this status ya need to not play the game at all.

  • If you play with the same lads often like me, just take turns being captain. No biggie.

    The bigger problem is when people show up 20 min too late, and your 2 man sloop is supplied and neck deep in an adventure. Do you swap to brig to accomodate that 3rd friend? Will a 4th show up 20 min later again? The game has no system in place for situations like this.

  • You can "take turns", but that means you have to get the ship milestones over and over again, multiplying the already insane time sink.
    With 4 Galleons, you will be throwing grog for quite some time until you reach legend on all of them.

  • @zedny3434 You're not multiplying it! If you're on a Galleon, you have four pirates doing four times the milestone progress, right? It's going at the same rate as a solo sloop!

  • @callmebackdraft Yeah when you have friends it's generally worth playing with them, and any unwanted tension comes from poor planning on Rare's part.

    But is my ship getting titles as well while sailing on someone else's ship? No one can predict what events will take place once you set sail; how can we grind certain milestones and TITLES for the BOAT on a consistent basis? The hours me and my friends have spent on one of our ships have all gone toward his ship only and he's reaped the rewards title-wise. Personally, I don't care how fine some think it is, it should be changed to accommodate every captain aboard the crew. I'm not trying to be the one receiving the rewards, I want all of my friends to get credit for everything.

  • The point of the ship milestones is basically like a 3rd commendation system and to create endless grinds. its really idiotic implementation as you mentioned we need to unlock 15 ships for an achievement but in order to do so you need to be the captain all the time. but not just that... reaching legendary status with 1 ship only allows us to buy 1 more ship of that type so we have to basically lvl 12 sloops to legend to buy own 13 sloops then our galleon and brig finish out the achievement. The achievement should just be buy all 3 ship types. Basically its an achievement I am just like NOPE guess i will never 100% the game then. I have no desire to have more than 1 ship of a type just to save different load outs.. Ok maybe like 2 sloops but not fraken 13

    while for roleplaying purposes the ship can only have 1 captain i think any ship owner should be able to gain progress regardless of whos ship they are on. the issue is how over complicated the milestones are. if the progress carried over to your ship and you were working on say order of souls but you had been grinding gold hoarders on another captains boat now your ships going to have to mile stone titles fighting each other? this whole system is moronic. insult to injury is a combination of insider failings. 1 they never had the patch up for testing. 2. they had the majority of the trophies unlocked for testing since we cant copy over our real pirates no one would have accomplished anything to have stuff unlocked to test. But some foolish testers thought the unlocked stuff on insiders was Rare being respectful of our time investment by not making us farm the stuff all over again.... jokes on them.

    but yea they took a social game and turned it into an anti social solo player experience. Sorry bud im not playing with anyone else i need to level my ship. im not wasting my time leveling someone elses ship. and playing alone is boring so ok i guess i should just uninstall altogether then?

    the fact the personal and ship milestones is just a copy pasted BS. honestly im thinking the only solution is just delete ship milestones altogether. and if a captain leaves the game one of the other captains on the crew can switch that ship out to the one they own. Just goto the ship wright to vote in a new captain then restore ship BOOM done.

  • While I like the new customization options and features added into the captaincy update, the ship naming, saving customization, supply purchase, etc... The milestones are the only thing that really grinds my gears.

    Probably a lot of you are going to say "Just play as captain on EU servers then 4Head" but here is my scenario.

    I play with 2 friends, one of them is from the Philippines. I have come to appreciate the SEA region servers a lot more than EU region servers. Every time I have played on EU servers so far in 100 hours, I have not had a single session where my ship wasn't attacked. While I normally wouldn't have a problem with that, almost all of those occurrences were my parked ship rammed or shot up by a galleon or brig ganker team and in some cases even received insult to injury in terms of slurs or trash-talking. Most of the time I didn't have loot on my ship because I would sell loot as soon as I get it as I don't like to risk it or are doing a tall tale alone. The reason for that is, currently none of my friends want to play on EU servers and I completely understand that! Trying to reason with people on EU servers and maybe reach a "negotiation" even have, a majority of the time, resulted in nothing.

    As soon as I started joining my friend on SEA region servers, I have noticed the immense amount of respect people have for each other in the game and I had a LOT more kind interactions with other pirates, even after PvP encounters they were always respectful at the end when we sunk them/got sunk by them.

    Overall I would mostly play with my Filipino friend, with him captaining the ship, because for some reason my connection is more stable if I join him directly, instead of trying to use a VPN.

    At the end of the day, I don't think I will get far, probably won't even meet any noteworthy ship milestones in the game in a very long time and am starting to think that it's not worth playing the game as it is right now for the captaincy update, but instead for some other content that was released, which is some neat little tid-bits of QoL improvements and of course getting the plunder pass maxed out.

    I just hope that after taking all the feedback from the forums and influencers, Rare and Microsoft will change around some of the milestones to be more reasonable and maybe give fresh captains SOME customization options to start out with and tell other pirates "Yarr, I'm a captain, I am here to embark on epic voyages and adventures to become a legendary pirate captain! AHOY!". Because currently everything is locked behind the milestones and a lot of them require you to be captaining a ship for a very long time. Or even make some of them unlockable with gold, like other skins and ship sets originally. You have to work for gold equally as much as for commendations.

  • @nitroxien ah, then that is a problem

  • I completely agree. They need to make it so ship milestones progress every crew member's ship of the same class (galleon, brig, sloop) if they own one in that class. Until they do, the game/community health is completely broken.

  • Bc they didn't complete it they rushed it out bc they already delayed it twice that's def the reason

  • @thund3rstruck57 sagte in Ship Milestones are just creating tension and discontent within the playgroup:

    I completely agree. They need to make it so ship milestones progress every crew member's ship of the same class (galleon, brig, sloop) if they own one in that class. Until they do, the game/community health is completely broken.

    I support this solution 100 percent.

    I was playing with my long time crew today and as soon as ship milestones were unlocked 3 out of 4 of our people felt disadvantaged. It just feels wrong. Unfair. Everyone on board works just as hard as the rest. That's the only way it can work, that's what real teamwork is. And at the end of the day, everyone has benefited similarly. But now one person gets everything (whether he wants it or not) and even that person (captain) doesn't feel good because he knows how the rest of his team is doing.

    It's definitely not a good design decision and I refuse to believe that Rare wanted it that way. Please adjust it and restore the team spirit of the crews on the seas. It is in their hands Rare.

    With best regards

  • @fxt-redwolf Your ship doesn’t need a Shrouded for any unlocks ftr, it’s just a stat tracker for that ship. It will track to the whole crew’s trackers for their pirates, though!

    The Ghost trinket is tied behind the original commendation!

  • @thund3rstruck57 how can a ship get milestones done if that ship isnt earning any of it ?

    The reason for pirate milestones (behind which most of the purchasable cosmetics are locked) is just for these cases.

    If you are not sailing your ship that ship isnt doing any of the actions required to earn its renown.

    However you as a pirate are gaining milestones with every action you take be it on your or anybody elses ship.

    Wouldnt it be weird if your cars miles driven went up by you sitting in the passenger seat of a budy’s car ?

  • @callmebackdraft I would avoid using real-life scenarios as comparison to earn trinkets and customisation for your ship. With that analogy, you can't buy cool racing tires for your car unless you drove your own car for 300,000 miles, but yet here we are. You can buy whatever your heart desires for your own car without it being locked behind milestones you have to achieve in life.

    I'm pretty sure a lot of friend groups playing this game has accepted the fact at this point that changing around captaincy to get everything 2/3/4 times back to back on each individual ship is an impossible feat to ask of the players, so some will just resort to naming one person captain and if that captain is kind, will let the crew choose the trinkets and other stuff for themselves from the captain's stash.

    But hey, I guess I can go on Etsy and get an actual Serpent's Flame sculpture 3D printed, for 100 bucks, still way less effort for something inherently more valuable than wasting 100 hours being on fire in a game. Mhm-mhm

  • One thing I can say is that I am definitely not happy with the current state of the ship's milestone system. The last few days have clearly shown that and have left me with some questions. For example:

    What is a friendly crew doing, all committed to the grind in their limited time?

    In the future, should they just go it alone on their own ship or with random people who come on board to join them?

    I think there is already enough selfishness in this world.
    Why should I also introduce such an experience, which favours one's own people differently, additionally into a crew-based game, even though there is no reason for this or anyone has asked for it?

    The question I ask myself instead is, what is the added value of the ship milestones for everyone? All the benefits for the captain are known to be numerous. Does this newly introduced barrier / mechanic have a positive or negative effect on the mood of my friends and fellow players?

    Does it make me respect their commitment and time?

    Does it bring people together and strengthen the team feeling?

    Unfortunately, experience shows that people are often their own worst enemy.
    In real life, as well as in virtual life, and I simply don't want this attitude to be promoted or favoured in my favourite game (keyword: ship milestones). Nor do I want people who invest their time with me at sea to be permanently shown a message (as soon as my ship makes progress) telling them that they have not made this progress.

    The game thus holds the carrot in front of their nose and the subconscious message is, you did not get this success now because you are not your own captain.

    So therefore the message is:
    Become your own captain. Also think of yourself and all the benefits....
    That's the main theme of season seven.

    And I don't agree with that message at a time like this.

    My request:
    Please Rare, reconsider this system and make the ship milestones available to all crew members who hold a captaincy for the appropriate ship.

    With sincere regards

  • Yep I'm expecting to see a lot of people playing solo from now on with this progression system but also with all the buffs to the sloop. Never been a better time to be a solo slooper.

  • @nitroxien
    Let's create an example of this situation. There is an imaginary pirate named, say, Joe. Joe has a consistent group of himself and three others that like to play on a galleon. They rarely use smaller ships or open crew, or might do so when the rest of the members are not online.
    Joe is the only one who can afford a galleon come the new update, they vote on it's name, and it will be called "February". When Joe and February get progress toward milestones, trinkets are unlocked for February, the groups ship. Thus, all progress benefits the group, because February is the crew's ship.
    There is no reason for another crew member to want to sail on their own ships, because it is not the crew's ship- they might use it for other things, such as open crew or with a different friend group. It doesn't matter that February technically belongs to Joe- it is the only ship that the whole crew plays on, and thus it is the ship of the crew and the crew of the ship. The fact that Joe is technically the captain provides no benefit to him in anything other than roleplay and is in fact detrimental to his gold pouch as he is responsible for purchasing trinkets and the like, which are then added to the crew's ship.
    What if we sail in open crew? Well, if you're sailing your ship as captain of an open crew then you're captain, if you opt to join someone else then another crew member might be captain. There's nothing to argue about because arguing gains nothing- in either case, you chose to be of the crew or to be the captain.

    Conclusion: From a neutral perspective, the ship for the crew rather than the ship for the captain benefits the whole crew and should not cause debates among sensible people. Please tell me if I missed anything.

  • Rare, how did all of you over there forget the simple idea of game progression and implement something so bad, seemingly as a great big F U. "Oh, you're an OG day 1 player? F off cause you're not spending in the shop. Hello newcomers! Yes, spend! Spend all the money in our shop!" -Rare

    When players realize the TOTAL time/investment needed for milestones, they will immediately give up, lose hope for the "cool" cosmetic they saw, and uninstall. Or understand it is a never-achieve situation.

    You give someone a trail to follow to climb a mountain. You DO NOT put a 1000 mile high climbing wall in front of them and say good luck. They will never touch it. Way to go gob-

    (Productive comments end here)

  • @habiki It is not fine to require years of play to unlock a reskinned rug, my friend. You deserve better.

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