The Mystery Begins!

  • i'ma have to ask you lot to calm down. we all know what captain_falcore says is 100% legit . so until the good captain
    lets us know i'ma have to keep my lips sealed on this one

  • @metal-ravage great question, what do we know about her?

  • @metal-ravage
    That's genius!

  • @reznor-tph She is the head of the Bilge Rats, eager to explore uncharted territory. Larinna seems to dislike trading companies (and I don't blame her) for their lack of piracy motivations. Seems as head of BR she is not about profit but about adventure.

  • @metal-ravage
    I would also add that killing someone without reason seems out of character for her, especially if you consider the book. I know she is on good terms with Ramsey, but I'm not sure if she's ever met Demarco before.

  • @lucky11 Agreed, I don't see her as a suspect in this case. My money is still on Stitcher Jim.

  • @capt-brookes That's been there since cursed sails in 2018, it got updated a while ago during the buildup to Pirate's Life, try interacting with the skull on the table.

  • I've already found a clue, fellow sailors!

    At least, I believe it is! I certainly don't remember seeing it before-- I certainly would have noticed it, this is my favorite island and haunt! In the cave in Smuggler's Bay, I happened upon something hidden away...

    What do you think?

  • @pyrodrg said in The Mystery Begins!:

    I've already found a clue, fellow sailors!

    At least, I believe it is! I certainly don't remember seeing it before-- I certainly would have noticed it, this is my favorite island and haunt! In the cave in Smuggler's Bay, I happened upon something hidden away...

    What do you think?

    That skull has been there since the pre launch during the bananas quest.

  • @metal-ravage Really? I've swung around this cave plenty times and NEVER seen it! Huh, don't I feel foolish. Oh well... in hindsight it doesn't make sense for this to be related (at least this early, if it was)

  • @pyrodrg It's really easy to miss and it make sense only in the connection with the golden bananas challenge.

  • @metal-ravage said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @pyrodrg said in The Mystery Begins!:

    I've already found a clue, fellow sailors!

    At least, I believe it is! I certainly don't remember seeing it before-- I certainly would have noticed it, this is my favorite island and haunt! In the cave in Smuggler's Bay, I happened upon something hidden away...

    What do you think?

    That skull has been there since the pre launch during the bananas quest.

    Slight correction; that Skull wasn't part of the Golden Banana Quest, it was part of the Gamescom Riddle.
    It ultimately lead to a Shipwreck hidden deep beneath the ocean surface and had 5-6 Chest of Sorrows inside.

  • I'm really thinking we gotta make that music box play somehow, the fact that it was playing in the video and the fact that it's even there in the first place has got to mean something

  • @peony7185 said in The Mystery Begins!:

    I'm really thinking we gotta make that music box play somehow, the fact that it was playing in the video and the fact that it's even there in the first place has got to mean something

    That's what I was wondering. Is there something special about that music box next to him? It could have just been the body of Demarco, or what we assume is Demarco if not someone taking his clothes and taking us the fools, but why's there a music box right next to him?

    Every tavern has a music box doesn't it? Is one of the taverns missing one perhaps?

  • @capt-brookes I saw someone suggest this but I haven't had the chance to go look yet. I'll give it a look soon!

  • @capt-brookes said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @peony7185 said in The Mystery Begins!:

    I'm really thinking we gotta make that music box play somehow, the fact that it was playing in the video and the fact that it's even there in the first place has got to mean something

    That's what I was wondering. Is there something special about that music box next to him? It could have just been the body of Demarco, or what we assume is Demarco if not someone taking his clothes and taking us the fools, but why's there a music box right next to him?

    Every tavern has a music box doesn't it? Is one of the taverns missing one perhaps?

    One of the type of shops also has music boxes.

  • @capt-brookes Every tavern and every tool shop has a music box.

  • @capt-brookes
    You may be on to something here. I didn't think to look yesterday when I was playing, but did the music box on Sea Dog's Rest have the key that was shown in the Twitter teaser trailer? (You can see it clearly at the nine second mark on the video). I wish we could see the parchment that Demarco has sitting in his satchel. I'm not sure if it is a collection of maps or a couple of letters to someone.

    Along those same lines, I'm beginning to wonder if the "N,E,W,S" clue people found in the "Introduction to Mysteries" video are directions to an island? Maybe we need to go North, East, West, and South of Sea Dog's Rest?

  • @capt-brookes someone on Twitter checked all the taverns and found all of the music boxes in place (Including GS) and Athenas Fortune never had one I believe they said.

    I mentioned the wiki stating that some equipment shops have them, so maybe check those.

  • Has anyone tried to play the song in a full instrument band at the body? Presumably similar to the shrouded ghost ritual?

  • @lucky11 said in The Mystery Begins!:

    You may be on to something here. I didn't think to look yesterday when I was playing, but did the music box on Sea Dog's Rest have the key that was shown in the Twitter teaser trailer? (You can see it clearly at the nine second mark on the video). I wish we could see the parchment that Demarco has sitting in his satchel. I'm not sure if it is a collection of maps or a couple of letters to someone.

    Along those same lines, I'm beginning to wonder if the "N,E,W,S" clue people found in the "Introduction to Mysteries" video are directions to an island? Maybe we need to go North, East, West, and South of Sea Dog's Rest?

    As in going to the island north of Sea Dogs, then East, West, South? Wouldn't that take you straight back to Sea Dogs, or you talking to each island that's in those directions of Sea Dogs?

    P.S. I'm not good at this NCIS biz :c

  • @reznor-tph
    "Who Shall Not Be Returning" would be fitting given the circumstances. I could see that working: something would begin to glow, revealing some kind of clue.

  • @lucky11 maybe the music box is a clue to play music there?

  • @capt-brookes yes.

    And if you interact with the skull on the table it opens the door

  • @capt-brookes
    I guess it would depend on how far North, East, West, and South you would have to go? I don't know. Sea Dog's Rest is in a very peculiar spot on the map, and given the only clue we have received from Rare thus far is seemingly directional points on a compass, I thought that maybe there was a different explanation to the letters.

    I checked the surrounding islands and came up with nothing. I think you and @reznor-tph are right about the music box being a clue. If I'm able to play later, I'll sail over there and play a shanty.

    • found on Seadogs Rest

    • music box near by

    • bottle from hip near hands

    • satchel oddly posed

    • jacket missing

    • pose is same as secret skelly at the Seadogs tavern

  • I watched a video on the matter of poor Demarco, and someone mentioned if the body is pointing to an island? There any islands nearby that he's pointing at?

  • @capt-brookes I believe he is pointing north directly. If I remember, Cresent Isle is the island to the north, right past a seaport being the stop in between.

  • @lucky11 I feel like I heard a streamer saying they played the songs there, but maybe it requires community effort of 5 or more like the megalodon summons.

  • Okay I just thought of another thing, and I may be overthinking this WAY too much, but people are talking about the NEWS clue in the video right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but nobody found anything that stood out on the Sea of Thieves News page, right?

    Something occurred to me as I looked through it. Is there a 'slight' possibility that something could be hidden in the pages' coding? I do see you can look through the code of the page at the very bottom. Anything hiding in the coding?

  • @capt-brookes
    I re-watched the video, I don't think he's pointing at anything in particular. His left hand is facing toward the ground and his right hand is curled slightly. Maybe there's something on Imperial Crown Fortress?

    I'm wondering if Demarco is somewhere in Sailor's Grave?

  • @capt-brookes
    I don't think I should be the one to test your coding theory. (I'm not skilled in that department) However, I was interested in the picture attached to the news article with the skeletons sitting at the campfire. Isn't that Plunder Valley? Maybe there's a clue within the cave system?

  • Yeah I looked through the coding myself I can't find anything there. I'm not that smart to figure that out either, but it was something to point out I guess to anyone willing to give it a go.

  • @capt-brookes I pulled up the source and skimmed it using Find on Page for various keywords, didn't come up with anything out of the ordinary.

  • I think he just choked with some fuit he pretended to eat.

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