Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...

  • clip

    Been pirating a lot less lately. Was invited to participate in glitterbeard to help a few people finish off their objectives. It's been a long time since I've pirated alongside others.

    I've participated in multiple of these events but this was the first with pirates that I've met around the seas prior to participation.

    Great group of guys from all around the world and the most pleasant ceremony I've been a part of to date.

  • I don't often talk about specifics of currency as it's not often been relevant to the story but I hit my longest running and final golden goal. 200 million gold and 150k doubloons with 100% of all available adventure shop items purchased.

    It was a long term goal to keep me moving. A way to distract from loss and misfortune. I've lost the passion for the grind but that doesn't take away from what the journey has produced.
    I crossed the imaginary line that I placed in from of my sails as something to chase but I slowed down significantly towards the end.

    I did what I set out to do.
    I continue on, with a horizon that is as unclear and uncertain as it was the first time I set sail.

  • The Kid

    I have a couple of buddies that stream together and as one was setting up a server a kid that had added him at some point randomly joined his game. Being the gentleman that he is he didn't have it in him to leave the kid so hung out with him for a while tucked at a fof.

    He got pressed for time so I offered to replace him and help the kid out until the session naturally fizzled out so the kid could have someone to play with and hopefully get some loot.

    Ended up having a 3 sloop battle over it and we were able to vanquish our foes and turn in the loot.

    Most important part is that the kid said it was the best event he has done and it was the most gold he has made in one session.

    Hopefully some day I am granted the honor of being robbed and sent to the ferry by The Kid.


  • 8500th sink was with an open crew of new players in a long fight against another brig.

    Pve/pvp the adventure had it all. Fighting, fencing, revenge, krakens, megs. They say it was the most loot they have ever had before which is always the goal in my open crew sessions. To fight alongside adventurers so they can make some gold and buy something nice for themselves. Hopefully having some fun along the way.

    Crow's nest bell ringing shot clip

  • March 9th of some year,

    I'm engaged in battle against a fleet like so many times before
    Merchants of death sail over, a grade V merchant vessel duo sloop and they are about as hostile as yellow jackets after getting stirred up on a hot summer day.
    They each get sent to the ferry and when they return they begin to run. Realizing that the cost of combat was not one they were truly willing the pay they try to negotiate a truce.
    They ended up crashing into the rocks at shipwreck bay surrounded by that green fog of war.
    I emerge from the wreckage with a grade v flag and 2 merchant manifests.

    I finish the fleet and receive my pay

    I set sail to enjoy the sea before calling it a day.

    I see a sloop at crook's hollow, I investigate
    Turns out there is a Captain wandering around the island by the name of Snookerfritz. I offer my hello and depart.

    There is a gold hoarder sloop at a shrine. I check the logs to investigate who lies beneath. One of the pirates goes by BigPieGuy. How could I ever sink a man that appreciates pie so much that he incorporates his appreciation into his identity?
    I decide to guard their vessel while they finish their shrine.
    A most fortunate decision because when they return to their ship they turned out to be lovely and gracious pumpkin head pirates.

    They offer loot and I decline. That is their loot I am just passing by.

    BigPieGuy tells me that he will never forget me, whether that is true or not doesn't much matter, just the sentiment delivers enough emotional impact to feel content in the moment.

    I get the meg spawn that I am always aiming for and head to ancient spire to end the chapter on today's adventure. There is a sloop there and I peacefully approach.
    It's Miss Fritz also ending a chapter. I offer her some loot and then I leave.

    The season is coming to an end. I am still here.
    Thankfully those that exist within this entry are still here as well.

    May your adventures be as fortunate as mine have been.

  • decent shot

  • Don't sink the boat that you built to keep afloat

    Was helping an open crew brig do an athena.

    Last island before the last chapter one of the crew kegged the ship and we sank while I was doing the riddle and both pirates then leave.

    I don't need athena stuff and I don't like doing athena stuff but I go with my gut and my gut told me to keep going.

    I close the crew and I solo the brig for the rest of the voyage.

    I got attacked by a reaper 1 galleon and was able to sink them.
    I got attacked by a sloop and chased them off.

    As I am heading to galleon's grave I see a merchant sloop at a nearby sea post. I make a decision in my mind and I wait for them to make a choice. Attack me or be peaceful.

    They chose to be peaceful so I chose to give them the athena.

    These moments keep me going. The pot-o-gold I'm always searching for on the sea and fortunate enough to find from time to time.

    clip 1

    clip 2

  • The M1 diaries
    entry 13

    There are 2 types of pirates in this world
    those that live by m1 and those that die by m1


  • Will I be the first to hit 500? who knows, but I have 25 to go.
    The cursed ships are gone
    The megs are sparse
    The hunting grounds of the sea are going dry
    I can hear ghosts in the wind

  • clip

    as if I needed another reason to dislike phantoms

    Phantom M1'd me out of ancient coins even though I got hits on it.

  • The Stand and a blue moon (M O O N that spells moon)

    I joined an open crew brig for a sunday sesh and helped a couple guys finish their athena. On the way to sell there is a server merge and a reaper 5 brig ends up charging in.

    We sink them and they were doing significant stacking. When I boarded to finish the battle they had ritual skulls lined all around the wheel. Many many ritual skulls. Not sure where they came from. They had multiple events on top of the rituals including a few ashen winds and a fort from the roar. We had to fight them once more but eventually got sold.

    End up doing a fleet and selling. One of the guys left and the one that stayed and I struck up a casual conversation. He had a name in reference to The Stand which is one of my favorite books and miniseries from the 90s. Anyone that appreciates The Stand is cool in my book. We close the crew and I tell him I will accompany him to the outpost to sell the barnacle chests he set aside in case there is a kraken/skelly galleon/pvp.

    As we are talking and not paying much attention we approach plunder outpost. I see a sloop pull in to the side of the outpost but am not too focused on it. As we get closer I notice it's not just any ole random sloop. It's an athena 5, an organic athena 5 opportunity.

    My crew mate lets me know he needs that flag still so we go in for the 2 man brig battle against the duo sloop.

    We have a solid battle back and forth and we were able to pull out a win. The opponents end up having ample levels of sodium which makes steals much easier for me to emotionally digest, skilled fighters though.

    The loot that floated up was the most stacking I've seen in a long time. Multiple thieves haven runs, forts, ashen winds, flags, and gold vault keys. Took a lot of time to load it all and the lag got bad.

    The sloop wanted one more fight and we were able to pull out another win 2v2 and were able to sell at reapers.

    One of those sessions a pirate only runs into organically once in a blue moon.

  • Still working on 10k/500/3k

    Pve spawns are far less consistent but I'll get there

    crow's nest landing clip

    Open crew brig deck shot.

  • Everything is gonna be alright

    I'm on an open crew brig with a couple of new players.
    Gold hoarder's emissary
    We do a couple of sea forts and I take them into the fleet for the good loot.
    A pirate galleon attacks in the middle of the fleet and they both leave.
    As usual when an open crew leaves during intense areas of action I close the crew and see what happens.

    I sink the galleon and finish the fleet.
    I have zero cannonballs when all is said and done.

    I start heading to galleon's grave, hoping the kraken doesn't arise from the depths. It's just now entering gold rush time. It'll be a nice payout.

    Getting ready to pass Dagger tooth when there was a chaotic flash and loud bang. Bird kegs. The double whammy. The duo of destruction. The Texas two tap.

    I go flying off the boat but by time the mermaid returned me she was already gone.

    I load it in the rowboat and head into dagger tooth.

    As I row into the sell spot a sloop parks by the dock by the weapon's shop.

    I prepare for the worst.

    The guy doesn't shoot at me so I request that he sells whatever he wants.

    He asks me about what happened to my ship.

    I tell him it's a long story and that I hope the loot helps him in some way, then I leave

    It's not a bad day, not a bad session, it's just a sweetener for the times of good fortune.

  • That is… A very interesting photo.

  • Kraken is for Easter dinner

    all you can eat

  • 8998 - Hostile sloop attacking during fleet
    8999 - Skelly galleon (fleet boss)
    9000 - Hostile galleon (grade 5 gold hoarder) that came in to steal the fleet loot

    sloop landing clip

    Sinking galleon in the sunset

  • Organically and randomly end up completing this with piratical veterans from all around the world.

    It was a trollfest from start to finish but everyone needed it done and by gosh we got it done. Boats sank, pirates disappeared, things were said and done that were best left at sea.

    It was an adventure and that's really all anyone can ask for. Thanks to the survivors. Rip to the rest.

  • An adventure

    I load into an open crew brig and there is a mother pirate helping her 4 year old son pirate put cosmetics on the ship.

    He is a very enthusiastic and knowledgeable young pirate. He not only knows the correct answers for 1+1 and 2+2 but also as high as 100+100. Impressive.

    He wants to go to the green lights in the sky and we head over.
    Another pirate joins and I call him frosty, the young pirate also starts calling him frosty.

    We enter into a battle involving a reaper 5 galleon, ghost ships, and the shrouded ghost.

    Upon finishing the event we are attacked by the reaper galleon. I communicate our peaceful intentions and that I have a young pirate on board but they are out for blood.

    They start lighting us up. The young pirate is contributing, he buckets and buckets. I kill the boarders and frosty heads to the galleon. Frosty is able to slay out on board and get them anchored. I board the killer whale and unleash Hell.

    I request that the young pirate board the killer whale and give me cover fire. The reaper 5 galleon sinks. We "ooph" (in the words of the young pirate) all 4 of the crew.

    We gather the loot and take it to reaper's

    I have the young pirate sell his first flag, a grade 5 reaper.

    Frosty leaves and I take the young pirate and his pirate mom to plunder valley to visit a special tree.

    I say good bye and I disappear.

  • The phantoms didn't steal coins from me this time!

  • Clip

    Still working on becoming the best worst pirate.

    It's going splendidly.

  • Didn't go fast, didn't go slow
    just went
    was fortune to have the opportunity
    so very fortunate


  • First bow landing.

    have had some bounce offs and very close attempts but this is the first landed


    Not being very productive on the seas lately but still working towards 10k and 3k. Pve spawns are less consistent and adventures are interfering with that on and off so it's slower.

    I had a long dry patch for ancient skellies but found a few more in the last couple months so that was nice.

    Not a clue where I am going but at some point I'll be somewhere

  • organic open crew glitterbeard

    ended up having the privilege of being a part of 7 people getting their glitterbeard and participating in their first ceremony.

  • 8 months ago in an open crew I met a person on their very first day of playing the game.

    I talk country and she speaks french so we rarely understand each other outside of using text for communication.

    I was fortunate to be around her first day and the day she hit Pirate Legend.

    I've sailed the sea for a long time. I rarely even know what I am looking for.

    I do know that pulling my boots up and putting my sail down has lead to valuable discoveries spread throughout piratical happenstance. Interactions with kind people, talented people, people that add value to shared existence far beyond the boundaries of the map that we adhere to.

    When the sky is dark and the stars are bright there is a silence on the sea that pauses time enough to truly appreciate the moments that have come and gone. 30 seconds here, 3 hours there, maybe a week, maybe a few months of scattered communication. Interactions found on the sea that were kind enough and wholesome enough to create a lasting memory.

    I'm thankful for it, it doesn't feel like enough payment for the decency delivered but it is what it is.

  • The reward through numbers is the motivation to dedicate time
    time for effort, effort that is an attempt to search and discover
    if it works, it works
    adventure is life, which is more than survival
    always a new opportunity to connect or maybe just learn
    these numbers don't represent accomplishment
    they are markers for moving forward, consistently, optimistically.
    There is more loss to come in moving forward
    more struggle, more falling and failing
    that is a part of a pirate's life
    it'll pass
    sail on

  • Only time I have ever been ambushed at reapers by an athena 5

    went from there to fight a galleon over an ashen winds, sank them once and killed 3 but the 4th had time to bury some of the good loot including the ashen skull so I had to try to sink them again for the map to dig them up. Was fortune enough to be able to do so and secure the loot.

    Never know what is going to happen out there, one of the many beauties of the game.

    athena 5 ambush clips

    ashen winds galleon clips

  • Miss you Merrick
    the hunt goes on

    10 more, old friend

  • 11 vs 1 and a monkey

    I'm out there minding my own business soloing a fleet, as I do
    As I am picking up the loot from the completed fleet the galleon that had been lurking and watching nearby closed in for the kill.

    I fought the galleon for about 15 minutes and was able to finally put enough pressure on them to get them to crash into seadog's where I was able to secure the sink.

    There are 4 of them alive still and there is 1 of me but what they didn't know is that I like westerns so I implement Operation Wounded Sam Elliott. Which is a strategy where a wounded me hunkers down with a trident and just starts blasting as they board. I am able to secure all the necessary kills.

    As I am preparing to get my boat moving again along comes an aggressive brig that had been lurking and watching my previous fight. We fight for a while and I am able to get their anchor dropped and capitalize on it, I secure the sink.

    Right as the brig sinks I am attacked by another very aggressive galleon that was lurking and watching and waiting.

    I fight this galleon for about 30 minutes and am running low on cannonballs. One keeps trying to harpoon me so I implement Operation Honeycomb which is when I let an opponent that is trying to do something succeed in that thing to catch them off guard and use it to my advantage. I take a trident with me, he harpoons me, and I am able to secure the necessary kills.

    I eventually am able to put enough fire and pressure on them to where they crash into reapers. I use the last of my cannonballs and charge in with a trident to kill or be killed. They sink as I am approaching. I am able to secure the 4 kills necessary post sink and am able to sell my loot.


    First galleon

    Operation Wounded Sam Elliott

    Galleon attacking after I secure the sink on the brig

    Operation Honeycomb

    Final sink

    Special shout out to Oingo Boingo, my monkey companion. I very rarely bring him into combat but he has been bugging me about it for a long time. Sometimes you just have to accept that they are growing up and want to have the opportunity to find adventure too.

  • deck shot clip

  • 3000 confirmed, many others confirmed only with my eyes and memories.

    I'm thankful, for the time, for the opportunity, for the adventure, for existence to this point.

    I've been fortunate during this journey. The privilege to share a beautiful and harsh world with beast, creature and adventurer.

    If you stumble across this I hope life is treating you kind today. I hope you are able to exercise your passions, if not today, soon.
    I hope your next adventure brings you unpredictable contentment and drive to explore beyond your successes.

    Captured moments with megalodons

  • wherever your journey leads I hope you find yourselves
    through the beauty of the unknown, and the harshness

    I've been at sea for a time that feels comparable to forever
    adventures so vast and varied that memories have failed to contain them all

    as beautiful as adventure is, as awe-inspiring and soul charging as it proves to be
    without connection to others the pages of art created by experience fly away with the wind
    hold on to it, someday it'll be gone but not today
    I wish you peace if you crave it, I wish you adventure if you need it, I wish you life, you deserve it.

    open crew tip of the bow landing

  • How I lived, how I died

    I swam through shark infested waters, a distance that was significant.

    A duo in a sloop working the end of a veil quest.

    I hid and I stole the chest of legends as they finished the quest.

    I killed sharks and was able to get the chest safely to some nearby rubble protruding from the sea.

    I did it.

    I sat and watched as they undoubtedly searched in confusion.

    The relevant question from me to myself became "was what happened enough?"

    It was. The gold holds little significance, I just wanted to test myself against pirate and environment.

    It seemed appropriate to return the chest as I had received the value from it for myself and it still had value for them.

    There was no wholesome moment upon the return.

    There didn't need to be for the experience to be valuable

    They don't owe me anything, nobody does.

    Taking the chest of legends (clips)

    Returning it

  • Encounter with a phantom

    I joined an open crew. They were sailing up on a sloop at snake island. They began to fire. I went over and saw the captain of the ship, a solo. He fought and I sent him to the ferry. He said gg. I did a quick look around and decided I didn't want to be a part of the sink. I asked of the crew I joined that they move on from this target. They had no obligations but they obliged.

    I repaired the sloop and began to swim away.

    The pirate asked me "why did u help me"

    Something this pirate is unlikely to ever realize as the encounter drifts further from their kept memories is that it helps me far more.

    I am a rich pirate but one that is in debt to the understanding given to me from some.

    Right place, right time, it's what I live by. It's what I pirate by. Whether by sea's desire or just chance I am given opportunity to be something that I haven't always been, whatever that something is, it produces less regrets and more purpose, which makes it a gift.

    Thank you to this sailor and others like them, thank you to those that inspired this journey into the unknown.

  • Sunday

    I join an open crew.
    The brig is facing an island, hard anchored, sails down
    There is a kid walking around holding and petting his dog

    He is talking to himself out loud about the environment he is observing and adventuring

    I join in, seemed like the right place to be

    Earlier in the day

    I had a feeling, about a specific person but not for a specific reason
    I reached out to say howdy ahoy and to apologize for allowing too much time to go between communications of the past and the present

    Fast forward

    The kid eventually stops talking to himself and starts talking to me.
    He starts saying "wolf" repeatedly and then fills in the blanks with something he is thinking about. He has designated me the captain so I tell him we are going to fight a fleet.

    Another kid joins, this young pirate talks less.


    Towards the end of the fleet a sloop attacks. It is a solo pirate acting silly on the mic. He ends up sinking 4 times.

    "Wolf...." "Wolf...." "Wolf...."

    He is a bright kid, I have no doubts his future will reflect that.

    Eventually a spot opens and I message the person I contacted earlier to say howdy ahoy.

    I say "there is a spot on this boat and I think it was meant for you"
    Luckily and thankfully they accept the offer.

    Another kid joins as my friend joins, we sink the silly solo pirate one more time after another attack.

    This new kid is also a bright young pirate,

    For the next few hours we sailed around doing sea forts, and shrines to help my friend with commendations and to help the bright young pirate work on his goal of pirate legend.

    At one shrine a sloop is sailing around, at some point a pirate swims over. I prepare to do what I need to do if it needs to be done, but he communicates clearly that he is sailing with his young brother and would like to ask for mercy so they could continue their session in peace. I let him know that he has my word we will not start conflict and I intend to keep my word.
    It takes strength to show vulnerability. It takes strength to communicate openly. I have no business fighting anybody like that.

    At the end of the session the kid went from 40/38/37/25 to 50/47/46/32. Almost a pirate legend, like he wants to be. He will do great.

    My friend closed out the session with "thank you, I needed this"

    To which I responded with "as did I"

    The sun sets on Sunday

  • As I approach my goal of 10k I have been adventuring into the past, the journey that lead me to this point.

    The times I have been impatient, the times that I have spoke or acted in ways that were not considerate.

    I've lost many battles, I've lost a tremendous amount of loot. These are just things that happen, the moments where I could have shined but instead blocked out the sun for myself and others are the losses that haunt me.

    In my many adventures, in my many experiences, I have seen seen evidence of existences that were strong enough to shine bright through it all.

    One day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time, one moment at a time, one sail at time.

    There were a couple of kids that attacked me the other day 8 times. They sank each time but they were laughing each time. Expressing through joy how much they enjoyed the experience, the freedom. One said "how is this guy so good". I told him "you're new, one day others will be asking that about you"
    What he doesn't realize is that he is already great, to be so young and to be able to handle loss so well, the skill will be earned, but he already has what some spend a lifetime searching for.

screenshotjust for fun
225 out of 401