Please Scuttle, your fun depends on it!

  • Arena is closing. Yay?

    I mean, I don't like the arena as much because of certain subtypes of PvP players that infest the mode to this day, but you know, they have a place they can easily do it at and I can't fault them for it- or their reaction to the announcement of Arena closing.

    Some people have heard in some circles that severely upset Arena players that despise its closure, will take their extremely high CQC skills to the adventuring seas.

    Once Arena closes, players that frequent that mode will come to Adventure, and they may find any ship they can see over the horizon and SPAWNCAMP YOU.

    Since players didn't know the scuttle option was in Arena, let's remind ourselves that this option is still currently available in Adventure mode. If you find yourself being sent to the ferry in under 30 seconds because of pirates you cannot fight, go to My Crew, scroll down to the bottom option and vote to scuttle the ship. The whole crew must vote to scuttle the ship, so if you're being spawncamped with an AFK player on board, your other option is to LEAVE GAME.

    I only write this because I am honestly disappointed in how Rare has failed to keep players well notified that they can scuttle the ship, the Ferryman's note next to the door is not enough for our unfortunately simple-minded casual players, and I can tell you right now Feedback + Suggestions will soon begin to flood with complaints about spawncamping, they'll call it toxic, they'll call it bannable, but in all honesty, there's no better method to avoid this without experience, and a not fun experience is nothing to learn from.

    Please, go to My Crew in the Menu, and vote to scuttle the ship or select Leave Game if you feel like you're being trapped by enemy pirates, don't boost their ego or hold your own ego to the camp, if you can't beat it, don't. Scuttle or leave, no one likes to be camped, but these options are why you don't have to be.

    You can do your tall tale on the next server, you can do that fun world event on the next server, you can stack 2 voyages on that next server. If it didn't take long for you to do one thing, you can do it again without any attachment to the last server. If you want to find a way to be faster about it, I suggest asking around for help with PvE related things so you may do it faster and keep yourself out of danger.

    The seas aren't safe, they never were, but if you know how to keep your head up and move on, no amount of pixelated danger will let down your spirit. You have several tools and users at your disposal, please use them instead of false reporting to the support website or complaining on the forums.

    If Rare won't make the job easier for casual players, then it's up to us to use what's obviously there and accessible.

  • 14
  • I don't disagree with your advice

    one thing I'll say to the audience you are aiming for with your advice...

    Don't be scared and live with fear of the boogeyman. People aren't coming to get you specifically. There will probably be some negative stuff sprinkled into adventure as a reaction but arena players aren't all like that. Many are just like the many other small communities in SOT.

    It'll be fine. Leaving a server when it gets unpleasant is very productive advice but no reason to stress about it or see a group of players as trouble.

    Positive energy helps lead to more positive interactions. Just enjoy the seas and don't worry about arena players spending more time in adventure. In reality it'll be well known people that will be targeted and they are already targeted anyway.

    I wouldn't tie unpleasant situations to arena or arena closing. Chill people aren't gonna use that to take it out on others that have nothing to do with it. The people that take stuff out on others were gonna do that no matter what.

  • I have only played arena a few times, and I believe that most of the arena players already sail in adventure mode. I don’t think that we will see much of a difference. I do agree with the rest of your advice. There have been a few times that I have scuttled and or moved to a new server just to find a friendlier server.

  • Rare has failed to keep players well notified that they can scuttle the ship, the Ferryman's note next to the door is not enough for our unfortunately simple-minded casual players

    They have had patch notes, videos, actual YouTube telling people all these things.

    But nobody ever checks the settings. So I wouldn’t say failed, when it’s more the fact players themselves never take the time to look around.

    They just jump without looking

  • @burnbacon said in Please Scuttle, your fun depends on it!:

    They have had patch notes, videos, actual YouTube telling people all these things.

    But nobody ever checks the settings. So I wouldn’t say failed, when it’s more the fact players themselves never take the time to look around.

    They just jump without looking

    You can only say it's the user's fault for so long before you realize there's a bigger fault at large. In the case of users being clearly oblivious when they don't know what's going on anyways. Every attempt to tell players how to scuttle is out of the way for the average Game Pass user to understand, and they're the one running to the forums and calling the game toxic and bad because of other pirates pitching a tent on their boat with a pistol and an Eye of Reach.

    This isn't a suggestions thread of course but still, it's frustrating how badly things are laid out for new players at times.

  • @nex-stargaze
    I agree just scuttle immediately; don't waste time thinking you may have a chance against spawn-campers. This is the only flaw in an otherwise excellent game. Upon re-entering the world from the ferry you will be killed again before you can become aware. Just shrug and move on (scuttle). Sad thing is that I would like to fight and enjoy that aspect of the game play sometimes. But there is no chance of that, the only time I encounter conflict is being insta-killed and then spawn camped. There is no way to protect yourself or no skill-based even ground on which to fight. Just scuttle and move on.

  • @wolfmanbush You know not every arena player spawncamps

  • Arena players likely aren't spawn campers. If they're in the arena, it means they like having an opponent who can fight back.

  • @wolfmanbush Generally true, but totally happened to me yesterday. I suck at PVP, I scuttled. What can you do? I did try dancing and sitting down a few times. They killed me just the same. Oh well.

  • @pseud0j0e said in Please Scuttle, your fun depends on it!:

    @wolfmanbush Generally true, but totally happened to me yesterday. I suck at PVP, I scuttled. What can you do? I did try dancing and sitting down a few times. They killed me just the same. Oh well.

    That was the reasonable thing to do, once you see no issue out of the situation and no victory possible, there is no shame in scuttling. People insisting on staying are only getting frustrated more and more and hurting themselves.

    After 3 PVP death in a row in a short period, you should have a pop-up once on the ferry asking you if you want to scuttle, with a short explanation that scuttling means you will respawn with a new ship and supplies somewhere else in the same server. Can't get simpler than that in term of messaging. If people don't want to read, smack them in the face with a pop-up.
    Spawn-camping is such a non-issue in this game.

  • @mintharp184509 said in Please Scuttle, your fun depends on it!:

    Spawn camping is not a non issue in this game.

    The revive mechanic combined with absolutely zero spawn protection makes spawn camping much more effective than it should be.

    Crews can just as easily if not more easily sink a boat with firebombs and camping than they can with naval combat only.

    To me it’s absolutely absurd that you can spawn and immediately be killed (one blundered, two tapped, tier 3 bubbled before you have any chance to react.

    It’s flat out bad game design.

    It’s just like having a console game with zero aim assist, again a poor design choice in my opinion. The latest patch increased the harpoon aim assist and let me tell you that is a godsend of an improvement. And no, just because I think some form of aim assist should be in the game for controller users does NOT mean I want a snapping auto aim type aim assist. It could be as simple as a slowdown type aim assist.

    Reviving really is what causes issue here, not denying that. But once a crew managed to get the upper hand in a fight (no matter what way), why is the losing side entitled an advantage over them? If you were surrounded by enemies and they have you at gunpoint, unless you have the skills to best them action-movie-style (which can happen), it is what it is, you lost no?

  • @mintharp184509 said in Please Scuttle, your fun depends on it!:


    No other game has spawns in such close proximity to the enemy player.

    Game absolutely needs spawn protection. Doesn’t need to be much just enough to stop players from being killed the moment they spawn. Also the trident needs a major rework it’s stupid OP at spawn camping. The tiered charges should not be able to be held indefinitely. The weapon should fire a tier 3 charge on it’s own after a certain point.

    It’s all about the game facilitating a fair fight. The respawn timer on the ferry is more than long enough to sink any ship with a few holes if you can wipe the crew.

    What if you could respawn at the location of you choice on your ship as a ghost, WoW-style? When you are ready, on your term? (No invulnerability upon respawn)

  • @mintharp184509 said in Please Scuttle, your fun depends on it!:


    Because time is of the essence in that moment. If the enemy crew is genuinely trying to sink your ship you don’t have time to do anything but respawn. At the most, you can wait until your crew mate(s) respawn to give you the best chance of breaking out of a camp.

    If I am camping a boat and I manage to kill a respawning player the moment they spawn before they have any chance to react that feels just as dirty to me as it does to them. It just shouldn’t happen. The game should be better than that.

    Sure, they can be unlucky and happen to spawn exactly where you are, when they could have spawned elsewhere on the boat.

    Anyways, my point was not towards the fairness aspect of the fight, but the fact that nobody is locked in eternal torment when scuttle exists. That said, the spawning system itself could use some tweaks for sure, but a loss is a loss.

  • @mintharp184509 said in Please Scuttle, your fun depends on it!:


    I 100% agree the scuttle feature has many uses.

    If you are being camped by griefers, scuttle.

    If you need to travel across the map and don’t care about losing loot/supplies, scuttle.

    If you have a ton of supplies and don’t want the enemy to steal all of them after they’ve boarded your ship and killed you, scuttle.

    Thank you for the friendly discussion.

    Agreed, the tool is there and people should use it. I understand your point and agree that the system could be handled differently and the devs hinted in a recent podcast that they were looking into it.
    What irks me when it comes to the topic is that people act like they have no issue out and are being griefed, when they have the power to remove themselves from an unpleasant encounter at any time and shouldn't blame the game for inflicting themselves a bad time (hence my original post)
    Fair winds and have a great day!

4 out of 14