Sword nerf

  • Could we please nerf the sword? The weapon is basically undefendable with the most recent buff (which wasn’t even put in the patch notes). Now you can even ads with a gun while being sworded. The weapon is completely unbalanced.

  • 51
  • @iypz Can’t even ads*

  • If you're getting stabbed, chances are you wouldn't be able to aim down the sights. Keep your distance and I sword won't touch you.

  • Less skilled double gunners claim sword is overpowered. Less skilled sword users claim double gun is overpowered. That makes me think the balance is about right.

    Of course hitreg/backtrack favours swords unfortunately, but that's entirely separate.

  • Issue with sword?
    Sword is close combat style. This the best way to counter is distance. Sniper and pistol are best idea. But one could use firebombs and blunderbombs.

    Another counter is blunderbuss itself. One shot kill at close range.

  • Sword bad pew pew good

  • What buff are you talking?

  • As someone who mostly uses the cutlass I agree that the stunlock is a tiny bit overpowered, It makes the game feel overly clunky. the only other issue imo is the swing animation and actual swing distance having completely different ranges.

  • @burnbacon For once I can't stay at your side this time, it is now a fact that Rare changed how you're allowed to ADS your weapon when getting slashed. The issue comes down to you're completely disabled during the combo, where in previous endeavors you can at least fight through a few slashes. This is incredibly fatal in extremely tight places like below the top decks of ships, where you're bound to get cornered by a sword in which you can't fight back.

    This change is honestly very damaging to those trying to learn the differences of weapons in combat, and makes sword-play more of a preference, which isn't necessarily bad, but creates more frustration in situations that are already difficult to acoid.

  • If you allowed them to get close enough, and without having a sword or blunderbuss equipped to just counter them, then that's on you? Your longer range weapons should've taken care of them before they got close, no? Or at the very least you should've had a weapon (like a sword or blunderbuss) equipped that can counter them at close range. Next time pick a more balanced loadout and you'll be fine. :)

  • @maironds88 said in Sword nerf:

    What buff are you talking?

    I honestly can’t tell if you’re joking or not… I hate words like that.
    Anyway, there was recently a patch which gave the sword a buff. This buff made it so you cannot aim your gun when being slashed… and it wasn’t even in patch notes 😩
    Seems like a pretty important patch but they must’ve forgotten… or they wanted to surprise us??

  • @mrstinkyfart169 said in Sword nerf:

    If you're getting stabbed, chances are you wouldn't be able to aim down the sights. Keep your distance and I sword won't touch you.

    With that logic, if your being shot, you shouldn’t be able to run towards me but, noooo! Why should guns suffer like this?

  • @scurvywoof said in Sword nerf:

    @maironds88 said in Sword nerf:

    What buff are you talking?

    I honestly can’t tell if you’re joking or not… I hate words like that.
    Anyway, there was recently a patch which gave the sword a buff. This buff made it so you cannot aim your gun when being slashed… and it wasn’t even in patch notes 😩
    Seems like a pretty important patch but they must’ve forgotten… or they wanted to surprise us??

    I was really serious. I didn't know that.
    I'm not usually ironic or sarcastic, because my translator may not pass on my true intention with words.

  • @wsurftvveeds said in Sword nerf:

    Less skilled double gunners claim sword is overpowered. Less skilled sword users claim double gun is overpowered. That makes me think the balance is about right.

    Of course hitreg/backtrack favours swords unfortunately, but that's entirely separate.

    Yes, but the issue is, it doesn’t take a skilled sword user to kill ANYONE anymore because of this single buff. Honestly, I’d actually be so much happier with the sword before the patch even because it was at a good spot. The only reason it ‘sucked’ was because of server lag and a general lack of skilled users actually using it. I really dislike how Rare caters to certain player types but almost neglects some others. (Not saying PvP’ers are neglected but compared to what Rare does with PvE and the sword, it does feel like it).
    But, you are absolutely right❗️

  • @maironds88 Okay, that’s fine. Have a great day!

  • @scurvywoof said in Sword nerf:

    @wsurftvveeds said in Sword nerf:

    Less skilled double gunners claim sword is overpowered. Less skilled sword users claim double gun is overpowered. That makes me think the balance is about right.

    Of course hitreg/backtrack favours swords unfortunately, but that's entirely separate.

    Yes, but the issue is, it doesn’t take a skilled sword user to kill ANYONE anymore because of this single buff. Honestly, I’d actually be so much happier with the sword before the patch even because it was at a good spot. The only reason it ‘sucked’ was because of server lag and a general lack of skilled users actually using it. I really dislike how Rare caters to certain player types but almost neglects some others. (Not saying PvP’ers are neglected but compared to what Rare does with PvE and the sword, it does feel like it).
    But, you are absolutely right❗️

    Well, pretty much anything that caters to PvE can become a part of PvP, even if it's something totally PvE like Merchant commodities. You can still steal them and fight over them.

    I also don't get why you lump sword in with the PvE crowd. It can be uses for PvE, but that's true of every other weapon.

  • Logic dictates that you can't aim a gun while being slashed in the face by tempered, sharp, edged steel.

    Keep your distance or keep your sword at ready!

  • Not being able to ADS while being slashed only really affects the Eye of Reach, since it's unusable without aiming. I guess this makes the pistol slightly better at close combat over the EoR, and the blunder should still be able to fire at a slightly larger spread (and has knockback).

    If it's actually preventing the weapon from firing then there's a problem.

  • @mrstinkyfart169 then u get noodle armed from 15 meters away and die to someone who wasnt even close or looking at you

  • @iypz said in Sword nerf:

    Could we please nerf the sword? The weapon is basically undefendable with the most recent buff (which wasn’t even put in the patch notes). Now you can even ads with a gun while being sworded. The weapon is completely unbalanced.

    Sounds like you should get yourself a sword!

    If half you all were half as good as you think you are with your pew pews why you need 2 of them?

    If you all so good 5 shots should be plenty!

  • @el-spaniardchi Fair enough. But, I tend to find people who PvP more than anything else double gun, and people who PvE use sword, so i guess my personal experience is sort of getting in the way of my thinking process. Sorry!

  • @scurvywoof said in Sword nerf:

    @el-spaniardchi Fair enough. But, I tend to find people who PvP more than anything else double gun, and people who PvE use sword, so i guess my personal experience is sort of getting in the way of my thinking process. Sorry!

    No problem mate! It's definitely something I find as well, and it's a pretty well established stereotype that often rings true. My post was also based off my own experiences (as I mostly kill and PvP with sword paired with EoR, so I might be biased as well). All that matters is we are respectful of the others opinion and are open to discussion. That's what counts at the end of the day!

  • @galactic-geek said in Sword once again ruins the game with unnecessary buff:


  • @mrpepega6316 I don't know what you mean by noodle armed. if you mean the thrust attack the sword can do, there are ways to avoid it, and if they miss, you can pretty much confirm the kill because of their cool down.

  • @mrstinkyfart169 are you serious? [mod edit]. Mate the thing is OP I have played this game for over 50 days and well over 20 days of that is played in the Arena. And the skill stick as I like to call it takes literally 0 skill all you need is good ping

  • @burnbacon that’s not true anyone you can’t one shot kill sword users because you get stun locked by the sword which prevents you from ADSing and already the blunderbuss is RNG when aiming down sight but now the fact that you can’t even aim down now makes it 10x harder to 1 shot someone. On top of that now the actual [mod edit] are you supposed to keep distance for example on a sloop when you have 2 sword [mod edit] chasing you?

  • @hotklou9848 [mod edit]. Use a blunderbuss? The problem is now you can’t even use a blunder buss to kill a sword because when your stun locked you can’t ADS so one shooting them is now 80% RNG. Sea of thieves is forcing players to use swords because the only way to counter a sword is with a sword. And how the actual [mod edit] are u supposed to kill someone with your long distance weapons when your boarding a sloop? reality check the sword is way too op and you perspective on this just tells me [mod edit].

  • @mrstealurmum704 Woah, what's with the name calling? Disagree as much as you want but no need to call people stupid or bots just because you don't agree with them.

  • @mrstealurmum704 So you should get rewarded for letting the sword wielder get so close to you, that he can hit you, by still being able to one shot him without a problem? On the other hand: skilled sword players are rare these days. Almost all of them just hit M1 repeatedly and are most likely to die fighting any half decent player.
    And there's absolutely no need to start insulting anyone who likes using the sword. They're not insulting you for double gunning, aren't they?

  • @mrstealurmum704 said in Sword nerf:

    Sea of thieves is forcing players to use swords because the only way to counter a sword is with a sword.

    What's this? A game forcing players to adapt to the environment they're in by changing up their weapon loadout? Blasphemy.

    Also you're being quite rude.

  • @deckhands

    Is there a change to swords in the last update at all? Can someone find out please.

  • @mrstealurmum704 said in Sword nerf:

    [mod edit]

    This is funny.

  • @mrstealurmum704 A number of your posts have been edited as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


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  • Comments about being forced to use sword in CQC against a sword is about as hilarious as someone claiming they are forced to use a pistol or sniper in open island combat against the like. It is called using the correct counter to the situation presented. No one loadout was ever meant to be the end-all do-all one. If that is what you are searching for, sword/sniper and a pocket full of blunder bombs is about the closest you will ever get.

18 out of 51