can you play with 2 ships on the same server

  • I play with a group of 6 people we want to have 2 brigantine on 1 server

    is that possible?

  • 5
  • Sadly no way to guarantee this; wanted to do the same with some friends - sail a sloop and a brig in an alliance but, the game was designed to make encounters random so no way to plan ahead.

    Been told that the reason for this is to avoid the abuse of "Reaper packs" swarming after other ships.

  • You can ask another ship really really nicely for theirs. Maybe in exchange for your loot? It would eventually work, if you didn’t mind getting attacked often after offering. Pretty solid way to do Skelly Thrones these days.

  • If you and your friends connect at the same time and votes up the athena flag and double check if they are on the same server.....then yes it works.
    Did it once with a couple of friends of mine, sure it took 3-4 tries but it worked eventually.

  • As others have said, just like with Alliance Servers, it is only possible with a brute force approach (keep loading in and see if you got the same server) or putting in the time and effort (buying up Ships on the server from other players).

    This is good, because Alliances are meant to be shaky, not an extension of your own Crew. This is because multiple Ships working together are a huge threat. If you can only easily do this with strangers who can betray you it does make it a bit harder to become an unstoppable force in a server. If that other Ship is your good friends hanging out in a Discord/Party they might as well all just be an extension of your original Crew making you even more deadly because you can overlook things other Alliances couldn't.

    You're in a shared world with a limited population per Server. Right now servers have 5 Ships, so two Ships is 40% of the server population working in coordination. It used to be 6 before it was dropped to help with server strain (so not just a simple matter of just add more Ships in), and even then you're talking 33% of the server being aligned in a two Ship Alliance. That is a major impact on the flow of that server if those Ships can implicitly trust each other.

    Just some numbers to chew over for further consideration on the idea and why it might not be so great to implement (at least with the current setup).

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