Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best 'Eeriest' Screenshot!

  • Halloween is the perfect time for spoopy ghost ship!

  • A legendary ghost fortress receives a fitting new challenger...

  • @lizalaroo
    SoT Screen

    Halloween is coming, i'm ready! 🤡

  • Wait @lizalaroo does the screenshot have to contain fog in order to qualify? or like would fog just increase your chance of winning?

  • @froggeragain I believe it has to contain fog for it to qualify because she says "Using FOG as your subject..."

  • wuuuuuhhhhh

  • @EnderNinja01 well I hope not, that's a lot of entries that won't count (including mine D:) guess i better get a new screenshot quick!

  • Finally found some fog...

  • @froggeragain wait will mine count then? Its got fog on the bottom and its in a cave which is inheritably foggy anyway.

  • @mas3378
    This one looks cool!

  • @alcatraz6 ty :)

  • @charge9316 Should count cause it has fog

  • @lizalaroo

  • @ljoji
    Nice name, and beautiful shot!


  • @lizalaroo

  • @lizalaroo

  • One of my favorite foggy, eerie nights in the game.

  • NOT ENTERING Just fancied sharing...

  • @lou-enderdragon said in Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best 'Eeriest' Screenshot!:

    This is an interesting challenge can’t wait for what the screenshot will come from this, I might even give it an go and If I win, I will just giveaway the code to someone if they complete my riddle challenge, that if I can’t find anyone to give it to

    if you win can I have it?

  • @closinghare208 well that if I win and can’t find anyone worthy to have my reward if not, then that if you or anyone who solve my riddle first to win

  • @zcloown that an really good screenshot, wish you the best luck in the contest

  • @lou-enderdragon said in Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best 'Eeriest' Screenshot!:

    @closinghare208 well that if I win and can’t find anyone worthy to have my reward if not, then that if you or anyone who solve my riddle first to win

    dm me the riddle if you win in chat button on here

  • Thank you everyone who’s entered. Remember tomorrow will be a new mission and the winner from this competition!

    Until then.... time to drop anchor.

  • @triheadedmonkey Love this one Tri! :D

57 out of 60