Pvp vs pve (private servers)

  • Ok let's say, for the sake of argument that rare did make private servers. You need to pay for them and you get dropped into your own world where your friends can load in as opposing ships....

    To the pvpers...why constantly say "go play another game", "omg everyone server hops or red seas when I'm coming" etc? If the private server team gets what they want then the only change in the game is you will be able to engage in more pvp battles and have less runners? I assume that is the point right? Pop up a reaper flag and leave the game hours later with epic battle stories instead of hours wasted chasing one boat? With private servers rare gets more income so that's more content for everyone and you have less time wasted with "casuals"...sounds like a win win to me?? I also suggested making reapers more like arena..getting credit for pure 100% pirate battles! Rep for kills, cannon shots, sinking etc make the rep LITERALLY about the battle! If you leave it with flags you will leave it in the hands of the pve and they will run and waste your time. I'm sure some of you found ways to handle it..but in general I'm sure you all have dealt with runners, server hoppers, flag droppers or red sea killers and can understand a system promoting the heat of battle would make more sense! I want you guys to have fun too and as of now although it is a pvpve game...its not really either and its having a hard time identifying. Neither side is very happy, rare has given updates to both sides...and while neither side agrees..neither side is wrong either. It's all about giving you the pirate battles you crave..so why not give the runners and quitters what they want and let them leave? It just spells more fun for you in the long run!

    To the pve side - rare used to like alliances. I remember teaming up to fight the big meg, working together to find all the skelle thrones, even now there are commendations requiring multiple teams to be at a skull fort...gift giving etc so many stories were made from those encounters and most of my SOT friends came from those times. Private servers makes sense for you too because (not just to avoid the toxic crowd) you can team up with your friends..engage in playful pirate fights, take down the meg like the old days (yes I'm suggesting bringing it back), find those darn thrones and create your own stories! One of the biggest hiccups in the game is having to force you to quit a game and reload a boat mid mission and lose all your work just to let a friend join. Instead...they wanna come? Np load in on your own boat! When they leave you are unaffected also! I also encourage rare to add more difficult pve in the game that requires more crews. The huge meg return, a more dangerous kraken, a boss like gold hoarder that can get summoned and takes multiple crews to take down...a manowar skelle ship you need to gang up on! You name it! This game has so many possibilities! I dont want any of you to quit! I want you all to play and walk away with amazing stories!

    My point is that while the pvp and pve side may not agree I believe private servers is beneficial to both parties. I can see how all the chasing, flag drops etc can be frustrating and how more epic battles are necessary but I also love the idea of battling my friends on their own boat or going on grand adventures just to enjoy the game too!

    Also the big pushback...using private servers to grind forts, Fotd, emmisary etc and skipping out on the threat of the game. Reminder they are paying extra money per month to play that way...also rare could easily add more waves of skelle..make em harder...make skelle ships hunt the player there are ways to keep it difficult and not a free pass to grind forts.

    I'm in no way suggesting breaking the game. I literally want both sides to be happy and they clearly arent..maybe the private server isnt such a bad idea?

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  • @tubiansayne As someone who enjoys the PvP aspect of the game, and has friends who do not, I would welcome the choice and would play both. I think your post here is reasonable and lucid. I feel for you though, for all the unwarranted vitriol you are about to get from people in the community who get very angry that other people want to play something that they don't.

  • @tubiansayne

    I'm in no way suggesting breaking the game. I literally want both sides to be happy and they clearly arent..maybe the private server isnt such a bad idea?

    You can't always please everyone, and sometimes in doing so the outcome leads to no one satisfied. Its ok to not please everyone.

  • That would literally split the community in half and destroy the game for people who play it as intended. An open world pirate game where you collect treasure and face danger of other pirates who will come for your treasure. No one wants to just PvP another ship, that's what arena is for. They want to fight a ship that's goal is collecting treasure. That's what being a pirate is. If they do this the game is literally over, and it's just a casual money sink like farmville.

  • @rowge-gaming

    I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth when posting it. Overall I just want everyone to be happy and enjoy the game but I know the hate is most likely coming. I am a pvpve player...I both sunk a brig and ran from a gally just yesterday! It's part of the game and what makes it fun! I'm on neither side but if we can find a way to harmonize even a little and agree it may help rare improve the game!

  • @g0eatapoptart There's only 6 crew slots per server with a max of 24 players per server. If there are 6-24 people who want to play, then your server is going to be full.

  • @tubiansayne I agree, I think it would be smart to give people what they want. I watched the twitchcon where the question about private servers was asked and the dev started by saying "oh, if I had a dollar for every time I've been asked that here at twitchcon". Just kind of shows that a LOT of people want it.

  • @nabberwar

    Every forum seems so angry! I know you cant please everyone but I think what most of the posts were missing is that it only catered to one side. I'm on both sides and want the game to keep growing and improving for everyone! We will see, I just hope I dont get beat down for a classic pvp vs pve post lol

  • @tubiansayne you're not going to get much vitriol because your providing a debate prompt.

    Most people in these forums seem to agree that private servers where you can play with your friends but not earn gold/rep/commendations is the way to go. Rare has talked about solving these issues a lot over the years.

  • @tubiansayne just watch this:

  • I'd love to be able to relax and enjoy the sailing aspect without worrying that little Timmy the 13 year old sociopath and his motley crew of animal torturers or the 35 year old Rust star wanna-be coming to blow my ship up and scream the N word at me over mic over and over again in between unsavory remarks about my mother despite having nothing, but don't count on it. I'd actually straight up pay 5 dollars to just hang out with the two other people I know who play this game since I enjoy the exploration aspect, but time and time again it's been proven that in games like this, where there's any sort of open PVP element, it will attract the absolute worst people yet very rarely actually be handled properly by the development team in terms of accommodating both types of players.

  • If they cannot earn ANYTHING at all it might be okay.

  • @rowge-gaming

    Lol I mean...minecraft charges what..$10 to $15 a month for a server? Fallout first tried that shenanigans with $100 lol if SOT landed mid...sayyy... $25-$50 a month? Combined by the thousands that would use it? That's not something they can turn a blind eye too. I feel like they added the emporium because they were hurting...what's to say the server wouldnt light a fire under them so they can pump out content faster!

  • I don't understand the issue... I play in adventure mode and do a mix of pvp and pve. I collect things, and then I collect your things too. Sometimes I sink and lose everything. That's what makes it fun.

  • @g0eatapoptart

    I appreciate your feedback! We all thought that about the xbox servers being created too though and rare said it was only like 1% of the community or something that actually use it and the servers remained unaffected! Perhaps at the right price point this would be no different. Enough to give those who want to spend the money an outlet without altering gameplay.

    I'm also not suggesting that arena type rep be the ONLY source of rep. I'm suggesting very minor rep gains for fighting and killing with stolen loot still being the core. Enough to incentivize fighting more and trigger more actual battles!

  • @tubiansayne I think FO76 was $100 for 6 month, but yeah I agree. I have friends that would pay for sure.

  • @rowge-gaming

    I dont have that many friends that play 🤣

  • @xx-mirth-xx

    That's interesting! 🤔 wouldnt no gold/rep/commendations make it completely pointless tho? Personally I'd take the no gold/rep part ha ha but missing all three makes everything in the game irrelivant? Why pay $50 a month to sail around in circles lol I'd fight my friends a few times and be over it

  • @tubiansayne If progression wasn't possible in the private server, I doubt Rare would charge for it. Instead we would most likely host our own servers through the Rare/SoT client.

  • @nullianak I literally LOLd at this. Thank you.

  • @xx-mirth-xx "no progression" on private servers is speculation

  • @xx-mirth-xx said in Pvp vs pve (private servers):

    @tubiansayne If progression wasn't possible in the private server, I doubt Rare would charge for it. Instead we would most likely host our own servers through the Rare/SoT client.

    Yeah they would - these servers would likely all be hosted in the same Azure server farms as the public servers and that server time isn't cheap. You can't give everyone access to create their own instance for free.

  • @d3adst1ck sorry, I meant that players would host servers on their own computers, similar to how Minecraft originally offered multiplayer.

  • @d3adst1ck I doubt people would pay for it as well

  • @rowge-gaming said in Pvp vs pve (private servers):

    @xx-mirth-xx "no progression" on private servers is speculation

    Where did I say it was a fact?

  • @xx-mirth-xx said in Pvp vs pve (private servers):

    @d3adst1ck sorry, I meant that players would host servers on their own computers, similar to how Minecraft originally offered multiplayer.

    They may not have the license to distribute server binaries depending on what 3rd party software they are using. The highest likely chance of private server hosting is going to be paid hosting on Microsoft servers.

    Minecraft was designed to work via personal hosting right from the start. You can't always switch to this model without substantial changes and potential licensing problems.

  • @xx-mirth-xx said in Pvp vs pve (private servers):

    @rowge-gaming said in Pvp vs pve (private servers):

    @xx-mirth-xx "no progression" on private servers is speculation

    Where did I say it was a fact?

    You haven't. I'm just pointing out that "no progression" is a wish that people who don't want other people to have the choice of PvE have. It also doesn't make any sense. Who cares if someone earns 'rep' on a private server anyway? This problem you're concerned with isn't an issue in other games like Elite Dangerous. You can join the "shared world" or a "private world" and it's all the same.

  • @d3adst1ck logically what you're saying makes perfect sense, I'm just saying that the current "assumption" (is that better @rowge-gaming?) is private servers will not have progression and if this is true, I think it would be hard for Rare to charge for private servers. The "free" alternative would be to let players host their own servers, if that were possible, of course.

  • @xx-mirth-xx said in Pvp vs pve (private servers):

    @d3adst1ck logically what you're saying makes perfect sense, I'm just saying that the current "assumption" (is that better @rowge-gaming?) is private servers will not have progression and if this is true, I think it would be hard for Rare to charge for private servers. The "free" alternative would be to let players host their own servers, if that were possible, of course.

    your current assumption ;-)

  • It would take away everything that makes this game fun in the first place. Pve is too fricking easy. The only thing that makes a journey exciting is the fear of getting robbed, it also makes is much more rewarding when you complete one, or a fort.

  • @rowge-gaming said in Pvp vs pve (private servers):

    This problem you're concerned with isn't an issue in other games like Elite Dangerous. You can join the "shared world" or a "private world" and it's all the same.

    Elite Dangerous is not a cosmetic progression game. Since cosmetics are the main way to show off your accomplishments, the accomplishment of completing Tall Tales in a private/safe space is far less than in a world were you can be attacked by other real players. Similar to taking down 50 forts with zero risk of losing it all, is much easier to earn the associated titles/cosmetics.

  • @xx-mirth-xx said in Pvp vs pve (private servers):

    @rowge-gaming said in Pvp vs pve (private servers):

    This problem you're concerned with isn't an issue in other games like Elite Dangerous. You can join the "shared world" or a "private world" and it's all the same.

    Elite Dangerous is not a cosmetic progression game. Since cosmetics are the main way to show off your accomplishments, the accomplishment of completing Tall Tales in a private/safe space is far less than in a world were you can be attacked by other real players. Similar to taking down 50 forts with zero risk of losing it all, is much easier to earn the associated titles/cosmetics.

    That seems like such a petty thing to be concerned about. I think a more honest reason some people don't like the idea of PvE servers is they will get matched with other PvPers more and won't get to s**t-stomp newbs and little kids anymore.

  • @rowge-gaming said in Pvp vs pve (private servers):

    That seems like such a petty thing to be concerned about. I think a more honest reason some people don't like the idea of PvE servers is they will get matched with other PvPers more and won't get to s**t-stomp newbs and little kids anymore.

    Damn, you're pretty pessimistic aren't you?

    I think the real reason is that the majority of people like how Rare has handled PvPvE and they don't want to see squeaky wheels getting the grease.

  • Private servers without progression will be a great compromise that will be the best middle-ground to everybody. A way for lazybeards to enjoy the story and the game without having to experience their crippling fear of other players, while giving them an incentive and a carrot on a stick to lure them into going out a tiny bit of their comfort zone to earn rewards, and having them interact with the regular player pool and be part of the ecosystem that the game is based on.

  • @nullianak

    Little timmy the sociopath and his team of animal torturers ha ha 🤣 I hear that though I'm pretty sure I've met that group before ha ha 🤪 the pvp aspect is really fun and I love to finish fights and have everyone say "gg!"...but little timmy is annoying and makes me stop everything to find a random stronghold keg to shut him up! 🤣

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