• I can't join my friend's crew, and keep getting the GROOMEDBEARD error code. I can't find any kind of information about this code. I've restarted all relevant apps several times, and even enabled a VPN, but still no luck. What can I do? :(

  • 54
  • I got it again today, after a disconnect. We're almost done with an Athena's and I can't rejoin my crew.

    I can't find any documentation whatsoever on this error. What is it? How do I fix it?

  • @kapten-teo Same issue here. Right at the end of an Athena, drop for this undocumented Groomedbeard error.

  • The official Beard Error FAQ suggests creating a New Support Ticket if your error isn't covered.

    I would suggest a ticket and hope someone can help you :)

    Edit: Didn't realize the OP was 2 months old, but perhaps my post will still help someone.

  • Hi there! Did someone of you open the ticket and get a response?

  • pretty sure it is the time you have to wait once someone has disconnected from the crew

  • I was playing with a friend and got disconnected for inactivity. Now I'm getting the same issue when I try to join my friend.

  • Tonight, my crew was running a galleon and the other three all left the server to go check something. I managed to nab a Reaper Bounty, and then managed to hang onto it for over an hour as a Groomedbeard error stopped anyone from joining/rejoining my crew. Sadly, I was the only crew member who didn't need the Bounty for the commendations.

  • @kapten-teo Same error here!

  • Error still exists & aint listed in the Error section. Maybe I will get a response...

  • @kapten-teo got disconnected today during an Athena voyage, tried to join back up (we were at the end of the quest) got a GROOMEDBEARD error and was unable to rejoin that particular group. Terrible. Did a restart of my whole comp and everything.

  • Same here but luckily my was only a 14k skull mission

    Still very triggered though

  • Same here

  • I hope Rare staff fix this on the next update.. Lost gilded athena because of this error code... Can't rejoin 1 hour now.

  • What the heck is with this Groom Beard garbage? One of our guys got back in, the crew needs me but I can’t get back in? We had so much stuff too. Not cool guys.

  • Ahh groombeard.
    It occurs when you haven't engaged in PvP in a certain amount of time.
    Its Rares clever way of trying to force you into arena or other equally exciting games such as fortnite.
    If you install fortnite, pubg, etc it usually solves the issue.
    Dont worry you dont need to actually play those games!!

  • Groomedbeard makes me not want to play this game any more. My buddies and I were on sloops on the same server had a disconnect and then we could not reconnect.

  • Same happens to me not happy

  • Same here... :/

  • I got the Groomedbeard error today, too. We were also sailing a Quest for Athena, almost entered the last chapter, when I had to go afk for a few minutes. When I came back the game already disconnected me automatically and I couldn't rejoin because of Groomed error.
    After reading all the posts here, I start wondering if this is a trick to block "Crewhopper" from grabbing one crew loot after another by joining different people just like the first Pirate Legend did. If this should be the case, it's trash and should be removed immediately, because it's harming more people who dcd because they had stuff to do irl, than some streamers who are abusing their communities. If this is not the case, goddamnit rare, just describe the mistake anywhere so that we know how to fix it, cause this error turned my 3 hours of fun and adventure into a bad mood for the rest of the day. Thank you therefor!

  • I don't see whats clever about this. It's just giving me more reason to put the game down. Why should they care about the lack of pvp i am performing. Also we sunk 2 sloops at fotd 40 minutes prior. Sorry for dropping this so harshly.

  • @roverandom5158 are you sure?

  • @ThiccCorndog437 @Nodxchi
    @Roverandom5158 is a troll, it has nothing to do with pvp. my guess is that judging by the many times I have gotten and how others say they have gotten it, it has something to do with the game removing you but failing to fully remove your data from that crew so when you try to rejoin it breaks and might think your still there, thus blocking you from actually joining? its a long shot but its my theory, again I can assure you that it has NOTHING to do with pvp and rare is not trying to discourage anyone from playing the game.

  • second time encountering this nonsense error, keep it up! i may stop play again

  • What is this error? I can t Play with my friend... are you crazy? Unbelievable...

  • I had the error earlier today and now alol my friends have it. 4 people are now unable to join 2 different sessions

  • Same almost done with the athenas and about to turn in the emissary flag and can't rejoin after being booted getting very irritated at the moment feel like chunking my controller through the television

  • This just happened to me. My cat managed to pull the Xbox power cord out just as I was turning in some loot with my friend. Xbox restarted and now I can’t get back in :(

  • TwT same

  • Same. Just got a reasonable amount of loot, couldn't interact with things other than ladders and dc'ed to potentially fix the problem but to my surprise could not reconnect. Tried many times and in different ways but nope. RIP

  • What works for me is I tell who ever is still in the game to move the ship away from the island they are currently at.

  • Had this same error last night and again today. Have lost boatloads. Only seems to be after this update.

  • Just got this today after sinking a galleon at The Reaper's Hideout...can't rejoin my friend's game...

  • @thtvwgirl I hate to be that guy but that’s hilarious

  • Just got a Groombeard error today as soon as my buddy and I finished a skull fort and we also had a lv 5 reapers emissary flag also had a similar problem after finishing a FOTD a few weeks ago and did a request and the people reply to you and say " we will look into it" and mark the claim as "resolved" they literally dont care at all about the people who make them money and play their game the support is USELESS just have to eat the L on the chin and to the person who said "its about not PVP" ypur wrong because before the fort I sunk multiple ships. I believe its just a glitch or error in the game that they cant fix. NBA2k20 is on GamePass so im playing that now and Sea of Thieves is on its last stand befre getting the uninstall from the xbox. Cheers!

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