Players Griefing Tall Tales

  • How is this even allowed? Like honestly is the dev team this dumb or ignorant to allow other players to camp a tall tales mission spot? I've done The Cursed Rogue now 3 times without completion because everytime I get an item, someone comes along and blows us apart. Then if I'm on the boss, someone can destroy our ship and then take our skull... Is this actually happening? Make it so we can go into passive mode like GTA, or is that too advanced for this team? There is no point in playing a game that supports griefing.

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  • @pr0toz0ne just change server, it can't be, that on every server someone is waiting for you to make tall tales and disturb you there...

  • @pr0toz0ne and....NO TO PASSIVE MODE

  • @schwammlgott why no to passive mode? If people choose to play in passive mode then maybe that is saying something about the community and game.

  • Lllllllllllllet’s get ready to rumbllllllle!!!!!

  • @pr0toz0ne sagte in Players Griefing Tall Tales:

    @schwammlgott why no to passive mode? If people choose to play in passive mode then maybe that is saying something about the community and game.

    Really? Does that have to explained again? For the thousandst time least...
    Use the search function on the forums here...

  • Yes, lets import an exact replica of GTA Passive mode. Therefore, all voyages are disabled just like the world missions are in GTA.

  • No answer for campers. But here's a tip:

    Always keep your Tall Tales artefacts/items with you in the chest. Take this ashore with you and hide it.

    Your ship is not important. If someone comes and sinks it... oh well. New Ships are free!

    If you find yourself on an aggressive server, jump off your ship (with the chest) and let your ship sail away from the island where you are busy. Then you can do your mission without attracting attention. Obviously if you are in a crew leave one player on the Ship to bring it back. Otherwise you have to use the Mermaid or Rowboat.

  • @pr0toz0ne you must be new here...

  • While we understand your intention is to leave feedback, this type of post draws negative reaction, and does not foster discussion in the community. Posts containing personal attacks against the dev team or others in the community do not offer anything constructive for the community to discuss. We value your feedback, and if you want to make suggestions or offer your ideas to improve the game, please feel free to create a topic in Feedback & Suggestions. This topic will now be locked

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