Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5

  • I've been a pirate legend since a month after release and I didn't get any of the PL rewards.

  • I got a reply from my post on reddit from this post.

    Rare - Senior Producer
    Hey! The Captain Bones Original Cutlass is a reward for every player who played Sea of Thieves in a our first year - not exclusive to legends. We are working hard to issue these rewards to players, please bear with us!

    I'm so happy that the cutlass isn't only for pirate legends. :)

  • Hurry up and either raise the PL/A level caps..or give us another faction to work as PL... From what i see n hear from the update...ill be logging in for a few moments to collect some things..then log out. I may try the reaper quest...but I doubt itll be fun. More like tedious and annoying.

    I had more fun with megaladon debut quest having to take merricks song out to sea to spawn him.

    You have recognized a game breaking loading screen bug from the ferry...and yet the update involves large scale pvp for your limited time quests. I forsee lots of angry players from this.

    Also...why would you remove the vomit from head animation?? If it didnt hurt anyone...leave it in..its kinda amusing i think.

  • @theunknownd said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    @genuine-heather said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    @theunknownd said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    I wish rare made the skull on the hull to glow too, Please, We need glowy things!

    I have to say, I'm not a fan of the "glowy things." Why do they glow? I can understand the ghost ship livery glowing's all ghosty and stuff. But I'm not crazy about the intensely glowing PL sails. Impressive, yes. Impressively silly. I don't hate them mind you. I love the colors and design. I wouldn't even mind if they were just a little glowy, instead of, "holy kraken where are my sunglasses," glowy. I bet you can see the glow from the other side of the map. Wowzers.

    Pirate legends should never be scared for PVP, Pirates can see your ship easy but don't equip them if you want to be a little stealthier.

    Who said anything about "scared"? Humph! It's not the combat that scares me, it's the retina-burning ostentatiousness. While the sails would be useful for striking fear into the hearts of your victims, you'll never get the chance because they'll see you coming from the other side of the map.

    That said, just because you're a pirate legend doesn't mean you're good at PvP. Real pirates don't risk their lives or their vessels by attracting unnecessary combat, especially when there's nothing to be gained. Fair fights are for fools!

  • @igotderpy said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    I've been a pirate legend since a month after release and I didn't get any of the PL rewards.

    They are working on it, Everyone will get the rewards by Monday.

  • Came to talk about the missing rewards but looks like im not alone and that the team is working on it!

    Great job everyone, what a fantastic first year on the sea's and I cant wait to see what the next year of salty sea adventures can bring! For now I need to learn about how one can fish a Meg...I dont think a simple fishing rod will do it, Ill have to ask an old seasoned pirate iv seen walking around Golden Sands.

  • I played since release but i miss Captain Bones' Original Pirate Cutlass , who else has that problem?

  • I been PL for 11 months and I gotta wait the same amount of time to get the rewards as someone that just got it because of the Gold and Glory event... They need to give something extra to the people that didn't get the rewards right away. If you're not gonna be able to release something on time don't do it or say you will.

  • @igotderpy said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    I been PL for 11 months and I gotta wait the same amount of time to get the rewards as someone that just got it because of the Gold and Glory event... They need to give something extra to the people that didn't get the rewards right away. If you're not gonna be able to release something on time don't do it or say you will.

    They had a problem, They said you SHOULD get it on March 20, If not then you have to wait till Monday for everyone to get them.

  • @theunknownd said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    @igotderpy said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    I been PL for 11 months and I gotta wait the same amount of time to get the rewards as someone that just got it because of the Gold and Glory event... They need to give something extra to the people that didn't get the rewards right away. If you're not gonna be able to release something on time don't do it or say you will.

    They had a problem, They said you SHOULD get it on March 20, If not then you have to wait till Monday for everyone to get them.

    So a dude that has no time played in this game gets the new legend rewards and I don't? How does rare pick who gets the stuff? If they purchased something on the store more than likely... [mod edit].

  • Where is the "Captain Bones’ Original Pirate Cutlass"?.. Not seeing it in my Armory. Loving the Blunderbus though!

  • @unfadingshimmy That's ok. I got screwed over with Athena Commendations and had to start over while noobs get a free and easy event to hit PL and have their commendation progress carry over. Things like this prevent me from buying the game outright instead of only playing because it's on Game Pass.

  • @igotderpy Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please keep the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in mind in future.

    Thank you.

  • Thank you for making the guilded athena cost no doubloons. Now please make the the other mercenary quests the same. Thanks.

  • @igotderpy Maybe they thought you were still gone for good and had gone to play a different game?

  • @nugentwo said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    Where is the "Captain Bones’ Original Pirate Cutlass"?.. Not seeing it in my Armory. Loving the Blunderbus though!

    Wait till monday, They're fixing it.

  • They'd be visible from space, if anybody was up there to see them.

    alt text

  • I've gotten everything but the cutlass added to my inventory. I've been playing since day 1 and am a Founder. Anyone else have this issue?

  • Wish it wasn't limited time cosmetics. Like I'm fine with that for like seasonal stuff like halloween, easter, christmas and stuff. The reaper ship customization is already removed this quickly...

  • @peskyookamiinu said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    I've gotten everything but the cutlass added to my inventory. I've been playing since day 1 and am a Founder. Anyone else have this issue?

    Wait till Monday, They're fixing it.

  • @igotderpy said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    I been PL for 11 months and I gotta wait the same amount of time to get the rewards as someone that just got it because of the Gold and Glory event... They need to give something extra to the people that didn't get the rewards right away. If you're not gonna be able to release something on time don't do it or say you will.

    whether you hit PL on day 1 or yesterday doesn't mean squat.

  • just solo'd the new fort.... really no ashen stronghold items... really.. and the stronghold chest sold for 2600.. bleh.

  • @marsmayflower said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    @igotderpy said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    I been PL for 11 months and I gotta wait the same amount of time to get the rewards as someone that just got it because of the Gold and Glory event... They need to give something extra to the people that didn't get the rewards right away. If you're not gonna be able to release something on time don't do it or say you will.

    whether you hit PL on day 1 or yesterday doesn't mean squat.

    obviously you have no idea what youre talking about because day 1 PLs should have got the rewards already and march '19 PLs shouldnt get it til the 25th. dont talk about stuff you have no clue on.

  • I’m one of the oldest players and one of the oldest pirate legends (first 5 weeks) and I don’t have anything yet, WHERE IS IT!!!

    Can’t wait to get it, just wish people could read posts, watch the update video or do literally anything other than cry.

    Nice little update guys, looking forward to April 30th.
    (I initially read it as March 30 for some reason then got a little sad I am dumb haha)

  • Awesome, this is really cool.

  • @rockondevil I read that too! You aren't dumb!

  • @rockondevil i can clearly picture one poor and lone trainee at rare, locked up in a small basement office, with a huge pile of data spreadsheets for everyone of us gamers, trying to sort it out....

    I pray for his/her Soul

    (link url)

  • @salvatore-prime sagte in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    Ahoy! Happy Birthday !!
    I do not see the patch notes of the arena? Is not this mode in this update? Those who have not reached legendary this day have opportunity until the 22nd?

    Arena is on April 30th
    If you didn't reach PL by now, you don't get the's just if you didn't get the stuff now it can take a few days

  • I managed to get PL on 20 march :S I'm the unluckiest person ı guess. is there any chance for 20 march PL ppl. it counts as 1 year anyway. if you think it's logical :(

  • @mr-dragon-raaar yeah wasnt that just awesome, we love doing stuff like thatz alltough i have to be honest we have become somewhat more cutthroat especially sonce me and another crewmember became somewhat more pvp minded.

    We should set sail together in the future again and see what adventure awaits.

    I love the randomness in this game especially when you have the rag tag bunch that i call my crew that do random stuff like boarding other ships sneakily and take them on the adventure to ease our grind towards pl 10 (which all but one of my crew now are)

    I raise my grog to you sir because the adventure we took you on is one of the things my crew remembers fondly over the past your

  • @haveyoumetcory well they did, i mean the tankard and sword is new (although im still waiting for my sword ;-) )

    And yes it would be nice if they did all the cosmetics new but i can tell you my crew was more then happy to show off our bling last night with all the gold the ‘new’ ship cosmetics was carrying. Now the only thing RARE needs to provide is shades so we arent damaging our eyes with all that shinyness.

    Again its a gift, and i for one was a hardcore grinder and became pl really early on but still i recognise the feat all the other first year Pl’s have accomplished, i was just lucky i was in a period of life that i could invest alot of time into the game.

  • @igotderpy said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    @marsmayflower said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    @igotderpy said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    I been PL for 11 months and I gotta wait the same amount of time to get the rewards as someone that just got it because of the Gold and Glory event... They need to give something extra to the people that didn't get the rewards right away. If you're not gonna be able to release something on time don't do it or say you will.

    whether you hit PL on day 1 or yesterday doesn't mean squat.

    obviously you have no idea what youre talking about because day 1 PLs should have got the rewards already and march '19 PLs shouldnt get it til the 25th. dont talk about stuff you have no clue on.

    I've been PL in 3 weeks after game released and have not received a single item. So.....................................I don't think it matters for the order.

  • Fed up !
    I lost thousands of gold trying to rush the Reaper Run but I could finish it and I can't care less about the NEW cosmetics.
    Today is my day off and I though I could finish it.

    I think will take a little break today from Sea of Thieves, I'm way too gutted.

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