playing on pc. game wont launch. stuck on black splash screen with game logo on it

  • I've been trying to play the game for 3 days now but every time i open the game the black screen with the games logo pops up for a minute the just closes itself and it was working perfectly fine a week ago. I've tried many methods multiple times to get it to work but all they talk about is fixing a grey screen problem which this isn't. I've even sent out a ticket to get some "real" help but what they told me to try i have already tried or didn't work. I'm just wondering if the game need anything specific in order to play or if there is any type of fix. If someone can help me id be forever in your debt.

  • 6
  • @atlas8170 Hey,

    you havr to write down what you've tried so far, otherwise we'll be just suggesting the same things again.

  • i have already tried the methods from these 2 links

  • @sir-lotus done

  • I had this issue. Press the 3 dots next to play and pin to taskbar. Open through the taskbar and you should be able to play!

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