Mermaid Gems.. quick question

  • I found a Mermaid gem just out in the open.... on the shoreline.
    Can this happen, or do we think a player has dropped it?

  • 13
  • I also found a gem on the beach. They say that sunken treasure from ships will wash up on the beach.

  • @straw-hat-blake
    I'll take it!
    Cool... just need another 8 Ruby ones to be washed up.
    Currently Solo-ing :)

  • @piratecraggy I think I destroyed a green and red one solo. The green one took somewhere around 10 tries, though. So no need to wait for them to wash up :)

  • @ottersteeth

    Yeah... I'm going to use the old trick of loading up with gunpowder barrels from one of the forts, worked very well last time around with the past event.

    Can't rely on the washed up booty! :)

  • @piratecraggy I had not even thought of that! I went at it with a pistol and cutlass, some bananas and swimming to the surface :p

  • Like fog and the new megs, I am still unlucky enough to have not found one of these yet!

  • @sshteeve Listen for them while close to or on an island. You don't often see them from above the water, but you can hear their 'hum'.

  • @ottersteeth Yeah I remember searching for them the first time round to complete the BRA... but haven't heard that mystifying tune since the new update... I'm starting to think my game is buggy! XD

  • @piratecraggy me too! You can solo some red and green ones though. Shoot the green/red ones first. Empty your clip. Then swing. Sometimes you need to back up a lil and eat a banana but just get back in there quick and it’ll exploded. But with the RED ones you just need to put some gunpowder barrels next to it first b4 starting to shoot it. I strongly believe that you can do it with only one red barrel but I’ve always used at least 2

  • I found a red and blue one standing on a beach, only slightly in the water. With the blue one that's no problem, they break quite quickly.

    The red one was not possible with just one keg in this way. (there is a location above the 'head' of the statue where you can hit with a cutlass but don't lose health. I haven't found that spot yet when they are on the beach. You may always lose life).
    I've tried double-gunning and gun-and-sword, but didn't do enough damage after the barrel to out-damage the healing.

  • Yes this has happened many times before mermaid gems spawns include megalodons,krakens,shipwrecks,skeletonships,beaches,the mermaids of course

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