Forsaken Shores - progress update

  • Thanks for the heads up! Take your time.

  • @ygnn420 Hahahaha, yes they are :D You can find out more about the Pioneer programme below.

  • @ygnn420 How can I become Pioneer?

  • @distroyer690 Ahoy there!

    Take a look at the following link matey. You have to be selected by Rare to take part. The following guide will explain more.

  • @The3SheetsNeate take your time, liek others said, it's better delayed than with a lot of bugs...

    I know you all are doing your best.

  • I would prefer they postponed forsaken shores. Clean up the bugs in the current build, then concentrate on creating new content again. I feel we would have gotten a bug fix patch this week if they weren't so focused on the forsaken shores content. Please fix the current build and then add content imho.

  • @magus104 a smaller percentage will hit Athena 10 because or the time requirement. I will never hit Athena 10 unless they have a different way of leveling up.

  • @marsmayflower said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    @magus104 a smaller percentage will hit Athena 10 because or the time requirement. I will never hit Athena 10 unless they have a different way of leveling up.

    Let's hope the cargo runs contribute to Athena rep if u are a pirate legend.

  • That's totally understandable, I'd rather a playable build than a bunch of beard errors! Maybe a few " Oops our bad" doubloons could float our way?!

  • @treefittymonsta I can agree with this actually. Things might go better if any of the bugs people have ended up with are fixed so that the next update build does not end up suffering because of some bugged or glitched code from the prior one.

    while i have not gotten any or as many bugs as some of the other users here (and it seems that for some, they have suffered so many bugs that they like to say that the game is nothing but a buggy, broken mess) I still think that it's for the best to fix some of the problems that the prior build do have and push Forsaken Shores back a bit (which would also give Rare more time to work on the dlc and give the Pioneer more time to test stuff out.)

  • @dark-henrik-22 said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    @treefittymonsta I can agree with this actually. Things might go better if any of the bugs people have ended up with are fixed so that the next update build does not end up suffering because of some bugged or glitched code from the prior one.

    Yah. Right now bugs are piling up with each successive update. Rare really needs to press pause, fix all the current issues, then proceed forward. It's really hurting the fun of the game imho. I hope the game can recover from the negligence to apply fixes.

  • How incredibly disappointing.

  • Thanks for the update! Really excited for Forsaken Shores, whenever it is released. Best to take your time and make it right!

  • Thanks for the update. I would much rather it get proper testing and be delayed than have it release almost unplayable. It's ok to take a breath and step back, assess the situation and move forward. We will wait for good content, we just don't like rushed or broken content. See you on the seas.

  • i waiting and watching your job guys please don’t broken my heart guys im sooo hyped for forskan shores

  • Thanks for your transparency and the update.

  • @the3sheetsneate Fantastic, thanks for the heads up. No rush, take your time. We've waited this long, we can wait a few more days. We know you've worked h*****n Forsaken Shores, and we want to experience it in all its glory without the distraction of major bugs or issues. This is very exciting stuff!

  • PS: Please fix the overzealous profanity filter in the forums. Thanks. :)

  • I'd rather wait a few days to have a good build released then a bad one, it's much better to have a good play experience then a bad one and release it early. Thanks Rare

  • Wow, what happened to all of the "we want moar content and we want it NOW!!!!1!!1!!one!" people? I'm surprised none of them are commenting here, especially considering that they are part of the reason the devs are trying to push so much content through in such a short period. At any rate, I would also prefer to wait a few more days if it means a more stable release (though I am excited about playing on Talk Like a Pirate Day). Also, I'm a bit curious about Thieve's Haven; I keep seeing messages stating to check it out before the update to find something, but so far it seems nobody has found anything, which leads me to wonder: has this "teaser" not been put into the game as of yet, or is it just VERY well-hidden? I myself have run all over the island to no avail. Can't wait until next week! Keep up the good work, everyone!

  • @dredpiratedski said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    Wow, what happened to all of the "we want moar content and we want it NOW!!!!1!!1!!one!" people? I'm surprised none of them are commenting here, especially considering that they are part of the reason the devs are trying to push so much content through in such a short period. >

    The people who wanted more content are here. We didn't realize that the new content would be so poorly optimized, released buggy and broken. Now we want a game that isn't riddled with bugs. I want more content... But not at the expense of a game optimisation... Right now we have more content in the game but the content is so riddled with bugs that it's lost all fun to play. We're asking them to stop take a breath and polish the game. Especially the inventory system bugs...

  • hey @treefittymonsta i have been sending you a few messages to ask you something. But i'm now wondering if you have been able to see them.

  • @dark-henrik-22 said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    hey @treefittymonsta i have been sending you a few messages to ask you something. But i'm now wondering if you have been able to see them.


  • @treefittymonsta odd.

  • @dark-henrik-22 said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    @treefittymonsta odd.

    Yah, ever since the change in the forums. My browser and the new forums don't get along very well.

  • @treefittymonsta still, use the "Chat" option in your account to see if you received any of them.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    @treefittymonsta said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    @dredpiratedski said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    We didn't realize that the new content would be so poorly optimized, released buggy and broken. Now we want a game that isn't riddled with bugs. I want more content... But not at the expense of a game optimisation...

    That's the trade off. All those updates they've been cranking out week after week are great and all but the turnaround time on them is way too fast. It is fast because it wasn't debugged to the extent it would be, if say they were bi-weekly updates.

    There is trade off cost that is associated with having to rearrange your developer road map so late into launch and I warned it was going to happen.

    You just can not have both, due to the time investment and turn around time on how long it takes to develop things.

    So this is where I feel the community needs to make a choice.

    Do you want constant updates, that will be buggy or do you want updates that will be stable and relatively bug free but release slower.

    Personally, I think Rare should shift to be-weekly updating so they can focus more on fixing problems that may arise in those builds, last minute that can't be addressed in time.

    That being said, if they were to do that, that would majorly shift their developer road map.

    Basically community, what I'm trying to say is when you have a plan and one tiny thing goes awry, it has a domino effect.

    I would prefer updates that are stable and relatively bug free.....

    There have been weeks where I was unable to play the game due to crashes, or infinite loading screens (remember that one... queue member berries... oh I remember that one)

    Remember when we would almond beard all the time... oh I member...

    Remember when telescopes were are... er members... oh I member...

    Remember when you ran from a fort with loot and jumped off while being pursued by the person you stole loot from only to find out you were bugged and couldn't turn loot into the npc.... oh I member.

    Remember when you would crash to desktop when firing a cannon... oh I member...

    Remember when the inventory system was simple.. a simple click to grab and item.. oh I member.

    Remember when you would try to exit the inventory system and you could use any movement commands.. oh I member.

    Remember when you couldn't find OOS skeletons because they were stuck in a wall... oh I member.

    Remember when you would run to the below decks of your sloop and fall into the see through the deck.. oh I member.

    Remember when you were being chased by that galleon and they put their sails to stupid... ie towards the wind while sailing into the wind and they were faster than you... oh I member..

    I think I have more memories of bugs in game than epic adventures... sigh.. I'll still play but...

  • Can't wait, eager to begin my tales of dinghy plunderin'

  • Thanks for being transparent with the community. We understand and will wait patiently for the amazing content!

  • @church6633 said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    • Please add ability to join servers with friends. I have far more than 3 that play this game and would love fleet battles on the sea.

    You say this now, but when you hop into a server full of an entire other group and you are alone with 3 of your friends and no room to invite more, watching that other group run the server, you'll think otherwise. The idea of being able to play with friends in their own boat and create fleets at will on a server were discussed by devs before launch, but last I heard the idea has been shelved. I could see them revisit the idea when the map is larger and more boats/players can exist at the same time (larger than just adding Forsaken Shores), but also come with a limit to maybe your ship and 1 other ship of friends and that's it. Trust me it sounds like a great idea, but take a moment and consider the other side, the problem side where it turns into a server run by 1 group that could/would potentially harass anyone else that joins.

  • Personally I like the idea of having a stable release build over having a buggy mess that sticks to the scheduled release date of the 19th. I took that day off (the only day that week or even the rest of the month that worked out for me, it was perfect) so I'll be a bit sad to not have a big "streaming/Forsaken Shores/International Talk Like A Pirate Day" day out of it, but we need a good release for this. On that note, I would rather it not just be "a few days" delayed. If it has to be delayed to work out the bugs and get a solid release build, then I would rather it be delayed a week or two. A few days is not going to make the difference and anyone that actually cares about Sea of Thieves is going to be ok with the delay in exchange for a solid release build. The people that would complain about a 1-2 week delay are the ones that don't care that much about the game anyways or just want something to complain about for drama sake.

    So I urge the team at Rare: If you have to delay the release at all, then delay it an entire week or two at the least to guarantee for sure that it is good and ready, not just a few days. I speak as a new Pioneer and massive fan of the game (I mean, I built a literal full-scale Marauder's Chest with a functional PC inside) who is ready to delay the excitement, cut back on his current SoT character's leveling, and put in even more time as a Pioneer to get as many bugs found and squashed for a proper release.

  • Ta for the update. I am very much looking forward to this. Keep up the hard work

  • am you need to beta test, I am unemployed :')

  • CALLED IT! that's why you dont post a release date when your company mediocre. While I'd rather it be released later and with zero bugs. This is incredibly disappointing. As soon as the forsaken shores trailer was pulled early I knew something was up. Have you noticed most devs arent rocking their SOT t shirts anymore in the vids? Coincidents?? Good luck.

  • Better to delay a couple of days instead of releasing something that’s got nasty bugs in it. Roll on the forsaken shores that’s all I can say :) 🤓☺️🎮

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